Mongomapper where clause with "or" and regex - mongomapper

I'm not sure whether I'm trying both at once but I can't seem to get by or statement to find any records and although just searching for one of the criterias was coming up with something.
#gamer_profiles = GamerProfile.all(
:$or => [
{"playerName" => /#{params[:search]}/},
{"locale" => /#{params[:search]}/}
this is passing the search param to the regex within the or, i've also tried removing the params code and replacing it with what I'm searching for directly within the regexp.


How to check if list of string contains (substring) value in EpiFind?

I have indexed an object which has a list of strings like ["ZZA-KL-2A", "ZZA-KL-ZZB"]. I want to search and get all items which starts with a certain 3 letter code. So I want to check each item in the list and check something like 'StartsWith'.
I can see from documentation that we have something like Match, MatchContained but nothing for start with for the list of string items.
Please note that this question is not related to ordinary string comparison in C# or LINQ before flagging the question.
Just use a filter
var searchQuery = client.Search<MyContent>()
.Filter(x => x.OrderNumber.StartsWith("Find"));
You may use Prefix or PrefixCaseInsensitive:
Matching by beginning of a string (startsWith)
The Prefix method lets you match by the beginning of a string. The
following search matches blog posts titled Find and Find rocks! but
not find, Finding or Hello Find.
var searchQuery = client.Search<BlogPost>().Filter(x =>
Use the PrefixCaseInsensitive method to match by the beginning of a
string in a case-insensitive way. The following search matches blog
posts titled Find, Find rocks! and Find but not Finding or Hello Find.
var searchQuery = client.Search<BlogPost>().Filter(x =>

Using ORACLE-LIKE like feature between Spark DataFrame and a List of words - Scala

My requirement is similar to one in :
Instead of direct match I need LIKE type match on a list. i.e Want to LIKE match COMMENTS with List
1,bad is he
2,hell thats good
3,sick !thats hell
4,That was good
List = ('good','horrible','hell')
I want to get output like
1,bad is he,,
2,hell thats good,(hell,good),2
3,sick !thats hell,hell,1
4,That was good,good,1
In simpler terms I need : ( rlike isn't matching values from a list instead expects one single string , as far I know it)$"COMMENTS",$"ID").filter($"COMMENTS".rlike(List_ :_*)).show()
I tried isin , that works but matches WHOLE WORDS ONLY.$"COMMENTS",$"ID").filter($"COMMENTS".isin(List_ :_*)).show()
Kindly help or please re-direct to me any links as I tried lot of searching !
With simple words I'd use an alternative:
val xs = Seq("good", "horrible", "hell")
df.filter(xs.foldLeft(lit(false))((acc, x) => acc || $"COMMENTS".rlike(x)))

MongoDB - Using regex wildcards for search that properly filter results

I have a Mongo search set up that goes through my entries based on numerous criteria.
Currently the easiest way (I know it's not performance-friendly due to using wildcards, but I can't figure out a better way to do this due to case insensitivity and users not putting in whole words) is to use regex wildcards in the search. The search ends up looking like this:
{ gender: /Womens/i, designer: /Voodoo Girl/i } // Should return ~200 results
{ gender: /Mens/i, designer: /Voodoo Girl/i } // Should return 0 results
In the example above, both searches are returning ~200 results ("Voodoo Girl" is a womenswear label and all corresponding entries have a gender: "Womens" field.). Bizarrely, when I do other searches, like:
{ designer: /Voodoo Girl/i, store: /Store XYZ/i } // should return 0 results
I get the correct number of results (0). Is this an order thing? How can I ensure that my search only returns results that match all of my wildcarded queries?
For reference, the queries are being made in nodeJS through a simple db.products.find({criteria}) lookup.
To answer the aside real fast, something like ElasticSearch is a wonderful way to get more powerful, performant searching capabilities in your app.
Now, the reason that your searches are returning results is that "mens" is a substring of "womens"! You probably want either /^Mens/i and /^Womens/i (if Mens starts the gender field), or /\bMens\b/ if it can appear in the middle of the field. The first form will only match the given field from the beginning of the string, while the second form looks for the given word surrounded by word boundaries (that is, not as a substring of another word).
If you can use the /^Mens/ form (note the lack of the /i), it's advisable, as anchored case-sensitive regex queries can use indexes, while other regex forms cannot.
$regex can only use an index efficiently when the regular expression has an anchor for the beginning (i.e. ^) of a string and is a case-sensitive match.

whoosh doesn't search for short words like "C#"

i am using whoosh to index over 200,000 books. but i have encountered some problems with it.
the whoosh query parser returns NullQuery for words like "C#", "C++" with meta-characters in them and also for some other short words. this words are used in the title and body of some documents so i am not using keyword type for them. i guess the problem is in the analysis or query-parsing phase of searching or indexing but i can't touch my data blindly. can anyone help me to correct this issue. Tnx.
i fixed the problem by creating a StandardAnalyzer with a regex pattern that meets my requirements,here is the regex pattern:
this will make tokenizing of fields to be done successfully, and also the searching goes well.
but when i use queries like "some query++*" or "some##*" the parsed query will be a single Every query, just the '*'. also i found that this is not related to my analyzer and this is the Whoosh's default behavior. so here is my new question: is this behavior correct or it is a bug??
note: removing the WildcardPlugin from the query-parser solves this problem but i also need the WildcardPlugin.
now i am using the following code:
from whoosh.util import rcompile
#for matching words like: '.NET', 'C++' and 'C#'
word_pattern = rcompile('(\.|[\w]+)(\.?\w+|#|\+\+)*')
#i don't need words shorter that two characters so i don't change the minsize default
analyzer = analysis.StandardAnalyzer(expression=word_pattern)
... now in my schema:
title = fields.TEXT(analyzer=analyzer),
this will solve my first problem, yes. but the main problem is in searching. i don't want to let users to search using the Every query or *. but when i parse queries like C++* i end up an Every(*) query. i know that there is some problem but i can't figure out what it is.
I had the same issue and found out that StandardAnalyzer() uses minsize=2 by default. So in your schema, you have to tell it otherwise.
schema = whoosh.fields.Schema(
name = whoosh.fields.TEXT(stored=True, analyzer=whoosh.analysis.StandardAnalyzer(minsize=1)),
# ...

Mongoid, find object by searching by part of the Id?

I want to be able to search for my objects by searching for the last 4 characters of the id. How can I do that?
Book.where(_id: params[:q])
Where the param would be something like a3f4, and in this case the actual id for the object that I want to be found would be:
Notice the last for characters are what we searched for. How can I search for just "part" of my objects id? instead of having my user search manually by typing in the entire id?
I found in MongoDB's help docs, that I can provide a regex:
db.x.find({someId : {$regex : "123\\[456\\]"}}) // use "\\" to escape
Is there a way for me to search using the regular mongo ruby driver and not using Mongoid?
Usually, in Mongoid you can search with a regexp like you normally would with a string in your call to where() ie:
Book.where(:title => /^Alice/) # returns all books with titles starting with 'Alice'
However this doesn't work in your case, because the _id field is not stored as a string, but as an ObjectID. However, you could add (and index) a field on your models which could provide this functionality for you, which you can populate in an after_create callback.
Alternatively, if you're just looking for a shorter solution to the default Mongoid IDs, I could suggest something like mongoid_token which makes it pretty easy to add shorter tokens/ids to your Mongoid documents.