GAMBAS - Exit Sub in IF statement - subroutine

I have a checkbox that is supposed to trigger whether or not a button is visible. Below is the code:
PUBLIC SUB chkGiveUp_Click()
' Check to see if the Give Up button's visible property is set to true, and if it is, hide the button. If it is hidden, show it again.
IF btnClearAnswer.Visible THEN
btnGiveUp.Visible = FALSE
IF btnGiveUp.Visible = FALSE THEN
btnGiveUp.visible = TRUE
However, it is not exiting the sub properly and therefore one if contradicts the other. What is the proper way to do this? I am a beginner gambas programmer transferring over from VB6. I'm running gambas2 on Ubuntu 11.10, and the project type is a graphical application.

I think if you put the "return" after the "end if" it might work the way you want it to...
IF btnClearAnswer.Visible THEN
btnGiveUp.Visible = FALSE
Else btnGiveUp.Visible = FALSE THEN
btnGiveUp.visible = TRUE
You'll have to double check my command names though, since I don't know GAMBAS... but these languages are all enough alike that I can see the problem... by both statements just being 'IF'... they are both being ran... (check and make sure "RETURN" is the right command also... some languages use "RET") if it were my program and that didn't work I would just switch to a select case


Roblox - while testing trusses work when i drag them in, but when i use script to set all the stuff, then i cant climb it

I am using a script to set cancollide = true and transparency = 0, but i cant climb the truss. but when I'm already in testing mode (in studio) and i drag in the same truss, i can climb it, and i am looking at properties, its same, both anchored is true, they are touching same parts, i dont know why this is happening. Please help thanks :)by the way, i am making tycoon and this is script i am using:
amount = 0 -- cost of model
owner = script.Parent.Parent.Owner
local stun = false
if hit.Parent ~= nil then
player = game.Players:findFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name)
if not stun and player ~= nil then
if player.Name == owner.Value then
if player:findFirstChild("leaderstats") ~= nil then
stats = player:findFirstChild("leaderstats")
if stats.Money.Value >= amount then
stun = true
stats.Money.Value = stats.Money.Value - amount
script.Parent.ladder.CanCollide = true
script.Parent.ladder.Transparency = (0)
stun = false
dont worry about other stuff, it works, its just this part that matters now:
script.Parent.ladder.CanCollide = true
script.Parent.ladder.Transparency = (0)
Please help :( this is the problem with the ladder using script not working and same dragged in from toolbox truss working, iv done this with many trusses and ladders and same result :(
So, a error I noticed in your code, is that you erase your Character's Head, which would kill your character, or possibly throw a error if the .Touched event fires two times.
There are many efficency errors in this script, such as .Transparency = (0), or doing script.Parent.ladder instead of using variables, but it really is no problem most of the times. Something you could try, is to use to create the ladder.If this game is FilteringEnabled on (Expermiental mode off), please note your script won't work as intended if it is a LocalScript, it will only work well on Server-Side (aka, a normal Script instead of a LocalScript)

Override 'Cancel' in event procedures

There is data validation in my MS Word user form which returns the focus to the textbox where the user entered something incorrect. Now I am trying to accommodate the user's change of mind: instead of correcting the entry, I want him to be able to exit the form (click the Exit command button), in which case the entry would be discarded. I suppose that a solution would start with not using the text box's exit event. I little help from someone who knows the answer would save me a lot of testing time, perhaps to find out that I can't do it.
Does anyone know?
I understand that you are handling the Exit event of the Textbox, setting the Cancel output parameter if the data is not valid.
There's a tricky but simple solution that permits to keep that working and still have an Exit button. It permits to activate the handler of the Exit button without requiring the focus to leave the Textbox. This way you can unload the Form safely in this handler.
Try this it works pretty smoothly:
1- Set the property TakeFocusOnClick of the Exit command button to False. You can do that at design time in the property-sheet, or at run-time i.e. at UserForm_Activate
2- just unload the form when the Exit button is clicked:
Private Sub ExitButton_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
#A.S.H provided the key to the solution below. His point is that it is possible to call another event procedure while Cancel is active in the Exit procedure of a control. That other procedure can be used to rectify the condition in the first control which is triggering the Cancel, thereby enabling an orderly exit. The all-enabling condition is that the control on whose click event the rectifying procedure is to run must not take the focus when clicked (meaning it can run without triggering an exit from the control stuck on Cancel). I have added code to the exit procedure to set CmdExit.TakeFocusOnClick = False when a Cancel condition arises there. Now, ...
Private Sub CmdExit_Click()
' 12 May 2017
' if CmdExit can't take the focus it can't be the ActiveControl
If Not ActiveControl Is CmdExit Then
Select Case ActiveControl.Name
Case "Cbx107"
Cbx107.Value = ""
Case "Tbx53"
Tbx53.Value = "0"
End Select
With CmdExit
If Not .TakeFocusOnClick Then
.TakeFocusOnClick = True
End If
End With
End If
' now CmdExit is the ActiveControl
MsgMe "Cmd Exit: ActiveControl = " & ActiveControl.Name
End Sub

