print symbols of emacs in elisp - emacs

How to print all the symbols in emacs using elisp.
It is possible to test wheather a lisp object is a symbol using symbolp
function. But how to collect all the symbols.
Is it possible to access symbol table of emacs?

Here's one way to do it:
(require 'cl)
(loop for x being the symbols
if (boundp x)
collect (symbol-name x))
loop is a Common Lisp macro, that has been ported to Emacs Lisp as well. It's part of the cl package (part of the standard Emacs distribution), that you'll have to require to use it.
Another option to consider is probably:
(apropos "." t)
The apropos invokation will take significantly more time to complete, but you'll get more information about the symbols that way.

Just for completeness, here's how you'd list all of the symbols without using the cl package:
Go to a newly-created buffer, and type M-:(mapatoms (lambda (s) (insert (symbol-name s) "\n")))RET. That will insert the names of all existing symbols in the buffer, one per line.


Backquote expansion in Lisp

I'm a Lisp beginner and I'm struggling to understand why the following code gives me an error.
(dolist (elem '(mapcar
(when (fboundp `',elem) (print "hello")))
A bit more context. I wrote the following in Elisp and I don't know how to fix it.
(dolist (ui-elem '(menu-bar-mode
(when (fboundp `',ui-elem) (ui-elem -1)))
In your question you mix common-lisp and elisp, but they are two different languages. The question however touches on concepts that are identical in both languages.
The need to quote symbols
The code you want to write checks if a symbol is bound to a function.
What you already know probably is that you can call fboundp on a symbol to determines this:
(fboundp 'menu-bar-mode)
=> t
When you evalute the above form, 'menu-bar-mode is the same as (quote menu-bar-mode), and is evaluated as the symbol object menu-bar-mode. This is the value that is given as an argument to fboundp.
In you example you want to iterate over a list of symbols, call fboundp on it and call the function if the symbol denotes a function. You can do this as follows:
(dolist (s '(menu-bar-mode and other symbols))
(when (fboundp s)
(funcall s -1)))
The list of symbols '(menu-bar-mode and other symbols) is quoted, which means that when dolist evaluates it, it sees a list of symbols. The value to which s is bound at each iteration of the loop is a symbol object, there is no need to quote them.
Quoting a symbol is something you have to do when writing them in your code so that they are not interpreted as variables. When you iterate over a list of symbols, you already manipulate symbols.
Note also that both Common Lisp and Emacs Lisp are "Lisp-2", meanings that you have to use (funcall ui-elem -1) instead of writing (ui-elem -1). When you write the latter form, that means calling the function literally named ui-elem because for function application, the first symbol in the list is not evaluated, it is taken literally.
Too many levels of quoting
The actual error I have when I execute your code is:
(wrong-type-argument symbolp 'mapcar)
It may look like 'mapcar denotes a symbol, because when you want the interpreter to evaluate some code as a symbol, you need to quote it. However, Lisp printers write objects in a way that they can be read back to "similar" objects. The error message that is printed if I expect a symbol to be a number is the following, where symbol foo is printed unquoted:
(+ 'foo 3)
;; error: (wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p foo)
In your error message, the form that you are trying to use as a symbol is (quote mapcar). Recall that when you directly call fboundp:
(fboundp 'mapcar)
It is the same as-if you wrote:
(fboundp (quote mapcar))
First, (quote mapcar) is evaluated, as the symbol mapcar. Then, fboundp is applied to that value.
But when you write the following, while ui-elem is bound to symbol mapcar:
(fboundp `',ui-elem)
This is equivalent to:
(fboundp `(quote ,ui-elem))
The argument to fboundp is evaluated as (quote mapcar). You have one extra level of quoting. You could write instead:
(fboundp `,ui-elem)
But then, you don't need to use backquote/comma, you can directly write:
(fboundp ui-elem)

Various forms of looping and iteration in Elisp

I am trying to understand all the looping constructs in Emacs Lisp.
In one example I am trying to iterate over a list of symbols and print them to the *message* buffer like so:
(let* ((plist package-activated-list) ;; list of loaded packages
(sorted-plist (sort plist 'string<)))
(--map (message (format "%s" it)) sorted-plist))
--map is a function from the package dash.el.
How to do this in pure Elisp?
Now how do I iterate over a list in Elisp, without using other packages.
I have seen some examples using while and dolist macro, for example here:
But those are destructive, non-functional ways to express a loop.
Coming from Scheme (having worked with it and with SICP some twenty years ago!), I tend to prefer functional, non destructive (does that always lead to recursive?) ways to express ideas.
So what are idiomatic ways to loop over a list of items in Emacs Lisp?
Also: Are there ways to express loops in a functional fashion in Emacs Lisp?
What I have found so far
Loop Macros (from Common Lisp?) prefixed with "cl-*"
Iteration Clauses
Magnar Sveen's excellent package marketed as "A modern list api for Emacs. No 'cl required."
What else is there? Any recommended reading?
There is a bunch of native ~map~ functions that you can explore for iterating throught lists, with some subbtilities or sugar.
In this case, I choose `mapconcat', it is loaded from C code.
(mapconcat #'message sorted-plist "\n")
dolist is not destructive, and that is probably the most idiomatic way in Emacs Lisp, or Common Lisp for that matter, to loop over a list when you just want to do something with each member in turn:
(setq *properties* '(prop1 prop2 prop3))
(dolist (p *properties*)
(print p))
The seq-doseq function does the same thing as dolist, but accepts a sequence argument (e.g., a list, vector, or string):
(seq-doseq (p *properties*)
(print p))
If a more functional style is desired, the seq-do function applies a function to the elements of a sequence and returns the original sequence. This function is similar to the Scheme procedure for-each, which is also used for its side effects.
(seq-do #'(lambda (p) (print p)) *properties*)
If you're looking for more traditional Lisp map functions, e-lisp has them:
In your code snippet, mapc is likely the one you want (throws the values away, just applies the function; mapcar is still there if you want the values):
(mapc #'(lambda (thing) (message (format "%s" thing))) sorted-plist)

