First Steps into Scala - scala

I m trying to learn scala these days.
I get confused with _ operator.
How can I use it in the following program ?
Also how this program can be made more concise ?
I have learnt that scala promotes the use of val over var, in this case how can we use val for balance ?
private object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val acc1 = new PiggyBank(5)
acc1 deposit 5
acc1 withdraw 5
private class PiggyBank(open_Bal: Int) {
var balance = open_Bal
def deposit(value: Int) = balance = balance + value
def printBalance = println(balance)
def iswithdrawable(value: Int) = balance >= value
def withdraw(value: Int) = {
if (iswithdrawable(value)) {
balance = balance - value
Thanks in Advance :)

You're probably going to get a million answers here :) But, based on the content of your question, you need to read a book. I'd recommend Programming in Scala 2nd Edition. I've read it twice and it's gotten dog-eared and coffee stained in the process.
The reason I say this is because Scala presents you with a new paradigm, and you're writing Java code in Scala. This is perfectly fine for starters but you're not going to learn what you want to learn that way. The book is a great start that will give you the foundation to learn more.
For example, here's what I'd change in your code:
case class PiggyBank(balance: Double) {
def deposit(amount: Double) = PiggyBank(balance + amount)
def withdraw(amount: Double): Option[PiggyBank] = {
if (balance >= amount) Some(PiggyBank(balance - amount))
else None
override def toString() = balance.toString
But "why" I would want to do it that way is the real question, and it's that question that you really need to have answered, I argue. In a nutshell, it's immutable and a bit more functional (although, this is a toy example and there's tons of room for improvement here), but why is it and why do we care? Books answer this stuff.
Given that, you can start to use the _ a bit if you want. For example:
val result = PiggyBank(500) withdraw 200 flatMap { _.withdraw(200) }
But if you're like most noobs (like me a long while ago), you're going to ask "Why on earth is that better??". That's not an answer you're going to find in a quick SO post. I could go on and on and on and on but the bottom line is that there are books out there that have already done that, and have done that better than I can.

There is no need for _ here. _ is not an operator, but a placeholder for parameters in closures. E.g. when you call a foldLeft an a collection of integers to you sum them up you could write List(1,2,3,4).foldLeft(0)(_ + _) instead of List(1,2,3,4).foldLeft(0)((x,y) => x + y). The first _ will be the x in the second example and the second _ the y.

You would use val with immutable objects. Since your PiggyBank is mutable, you need var for the mutable internal state.
You could turn your PiggyBank in immutable this way (basically creating a new immutable object each operation that would change the state of the object):
class PiggyBank(val balance : Int) {
def deposit(value: Int) = new PiggyBank(balance + value)
def printBalance = println(balance)
def iswithdrawable(value: Int) = balance >= value
def withdraw(value: Int) = if (iswithdrawable(value)) new PiggyBank(balance - value) else this;
So you could write this:
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val acc1 = new PiggyBank(5) deposit 5 withdraw 5

Regarding underscore/wildcards, these are helpful reads, "_" is frequently encountered in idiomatic code:
Book index for Staircase vers. 2 has 7 entries for "_":
"curried functions", "existential types", "function literals",
"in identifiers" "import statements" "match expressions" and "initialize field to default value"
very telling comment: underscore as a wildcard at both the term and type level plus as a way to coerce a method into a first class function.


