Update Eclipse 3.7 to SR1 (EE Edition) - eclipse

Can someone please help me to find out why I can't update Eclipse so Service Release 1? It has always been nearly impossible for me to make these kind of updates.
I check for updates and the only update I see is the Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers (I think version 1.4.1).
After a short moment I get the following error. All errors say Artifact not found and I have no idea why this happens.

Your Eclipse is configured to query JBoss for updates. First thing I would do is to disable the JBoss update site (actually all update sites other than the Indigo one) and try updating again.


Can't add Java Applications in Eclipse Run Configurations after upgrading to 4.7

My application isn't running correctly with Java 9. In order to debug it, I upgraded to Eclipse 4.7 (oxygen) since Neon doesn't have Java 9 support, and applied the Java 9 support patch.
After doing so, eclipse was failing to load any of my pre-existing Java Applications. Thinking it might be a version difference thing, I deleted them, to try re-adding. But when I click the "New" button to add a configuration, nothing happens.
If I double-click "Java Application," I get the following error:
An error has occurred. See error log for more details.
tried to access method org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.launchConfigurations.LaunchConfigurationsDialog.getTabViewer()Lorg/eclipse/debug/internal/ui/launchConfigurations/LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer; from class org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.LocalJavaApplicationTabGroup
I am able to add configurations for other types of applications (Java Applet, Eclipse Application) so it seems only to be an issue with Java Applications.
I also tried a fresh workspace, but that has the same issue. How can I fix this?
This is kind of a duplicate but since I experienced the issue and have seen a few others post about it, I'll post my answer of how I fixed it here.
If you go here: https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/java-9-support-beta-oxygen/
You need to follow the step about updating Eclipse 4.7 from the link that ends in 4.7-U-builds. When you go to Install New Software and select Eclipse SDK, click Next until you get to the Install Remediation Page, and make sure that you are selecting the second option that says something like "update my installation to be compatible with the items being installed" instead of the option that says "keep my installation the same and modify the items being installed to be compatible."
The first time I installed Java 9 updates, I did it the latter way and ran into this problem. Now that I've gone back and chosen the former, I am able to add Java Application Run Configurations again.
Hope this helps.
Eclipse Oxygen.1a (4.7.1a) Release
Update as of 11 October,2017 - You shall upgrade to the latest eclipse package Eclipse Oxygen.1a (4.7.1a) which is marked as released and supports Java 9.

How can I tell if I am on Juno SR1 or Juno SR2?

Based on this dialog, how can I tell if I am on Juno SR1 or Juno SR2?
Do I look at Eclipse Platform, or Eclipse RCP? Or is there some other place I should be looking at instead?
Edit #1: This was taken on Spring Toolsuite, and I have updated to the latest versions via Help > Check for Updates. Help > About would show 3.3.0.RELEASE.
It's neither. You're seeing a CVS Client feature that's dated months after Juno SR2 (it's more in line with Kepler) along with an Eclipse Platform feature that roughly corresponds to Juno SR1. That said, unless this is merely an academic thought experiment, what's this supposed to be an answer to?
Am not sure how to see the version from the dialog you shown above, but
Just go to Help -> About you should see
SR is service release.
go to Help-> about and check if service release version is 1 or 2

Could not initialize class org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.project.facet.IJ2EEFacetConstants

I am Running Eclipse Kelper Build id: 20130614-0229 (the latest at time of writing)
I have installed the Web Tools Platform (WTP) and I am using a 'static web project'.
I keep getting an error alert box popping up with the error
Could not initialize class org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.project.facet.IJ2EEFacetConstants
Okay I have searched high and low for a solution, but of course the solution seems to be different for every version of eclipse. I went to a bug post on this at https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=389968
but the advice was just to "get the right version of EPP for your workspace"
Okay so that advice is no help at all. How does one know what is the right version of their workspace? what do they mean by that anyway? by "for your workspace" are they referring to your version of Eclipse? or is that a separate issue?
I saw another response to this issue on stack overflow for Eclipse Juno, but it was simply a link to a temporary patch update site which no longer exists. Someone else on that thread claimed that Kelper had a fix for all of this. Clearly that is not the case and the people at Eclipse.org do not think this is a bug.
From update site, install below item:
|> Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development
* Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools
I would guess that you are seeing this issue because you have not installed enough of WTP. That doesn't make this problem less of an issue, but at least you can look for workarounds in how you construct your installation. The easiest solution is to grab the "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers" package.
You need to install the JST Enterprise Core feature, org.eclipse.jst.enterprise_core.feature

Problem installing Acceleo on eclipse 64bit

I've just installed Eclipse Helios 64bit but when i try to install Acceleo, te download seems endless and Eclipse seems blocked.
Is there someone that can help me?
Thank you
The very first install of anything in a new Eclipse tend to be extremely long (Eclipse usually contacts all of its available update sites and checks for update on every single installed plugin before doing anything).
Within a new Eclipse and with a lot of update sites available, the longest I've seen it take for a single install was about 10 minutes. You can usually check whether Eclipse is actually doing something by opening the "Progress" view (Window > Show View > Progress).
I am one of the member of the dev' team of Acceleo and I am always working on a 64bits Eclipse with a 64 bits virtual machine and there are no problems. If you are experiencing this problem it is because of a timeout of the update site. Right now, it is the release of the sixth milestone of all the Eclipse projects so the server tends to be overloaded. You can try it again or just wait a few hours. If you absolutely want Acceleo today, you can always download the zip version directly from here.

Can't install Eclipse plugin

I'm trying to install an Eclipse plugin for Mylyn/Fogbugz, and I get the following error when I try either EclipseBugz or Foglyn:
Cannot find a solution satisfying the following requirements Match[requiredCapability: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu/org.eclipse.swt
I'm using Eclipse 3.4.1
what other update sites do you have enabled in your Eclipse installation?
I had similar problem when upgrading from older Mylyn, and found out that it helps to disable other updates sites. When installing new plugins, or even updating old ones, Eclipse has a tendency to contact all enabled update sites. I don't know what exactly it is trying to do, but it helped me to disable all sites except one I wanted to use.
Btw, Eclipse 3.5M6 has option to use only selected update site -- it is great help when updating/installing plugins. I cannot wait to see Eclipse 3.5 final released, just for this feature.
Eclipse plungins require Equinox UI for dependency.Please read Equinox installer .I hope can help you. : )