what is the backbone of your/most RSS reader iphone apps? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am making a iphone app for my local school.
I have a good grasp on obj-c and stuff.
Once I am done with this app the students will be supplying 100% of the content through blogger or something else.
my question is what service (if any) would you use for the RSS feed?
blogger? etc???
I need it to be simple enough that kids can summit the content.
in the app there will be a NEWS, EVENTS, BLOG, and CONTACT pages

I'd use wordpress or blogger, depending on your own taste. Both can publish rss feeds like the ones you're looking for.
A more interesting option might be google docs.
-Create spreadsheet and press press the "share with everyone" under sharing options
-Go to "Files->Publish as web page", press publish and check the flag that makes it automatically republish on changes
-When it has been published you can press the "web page" select-box and click "RSS".
And bingo, you've got a spreadsheet wherein you can publish all your data. Of course it doesn't have quite as much interface-niceties as wordpress or blogger, but you get full control over your feed.
Here's an example of a feed from a google doc I just made:


Identifying what features in my iOS apps are used [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have several iPhone/iPad apps on the App Store. I would like to add snippets of code in my apps that will identify user behavior. For example what features in the app are used the most or the least. Does anybody have a good idea on how to implement this kind of features in my app.
Integrate http://www.flurry.com into your app and set custom events for all of the parts of the app you want to know about. The report will give you a usage amount per session and you can directly identify what is being used.
Use event tracking in Google Analytics.
For each user event you want to track, you would do something like this:
[tracker trackEventWithCategory:#"uiAction"
withValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:100]];
That way you can generate reports in analytics to see what is being used. See their event tracking docs for more details
I use Flurry for all my apps and it works wonderfully. All kinds of helpful (for the right person) data. You can submit Events, like "User won level 608", and attach data in the form of a dictionary to them.
End result: I recommend Flurry.

Is it possible to develop apps on Google Plus? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is it possible to create applications on Google Plus in the same manner as Facebook?
In other words, "Apps on Facebook are web apps that are loaded in the context of Facebook in what we refer to as a Canvas Page". Does a similar API exist for google plus?
Short answer: No
Slightly longer answer: There are some vendors who have access to a Game API, which appears to work very similarly to Facebook's API, but this API isn't public yet, and there is no clear indication how to get access. There is also the Google+ Hangout API, which is public, that lets you write applications that run inside a hangout. This works similarly to how a Facebook app works, but are limited to working inside a hangout only.
Definitive answer: https://developers.google.com/+/ contains references to all the public APIs that work with Google+, including the Hangout API.

Facebook app about sharing the activity on github [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is there an Facebook app to share the github activity in the news feed and summarize it in a timeline snippet?
The user should be able to select the types of activity to post in the Facebook news feed.
Twitter integration is nice to have.
P.S.: The Facebook app search currently only returns 1 app "Github repositories" which seems to be offline.
Github service hook is what you are looking for. You you need an app to Github, not to Facebook.
I recently made a research on this area, but never tried these modules:
I hope it will work or at lease help you to continue the research
Now I've found the tool I wanted: http://Geekli.st (they want to build the largest community for geeks / developers)
You can link your github account through a button at the bottom of your profile settings.
See the relevant blog post and video screencast for a demo:

Is there any iphone friendly feedback service [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm looking for an iphone friendly feedback service that can be visited by web browser in my iphone application
I have been checked uservoice and getsatifaction, they are only for desktop browsing, not friendly for iphone
Crittercism (http://www.crittercism.com) also has a great product optimized for iphone/ipad and android. They also do crash reporting which is nice.
Zendesk http://www.zendesk.com/ is more for customer service but works great in iphones (and blackberry etc)
Neewmare (www.neemware.com) provides app developers the ability to ask very targeted questions inside their app on any screen. You could check it out. (Disclaimer: I work at Neemware.)
We have a native iOS feedback form that you can link with your iphone app.
For more info: Adding Feedback To Your iPhone App
The page also has a link to our free app in the AppStore that shows the feedback form in action.
Our service also provides a feedback button and feedback form for websites and WordPress blogs.
Get Satisfaction does have a great iPhone client framework. It's called Satisfaction Remote Component. If you want to see it live, check out the app Ambiance

Which is this facebook poll application? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Can anyone please tell how to add the following kind of poll in a facebook business page...
It shows in the wall as well as in its own tab.. I can vote from the wall, comment and Like.. excellent feature it is.. but no information about it anywhere :(
Its not available from facebook anymore. I think its because of some of the privacy concerns people have about this app.
From my knowledge, it was a custom-made Poll that Facebook previously made for huge brands willing to pay $ 10, 000 and up. It is no longer available.
However Appbistro.com has a similar Tab app that may fulfill your needs:
Poll Tab
I'm a Facebook developer and I just created a Facebook app that looks like the one you point out. It lets you create a poll and publish it on your Facebook page. Try it out and let me know what you think of it :