SQLAlchemy and Postgresql: to_tsquery() - postgresql

Does anyone know how to use to_tsquery() function of postgresql in sqlalchemy? I searched a lot in Google, I didn't find anything that I can understand. Please help.
I hope it is available in filter function like this:
The expected SQL for the above query is something like this:
Select column_name
from table_name t
where t.column_name ## to_tsquery(:search_string)

The .op() method allows you to generate SQL for arbitrary operators.

For these type of arbitrary queries, you can embed the sql directly into your query:
filter("t.column_name ## to_tsquery(:search_string)").\
You should also be able to parameterize t.column_name, but can't see the docs for that just now.

This may have been added recently but worth adding as a more standard solution.
query.filter(Model.attribute.match('your search string'))
does it for you as it looks for the right operation available for your dialect.
See the official docs:
Of course, this assumes the table you are querying is a view built with a to_tsvector attribute to apply the ## operation to.

My fifty cents in 2021, following the docs
None of the previous answers mention how to cast the text column as postgres: to_tsvector('english', column). I have a text column indexed as tsvector. And this is the way:
func.to_tsvector('english', mytable.c.title )\
.match('somestring', postgresql_regconfig='english')
In my case, I didn't want to use to_tsquery as ".match" forces. A more intuitive way is to use websearch_to_tsquery when you have a search input like stackOverflow. So I did a mix from jd response.
I finally applied it as a .filter() the following statement:
func.to_tsvector('english', Table.column_name)\
.op('##')(func.websearch_to_tsquery("string to search",
I think this is the general formula and it applies to to_tsquery too.


Is there any significant difference between using SELECT ... FROM ... INTO syntax instead of the standard SELECT ... INTO ... FROM?

I was creating a function following an example from a database class which included the creation of a temporary variable (base_salary) and using a SELECT INTO to calculate its value later.
However, I did not realize I used a different order for the syntax (SELECT ... FROM ... INTO base_salary) and the function could be used later without any visible issues (values worked as expected).
Is there any difference in using "SELECT ... FROM ... INTO" syntax order? I tried looking about it in the PostgreSQL documentation but found nothing about it. Google search did not provide any meaningful information neither. Only thing I found related to it was from MySQL documentation, which only mentioned about supporting the different order in an older version.
There is no difference. From the docs of pl/pgsql:
The INTO clause can appear almost anywhere in the SQL command.
Customarily it is written either just before or just after the list of
select_expressions in a SELECT command, or at the end of the command for other command types. It is recommended that you follow
this convention in case the PL/pgSQL parser becomes stricter in future
Notice that in (non-procedural) SQL, there is also a SELECT INTO command which works like CREATE TABLE AS, in this version the INTO must come right after the SELECT clause.
I always use SELECT ... INTO ... FROM , I believe that is the standard supported notation
I would recommend using this, also if there are any updates or if the other version might become unsupported as you mentioned...

using WITH clause for PostgreSQL?

I was planning to use the WITH clause with PostgreSQL, but it doesn't seem to support the command. Is there a substitute command?
What I want to do is with one query select several sub-resultsets and use parts of the sub-resultsets to create my final SELECT.
That would have been easy using the WITH clause.
Opps! I discovered that I misunderstood the error message I got; and pgSQL does support WITH.
PostgreSQL supports common-table expressions (WITH queries) in version 8.4 and above. See common table expressions in the manual.
You should really include your PostgreSQL version, the exact text of the error message, and the exact text of any query you ran in your question. Where practical/relevant also include table definitions, sample data, and expected results.

LibreOffice Base - query - merge two rows

I'm learning LibreOffice Base (3.6.2). Unfortunatly the doc is pretty poor. The DB is a ".odb" file format. Here's a simple multi-table query:
I'd like to merge the field "refLogiciel.name" and "tblPosteLogiciel.version" in one field.
Thank you!
You will have to Create the query in SQL for that one. I have the same problem. No answers yet, but I do at least have some headway in that area. Here's a link to my question, which might help:
Error in Querying Concatenation of 2 fields in LibreOffice Base SQL
EDIT: Oops, I din't realize how old this post was. Hope you found out how to do it so you can share it to me. :)
use as field: CONCAT( "refLogiciel"."name" , "tblPosteLogiciel"."version")
If you want a space between the two then use:
CONCAT( "refLogiciel"."name" , CONCAT( ' ', "tblPosteLogiciel"."version"))

highlighting search results using Postgresql GIN/GiST

Is there a built in way of highlighting matched search keywords when using Postgresql's GIN or GiST index? Or if not, a way of doing this outside Postgresql?
I'm using PHP 5.3.10 and Postgresql 9.1.3.
All ideas are appreciated.
Look on ts_headline function ts_headline.
SELECT ts_headline('english',
'The most common type of search
is to find all documents containing given query terms
and return them in order of their similarity to the
to_tsquery('query & similarity'));
containing given <b>query</b> terms
and return them in order of their <b>similarity</b> to the

Finding first alphabetic character in a DB2 database field

I'm doing a bit of work which requires me to truncate DB2 character-based fields. Essentially, I need to discard all text which is found at or after the first alphabetic character.
In SQL Server, this would be a doddle - PATINDEX would swoop in and save the day. Much celebration would ensue.
My problem is that I need to do this in DB2. Worse, the result needs to be used in a join query, also in DB2. I can't find an easy way to do this. Is there a PATINDEX equivalent in DB2?
Is there another way to solve this problem?
If need be, I'll hardcode 26 chained LOCATE functions to get my result, but if there is a better way, I am all ears.
SELECT TRANSLATE(lower(column), ' ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
FROM table
write a small UDF (user defined function) in C or JAVA, that does your task.