What's the difference between using RDFS/OWL and XML? - metadata

Mainly, I was wondering what advantages the ontology languages of RDFS/OWL has over using a markup system (such as http://www.schema.org/) for managing and creating metadata?
I'm still very confused about how different concepts of the "Semantic Web" are supposed to fit together in the overall picture... The relation between RDF/RDFS/RDFa? OWL? URIs? and finally, XML and SQL/SPARQL? All the descriptions I've read about so far about them make sense individually, but I'm not sure if I could be able to use them as tools if someone were to tell me to implement and query an ontology, for instance. Or any simple examples that can be provided is greatly appreciated.

So Webster Thesaurus followed ashutosh raina's advice and went to answers.semanticweb.com. To facilitate retrieval of the corresponding question there, here is the link: What's the difference between using RDFS/OWL versus XML?
There should be a script redirecting all questions with the "semantic-web" tag to answers.semanticweb.com ;)


Catalyst best way for url language prefix?

I have already done all the I18N and GetText things in multiple languages for an existing site.
For selecting one language or another it seems that prefixing urls with path parts like www.domain.com/fr_FR/my_action or www.domain.com/de_DE/my_action is the best way to go, gor Google friendly sites.
I have found this module: Catalyst-Plugin-I18N-PathPrefix And seems to be based on this advent article
Is it the right way (or current best practice) to do this in Catalyst?
It promises that I do not need to change my actions, my required arguments and urls.
Or this plugin/technique makes a overload in the server that I can better avoid rewriting all my urls by hand?
Are www.domain.com/fr_FR/my_action and www.domain.com/de_DE/my_action the same resource, just represented in
different languages? Or would your users see different contents depending on the language they choose (like, I don't know, different news)?
If the answer to the first question is yes I'd rather go for implementing Accept-language header compliance, for example using I18N::AcceptLanguage, which has the additional benefit that it won't interfere in any way with how you designed your URLs.
I take the risks and implemented the Catalyst-Plugin-I18N-PathPrefix plugin. It was easy, and the server load (that was my main concern) seems to be unnoticeable.
Lets say... I should use time to optimize a lot of things of my own code before be concerned about the plugin performance.
Thank you, anyway.

What Should I Read To Become Familiar with Developing using SocialEngine?

I am capable with PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and SQL, and not bad with Drupal. Very recently, I acquired a customer that wants me to do some SocialEngine 4.xxx customization. My customer is aware that I have no experience with SocialEngine, but am capable with the underlying technologies (I gave him a lower hourly rate because of this too.)
I'm not seeing very much online that is geared towards someone like me. Where can I read about modifying SocialEngine that assumes very little knowledge about SocialEngine, but a competency at programming?
For example, I spent a few hours today trying to figure out how to conditionally display a block based on a Membership Level. It appears there is no way to do this using the GUI. No problem, I found some code that seemed like I could get it to work that would grab the user's membership level. However, where do I put this? Honestly, I'd like to have this at the block-level. SocialEngine doesn't seem to allow me to place arbitrary PHP code into a block, and even if it did, would that be the "SocialEngine" way of doing this? Should all custom logic like this be a module in SocialEngine, that attaches to events using hooks?
Thank you very much for looking at my question,
-Brian J. Stinar-
I've written a blog about accessing data through models, creating widgets and modules. You can find out about the general structure of Social Engine at http://garbtech.co.uk / http://socialenginetutorials.co.uk (both same blog)
Unfortunately, there are no books or official documentation on SocialEngine PHP API. Your only choice is to check out various (incomplete) guides over the Internet or study their source code and figure things out by yourself.

How to choose a tool for handling forms with Catalyst Framework?

I'm using the Catalyst Framework to develop a small app. I'm actually searching for a way to handling my forms in a more common way. The Catalyst Tutorial told about tree different modules and give recommendations for 2 tools, HTML::FormFu and HTML::FormHandler.
Honestly, I really appreciate the TIMTOWTDI pragma, but this time I don't know how to choose between both of the two. Can you give me some feedback on these tools and why you do or don't use it?
I don't specially look for performance but much more for ease of use. This one is the most commonly used is also a good answer to me.
I personally have used only HTML::FormHandler. What I liked about it was the fact that you can generate the form classes based on your DBIC models.
Another extra point for using it is the fact that it has a bootstrap theme renderer so that your form fields will look fancier.

WF4 Custom Persistence Examples

I am writing my own custom persistence instance store for WF4, based on the XmlWorkflowInstanceStore found in the .NET 4 WF and WCF samples. This sample is quite simplistic and the xml is produces is quite verbose. I have issues with how some of the objects are serialized.
I have tried using Red Gate Reflector to understand the Sql implementation used, but it is quite complex and difficult to learn from. The MS documentation for this is rather limited - often giving one sentence descriptions for complex methods.
Please could you point me at other examples of WF4 persistence (or proper documentation) around on the web that are not copy and paste versions of XmlWorkflowInstanceStore? Maybe someone else on StackOverflow has written their own?
You are completely correct that the docs are very much lacking here and the sample is of very limited use. I have started work on a custom instance store using the entity framework but, much like you discovered, found it slow going and am nowhere near anything I could use myself, let alone release onto CodePlex.
I am not aware of any blog posts or other information that help solve this.
You've probably seen this already, but I've found the code quite easy to understand: http://xhinker.com/post/WF4Xml-persistence-store.aspx
Ron Jacobs wrote an in memory persistence store for WF unit testing. Check out http://wf.codeplex.com/releases/view/73842

Is there any reasons to prefer SparkViewEngine over XSLT (or vice versa) for a standalone email generation?

I have a service that receives an object containing all the data needed to build a newsletter. I need to be able to generate the email using different templates.
I don't want to involve the whole ASP.NET stack for that, so I want a separate templating engine.
Reading a lot of opinions, I have found that XSLT was not getting very much love when it comes to templating engines. Why?
SparkViewEngine is a "new cool toy", but it seems mature enough considering the number of projects that have been built with it. What do you think?
Did you used those 2 engines? in which situation, and what strength/pain did you enjoy/endure
XSLT is much more verbose, especially when it comes to tricks like conditional attributes. I used it a lot (even to generate C#/C++ source code) but I don't remember that time to be a joy. Spark is.
I used a Spark template to generate an email on my last project, it was a fairly straight forward experience.
As you mentioned you have an object containing all the data needed to build a newsletter. To use XSLT wouldn't you need to serialize to to XML first? Using Spark skips the serialization step and gets you directly to the output you want, and as queen3 mentioned, creating conditional attributes is quite easy.
In case you need it, there's a post on how to use Spark as a general purpose templating engine here.
Also if you have to work with any graphics designers it may be easier to take an HTML mockup and turn it into a spark template than it would be taking an HTML mockup and turning into an XSLT.