unexpected frame appears onto another frame after an event

I'm using a character application. In the first page, there is a frame f-selection where the search fields are entered. When I search for something and open some other frames in that search, then I press F10 which is for opening another frame, the new frame opens but f-selection also appears on it. I'm suspecting this code makes it pop up again:
else assign ll-lgst-key1:SENSITIVE in frame f-selection = TRUE
ll-lgst-key2:SENSITIVE in frame f-selection = FALSE
because when I comment these lines, the frame doesn't pop up. But then I can't use these fields at the first frame where I should, too. I don't know why this code is called again; but is there anything else I can do to fix this issue? I tried to write hide frame f-selection everywhere possible but it doesn't work.
That snippet of code is making "key1" of your frame sensitive. In order to be sensitive it needs to pop up...
So the issue is why is that block of code executing? You say "I don't know why this code is called again". Neither will anyone else because you have shared such a tiny little bit of the overall code. Apparently the flow of control is taking you through that block so you should work on understanding why that is. You might try using the debugger to step through the code execution or you could insert some old fashioned MESSAGE statements to get to the bottom of it.
If you want to kludge around the problem you could wrap that bit of code in conditional logic. Define and set a variable that determines the desired state of the f-selection frame and use that to control the sensitivity logic:
define variable f-shouldBeVisible as logical no-undo.
if .... then
f-shouldBeVisible = yes.
f-shouldBeVisible = no.
if f-shouldBeVisible then
assign ll-lgst-key1:SENSITIVE in frame f-selection = TRUE
ll-lgst-key2:SENSITIVE in frame f-selection = FALSE
Of course that looks kind of silly -- but it is just an example with grossly over-simplified logic.
OTOH if you know enough to set the variable you ought to be able to figure out why the ELSE branch is executing. But maybe it is a useful first step.

Uitable, cellSelectionCallback and modifying dataset

My code is really too long to be posted here, even by little portions. So I will just ask for one or two things :
It appears to me that when modifying the 'Data' property of an uitable 'ht' :
set(ht, 'Data', something);
that the "cellSelectionCallback" routine is triggered (as the selection is very likely to have changed, indeed), but not immediatly after the dataset is modified.
Is this true ?
Is there any way to prevent such a behavoir ?
Thanks !
I have code using a uitable, e.g:
tbl = uitable('Parent', fh, 'CellSelectionCallback',{#cell_select_callback fh});
I did a quick experiment and when using set(tbl,'Data',my_data) the callback is triggered only if the set causes the selected cell(s) to change, and this happens immediately (as far as I can tell - I saw no appreciable delay).
To stop that happening you could just unset the CellSelectionCallback property, change the data, and then reset CellSelectionCallback.
I had the same issue. Was getting index out of bounds warnings. To get rid of those I used this in my CallSelectionCallback:
if ~isempty(eventdata.Indices)
// all the code
When the set command triggers the CallSelectionCallback the eventdata.Indices is empty.
A similar possibility to Sebastien's answer is to put this in your cellselectioncallback function:
function output = mycellselection(source,event)
if isempty(event.Indixes)
output = [];
% rest of your code for cell selection
If you don't have any output needed, you can just remove it. I just put it in there to remind you that you have to assign a value to any outputs.

SciLab checkbox UIControl value not changing with state?

I'm trying to design a GUI in SciLab that updates it's properties depending on a checkmark. For example: A checkbox might enable and change the backrounds of several text boxes during a callback; or a pushbutton may require a certain number of checkboxes to be selected.
My problem is that I can't seem to develop a flow control statement for running instructions depending on the checkboxes state during a callback. My current UIControl element looks like this:
And my callback that runs when I check the checkbox is this:
cS11En = findobj('tag', 'chkS11En'); // checkbox option
tS11MagUpperBound = findobj('tag', 'txtS11MagUpperBound'); //edit box that is controlled
if cS11En.Value == [1] then
mprintf("Checked = on \n");
elseif cS11En.Value == [0] then
mprintf("Checked = off \n");
The problem with this code seems to be that the second path (Value = 1) never seems to run, even when i continually toggle the checkbox. I get an output like so:
Checked = off
Checked = off
Checked = off
Checked = off
Is there something I'm doing wrong in order to reload checking the element? I want to be able to run both paths, however I can never seem to get a value of 1 from the checkbox element. Does anyone have a solution to this? Thanks!
IF anyone is wondering and finds this through the googles or something, this is how I fixed it:
It turns out that SciLab sometimes doesn't clear all UI variables when the form is closed and a script is running.
The solution is to add a few lines in the top of each of your program that clears all variables, closes all forms, and initializes your variables.
Basically, add this:
// /////////////
// Lemon Pledge
// /////////////
mprintf("\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\nCLEARING ALL VARIABLES\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n")
Another less complex solution would be:
Using the same checkbox I left the last attribute in blank.
Then I make the callback
function chkS11En_callback(handles)
if handles.chkS11En.Value == [1] then
mprintf("Checked = on \n");
mprintf("Checked = off \n");
And voilĂ , no need to clear your workspace.