Eclipse WebContent directory deployment in tomcat - eclipse

In Eclipse, the folder structure when I create a Dynamic Web Project is
[srikanth#hana Sample]$ ls -R
build src WebContent
index.html META-INF scripts WEB-INF
lib web.xml
As you can see, there is this WebContent directory, When I copy the directory structure from Eclipse workspace and put in webapps directory of Tomcat, it didn't work. But, if I moved all the directories and files under WebContent directory a level above, it worked fine.
This is the folder structure in Tomcat's webapps directory under application:
[srikanth#hana Sample]$ ls -R
build index.html META-INF scripts src WEB-INF
lib web.xml
So, now I can just go to http://localhost:8080/Sample and can go to index.html properly
What am I doing wrong? Why didn't it work just copying the application
from Eclipse to tomcat webapps directory directly? Why do I have to
change the directory structure?

I had the same problem, ./WebContent/index.html not appearing in the Eclipse-exported .war. This occurred on my new Eclipse system after I recreated a working project from my old system with Kepler Eclipse to a new system with Luna Eclipse.
I fixed this by going to Project / Properties / Deployment Assembly. I discovered that the old working system had this rule, while my new non-working systems was missing this rule ...
Source = /WebContent
Deploy Path = /
I corrected this on the new system by Pressing "Add..." and adding the missing rule.

Eclipse allows deploying the webapp directly to a server, without needing to copy anything by yourself. It also allows generating a deployable war file when you're ready to deploy to a test or production server.
Open the "Servers" view, right-click, and choose to create a new server. Once created, right-click on the server and choose to add your web-app into it. And then Eclipse will deploy your web-app to the server.
You're not supposed to manually copy anything from Eclipse. And if you need or want to do this, then you should probably use some ant script which generates the proper deployment structure. This structure is described in the servlet specification. It should have, under the root directory of the webapp, a WEB-INF directory containing:
classes: a directory containing your classes
lib: a directory containing all the jar files your app depends on
web.xml the webapp's deployment descriptor
All the other directories and files that are not under WEB-INF can be served by the web container.

When I copy the directory structure from Eclipse workspace and put in
webapps directory of Tomcat, it didn't work. But, if I moved all the
directories and files under WebContent directory a level above, it
worked fine
Not sure what you mean if I moved all the directories and files under WebContent directory a level above, it worked fine here and what you mean by saying a level above.
What you should be doing is not copy anything manually but right-click on the project and select Export as WAR option.
This will create a file named Project.war that contains the proper file structure i.e. WEB-INF etc that you are supposed to put under tomcat's webapps dir


Why jars added to Deployment Assembly do not show up in Project Explorer (Eclipse Photon) under WebContent/WEB-INF/lib folder?

Working on a Dynamic Web Project I added a guava jar file to Deployment Assembly (Eclipse Photon) - thru Add -> Java Path Build Entry (same happens with Add -> Archives From File System)
I see that this jar gets deployed to the server and is actually inside /WEB-INF/lib of the generated and deployed WAR.
But my Project Explorer window looks like this and its WebContent/WEB-INF/lib folder is empty (I did project refresh)!
Is it normal behaviour?
In my opinion it breaks Least Astonishment Principle a lot!
It shouldn't appear there unless you actually copy the jar into the workspace (or link it, possibly).

Jetty deploy war file (Automatic Deployment is not working)

this is my first time deploying a war File to a Jetty Server via SCP+SSH and I'm not able to get it to work.
I made a proper .war file with Eclipse (but I also tested the same things I'm going to mention with a example .war file) and copied the file to the folder /jetty/webapps/ROOT. Now when I restart Jetty and try to get on the server (I tried Serveradress/WarFilename/ aswell) I get to a Directory Path and I'm able to download the war file but nothing else.
I also tried to copy the war file to the webapps folder itself instead of webapps/ROOT. What am I doing wrong?
The directory ${jetty.base}/webapps/ROOT/ is for exploded webapps, or static resource deployments.
If you want to serve your war file, say myapp.war on the root context "/", then copy it to the file ${jetty.base}/webapps/ROOT.war
Note: if you are copying the file into the jetty-distribution/webapps/ you are doing it wrong, go read up on how ${jetty.base} and ${jetty.home} work.

MyBatis looking for xml files in Tomcat directory

I'm testing a web application with Eclipse + Tomcat, Eclipse deploys the web application files and launches Tomcat, and the application runs fine. But when MyBatis is trying to open it's XML configuration files, it looks for them in
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\lib\persistence\db\oracle.xml
instead of the correct place:
Where is MyBatis supposed to look for XML files?
This is where I specify the relative path:
String cfgFile = "persistence/db/oracle.xml";
Reader reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader(cfgFile);
session.put(db, new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(reader));
Resources.getResourceAsReader looks files in classpath. For web application running in tomcat classpath consist of WEB-INF/classes and all jars from WEB-INF/lib and tomcat folders like $TOMCAT_HOME\lib.
The issue you encounter most probably is caused by the fact that oracle.xml file is not added to deployment. It looks like c:\workspace\myweapp\src is not among source folder of eclipse project so eclipse doesn't copy files from it to the folder which is deployed to tomcat. Depending on your existing project structure you may need to create subfolder in src and add persistence with all subfolders there. This will allow you to avoid clash if some subfolder of src is already a source folder in eclipse. I would recommend to use maven project structure:
* java
you java source code here organized by package
* resources
I marked folders which should be added as source folder to eclipse with *.
Please note that it is not correct to say that C:\workspace\mywebapp\src\persistence\db\oracle.xml is a correct place to search for it. After you create a war to deploy it on production this path most probably will not be available at your production server. What you really need is to include persistence\db\oracle.xml to the war in appropriate place (under WEB-INF/classes).
Maybe you need another class loader 1. Try this:
String cfgFile = "persistence/db/oracle.xml";
ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
Reader reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader(classloader, cfgFile);
See Difference between thread's context class loader and normal classloader and you may want to see the code of You find it here.

Where to put in a GWT web app

I have the and another .properties file under src and it works deployed in gwt dev mode. To build the war to launch to tomcat I use an ant script that compiles the .java classes and puts them in a JAR file. The JAR file gets copied into the WEB-INF folder in the war file.
The app runs fine when I don't use log4j but it can't find the properties file when I attempt to use log4j. All of the answers I see say WEB-INF/classes, but my project doesn't have a WEB-INF/classes directory, instead the JAR file that was copied to WEB-INF contains my projects classes.
You have to put (or log4j.xml) file into directory or JAR that is considered by your servlet-container as resource in Classpath.
So, simply create WEB-INF/classes directory and put it there, or pack it into your JAR.
See also Where should I put the file? - it could be useful.

Exclude /WebContent/images folder from war in eclipse

How can I configure eclipse in a way that the /images folder under /WebContent is not included in the war exported file ? I see how to exclude files and folders but under the /src container.
I'm not sure exactly why you'd want to do that, but here are two options:
Move your image folder OUT of WebContent (if you don't need them in the war, why are they here in the first place?)
In the project properties (Deployment Assembly tab, although that might vary with your version of Eclipse), remove the line telling eclipse to include WebContent in the war and individually add all other folders/files