Installation of objectaid in eclipse, no valid license was found - eclipse

I have followed the steps of this guide to install objectaid on eclipse GALILEO in ubuntu 10.10 :
But after the installation I get this message in console:
ObjectAid Sequence Diagram is not available because no valid license was found.
I suppose it's because is possible to buy also the non-free version.
I would try the evaluation version, how to do this?

In case you don't have an answer yet :
In order to evaluate the sequence diagram generator, you need to create an account with ObjectAid here. Using this accout, you can request an evaluation license which will unlock the feature.


How to fix "Received fatal alert: handshake_failure" error when installing Erlide in Eclipse

I've just installed Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers, version 2019-06 (4.12.0) and am trying to add the Erlide plugin.
There are two ways to go about it:
Help -> Install New Software. Following instructions on the site, I put "" as URL.
... or ...
I try to install it through the Eclipse Marketplace:
Help -> Eclipse Marketplace. Here I search for "Erlide" and the choose "install".
In both cases it comes down to the same error:
Unable to read repository at
Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
I would like to ask for help regarding this matter.
Thank you,
This is a known issue. See Erlide issue #328, comment by villiros:
I run into the same problem. Turned out that the cypher suites
required by the server were not allowed by the Java installation
because of export control stuff.
The solution for me was to install the JCE Unlimited Strength Policy.
Upgrading Java 8 to Update 161 or higher might also be a solution, since in this update support for the TLS session hash and extended master secret extension (RFC 7627) in the JDK JSSE provider has been added (see JDK 8u161 Update Release Notes, section Added TLS session hash and extended master secret extension support).

Error Installing Support Package of Freescale FRDM-KL25Z in MATLAB

I was trying to install FRDM-KL25Z Support Package and following the official website instructions. But I was prompted with an error showing:
File Dir does not contain archives for third-party software used by
the support package.
I select the "Install from Internet" option but it still doesn't work. Please Help. Thanks.
contacted the technical support of Mathworks and it seems like there's a problem with the installation package. Developer has fixed it.

Troubleshooting PostSharp license issue on build server: Where can I find my license for PostSharp Express?

I am experiencing issues with my CI build server in which PostSharp is causing the build to fail with the message: The assembly 'yada-yada.dll' uses non-licensed features (Basic Features). [...]. We are using the current version of PostSharp (3.1.52) and have no troubles with the library in local development environment where developers have a registered Express license.
According to PostSharp docs, the build server should not need a license. However, they acknowledge that the automation identification could fail:
If this check does not work for any reason, you may use the license key of any licensed user for the build server. This will not be considered a license infringement. However, it is better to report the issue to our technical support so that we can fix the detection algorithms.
It is recommended to include the license key in the source control.
I'm attempting to test this theory but I can't seem to get access to my actual PostSharp Express license! The PostSharp Options aren't any help either:
Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
You can find your license key under the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SharpCrafters\PostSharp 3.
If your license key does not appear at the location specified, these steps will help you find a new one....
Uninstall any previous version of postsharp installed in visual studio by going to TOOLS > Extensions & Updates.
Open regedit. Delete the following registry key (including all child keys):
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SharpCrafters\PostSharp 3
Download the latest postsharp vs extension. At time of writing I used 4.2.17. Also make sure you are using the latest postsharp nuget package.
Begin the install & follow the steps. When selecting which kind of license you want, choose the Express User License (the last option).
Enter your details, then on the penultimate step, do not tick the box to register postsharp for all accounts on this machine.
Complete the installation, you should then find the license key in your registry under:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SharpCrafters\PostSharp 3\LicenseKey
There are two types of keys!
for current user: HKCU\SOFTWARE\SharpCrafters\PostSharp 3
for all users: HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\SharpCrafters\PostSharp 3
The license might be in one of them depending on what license type you chose.

IBM Worklight - How do I tell if Worklight Studio is running v6.0.0.0 or v6.0.0.1?

