Facebook Canvas Page Redirect - facebook

I am currently building a Facebook app but am having some issues with the canvas page. When I click on my app on Facebook, it loads my canvas page url which is 'http://apps.facebook.com/"App NameSpace"'. When the page loads, the text "invalid credentials" is displayed and the page redirects to http://app_name.herokuapp.com/ where my app is displayed and is functional. Why is this redirection occurring and how can I make my app load in the canvas page http://apps.facebook.com/"App NameSpace" ?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

It seems some problem with your permissions try to use this
facebook official permissions doc


Facebook App Page missing “Go To App” button

I have a facebook canvas app that I associated with an existing Facebook page but I don't have a "Go to app" button in the facebook page.
I think that the problem comes from the configuration (of the facebook page or the facebook app) but I can't find what is wrong.
I followed the instructions here, the canvas app works and the canvas app is associated with the facebook page but I don't see any information about more configuration needed.
What's necessary to configure to have the "Go to app" button ? Or am I missing something else ?
I see some other similar threads but no one help me.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Facebook Canvas URL redirection to 404 Page of Facebook

I had created a facebook canvas app and till now using canvas page url as
But now while opening that URL its redirecting to 404 page of Facebook. Means that canvas app not exist. But which was working perfect fine earlier
I try to research on facebook Developers page but unable to get much help from it.
The Canvas URL can't be : https://apps.facebook.com/272901126185053/
It should the URL to the app where it is hosted. The link you mentioned is the canvas page.

Visiting my custom Facebook tab app doesnt work on mobile?

I've currently setup a custom tab app on my fanpage - visiting this is working perfectly fine from my browser.
However when visiting the same url from my mobile, I just get some red text on Facebook saying "The page was not found".
I've defined the following (noteworthy) settings for the app:
Namespace (which gives me a canvas page)
Canvas url
Secure canvas url
Page tab url
Secure page tab url
I then also tried to fill out the "Mobile site url" with the same url as the canvas url - thinking this was the missing brick? But atleast not difference.
Any ideas?
because in your mobile browser it will redirect to the m.facebook.com and this functionality is not available for the app users.
You can't achieve this functionality exactly but you can work around Facebooks limitations by providing a canvas app url, and using that to redirect mobile users to a mobile version of your app, and desktop users to the page tab version of your app.
Detailed instructions here:

Change App Landing Page

I have created a facebook app that works properly, but when it is searched for on facebook, the user is redirected to an app landing page (http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=111111111). How can I make it so that the user is redirected to the app instead (http://apps.facebook.com/myapp/)?
Thanks a lot.
You can check the window's parent location using JS. window.top.location If it's not in the URL that you are expecting then redirect.

FacebookSDK- for a Iframe Canvas App, after autherization user is redirected to canvas page

I am working on web application with .net 3.5 using C# facebook SDK. Loading page inside Page Tab iframe with some information, and input button, on click of button i am doing auth.Authorize() with some permissions, FB Permission window opens fine, but once user click on allow button it is redirecting to application canvas page instead of Page tab.
Is there anything i am missing?
Answer is to set auth.ReturnUrlPath which will bring user back to selected tab in facebook page. If your application is being added to multiple pages, then you can find out current pageid from "signed request" and set correct ReturnUrlPath, and attach ?sk=app_YOUR_APP_ID as querystring to ReturnUrlPath so current tab will be selected. your return path will look something similar to : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=YOUR_PAGE_ID&sk=app_YOUR_APP_ID (make sure you handle both http and https)
This worked for me, hopefully will work for someone too.
Facebook C# SDK doesnt support tabs.
Only canvas apps are supported.