Fields in CoffeeScript? - coffeescript

class #A
A_Function_Alias: => #my_function
my_function: =>
usage_of_alias: =>
What i want, is usage_of_alias to be
usage_of_alias: =>
And have it behave the same. i.e. I want a more functional style syntax here. I've tried multiple combinations with no success. The fact that i have to evaluate my function to get the goodies inside bothers me.
One application would be instead of this:
event: => new Event(#my_function)
which is accessed as
i could have some other declaration that would allow me to access event as event.hi()
Something that behaves more like a field instead of a property.

I'm thinking you want this:
class #A
my_function: => alert 'my function!'
A_Function_Alias: #::my_function
usage_of_alias: =>
# some other code...
See what this compiles to here.
When evaluating a class # is the class constructor object, the class object itself. And the :: operator lets you drill into the prototype. So #::foo in a class body compiles to
So what this is doing is first making a normal instance method named my_function, defined on A.prototype.my_function. Then we make a new instance method named A_Function_Alias and directly assign the function from class objects prototype that we just created. Now my_function and A_Function_Alias both point to the exact same function object.
But as a more sane alternative, might I suggest a pattern that defines a private inner function that the class can use, and then assigning it more directly, without crazy the prototype accessing?
class #A
# Only code inside this class has access to this local function
innerFunc = -> alert 'my function!'
# Assign the inner funciton to any instance methods we want.
my_function: innerFunc
A_Function_Alias: innerFunc
usage_of_alias: =>
# or
# or
# they all do the same thing


AngelScript - Avoid implicit default constructor from running

I'm currently testing some simple AngelScript stuff, and noticed something I find a bit strange when it comes to how objects are initialized from classes.
Let's say I define a class like this:
class MyClass {
int i;
MyClass(int i) {
this.i = i;
I can create an object of this class by doing this:
MyClass obj = MyClass(5);
However it seems I can also create an object by doing this:
MyClass obj;
The problem here is that obj.i becomes a default value as it is undefined.
Additionally, adding a default constructor to my class and a print function call in each one reveals that when I do MyClass obj = MyClass(5); BOTH constructors are called, not just the one with the matching parameter. This seems risky to me, as it could initialize a lot of properties unnecessarily for this "ghost" instance.
I can avoid this double-initialization by using a handle, but this seems more like a work-around rather than a solution:
MyClass# obj = MyClass(5);
So my question sums up to:
Can I require a specific constructor to be called?
Can I prevent a default constructor from running?
What's the proper way to deal with required parameters when creating objects?
Mind that this is purely in the AngelScript script language, completely separate from the C++ code of the host application. The host is from 2010 and is not open-source, and my knowledge of their implementation is very limited, so if the issue lies there, I can't change it.
In order to declare class and send the value you choose to constructor try:
MyClass obj(5);
To prevent using default constructor create it and use:
abort("Trying to create uninitialized object of type that require init parameters");
assert(1>2,"Trying to create uninitialized object of type that require init parameters");
in case that any of those is working in you environment.
declaring the constructor as private seems not to work in AS, unlike other languages.

Why does VB disallow type conversion from parent to subclass?

