Arc between two 3d vectors - matlab

How I can simply make an arc with a label in 3D Matlab plot? I have two 3D vectors (plot::Arrow3d)and I want to name an angle between them and I want to show it on 3D plot.
I use MuPad to render my drawing, I suppose to draw the arc between two vectors by plot::Arc3d(1, [0,0,0], n, where n is simple to find. But I completely don't understand where the arc angle starts in 3D. Does somobody can show me how to find the zero angle.

Short answer, use the text function.
See if this gets you started:
%A couple of random points in 3 space
xyz1 = randn(3,1);
xyz2 = randn(3,1);
%Set up a figure, and create "arrow" plots within
hold on
quiver3(0,0,0,xyz1(1), xyz1(2), xyz1(3),0,'b')
quiver3(0,0,0,xyz2(1), xyz2(2), xyz2(3),0,'r')
%Add a line connecting teh arrows, and a text label
plot3([xyz1(1) xyz2(1)], [xyz1(2) xyz2(2)], [xyz1(3) xyz2(3)],'k:')
xyzCenter = mean([xyz1 xyz2],2);
h = text(xyzCenter(1), xyzCenter(2), xyzCenter(3), 'Label text here');
get(h); %For more properties to set


How to create a smoother heatmap

I'd like to create a heat map to analyze the porosity of some specimens that I have 3D-printed. the X-Y coordinates are fixed since they are the positions in which the specimens are printed on the platform.
Tbl = readtable('Data/heatmap/above.csv');
X = Tbl(:,1);
Y = Tbl(:,2);
porosity = Tbl(:,3);
hmap_above = heatmap(Tbl, 'X', 'Y', 'ColorVariable', 'porosity');
The first question is: how can I sort the Y-axis of the plot? since it goes from the lower value (top) to the higher value (bottom) and I need it the other way around.
The second question is: I only have around 22 data points and most of the chart is without color, so I'd like to get a smoother heatmap without the black parts.
The data set is quite simple and is shown below:
If you want to assign color to the "black parts" you will have to interpolate the porosity over a finer grid than you currently have.
The best tool for 2D interpolation over a uniformly sampled grid is griddata
First you have to define the X-Y grid you want to interpolate over, and choose a suitable mesh density.
% this will be the number of points over each side of the grid
gridres = 100 ;
% create a uniform vector on X, from min to max value, made of "gridres" points
xs = linspace(min(X),max(X),gridres) ;
% create a uniform vector on Y, from min to max value, made of "gridres" points
ys = linspace(min(Y),max(Y),gridres) ;
% generate 2D grid coordinates from xs and ys
[xq,yq]=meshgrid(xs,ys) ;
% now interpolate the pososity over the new grid
InterpolatedPorosity = griddata(X,Y,porosity,xq,yq) ;
% Reverse the Y axis (flip the `yq` matrix upside down)
yq = flipud(yq) ;
Now my version of matlab does not have the heatmap function, so I'll just use pcolor for display.
% now display
hmap_above = pcolor(xq,yq,InterpolatedPorosity);
hmap_above.EdgeColor = [.5 .5 .5] ; % cosmetic adjustment
colormap jet
title(['Gridres = ' num2str(gridres)])
And here are the results with different grid resolutions (the value of the gridres variable at the beginning):
Now you could also ask MATLAB to further graphically smooth the domain by calling:
shading interp
Which in the 2 cases above would yield:
Notes: As you can see on the gridres=100, you original data are so scattered that at some point interpolating on a denser grid is not going to produce any meaningful improvment. No need to go overkill on your mesh density if you do not have enough data to start with.
Also, the pcolor function uses the matrix input in the opposite way than heatmap. If you use heatmap, you have to flip the Y matrix upside down as shown in the code. But if you end up using pcolor, then you don't need to flip the Y matrix.
The fact that I did it in the code (to show you how to do) made the result display in the wrong orientation for a display with pcolor. Simply comment the yq = flipud(yq) ; statement if you stick with pcolor.
Additionally, if you want to be able to follow the isolevels generated by the interpolation, you can use contour to add a layer of information:
Right after the code above, the lines:
hold on
will yield:

