Do Vimeo thumbnail URLs change? - thumbnails

I've used the simple API to pull some video thumbnails from vimeo and I'm wondering if the urls for the thumbnails will ever change or are they permanent?
An example of the thumbnail I've got back was:

Vimeo just last week changed the structure of their thumbnail URLs, and before that it was different than when the question was asked, so it's safe to assume you can't presume they're stable long term.
We also asked their support about it, and their response was that they suggest we do not cache these URLs if possible.

I can see now that Vimeo does not appear to change their thumbnails links.


why does facebook's thumbnail cache use wrong image and debugger shows correct image?

i have written a plugin for the elgg social networking platform which supports sharing links to other social networks.
mostly this is ok.
i am noticing though that facebook often shows incorrect images for the video thumbnails and other sites, such as google+ are ok.
the url i am passing in to the sharer page is correct and when i use the facebook debugging tool, i see the correct image - e.g.
as an example - this is the url that the plugin currently outputs for facebook, when sharing a video on my site:[title]=water+as+primary+healing+agent+-+dis-ease+is+commonly+due+to+dehydration&p[summary]=description&p[url]=[images][0]
when i share this to facebook, i see a thumbnail for another video which i shared days earlier, which has a different url. (edit: i now notice that i can choose from 3 images in facebook and one of them is the correct one - so facebook is building an array of 2 incorrect images in some way and is defaulting to an incorrect one.)
anyone know?
I run into this problem often as well. Try to make your image around 1080px # 1080px and see if that helps. The other options is to try and lazy load all the other images so facebook doesn't pick them up as I presume the thumbnail you are referring to is on the page?

Share YouTube video on Facebook via API

This is probably not possible, but I'm throwing it out here for anyone with crazy awesome ideas or if they happened to come across some morsel of information about it.
I have an embedded YouTube player (iFrame) using the API, with a custom JS control bar. All that works great.
I want to have a share option, however, since the videos on my site will often appear as overlays, it's not ideal to have the page be shared, but rather the video itself. Is there a way to have a user share the YouTube link directly from my page, rather than just a link to my site?
I already realize the fallback is to create a URL on my site that takes a video id parameter and redirects to the proper youtube page.
Doesn't the embed video from YouTube include all YouTube features by default?
(Thumbs up, share, full screen, etc…)

Open Graph image error with complex url

I am trying to get some viral marketing with my page by alowing people to share a product with the product's image. This is a normal usecase (cliche even) however the image source is Adobe's Scene7. I have used the debugger tool facebook provides but the best they can tell me is that "The image referenced by the url of og:image tag could not be downloaded." I understand that Scene7 urls are very complex and there is a reasonable chance that this is what facebook is choking on but is there anyway around this limitation?
I cant provide an actual url (trade secrets, NDA, etc...) but the urls we are dealing with resemble{company/style?$text1=H&$name1=namelong&$color1=Blue}&res=150&show
If the URL isn't publicly available (ie: I open a freshly installed browser and am able to see your link) - our scraper won't be able to see that image either. I don't think there's any work around, given the details you shared, but if a thumbnail is ok from a legal point of view (a thumbnail would end up on Facebook either way), you could use public URLs for thumbnails of the images of your products.
It turns out the problem is that there is some automatic encoding occurring with the url that is not working with scene 7.

Prevent Facebook from fetching and suggesting a thumbnail image when sharing an article

If no og:image or link rel=”image_src“ is given, Facebook tries to guess the thumbnail image for the article url by scraping the html for images.
Is there any way to prevent Facebook from doing this?
What I'm basically trying to achieve is to have my articles shared on Facebook without any images.
(I know it's a rather unusual question, but I definitely don't want to provide any og:image or link rel=”image_src“ meta information.)
This isn't exactly what you're asking for but have you considered specifying either one of those tags and providing a URL to a spacer image (1x1px with a transparent or white background)?

Like - Sharer.php ignoring image despite og meta

Despite the meta tags (the first one I never used before, but it came up in the addthis forums);
And the debug tool getting the data in a correct manner:
The facebook sharer code does not use the image specified. No images show up at all, there is no thumbnail chooser.
Looking at the HTML of the facebook sharer page, the image is actually there! The thumbnail chooser has a display:none. And when posting the damn thing, no image shows up on the wall.
Stop using addthis and implement a like function using the just the Facebook API? But from what I read, Facebook does a request for the page to get it's data so the JS part should not be the issue, should it?
Did I overlook something?
There's a restriction on the width/height ratio of images shared, the ratio must be less than 3.0
Your image is too wide (211/66 = 3.19) - add some vertical whitespace and it'll share OK i think
For future reference this is mentioned on both the old Share Button docs and the Open Graph protocol docs (under 'og:image')
I've found that once I've posted something to my wall from the sharer or the app, if I try to repost it, it will remember the original image (or no image in your case).
It might be worth clearing the whole cache/cookies from your browser and see if that does the trick.
If not, you'll find that if you log in as another user of Facebook and they try to post it, it will pick up on the new image on their account and not yours.
I'm not exactly sure how Facebook caches the images.
I know this thread is old but this may help someone else with the same issue. FB caches shared urls along with the thumb images and descriptions. To update the cache, add a bogus parameter to your shared query string, like, "?v=1". This gets the latest og tags.