Type mismatch found Unit, required Future[Customer] on flatmap

I have the below code and in my findOrCreate() function, I'm getting an error saying Type mismatch found Unit, required Future[Customer]. The customerByPhone() function that is being called inside findOrCreate() also contains calls that are expecting Futures, which is why I'm using a fatmap. I don't know why the result of the flatmap is resulting in Unit. What am I doing wrong?
override def findOrCreate(phoneNumber: String, creationReason: String): Future[AvroCustomer] = {
//query for customer in db
val avroCustomer: Future[AvroCustomer] = customerByPhone(phoneNumber).flatMap(_ => createUserAndEvent(phoneNumber, creationReason, 1.0))
override def customerByPhone(phoneNumber: String): Future[AvroCustomer] = {
val query = Schema.Customers.byPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)
val dbAction: DBIO[Option[Schema.Customer]] = query.result.headOption
private def createUserAndEvent(phoneNumber: String, creationReason: String, version: Double): Future[AvroCustomer] = {
val query = Schema.Customers.byPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)
val dbAction: DBIO[Option[Schema.Customer]] = query.result.headOption
val data: JsValue = Json.obj(
"phone_number" -> phoneNumber,
"agent_number" -> "placeholder for agent number",
"creation_reason" -> creationReason
//empty for now
val metadata: JsValue = Json.obj()
//creates user
val avroCustomer: Future[AvroCustomer] =
case Success(null) => {
//creates event
case Success(customer) => {
val uuid: UUID = UUID.fromString(
//create event
val event: Future[CustomerEvent] =
case Failure(exception) => {
Future.successful(new AvroCustomer)
While Reactormonk basically answered this in the comments, I'm going to actually write an answer with some details. His comment that a val statement produces Unit is fundamentally correct, but I'm hoping some elaboration will make things more clear.
The key element that I see is that val is a declaration. Declarations in Scala are statements that don't produce useful values. Because of the functional nature of Scala, they do produce a value, but it is Unit and as there is only one instance of Unit, it doesn't carry any meaning.
The reason programmers new to Scala are often tempted to do something like this is that they don't think of blocks of code as statements and are often used to using return in other languages. So let's consider a simplified function here.
def foo(i: Int): Int = {
42 * i
I include a code block as I think that is key to this error, though it really isn't needed here. The value of a code block is simply the value of the last expression in the code block. This is why we don't have to specify return, but most programmers who are used to return are a bit uncomfortable with that naked expression at the end of a block. That is why it is tempting to throw in the val declaration.
def foo(i: Int): Int = {
val result = 42 * i // Error: type mismatch.
Of course, as was mentioned, but val results in Unit making this incorrect. You could add an extra line with just result, and that will compile, but it is overly verbose and non-idiomatic.
Scala supports the use of return to leave a method/function and give back a particular value, though the us is generally frowned upon. As such, the following code works.
def foo(i: Int): Int = {
return 42 * i
While you shouldn't use return in Scala code, I feel that imagining it being there can help with understanding what is wrong here. If you stick a return in front of the val you get code like the following.
def foo(i: Int): Int = {
return val result = 42 * i // Error: type mismatch.
At least to me, this code is clearly incorrect. The val is a declaration and as such it just doesn't work with a return. It takes some time to get used to the functional style of blocks as expressions. Until you get to that point, it might help just to act like there is a return at the end of methods without actually putting one there.
It is worth noting that, in the comments, jwvh claims that a declaration like this in C would return a value. That is false. Assignments in most C-family languages give back the value that was assigned, so a = 5 returns the value 5, but declarations don't, so int a = 5; does not give back anything and can't be used as an expression.

Scala cost much time

I want to check if a specify id that contained in an Enumeration.
So I write down the contains function
object Enum extends Enumeration {
type Enum = Value
val A = Value(2, "A")
def contains(value: Int): Boolean = {
But the time cost is unexpected while id is a big number, such as over eight-digit
val A = Value(222222222, "A")
Then the contains function cost over 1000ms per calling.
And I also noticed the first time calling always cost hundreds millisecond whether the id is big or small.
I can't figure out why.
First, lets talk about the cost of Enum.values. This is implemented here:
See here:
The implementation is essentially setting up a mutable map. Once it is set up, it is re-used.
The cost for big numbers in your Value is because, internally Scala library uses a BitSet.
See here:
So, for larger numbers, BitSet will be bigger. That only happens when you call Enum.values.
Depending on your specific uses case you can choose between using Enumeration or Case Object:
Case objects vs Enumerations in Scala
It sure looks like the mechanics of Enumeration don't handle large ints well in that position. The Scaladocs for the class don't say anything about this, but they don't advertise using Enumeration.Value the way you do either. They say, e.g., val A = Value, where you say val A = Value(2000, "A").
If you want to keep your contains method as you have it, why don't you cache the Much faster.
object mult extends App {
object Enum extends Enumeration {
type Enum = Value
val A1 = Value(1, "A")
val A2 = Value(2, "A")
val A222 = Enum.Value(222222222, "A")
def contains(value: Int): Boolean = {
val cache =
def contains2(value: Int): Boolean = {
def clockit(desc: String, f: => Unit) = {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis
val end = System.currentTimeMillis
println(s"$desc ${end - start}")
clockit("initialize Enum ", Enum.A1)
clockit("contains 2 ", Enum.contains(2))
clockit("contains 222222222 ", Enum.contains(222222222))
clockit("contains 222222222 ", Enum.contains(222222222))
clockit("contains2 2 ", Enum.contains2(2))
clockit("contains2 222222222", Enum.contains2(222222222))

Scala Parallel Collections- How to return early?