When I navigate to the link to upgrade Worklight studio from the tech note ( it sends me to a series of pages and I end up here ( which instructs me to use the Eclipse Market place.
I have done this, but I can't see where it states I have actually upgraded to v6.0.0.1 as all the details in Eclipse still indicate
Yes, it's not really clear right now... but if you will navigate in Eclipse to either Help > About Eclipse or Help > Install New Software... > Already Installed you will see there the full version number, and it will also include the build date. If the build date is very recent, that's v6.0.0.1. == Worklight 6.0.0.x(1...) from September 26th 2013 # 19:33.
This will be clearer in future releases of IBM Worklight.
Also, here:
Where it says "Fix Pack 1", that actually refers to v6.0.0.1 as well.
The Eclipse Marketplace description has been updated to make it easier to identify the fixpack version.
However, you should use the method Idan describes above to verify the specific build. iFixes (Interim Fixes) are smaller fixes that do not update the vx.x.x.x number, but do update the build date. When you update the Worklight Developer Edition, you'll always get the latest build available.

How can I install the BlackBerry v5.0.0 component pack into Eclipse?

I'm trying to install the latest v5.0.0 "beta 2" BlackBerry OS Component Pack into Eclipse 3.4.2 with BlackBerry Eclipse plugin v1.0.0.67, but have hit a few problems. Has anybody found an easy way to do this?
I had no trouble installing the v4.5.0 and v4.7.0 Component Packs.
It's rather strange that BlackBerry are shipping new phones with the v5.0.0 OS installed (e.g. a Storm 2 9550 and Bold 9700 that I just bought), and pushing that update to phones whilst the BlackBerry website still considers the v5.0.0 SDK / Component Packs to be "beta 2"! If anybody knows when an official non-beta Component Pack is going to be released that might solve my problem...
In case it helps, the problems I've hit so far are:
-Contrary to the implication on the BlackBerry website, the Eclipse "Software Update..." option for the v5.0.0 Component Pack claims it only works on the v1.0.0 Eclipse BlackBerry plugin, not the new v1.1 one.
-I then tried to install the v5.0.0 Component Pack through the "Software Updates..." menu in Eclipse using the v1.0.0 Eclipse BlackBery plugin. Once I'd done the 200MB download the install failed with a "Invalid zip file format" error.
-I might just have been unlucky with a corrupted download but I did try it twice, once through "Software Updates..." and once by selecting "Archive" to install the downloaded Component Pack (which unlike v4.5.0 and v4.7.0 was a JAR, not a ZIP).
Using Eclipse 3.5.1 and the 1.1 component pack, I had no trouble installing the 5.0 JDE from the 1.1 component pack update site from within Eclipse - ie: using the update site ...
It could be possible that Blackberry has fixed whatever problem you encountered in their latest beta, or the latest version of Eclipse just works better...but at any rate, I hope you've gotten your setup working, but if not, perhaps trying again with the latest versions will fix things!
They (rim support) did experience some issue with the zip they have on the site for you to install.
See this thread
If you see Unconnected sockets not implemented just before your Invalid zip file format, like:
Exception connecting to
Unconnected sockets not implemented Exception connecting to
Unconnected sockets not implemented
Error closing the output stream for
on repository file:/C:/eclipse/. Error unzipping
Invalid zip file format Error closing the output stream for
, the support mentions:
The "Unconnected sockets not implemented" is caused by a bug in current versions of JDK 1.6.
You can work around this by downgrading to JDK 1.5 (modify your PATH and JAVA_HOME variables) to install the plug-ins. You may need to delete the files in your windows temp folder as well (Eclipse could have cached bad copies of the file).
This should be fixed in JDK 1.6 update 14.
(so what version of java are you using?)
As mentioned in the same thread:
The following is from the "blackberry plugin for eclipse" download page:
It is recommended that users outside of North American or users who have experienced problems with the BlackBerry update site use the links below to manually download and install the components.
Yep, I've read that bit. That's essentially what I tried to do. What that doesn't say is you need to remove the update site from your site list before trying to install the manual downloads via the archive function.
Helpful to me:;jsessionid=32490C8741FEE961B9436E453DFF7430