How to draw differently spaced grid lines in Matlab

On mathworks, I have found a code which is suppossed to draw grid lines in a plot:
g_x = -25:1.25:0;
g_y = -35:2.5:-5;
for i = 1:length(g_x)
plot([g_x(i) g_x(i)],[g_y(1) g_y(end)],'k:')% y grid lines
hold on
for i=1:length(g_y)
plot([g_x(1) g_x(end)],[g_y(i) g_y(i)],'k:') % x grid lines
hold on
here's a link
I don't understand the plot command: e.g. the y grid lines - one of the inputs is a vector containing all the spacing points of the x-axis, where I want to have a grid. These points are given in two columns and they are assigned to the second vector, which only contains the first and the last point shown on the y-axis. As I understand this command, it will for example take the first element g_x(1) and g_y(1) and plot a : , it will then take g_x(2) and g_y(1) and plot :, and so on. But How does it keep on plotting : from g_y(1) continuously until g-y(end) ?
To directly answer your question, it simply plots the two endpoints of each grid line and since the default LineStyle used by plot is a solid line, they will automatically be connected. What that code is doing is creating all permutations of endpoints and plotting those to form the grid.
Rather than creating custom plot objects (if you're using R2015b or later), you can simply use the minor grid lines and modify the locations of the minor tick marks of the axes.
g_x = -25:1.25:0;
g_y = -35:2.5:-5;
ax = axes('xlim', [-25 0], 'ylim', [-35 -5]);
% Turn on the minor grid lines
grid(ax, 'minor')
% Modify the location of the x and y minor tick marks
ax.XAxis.MinorTickValues = g_x;
ax.YAxis.MinorTickValues = g_y;
Basically the code does this:
g_x = -25:1.25:0;
generates a array with values -25.0000 -23.7500 -22.5000 -21.2500 ... 0
These are the positions where vertical lines are drawn
The same holds for g_y, but of course this determines where horizontal lines are drawn.
The option 'k' determined that it is a dashed line.
And the loops just loo through the arrays.
So in the first iteration the plot function draws a line from the position
[-25, -35]
to the position
[-25, -5]
So if you want to change the grid, just change the values stored in g_x
g_x = -25:3.0:0;
would for example draw vertical lines with the width 3.0
I hope this makes sense for you.

Fill in points on an already existing line in matlab

Im trying to create a triangle wave in matlab with equal rise and fall slope.
I searched around abit and found a code example:
n=input ('Enter the length of the sequence N= ');
ylabel ('Amplitude');
xlabel ('Time Index');
TITLE ('Triangular waveform');
This code creates the the triangle form, but there are only data plots at the tip of each triangle. I want more data plots that follow the lines of the triangles.
Is there any function in matlab that can fill in data points with a specific width between the plots in the plotted lines from the graph?
If no, how am I supposed to solve this?
You need to linearly interpolate:
t2 = 0:0.5:n;
y2 = interp1(t, y, t2);
where t and y are the arrays from your example. You can use any size of interval for t2:
t2 = 0:0.1:n;
for example.
Change t=0:n; to t=0:0.1:n; and y=(-1).^t; to y=2*abs(mod(t,2)-1)-1;
This is what I got:

plot3 line color based on value

I have a set of data that contains 3d Cartesian points (x, y, z) and a time stamp.
I would like to plot this data as a connected line in 3d space with the line colour changing based on the time stamp value.
Effectively i want to show the time difference in a colorbar.
Does anyone know of a way to do this?
Consider the following example of a 3D point moving along a helix-shaped path over time:
%# data
t = linspace(0,8*pi,200);
x = 20*t; y = cos(t); z = sin(t);
%# plot 3D line
axis tight, grid on, view(35,40)
Now if you want to draw a multi-colored line, the naive solution would be to write a for-loop, drawing each small segment as a separate line, each having a different color. This is because a single line object can only have one color.
A better approach is to use a surface graphics object:
c = 1:numel(t); %# colors
h = surface([x(:), x(:)], [y(:), y(:)], [z(:), z(:)], ...
[c(:), c(:)], 'EdgeColor','flat', 'FaceColor','none');
colormap( jet(numel(t)) )
The result:

