Linking actual website to github - github

I have a site. I have local dev repo, an online github repo, and the live site (hosted by GoDaddy).
I want to do exactly what this person wants: linking github to my server
Can I do the remote repo thing with Godaddy? Any hints? (I'm a beginner at git stuff)

This guide explains how to set up a remote and connect to a repo on your server:
However, I haven't tried it. I'm also a git beginner, and it terrified me a little, so I'm sticking with a manual FTP step, for now. Good luck!


Using GitHub for issue tracking for a local Git repository

My company has a Git repository hosted on our servers. We use TortoiseGit. I would like to integrate it with GitHub Issues.
Is this possible? Note that we do not host our repository on GitHub.
I have tried using the bugtraq settings on TortoiseGit but it doesn't interact with the repository I've set up on GitHub.
I would like to integrate it with GitHub Issues. Is this possible?
Integrate in this context is a very open concept. Which integrations are you looking for? If you're not hosting the code on the repository itself, any kind of integration will be hard, but it really depends on your specific goal with GitHub Issues and which kind of triggers and links you want from your code to your issues.
From experience if I assume that by integration you mean linking Git commits in your local repository to GitHub Issues the clear answer is no.
So if you really want to use GitHub Issues without pushing the Git code upstream, have you considered creating an empty project to just use GitHub Issues and GitHub Projects. You won't be able to reference issues from the commit message, i.e., Fixed issue found in #4 but you can use it as a standalone project management tool.
Trello offers a free tier for project management that you might also want to check out.

Using Team Services online repository without visual studio

I am trying to use a team services account to store other related documents for a project such as some spreadsheets. I want the client to have access to it, but they are not programmers so I am not wanting them to use VS.
The client can access it directly without a problem and can download files, the biggest issue is they will need to be able to upload files as well. Without using a client of some sort they are limited to 10mb or less which won't work for them.
I cannot seem to get github for the desktop to access my online repository unless I first go into VS and clone it.
I am trying to avoid having to walk the client through doing that and would like to be able to use a GUI like github desktop from end to end.
We are all in a Windows environment.
I can create a new repository in github desktop, but cannot seem to figure out how to connect it to my remote (I can't find the URL for the remote anywhere).
I feel I am so close but just missing a couple items, any push would be appreciated.
GitHub Desktop is for GitHub. GitHub is a Git repository hosting service. Not surprisingly, the GitHub tool only works with GitHub.
You can use any general-purpose Git client to interact with VSTS Git repos. SourceTree is good.
You can use some git GUI or git command line to operate local repo.
Git GUI: as Daniel Mann said, you can use soucetree, or tortoiseGit etc.
Git command line:
you can download git here ->
git clone ->
enter email and password to clone ->
git add . (when you add some files) ->
git commit -am 'message'(commit the changes you make) ->
git push(push your commits into VSTS git repo) ->
git pull(pull VSTS git repo changes to localt).
I am just closing this out, thank you to both folks who did answer. I understand that I am using GIT and that GitHub Desktop is for Github. I was looking for the best way to work with a Github repository without using VS and how to access the team services repo for a client of mine. I set him up with Gitkraken which is working. I was never able to figure out how to get Github Desktop to properly clone and push items, but I did not spend a ton of time in it once I used Gitkraken.
Thanks again for taking a swing at it.
I accepted the answer I did because suggesting using the command line at least shows a understanding of my question and what I was looking for.
I know I am late to the game but I can confirm that tortoise git and getext also work fine with VSTS

Why my blog with Jekyll Bootstrap not update?

I push it several hours ago, but my blog didn't changed yet.
Does server delay or my personal reason? It test will in my computer with localhost:4000.
PS: So, I delete the repo and recreate the repo in github, but 404 always:-(
Are you accessing the page via, or at a personal domain?
If it's at a personal domain, make sure you have a CNAME file (with that name) in the foot of the repo. It should just contain this: Check your DNS settings as well.
If you're using any plugins, GitHub won't run them during generation. That could be causing a problem?
Also make sure the pushed site is in the gh-pages branch. Always good to check the basics. :)

Host a project on GitHub and Google Code

Is it possible to have a project hosted on GitHub and Google Code?
I've been using Google Code for years, and recently started playing with GitHub. I like GitHub a lot, but there's also a long list of Google Code features I really miss.
Is it possible/feasible to host a single project on both? Can I use GitHub as the primary repository for my source, but have all revisions automatically sent over to a git repository on Google Code?
Yes, absolutely! Just add then commit then push to both repos! You can also add a remote in .git/config

github Committing

I have got github ssh details to get the client project, i never worked on github before. So sorry for this stupid question. I Have ssh keys(public,private which was generated under filezila from my system - ubuntu 10.04) and client has added those keys into his repos. And he has given commiting url from github to my system.
I have installed and made a test project under my account in github with the ubuntu system. But not able to commit the client work.
His url is somthing like this,
how can i commit this project files,
i guess i have to add those ssh private,public keys under this github installation but i dont know how to add. Please help me.
Add an SSH key to your github account, see their help page for more information. Make sure to test that it's been set up properly.
Ask your friend to add you as a collaborator to the project: Project page -> Admin -> Collaborators.
Clone the repo at home and have fun committing! The URL will look something like this:
So example on linux:
git clone