I have a list of possible input Values
val inputValues = List(1,2,3,4,5)
I have a really long to compute function that gives me a result
def reallyLongFunction( input: Int ) : Option[String] = { ..... }
Using scala parallel collections, I can easily do reallyLongFunction( _ ) )
To get what all the results are, in parallel. The problem is, I don't really want all the results, I only want the FIRST result. As soon as one of my input is a success, I want my output, and want to move on with my life. This did a lot of extra work.
So how do I get the best of both worlds? I want to
Get the first result that returns something from my long function
Stop all my other threads from useless work.
Edit -
I solved it like a dumb java programmer by having
#volatile var done = false;
Which is set and checked inside my reallyLongFunction. This works, but does not feel very scala. Would like a better way to do this....
(Updated: no, it doesn't work, doesn't do the map)
Would it work to do something like:
inputValues.par.find({ v => reallyLongFunction(v); true })
The implementation uses this:
protected[this] class Find[U >: T](pred: T => Boolean, protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T]) extends Accessor[Option[U], Find[U]] {
#volatile var result: Option[U] = None
def leaf(prev: Option[Option[U]]) = { if (!pit.isAborted) result = pit.find(pred); if (result != None) pit.abort }
protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = new Find(pred, p)
override def merge(that: Find[U]) = if (this.result == None) result = that.result
which looks pretty similar in spirit to your #volatile except you don't have to look at it ;-)
I took interpreted your question in the same way as huynhjl, but if you just want to search and discardNones, you could do something like this to avoid the need to repeat the computation when a suitable outcome is found:
class Computation[A,B](value: A, function: A => B) {
lazy val result = function(value)
def f(x: Int) = { // your function here
Thread.sleep(100 - x)
if (x > 5) Some(x * 10)
else None
val list = List.range(1, 20) map (i => new Computation(i, f))
val found = list.par find (_.result.isDefined)
//found is Option[Computation[Int,Option[Int]]]
val result = found map (_.result.get)
//result is Option[Int]
However find for parallel collections seems to do a lot of unnecessary work (see this question), so this might not work well, with current versions of Scala at least.
Volatile flags are used in the parallel collections (take a look at the source for find, exists, and forall), so I think your idea is a good one. It's actually better if you can include the flag in the function itself. It kills referential transparency on your function (i.e. for certain inputs your function now sometimes returns None rather than Some), but since you're discarding the stopped computations, this shouldn't matter.
If you're willing to use a non-core library, I think Futures would be a good match for this task. For instance:
Akka's Futures include Futures.firstCompletedOf
Twitter's Futures include
...both of which appear to enable the functionality you're looking for.

How to use scala.util.Sorting.quickSort() with arbitrary types?