I have already asked a question here where I basically require an instance of a base class to be converted into a subclass (or a new instance of the subclass to be created using the instance of the base class' properties). The conclusion seems to be that the best way to do this is to manually assign every property I need to transfer in the constructor of the base class.
While this is feasible in some cases, it certainly is not when there are many properties to transfer, or when the base class is subject to change — every time you add a property to the base class, the constructor needs to be changed too, so this solutions is inelegant.
I have searched online, and can't see any reason for why this kind of type-casting isn't implemented. The arguments I have seen so far describe this operation to 'not make any sense' (making a minivan from a car was an analogy I saw), question what to do about the non-inherited variables in the subclass, or claim that there must be some better solution for what was trying to be achieved.
As far as I can see, the operation doesn't need to 'make sense' as long as it's useful, so that isn't much of a good reason. What's wrong with adding a few more properties (and perhaps methods/overriding them) to change an instance into a subclass? In the case of the non-inherited variables, that can simply be solved by allowing this kind of type-cast only a constructor is added to the subclass or by just simply setting them to their default values. After all, constructors usually call MyBase.New(...) anyway. What's the difference between using the constructor of the base (essentially creating a new instance of the base) and using an instance which is already initialised? Lastly, I don't think the third argument is well-justified — there are times when all of the other solutions are inelegant.
So finally, is there any other reason for why this kind of casting isn't allowed, and is there an elegant way to circumvent this?
Since I don't know a lot about this topic, I think I meant to say 'convert' rather than 'cast'. I'll also add an example to show what I'm trying to succeed. The conversion would only be allowed at the initialisation of the Subclass:
Class BaseClass
Dim x as Integer
Dim y as Integer
End Class
Class Subclass1 : Inherits BaseClass
Dim z as Integer
Sub New(Byval value As Integer)
'Standard initialisation method
z = value
End Sub
Sub New(Byval value As Integer, Byval baseInstance As BaseClass)
'Type conversion from base class to subclass
'This assigns all properties of baseInstance belonging to BaseClass to Me.
'Properties not in BaseClass (eg. if baseInstance is Subclass2) are ignored.
z = value
End Sub
End Class
Class Subclass2 : Inherits BaseClass
Dim v As Integer
End Class
What you describe is not casting. Have you ever heard the expression"to cast something in a different light"? It means to look at the same thing in a different way or to make the same thing look different. That is the exact way that the term "cast" is used in programming. When you cast, you do NOT change the type of the object but only the type of the reference used to access the object. If you want to cast from a base type to a derived type then the object you're referring to has to actually be that derived type. If it's not then you're not performing a cast but rather a conversion.
So, why can't you convert an instance of a base type to an instance of a derived type. Well, why would you be able to? Yes, it's something that might save writing a bit of code on occasion but does it actually make sense? Let's say that you have a base type with one property and a derived type that adds another property. Let's also say that that derived type has constructors that require you to provide a value for that second property. You're suggesting that the language should provide you with a way to magically convert an instance of the base class into an instance of the derived class, which would mean it would have to slow you to circumvent that rule defined by the author via the constructors. Why would that be a good thing?
Use System.Reflection to iterate over properties and fields of the base class and apply them to the derived class. This example includes a single public property and single public field, but will also work with multiple private/protected properties and fields. You can paste the entire example into a new console application to test it.
Imports System.Reflection
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim p As New Parent
p.Property1 = "abc"
p.Field1 = "def"
Dim c = New Child(p)
Console.WriteLine("Property1 = ""{0}"", Field1 = ""{1}""", c.Property1, c.Field1)
End Sub
Class Parent
Public Property Property1 As String = "not set"
Public Property Field1 As String = "not set"
End Class
Class Child
Inherits Parent
Public Sub New(myParent As Parent)
Dim fieldInfo = GetType(Parent).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic _
Or BindingFlags.Instance)
For Each field In fieldInfo
field.SetValue(Me, field.GetValue(myParent))
Dim propertyInfo = GetType(Parent).GetProperties(BindingFlags.NonPublic _
Or BindingFlags.Instance)
For Each prop In propertyInfo
prop.SetValue(Me, prop.GetValue(myParent))
End Sub
End Class
End Module
Property1 = "abc", Field1 = "def"
This solution is automated, so you won't need to change anything when adding or removing properties and fields in the base class.
In general, because of this:
Class TheBase
End Class
Class Derived1 : TheBase
Sub Foo()
End Sub
End Class
Class Derived2 : TheBase
Sub Bar()
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim myDerived1 As New Derived1
' cast derived to base
Dim myTheBase = CType(myDerived1, TheBase)
' cast base to derived?
' but myTheBase is actually a Derived1
Dim myDerived2 As Derived2 = CType(myTheBase, Derived2)
' which function call would you like to succeed?
End Sub

Coffeescript classes and scope

While learning coffeescript, I'm trying to create an instance of class A inside a method of class B, this is the code:
class #A
constructor: (#x) ->
show: ->
alert #x
class #B
constructor: (#y) ->
show: ->
a = new #A("eric")
alert a.x
alert #y
b = new #B("daniel")
the error is TypeError: undefined is not a function.
Any help is appreciated.
You have two problems:
# is just another way of saying this in CoffeeScript. That's all it means.
Classes are (more or less) just variables or properties like any other in CoffeeScript.
So when you say #A, you're just looking for the A property of this and your show is really saying:
a = new this.A("eric")
In that context, # will be an instance of B and Bs don't have A properties. Instead you should just say:
a = new A('eric')
Using # when defining a class:
class #A
is just a way to make a class globally available. At the top level, # will (almost always) be window in a browser so you're really saying:
class window.A
and window properties are globals. Keep in mind that each CoffeeScript file is wrapped in a function when it is converted to JavaScript:
Although suppressed within this documentation for clarity, all CoffeeScript output is wrapped in an anonymous function: (function(){ ... })(); This safety wrapper, combined with the automatic generation of the var keyword, make it exceedingly difficult to pollute the global namespace by accident.
So if you just said:
class A
then A would only be available to other code in that file. Saying:
class #A
makes A global.
If you're only working with one file then you don't need the #s on your classes:
class A
constructor: (#x) ->
show: ->
alert #x
class B
constructor: (#y) ->
show: ->
a = new A("eric")
alert a.x
alert #y
b = new B("daniel")
Don't get in the habit of prefixing everything with #, only use it on classes when you need it and you know exactly what it will do. Even when you need it, there are better ways: use require.js to manage your dependencies, use an global application-specific object to manage scopes, ...

Why must my coffeescript method belong to the class?

