form registeration using an iPhone app [duplicate] - iphone

This question already has answers here:
Existing iOS form framework
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Is there a way in iOS app programming that I can make an user fill up a form for registration? I mean do we have a template for that available already? Also I wanted to know that does it support something like EDIT where in if a user makes a typo then the fields along with checkboxes get auto-populated and one can update a required field?

Here's a framework for providing forms in-app:
As for the autocorrect thing, that is a customizable property of most, if not all, of the default iOS text-entry fields.


Can you modify the styles in a Word document through Office.js? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Change word document style with an app for Office
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
Is it possible to programmatically, from a Word Add-in, change the styles of a document?
For instance, set the "Normal" style to be a font size 18?
Specifically, I'm interested in modifying the BubbleText style settings.
there is no API to change an existing style. This is known issue and we will expose it in the future.

How to find and view the DOM? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What is DOM element?
I'm learning HTML and CSS and are now trying to learn JavaScript. Came across something called DOM.
I don't really get when the DOM are created. And I don't really get where it is located?
Is it some sort of file? Where can I find it and how can I view it.
Is it created automatically when save my index.html
The Document Object Model (DOM) is just the way your browser internally represents the HTML. It is a perfect tree-structure, which makes it very easy to visualize/manipulate.
The easiest way to see it is probably in the developer tools of your browser. For example in Chrome, press ctrl-shift-I (or F12) to open the developer tools. Then you can find the DOM in the Elements tab.

GWT ComboBox isn't working after SmartGwt Integration [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Smart Gwt components are not rendered in html div tag
My problem is that I had a project which was running gwt widgets nicely. Now for some client requirements, we introduced some smartGwt changes in it.
The problem is that all those requirements have been done successfully, but as a result or something, the previous ComboBox dropdown isn't working, none of them. Please help.
Do I have to post the code also (because its too large)? If you want it, I will try to paste it here.
Thanks in advance.
What do you mean by "isn't working". There are zindex issues when you use Gwt and Smartgwt side by side. You can have a look at this thread ( here)if it's this sort of problem. If not give us more details.

Getting Name of the form that sent request to the servlet [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Is it possible to retrieve the form name from a Java HTTPServletRequest?
How can I get the name of the form that sent the request to the servlet, because I have two forms and I need to process them differently based on their names?
You can't as-is. You need to add the form name as hidden input if you need to get its name. See here for more details

Can ABNewPersonViewController be used to edit existing records? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Can ABNewPersonViewController be used to edit existing records?
I'm trying to using ABNewPersonViewController to edit an existing record. I set the displayedPerson property and it shows up fine with all the info. If I hit 'Save', everything works as expected. However, if I hit 'Cancel', the record is deleted from the Address Book.
I can't use ABPersonViewController since I have a customized contact info page and need to open the editing page through my page. If you confirm that it is nonpossible to do like this, can you give me some other solutions.
The only solution I can think if is deep copying the record and then re-adding it to the Address Book if the user cancels out of the editing dialog. Is there really no better way?
Go through QuickContact Sample Project