I need to sort an array of pairs by second element. How do I pass comparator for my pairs to the quickSort function?
I'm using the following ugly approach now:
type AccResult = (AccUnit, Long) // pair
class Comparator(a:AccResult) extends Ordered[AccResult] {
def compare(that:AccResult) = lessCompare(a, that)
def lessCompare(a:AccResult, that:AccResult) = if (a._2 == that._2) 0 else if (a._2 < that._2) -1 else 1
scala.util.Sorting.quickSort(data)(d => new Comparator(d))
Why is quickSort designed to have an ordered view instead of usual comparator argument?
Scala 2.7 solutions are preferred.
I tend to prefer the non-implicit arguments unless its being used in more than a few places.
type Pair = (String,Int)
val items : Array[Pair] = Array(("one",1),("three",3),("two",2))
quickSort(items)(new Ordering[Pair] {
def compare(x: Pair, y: Pair) = {
x._2 compare y._2
Edit: After learning about view bounds in another question, I think that this approach might be better:
val items : Array[(String,Int)] = Array(("one",1),("three",3),("two",2))
class OrderTupleBySecond[X,Y <% Comparable[Y]] extends Ordering[(X,Y)] {
def compare(x: (X,Y), y: (X,Y)) = {
x._2 compareTo y._2
util.Sorting.quickSort(items)(new OrderTupleBySecond[String,Int])
In this way, OrderTupleBySecond could be used for any Tuple2 type where the type of the 2nd member of the tuple has a view in scope which would convert it to a Comparable.
Ok, I'm not sure exactly what you are unhappy about what you are currently doing, but perhaps all you are looking for is this?
implicit def toComparator(a: AccResult) = new Comparator(a)
If, on the other hand, the problem is that the tuple is Ordered and you want a different ordering, well, that's why it changed on Scala 2.8.
* EDIT *
Ouch! Sorry, I only now realize you said you preferred Scala 2.7 solutions. I have editted this answer soon to put the solution for 2.7 above. What follows is a 2.8 solution.
Scala 2.8 expects an Ordering, not an Ordered, which is a context bound, not a view bound. You'd write your code in 2.8 like this:
type AccResult = (AccUnit, Long) // pair
implicit object AccResultOrdering extends Ordering[AccResult] {
def compare(x: AccResult, y: AccResult) = if (x._2 == y._2) 0 else if (x._2 < y._2) -1 else 1
Or maybe just:
type AccResult = (AccUnit, Long) // pair
implicit val AccResultOrdering = Ordering by ((_: AccResult)._2)
And use it like:
On the other hand, the usual way to do sort in Scala 2.8 is just to call one of the sorting methods on it, such as:
data.sortBy((_: AccResult)._2)
Have your type extend Ordered, like so:
case class Thing(number : Integer, name: String) extends Ordered[Thing] {
def compare(that: Thing) =
And then pass it to sort, like so:
val array = Array(Thing(4, "Doll"), Thing(2, "Monkey"), Thing(7, "Green"))
Printing the array will give you:
array.foreach{ e => print(e) }
>> Thing(4,Doll) Thing(7,Green) Thing(2,Monkey)