I come from a C#/Java background which use a class based OO system and I don't get the JavaScript/CoffeeScript prototype OO system yet. I've written a CoffeeScript class below which allows me to display names for contacts according to a system-side preference. I can only get the class to work by making the joinNonEmpty(stringList, joinText) method belong to the prototype and calling it the way I would call a static method in Java/C# land.
Is there a way I can make this method call using this.joinNonEmpty(...)?
Can you shed some light on why I can reference the firstLastRender, lastFirstRender and firstOrNickThenLast methods in the constructor with this. but it doesn't work from those methods when calling the joinNonEmpty helper?
Does this have something to do with how I'm locating the appropriate method via the preference map?
prefs = displayNameFormat: "FirstOrNickThenLast"
class DisplayNameRenderer
constructor: ->
#prefToRenderMap =
FirstLast: this.firstLastRender
LastFirst: this.lastFirstRender
FirstOrNickThenLast: this.firstOrNickThenLast
# Why does this method have to be static (a class method)?
#joinNonEmpty: (stringList, joinText) ->
nonEmptyStrings = []
for s in stringList
nonEmptyStrings.push(s) if s isnt null and s isnt ""
firstLastRender: (contact) ->
# TypeError: Object expected.
joinNonEmpty([contact.firstName, contact.lastName], ' ')
lastFirstRender: (contact) ->
# TypeError: Object doesn't support this method or property
this.joinNonEmpty([contact.lastName, contact.firstName], ', ')
firstOrNickThenLast: (contact) ->
# Works correctly.
DisplayNameRenderer.joinNonEmpty([(if contact.nickname isnt null and contact.nickname isnt "" then contact.nickname else contact.firstName), contact.lastName], ' ')
render: (contact) ->
contact = firstName: "Jonathan", nickname: "Jonny", lastName: "Appleseed"
dnr = new DisplayNameRenderer()
# => "Jonny Appleseed"
console.log dnr.render(contact)
Thanks for taking the time to answer.
this (AKA #) is determined when the function is called (with exceptions as below). So when you do this:
#prefToRenderMap =
FirstLast: this.firstLastRender
LastFirst: this.lastFirstRender
FirstOrNickThenLast: this.firstOrNickThenLast
You're storing unbound references to the three functions in the #prefToRenderMap instance variable and #prefToRenderMap is itself an object. Then you try to call the methods in your DisplayNameRenderer instance like this:
and everything falls apart because the methods are called in the wrong context and # isn't what they're expecting it to be. If prefs is 'FirstOrNickThenLast' then you're effectively doing this:
and # (AKA this) will be #prefToRenderMap inside the firstOrNickThenLast method. But, of course, #prefToRenderMap doesn't have any of the methods that you're trying to call so you get various errors.
One solution is to use the fat arrow (=>) to define the methods:
The fat arrow => can be used to both define a function, and to bind it to the current value of this, right on the spot.
So you could have things like this:
joinNonEmpty: (stringList, joinText) ->
firstLastRender: (contact) =>
#joinNonEmpty([contact.firstName, contact.lastName], ' ')
and everything will work out. Here's a stripped down demo that will also show you your this problem:
You could also avoid this problem by referring to the methods by their names. Given a method name in a string, m = 'some_method', you can call that method like this o[m]() in both JavaScript and CoffeeScript and the result will be the same as if you said o.some_method(). A better structure would look more like this:
class DisplayNameRenderer
constructor: ->
#prefToRenderMap =
FirstOrNickThenLast: 'firstOrNickThenLast'
joinNonEmpty: (stringList, joinText) ->
firstOrNickThenLast: (contact) ->
#joinNonEmpty([(if contact.nickname isnt null and contact.nickname isnt "" then contact.nickname else contact.firstName), contact.lastName], ' ')
render: (contact) ->
Note the change to the structure of #prefToRenderMap and how it is used in render. And a demo of this approach:
As an aside, instead of saying ClassName.class_method() inside an instance method, you can use the constructor property instead: #constructor.class_method(). Also, you usually say #method() or #property rather than this.method() and in CoffeeScript.

How do you introspect MooseX::Method::Signatures methods to see what arguements they take?

I'm using MooseX::Declare and methods, which uses MooseX::Method::Signatures. Let's say I have a class 'foo' with a method 'bar', and I've implemented it like:
class foo {
method bar (Str $str, Bool :$flag = 1) {
# ....
I now want to write a front-end interface that asks a user what class they want to use, what method on that class they want to use, and then what options to the method they want. I can do the first two things, so let's say the user has now chosen class foo and method bar.
But how do I find out that method bar takes a string as the first argument, and a flag => bool key value pair that defaults to 1? My code needs to know this so I can then ask the user to supply these things.
First, get the method meta object:
my $method = $class->meta->find_method_by_name( $method_name );
Then, make sure it's a signaturey method:
confess "not method with a signature!"
unless $method->isa('MooseX::Method::Signatures::Meta::Method');
Get its signature:
my $sig = $method->parsed_signature;
Then look at $sig's named_params and positional_params as detailed in the Parse::Method::Signatures::Sig docs.
To find parsed_signature, I had to look at the source to MooseX::Method::Signatures::Meta::Method… so be wary when you do this.