How to get idevice info by udid? - iphone

I seen a website month ago that shows the general info of an iDevice, of them, it's type/ios version..etc
but i currently cant find it anymore, does anyone know what else can do the same process ?

You can define the device type on your developer's account page in "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" section. Unfortunately it contains only a small thumbnail of the device and also may include model's serial number (but not always)

To get device information, such as the UDID, you can use this:
[[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier];
If you want other information, such as orientation, system version, system name, etc, then just change uniqueIdentifier to the value you want. If you hold down option + esc or look at the link lawicko posted, then you can see some of your extra options.

Are you talking about the UDID or the Serial number?
The UDID is basically a SH1 hash of the serial number, ECID, wifiMAC, and the bluetoothMAC.
There is no public database of UDID's, so I doubt what you are refering to has to do with UDIDs.
If it involves the device's serial number, you can make reference to the site below:


How to generate a good, non-changing UDID on an iPhone

In iOS 5 the usage of [[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier] got deprecated. We are now encouraged to use own-generated UUIDs and store them in the app's NSDefaults. That's OK for most usage, I guess.
But my question is - is it possible to generate somehow the UUID that would behave like the device ID right now - I would like to keep it the same even after the application is removed and reinstalled. The purpose of this is to help tracking possible fraud tries taken from the iPhone.
I'm wondering if usage of MAC-address, as with this category: would be OK?
The discussion for the uniqueIdentifier property in the documentation states:
Do not use the uniqueIdentifier property. To create a unique
identifier specific to your app, you can call the CFUUIDCreate
function to create a UUID, and write it to the defaults database using
the NSUserDefaults class.
Writing it to the user defaults should ensure that it is kept if the app is removed/reinstalled I would have thought.
Sorry, they are not kept when an application is removed apparently. The documentation describes how to generate a UUID but I can't find out whether it is constant for a given user/device. I have seen some people proposing the use of keychain for persistence through app removal/re-installation but don't know how recommendable it is (and in any case the user can, I suppose, remove the entries).
Create your own UUID using the method described by Apple (the one pointed out by jbat), store it in NSUserDefaults.
Using iCloud you can then use the Key-value store to help 'persist' this UUID to a specific user, between installs and different devices.

The iOS 5 changed the uniqueIdentifier code?

The function
[[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier]
Is deprecated in iOS 5 and I found the solution in this project using the MAC address:
Ok, it is solved. But now I discovery that iOS 5 CHANGED the format of code that uniqueIdentifier return.
In iOS 4.x it is in this format:
Now the iOS 5, the same function return in this format:
Anyone know if the code changed at all? It is different only is format or the code in really different for the same device?
A MAC Address is a (supposedly) globally unique identifier attached to a network interface, though they can be changed in many ways.
The uniqueidentifier that Apple used to provide access to was attached to the device hardware and not changeable, which made it excellent for tracking a user across apps and sessions. That's also the reason Apple is removing it, if I had to guess. Not having a way to track users across apps and sessions increases a user's privacy on their devices.
I wouldn't be surprised if Apple removes access to the MAC Address eventually for the same reasons, so it might benefit you to examine other options for tracking devices.
[[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier] will still give you the same result as before. The project that you link to is not a 1:1 replacement, it is an alternative that gives you a similar solution using a different implementation, thus the two string are different.
You shouldn't use unique identifier on iOS 5. That's all you need to know.
The unique identifier on iOS was always something redundant and a big security threat. Other operating systems don't have unique identifiers and they can live without them.
You can always generate unique identifiers on your server and send them to your device.
You can always generate them from some unique system property (e.g. MAC), using system functions. On iOS you can create a unique identifier using CFUUIDCreate. This identifier is unique across devices and across time (you'll get a different identifier every time you call it) but you can save them (e.g. into keychain).
The code CHANGED!!!!!
UniqueIdentifier is no more UNIQUE!!!
The first format have 36 hexa lenght
The second have 40 hexa!!!!!
Because this, it changed. I don't know if it append more hexa to identifier, but the bigger size changed al all.

Check a Server for a matching UDID and autofill UITextField with matching Username

This is my first post on here so be nice :) I am new to coding iOS and currently coding an app which uses a login system which communicates with the server and saves a users UDID. I need to app to check the UDID is on the server and if it matches to auto fill the Username UITextField in the login form.
Please could someone help me out or point me in the right direction.
Welcome to SO.
I assume you know how to get the UDID? If not, you get it as this
NSString *udid = [[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier];
Send this to your server (where you have a table with UDIDs and corresponding user information). Using PHP (or whatever language you are using), check if there is an entry for this UDID on the server. If yes, get the corresponding username and set it in the text field as
[textField setText:theUserName];
If you don't know how to send requests and get response from iOS apps, ASIHTTPRequest would be a good and easy way to begin.
If you need any other specific help, I would suggest updating the question.
Welcome to both iOS and Stackoverflow!
You could build a PHP service which would verify the UDID of your device and check if this device and username are already registered at your site, asuming you are keeping track of these registrations using a MySQL database, PHP could most certainly do the trick.
After verifying the existence of this device, you could use a JSON callback to send the UDID of the device to the iPhone.
As for parsing this JSON check out SBJSONParser.
It might be hard to pull this off in 2 languages, asuming you are new to both. This task is possibly completed in more secure or easier methods, but this might be a consideration to check every part of web communication that the iPhone has to offer
Good luck!
Mike, Apple will be phasing out UDID so you should really look at a new approach to this. I would suggest a combination of app.domain and the device MAC number.
Then, have your app talk to your server using HTTPRequest and return the data as JSON and parse that on the app side.
GitHub already has a solution to UIDevice uniqueidentifier being dropped:
Project Description:
Apple stopped supporting a unique identifier for iOS. This
source code solves the problem. It generates a unique identifier based
on the mac address of the device in combination with the bundle
What you need to do:
copy NSString+MD5Addition and UIDevice+IdentifierAddition to your
use [[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueDeviceIdentifier] to retrieve the
unique identifier or
use [[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueGlobalDeviceIdentifier] to
retrieve a global unique identifier (used for tracking between
different apps).
have fun and follow ;)
//Thanks to Erica Sadun for her UIDevice+Hardware Addition (used for
the mac address retrieval).

Path for info plist in case of device?

Can any one tell in case of device path of info plist,& where our own phone number is stored ?
You can ref to this post for the answer.
Programmatically get own phone number in iOS
Not sure why you need the Info.plist. You probably don't want to be accessing anything of that sort at runtime. It is indeed possible to retrieve the phone number from NSUserDefaults, but I recommend that you just ask the user to select his own contact, or even just enter in his own phone number. That's a little bit less surprising and scary, security-wise.

I need to identify each iPhone user in my database application uniquely. What code would achieve this?

I know each iPhone has a electronic identifier other than the phone # or ESN - how do I call it and what does it return?
The UIDevice class contains the information you need.
[[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier]
If you need security, then you probably can't use the device's built-in unique identifier, because one could easily spoof this information. I'm just guessing here, but, most likely, from your server's perspective there's an incoming connection/request that contains the phone's ID. Now, how can you be really sure the connection/request is actually coming from the iPhone with that ID?
One solution is to issue each new device that connects to your server with a unique ID of your own in a secure way (i.e., the ID can't be obtained by a third party). You then need to use a secure protocol whereby a connection/request proves to your server that it originated from a device that knows the above ID.
if you are writing a web app, why don't you use standard cookies?