Can facebook application recive some data when user is removing it from his fb account? - facebook

I was thinking about some callback function which facebook could call when user is removing application from his account. Any ideas ?

Check the "Deauthorize Callback" option from the Settings > Advanced menu.
From Facebook docs:
App Deauthorization
When a user of your app removes it in the App Dashboard or blocks the
app in the News Feed, your app can be notified by specifying a
Deauthorize Callback URL in the Developer App. During app removal we
will send an HTTP POST request containing a single parameter,
signed_request, which contains the user id (UID) of the user that just
removed your app. You will not receive an user access token in this
request and all existing user access tokens will be automatically


Facebook connect and account remove

I have a website where users can log in with the Facebook oAuth API.
Once the user logs in or registers via Facebook it is stored in my database.
But what I'd like to achieve is, once the user goes to his Facebook application settings page and removes my website app permissions, the used should also be deleted from my database.
Is there any work around to this problem, if this is not possible via the Facebook oAuth API?
You can add Deauthorise Callback URL by Navigating to Settings > Advanced section of your application. Whenever a User Deauthorises your Facebook app, Facebook performs a HTTP POST of signed request to your URL. You may use the field user_id to determine which User has deauthorised your app.
Actually, I would do the following:
Add a date to his last log in to your site.
Have cron job check for old, unused accounts.
Send an email to the user's email address (or Facebook message mail) telling him his account is due to expire soon.
Delete account from database.

Authenticated Referrals - how to tell if a user just authenticated

I have a game where I want to track user logins/installs. I need to be able to detect when a user was just redirected to my app from the authenticated referral dialog. Since we cannot specify our own redirect_uri after the user authenticates, nor does Facebook append any sort of flag for canvas apps - is there any way to achieve this?
3 Auth Token Parameter: If Authenticated Referrals is enabled and when a
user authorizes your app through the in-line Auth Dialog, we will pass
your app the Auth Token in the format specified here. Available
formats: URI Fragment: if your app is using client-side
authentication, Query String: if your app is using server-side
authentication. If your app is a canvas app, we will not use this
setting and will use the "signed_request" as the response type
Based on that information from, I would suggest you read the signed_request and see if the auth token is there. If the token is there and that id is already in your data store, you dont log is as a new app install. If the token is there and that id is not already in your data store, then you can add the user to your list of app users in your data store and track it as a new install.

How can i get the remove facebook application event or request?

if the Facebook user remove my application? how can i get event when he do that? is that doable?[your-app-id]/advanced
Look for: Deauthorize Callback:
From about 60% down under "App Deauthorization".
When a user of your app removes it in the App Dashboard or blocks the
app in the News Feed, your app can be notified by specifying a
Deauthorize Callback URL in the Developer App. During app removal we
will send an HTTP POST request containing a single parameter,
signed_request, which contains the user id (UID) of the user that just
removed your app. You will not receive an user access token in this
request and all existing user access tokens will be automatically

Facebook callback URL

I am a little confused with the Facebook call back URL. I am building a iPhone application with Facebook login. So I will receive the access token from Facebook after the user logged in. Then I save this access token to my local (server side) DB. After that I want to use this access token to sent for example a post via C#.
What should I define for the callback URL? What is the importance of this?
The callback url is used to provide fast app switching, that is, the user of your app is first redirect to facebook app or site to do the login, then it invokes the url you did define and, if properly configured, it will be redirected to your app again.
You can specify the callback url from developers section on facebook, then you have to support it in the your app plist.

How can I tell when a facebook application is uninstalled?

I have a PHP iFrame application that needs to clean up data when it is uninstalled from the user's fan page. Is there a URL callback which happens when the application is uninstalled?
App Deauthorization
When a user of your app removes it in
the App Dashboard or blocks the app in
the News Feed, your app can be
notified by specifying a Deauthorize
Callback URL in the Developer App.
During app removal we will send an
HTTP POST request containing a single
parameter, signed_request, which
contains the user id (UID) of the user
that just removed your app. You will
not receive an user access token in
this request and all existing user
access tokens will be automatically