MATLAB, Filling in the area between two sets of data, lines in one figure

I have a question about using the area function; or perhaps another function is in order...
I created this plot from a large text file:
The green and the blue represent two different files. What I want to do is fill in the area between the red line and each run, respectively. I can create an area plot with a similar idea, but when I plot them on the same figure, they do not overlap correctly. Essentially, 4 plots would be on one figure.
I hope this makes sense.
Building off of #gnovice's answer, you can actually create filled plots with shading only in the area between the two curves. Just use fill in conjunction with fliplr.
x=0:0.01:2*pi; %#initialize x array
y1=sin(x); %#create first curve
y2=sin(x)+.5; %#create second curve
X=[x,fliplr(x)]; %#create continuous x value array for plotting
Y=[y1,fliplr(y2)]; %#create y values for out and then back
fill(X,Y,'b'); %#plot filled area
By flipping the x array and concatenating it with the original, you're going out, down, back, and then up to close both arrays in a complete, many-many-many-sided polygon.
Personally, I find it both elegant and convenient to wrap the fill function.
To fill between two equally sized row vectors Y1 and Y2 that share the support X (and color C):
fill_between_lines = #(X,Y1,Y2,C) fill( [X fliplr(X)], [Y1 fliplr(Y2)], C );
You can accomplish this using the function FILL to create filled polygons under the sections of your plots. You will want to plot the lines and polygons in the order you want them to be stacked on the screen, starting with the bottom-most one. Here's an example with some sample data:
x = 1:100; %# X range
y1 = rand(1,100)+1.5; %# One set of data ranging from 1.5 to 2.5
y2 = rand(1,100)+0.5; %# Another set of data ranging from 0.5 to 1.5
baseLine = 0.2; %# Baseline value for filling under the curves
index = 30:70; %# Indices of points to fill under
plot(x,y1,'b'); %# Plot the first line
hold on; %# Add to the plot
h1 = fill(x(index([1 1:end end])),... %# Plot the first filled polygon
[baseLine y1(index) baseLine],...
plot(x,y2,'g'); %# Plot the second line
h2 = fill(x(index([1 1:end end])),... %# Plot the second filled polygon
[baseLine y2(index) baseLine],...
plot(x(index),baseLine.*ones(size(index)),'r'); %# Plot the red line
And here's the resulting figure:
You can also change the stacking order of the objects in the figure after you've plotted them by modifying the order of handles in the 'Children' property of the axes object. For example, this code reverses the stacking order, hiding the green polygon behind the blue polygon:
kids = get(gca,'Children'); %# Get the child object handles
set(gca,'Children',flipud(kids)); %# Set them to the reverse order
Finally, if you don't know exactly what order you want to stack your polygons ahead of time (i.e. either one could be the smaller polygon, which you probably want on top), then you could adjust the 'FaceAlpha' property so that one or both polygons will appear partially transparent and show the other beneath it. For example, the following will make the green polygon partially transparent:
You want to look at the patch() function, and sneak in points for the start and end of the horizontal line:
x = 0:.1:2*pi;
y = sin(x)+rand(size(x))/2;
x2 = [0 x 2*pi];
y2 = [.1 y .1];
patch(x2, y2, [.8 .8 .1]);
If you only want the filled in area for a part of the data, you'll need to truncate the x and y vectors to only include the points you need.