Facebook application: FB events work only for first time - facebook

I'm using the following code to subscribe to fb login and logout events.
FB.Event.subscribe('auth.logout', function(response) {
FB.Event.subscribe('auth.login', function(response) {
function RefreshPageOnFBStatusChange(response)
I want to redirect users to different pages when they are logged in or logged out. The function I'm using here gets called only during the actual page load, and never after that. I have a fb-like, fb-share and live stream plugin on a page. When I login and logout of live stream, nothing happens. Help!

Please modify your question and provide all FB-related code.
This may answer you question:
Facebook FB.Event.subscribe event does not fire:(

For User Status you can use if(FB._userStatus == "connected"){} to check user is login or not And for Logout & login you can use following simple code
FB.logout(function(response) { window.location = redriect_uri;

It seems like these events don't fire when you use the live chat plugin because it has its own way of handling the login and logout. What I had to do to solve this problem was to set a timeout of 5 seconds and call a javascript function that did a FB.GetLoginStatus, and based on what it was I would refresh the page. Not the best way of doing it, but I was left with no choice.


FB.login distinguish successful login from cancel if the user connected the app before

We have an FB.login call like this:
FB.login(function (response) {
if (response.status === 'connected') {
} else {
}, { scope: requiredPermissions.concat(optionalPermissions).join(','), return_scopes: true });
It properly detects a canceled login if the user didn't connect to the app yet. However, if the user is already connected when they cancel the login, response looks like this:
authResponse: {
accessToken: "token",
data_access_expiration_time: 1560437437,
expiresIn: 86963,
reauthorize_required_in: 7776000,
signedRequest: "bababa",
userID: "userid"
status: "connected"
Almost exactly like a successful login response. Luckily, there is also a grantedScopes field in the response if the login has been finished properly (because of a return_scopes option). However, using it to distinguish between the 2 seems unreliable and hacky.
Is there a better way?
Thank you in advance!
Why not use FB.getLoginStatus instead?
For the context: in my case, FB.login is used to be granted access to the user's pages. It is not used to log them into the app, per se.
I'll be happy if someone points at a mistake in my reasoning. Here it is:
Calling FB.login right after FB.getLoginStatus is unreliable due to the modal block in browsers. FB.login needs to be called synchronously within a click handler.
FB.getLoginStatus result may and will expire if called before showing the button calling FB.login. A user may and will spend a lot of time on this particular page before clicking the button.
That's why the button click handler immediately calls FB.login. It helps avoid both of the mentioned issues.
I ended up using the presence of grantedScopes in response as an indicator of a complete login.

PhoneGap; FB Connect Plugin (Android OS): Re-Authorizing FB App every post

I created an Android App with PhoneGap:Build and the FB Connect Plugin. The app works fine and the FB Plugin, too. Just one tiny thing isn't working yet. I won't to post something after submiting a button which works, too. At the first time the user has to login and grant permissions to the FB App and them the post is published. That's the way it should be. And the next time the user submits the post should be published without the whole permission thing but this isn't working!? FB shows a message like "You already granted permission ... to the app." and the user has to push the Ok-button before the post is published???
Because I still haven't found an answer for my question, maybe I just do something wrong in my FB Javascript call? Here is the current code:
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.authResponse) {
var data = {
FB.api('/me/feed', 'post', data, function(response) {
// Callback
if (!response || response.error) {
} else {
}, {scope: 'publish_stream'});
Well, to better understanding here a picture of the screen that apears every post:
I think the solution to this problem is to not include the login request every time you want to post something. You can check login status, and/or permissions, without performing a login. Then, if the user is not logged in, do the login first, and come back to the new post action.

how can I prevent native facebook login dialog in ios?

I am using facebooksdk.framework 3.1
when I login my app with my account, native login dialog pops up even though web based auth
completed. I need to turn off either native login dialog or web based auth but I don't know how.
I tried to find facebook.m file but there was no such file on facebooksdk.framework 3.1
how do I turn off safariauth or native auth?? It is very strange two login process occurs at the
same time.
First of all go to facebook.m page & try to find the following method:
- (void)authorize:(NSArray *)permissions
localAppId:(NSString *)localAppId
in this method there is a line:[self authorizeWithFBAppAuth:YES safariAuth:NO];
change authorizeWithFBAppAuth & safariAuth to yes/no according to your need.Hope it helps you.
Or you can try to implement latest Share kit sdk.it is best way.
If you use phonegap facebook plugin, you should call FB.getLoginStatus() carefully.
If FB.getLoginStatus() fires before FB.init() is done, the function would return a response as
'not connected' even if user is already connected.
my login problem was due to FB.getLoginStatus() on my redirected page.
even if user succed login and procceded to my redirected page, the page run FB.getLoginStatus()
and result was always 'not connected' because FB.init() not completely executed.
facebook provides async function to solve this problem but it didn't work when I tested on phonegap.
to check user login, I use FB.Event.subscribe and localstorage for now.
on the page that needs FB functions, I added this javascript code
FB.Event.subscribe('auth.login', function(response){
localStorage.setItem('fblogin', true);
console.log('login event');
FB.Event.subscribe('auth.logout', function(response){
localStorage.setItem('fblogin', false);
console.log('logout event');
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function(){
FB.init({ appId : '1234567889' , nativeInterface : CDV.FB, useCachedDialogs : true});
var fbval = localStorage.getItem('fblogin');
// your code for connected status
basically, I set 'fblogin' localStorage value true whenever login event occurs,
and set the value 'false' whenever logout event occurs.
by comparing 'fblogin' value, I check users are logged or not.

FB Login : Don't know how to get response after a successful login

I have added an fblogin button to my website
it is working fine
a button is placed and when user clicks on it a dialogue box opens for login.
But i don't know how to get response after a successful login.
Please suggest
You can use the JS SDK to subscribe to events of that type. Take a look at the facebook javascript documentation, the method you are looking for is 'auth.authResponseChange' :
FB.Event.subscribe('auth.authResponseChange', function(response) {
alert('The status of the session is: ' + response.status);

Detecting if a facebook user allowed or disallowed login

I am using FB's Javascript SDK using the login-button:
<fb:login-button onlogin="onFBLogin();">
How can I detect within onFBLogin() if the user did log in successfully ? Currently it is called everytime, no matter what the user chooses.
I think the first parameter passed into onFBLogin() is going to be either a response or a session object. So check to see what the value of response or response.session is.
Also, have you played around with FBJS's login event handling?
If using FB.login:
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.session) {
// user successfully logged in
} else {
// user cancelled login
But since you're using an fb:login button, you can try to subscribe to the login event:
FB.Event.subscribe('auth.login', function(response) {
// do something with response.session
I haven't tried this myself via fb:login button, but hopefully this will get you on the right track.