Increment (++) operator in Scala

Is there any reason for Scala not support the ++ operator to increment primitive types by default?
For example, you can not write:
var i=0
My guess is this was omitted because it would only work for mutable variables, and it would not make sense for immutable values. Perhaps it was decided that the ++ operator doesn't scream assignment, so including it may lead to mistakes with regard to whether or not you are mutating the variable.
I feel that something like this is safe to do (on one line):
but this would be a bad practice (in any language):
var x = i++
You don't want to mix assignment statements and side effects/mutation.
I like Craig's answer, but I think the point has to be more strongly made.
There are no "primitives" -- if Int can do it, then so can a user-made Complex (for example).
Basic usage of ++ would be like this:
var x = 1 // or Complex(1, 0)
How do you implement ++ in class Complex? Assuming that, like Int, the object is immutable, then the ++ method needs to return a new object, but that new object has to be assigned.
It would require a new language feature. For instance, let's say we create an assign keyword. The type signature would need to be changed as well, to indicate that ++ is not returning a Complex, but assigning it to whatever field is holding the present object. In Scala spirit of not intruding in the programmers namespace, let's say we do that by prefixing the type with #.
Then it could be like this:
case class Complex(real: Double = 0, imaginary: Double = 0) {
def ++: #Complex = {
assign copy(real = real + 1)
// instead of return copy(real = real + 1)
The next problem is that postfix operators suck with Scala rules. For instance:
def inc(x: Int) = {
Because of Scala rules, that is the same thing as:
def inc(x: Int) = { x ++ x }
Which wasn't the intent. Now, Scala privileges a flowing style: obj method param method param method param .... That mixes well C++/Java traditional syntax of object method parameter with functional programming concept of pipelining an input through multiple functions to get the end result. This style has been recently called "fluent interfaces" as well.
The problem is that, by privileging that style, it cripples postfix operators (and prefix ones, but Scala barely has them anyway). So, in the end, Scala would have to make big changes, and it would be able to measure up to the elegance of C/Java's increment and decrement operators anyway -- unless it really departed from the kind of thing it does support.
In Scala, ++ is a valid method, and no method implies assignment. Only = can do that.
A longer answer is that languages like C++ and Java treat ++ specially, and Scala treats = specially, and in an inconsistent way.
In Scala when you write i += 1 the compiler first looks for a method called += on the Int. It's not there so next it does it's magic on = and tries to compile the line as if it read i = i + 1. If you write i++ then Scala will call the method ++ on i and assign the result to... nothing. Because only = means assignment. You could write i ++= 1 but that kind of defeats the purpose.
The fact that Scala supports method names like += is already controversial and some people think it's operator overloading. They could have added special behavior for ++ but then it would no longer be a valid method name (like =) and it would be one more thing to remember.
I think the reasoning in part is that +=1 is only one more character, and ++ is used pretty heavily in the collections code for concatenation. So it keeps the code cleaner.
Also, Scala encourages immutable variables, and ++ is intrinsically a mutating operation. If you require +=, at least you can force all your mutations to go through a common assignment procedure (e.g. def a_=).
The primary reason is that there is not the need in Scala, as in C. In C you are constantly:
for(i = 0, i < 10; i++)
//Do stuff
C++ has added higher level methods for avoiding for explicit loops, but Scala has much gone further providing foreach, map, flatMap foldLeft etc. Even if you actually want to operate on a sequence of Integers rather than just cycling though a collection of non integer objects, you can use Scala range.
(1 to 5) map (_ * 3) //Vector(3, 6, 9, 12, 15)
(1 to 10 by 3) map (_ + 5)//Vector(6, 9, 12, 15)
Because the ++ operator is used by the collection library, I feel its better to avoid its use in non collection classes. I used to use ++ as a value returning method in my Util package package object as so:
implicit class RichInt2(n: Int)
def isOdd: Boolean = if (n % 2 == 1) true else false
def isEven: Boolean = if (n % 2 == 0) true else false
def ++ : Int = n + 1
def -- : Int = n - 1
But I removed it. Most of the times when I have used ++ or + 1 on an integer, I have later found a better way, which doesn't require it.
It is possible if you define you own class which can simulate the desired output however it may be a pain if you want to use normal "Int" methods as well since you would have to always use *()
import scala.language.postfixOps //otherwise it will throw warning when trying to do num++
* my custom int class which can do ++ and --
class int(value: Int) {
var mValue = value
def ++(): int = {
val toReturn = new int(mValue)
mValue += 1
return toReturn
def --(): int = {
val toReturn = new int(mValue)
mValue -= 1
return toReturn
//a readable toString
override def toString(): String = {
return mValue.toString
def ++(n: int): int = {
n.mValue += 1
return n;
def --(n: int): int = {
n.mValue -= 1
return n;
//Something to get normal Int
def *(n: int): Int = {
return n.mValue
Some possible test cases
scala>var num = new int(4)
num: int = 4
res0: int = 4
res1: int = 5 // it works although scala always makes new resources
scala>++(num) //parentheses are required
res2: int = 6
res3: int = 6
scala>++(num)++ //complex function
res4: int = 7
res5: int = 8
scala>*(num) + *(num) //testing operator_*
res6: Int = 16
Of course you can have that in Scala, if you really want:
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
case class IncLens[S,N](lens: Lens[S,N], num : Numeric[N]) {
def ++ = lens.mods(,
implicit def incLens[S,N:Numeric](lens: Lens[S,N]) =
IncLens[S,N](lens, implicitly[Numeric[N]])
val i = Lens[Int,Int](identity, (x, y) => y)
val imperativeProgram = for {
_ <- i := 0;
_ <- i++;
_ <- i++;
x <- i++
} yield x
def runProgram = imperativeProgram ! 0
And here you go:
scala> runProgram
runProgram: Int = 3
It isn't included because Scala developers thought it make the specification more complex while achieving only negligible benefits and because Scala doesn't have operators at all.
You could write your own one like this:
class PlusPlusInt(i: Int){
def ++ = i+1
implicit def int2PlusPlusInt(i: Int) = new PlusPlusInt(i)
val a = 5++
// a is 6
But I'm sure you will get into some trouble with precedence not working as you expect. Additionally if i++ would be added, people would ask for ++i too, which doesn't really fit into Scala's syntax.
Lets define a var:
var i = 0
++i is already short enough:
Now i++ can look like this:
To use above syntax, define somewhere inside a package object, and then import:
class IntPostOp(val i: Int) { def apply(op: Unit) = { op; i } }
implicit def int2IntPostOp(i: Int): IntPostOp = new IntPostOp(i)
Operators chaining is also possible:
The above example is similar to this Java (C++?) code:
i=(i=i++ %array.length)&3;
The style could depend, of course.