Page-Based app load epub - iphone

I am new to iphone app developing and need to display an epub file in an app that I am working on. I would like to use UIPageViewController as that allows paging ect. As of yet I have not been able to figure out how to load the content into a uiwebview and still get the paging function. If someone could point me to any sample code that would help me I would greatly appreciate it.

You really can not use that, since you need ot use UIWebView. I do not think that any other view offers enough of a head start to make it worth it not to use a UIWebView.
There was a lot of discussion about this found here:
Reading ePub format
also see this:
Best approch for creating ePub reader similar to iBook or Stanza application


Create .swf within iPhone app

Can't find anything about this anywhere (maybe there's a good reason...) - does anyone know if there are any libraries for creating simple SWFs in iOS? I'd like to be able to let the user build a simple animation, then email it off as a SWF. If it's not possible, I'll probably go down the animated gif route.
Thanks for any help!
You might use libsswf which has a c interface.
Check here.

Adding photo upload to an iPhone App that's mostly HTML5/JS

I'm working on an iPhone App that's HTML5/JS displayed in a single UI Webview. I'd like to add photo upload capabilities, and I'm wondering what the best approach would be to extend the iPhone app with the necessary classes to pick a photo and upload via an API. I'd also like to trigger the display of the photo picker via JS if that's possible.
I know it's possible to use a framework like PhoneGap to do this, but I don't want to migrate the whole app to a new framework yet. Also, sorry for the "how to" type question - I normally ask about specific problems after I've exhausted my efforts, but I'm pretty new to Objective C, so I'd appreciate some guidance, even if it's just a simple design explanation.
the image picker (UIImagePicker) is fairly straightforward to work with:
and for an API, are you sending it to an existing system? or creating your own. You just need to craft an NSMutableURLRequest with POSTED data in a multi-part format, and then handle the image portion appropriately in your server.
this might help: upload image from iPhone application

Is it possible to open a pdf whilst it is being downloaded?

Does anyone know if you can start displaying a pdf document in iOS before it has finished downloading? I know PDF supports this but can it be done in iOS?
I am wondering if something can be done with CGPDFDocumentCreateWithProvider and a custom provider, but I can't find much useful information on CGDataProviders.
Any ideas?

using web view in iphone

this might sound silly but since i am new to iPhone i wanted to ask this question... :P
Where is the UIWebView best used? I mean which type of application?
Could i use that if i wanted to display a video in some part of the screen rather than fullscreen which MPmediaPlayer is really good at?
Thanks :)
The only places I have seen UIWebView really used in a way that is right is for help pages. Developers will make this page call a FAQ page hosted on their servers so that they can change the contents frequently without going back to Apple for review.

.epub on iPhone

Seeking your help to get off .epub(s) sea in iPhone world...
I am trying to make an iPhone application which can read .epub(s). So, I'm in search of a good method, API, Webservices, etc. which help me to render .epub(s) on iPhone's screen. Please let me know once you got any information about .epub(s) on iPhone.
=> My application would be like, Stanza/Calibri, which can read .epub(s).
Thanking You...
Paresh Thakor
EPUB is just XHTML stored in a zipfile with an XML manifest. Get a zip library and you can use a WebView to display the actual content.