Determine how library or feature was loaded

How can I determine where the load point is for an emacs library? For example, I'm trying to track down and remove any runtime requires of subr-x during initialization, so I'd like to know which library loaded it.
The load-history lists loaded files along with the requires they made when they were loaded, but doesn't seem to provide information about any requires that weren't evaluated initially, but may have been later.
As a simple example, if I M-xload-file "/path/to/the/following/test.el"
(defun my-f ()
(require 'misc))
(provide 'my-test)
I see the first entry in load-history is
(defun . my-f)
(provide . my-test))
Then, evaluating (my-f), adds an entry for "misc.el", but there is no indication where it was loaded from (neither is the above entry updated).
How can I find that out?
How can I determine where the load point is for an emacs library?
You can't. There are many reasons an Emacs library will be loaded, for example,
C-x C-e some lisp code
M-: some lisp code
M-x load-library
For example, I'm trying to track down and remove any runtime requires of subr-x during initialization, so I'd like to know which library loaded it.
Use C-h v load-history, the order is meaningful, for example, your init file loads foo.el, and foo.el requires bar.el, then bar.el requires subr-x.el, load-history should looks like
(foo.el bar.el subr-x.el)
It's not an elegant solution, but worked for me.
As a starting point, that seems works fine for my purposes, I ended up "watching" for an initial call by load or require to a specific library. It's easy to get the name of the file where the require/load took place when an actual load is in progress and load-file-name is defined.
I was less interested in other cases, eg. interactive evaluation, but the following still works -- at least after very minimal testing, it just dumps a backtrace instead of the filename. From the backtrace, it's not hard to find the calling function, and if desired, the calling function's file could presumably be found with symbol-file.
Running the following locates loads/requires of subr-x, reporting in the message buffer the filenames of packages where it was loaded and dumping backtraces around deferred loading locations.
emacs -q -l /path/to/this.el -f find-initial-load
(require 'cl-lib)
(defvar path-to-init-file "~/.emacs.d/init.elc")
(defun find-load-point (lib &optional continue)
"During the first `require' or `load', print `load-file-name' when defined.
Otherwise, dump a backtrace around the loading call.
If CONTINUE is non-nil, don't stop after first load."
(let* ((lib-sym (intern lib))
(lib-path (or (locate-library lib) lib))
(load-syms (mapcar
(lambda (s)
(cons s (intern (format "%s#watch-%s" s lib-sym))))
'(require load)))
(cleanup (unless continue
(cl-loop for (ls . n) in load-syms
collect `(advice-remove ',ls ',n)))))
(pcase-dolist (`(,load-sym . ,name) load-syms)
load-sym :around
(defalias `,name
`(lambda (f sym &rest args)
(when (or (equal sym ',lib-sym)
(and (stringp sym)
(or (string= sym ,lib)
(file-equal-p sym ',lib-path))))
(prin1 (or (and load-in-progress
(format "%s => %s" ',lib-sym load-file-name))
(apply f sym args)))))))
(defun find-initial-load ()
"Call with 'emacs -q -l /this/file.el -f find-initial-load'."
(find-load-point "subr-x" 'continue)
(load path-to-init-file))
;; test that deferred requires still get reported
(defun my-f () (require 'subr-x))
(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook #'my-f)

How to find which file provide(d) the feature in emacs elisp

Currently i am using the load-history variable to find the file from which a feature came from.
suppose to find the file the feature gnus came from.
I execute the following code in scratch buffer which prints filename and the symbols in separate lines consecutively.
(dolist (var load-history)
(princ (format "%s\n" (car var)))
(princ (format "\t%s\n" (cdr var))))
and then search for "(provide . gnus)" and then move the point to the start of line(Ctrl+A).
The file name in the previous line is the file from which the feature came from.
Is there any thing wrong with this method, or does a better method exist.
I don't really know what you're trying to do with this, but here are some notes.
Your method is fine. Any way to hack your own solution to a problem is good in my book.
#Tom is correct that you shouldn't really need to do this, because the problem is already solved for you by the help system. i.e. C-h f
But that's not so interesting. Let's say you really want an automatic, more elegant solution. You want a function -- locate-feature with this signature:
(defun locate-feature (feature)
"Return file-name as string where `feature' was provided"
Method 1 load-history approach
I'll just describe the steps I took to solve this:
You've already got the most important part -- find the variable with the information you need.
I notice immediately that this variable has a lot of data. If I insert it into a buffer as a single line, Emacs will not be happy, because it's notoriously bad at handling long lines. I know that the prett-print package will be able to format this data nicely. So I open up my *scratch* buffer and run
M-: (insert (pp-to-string load-history))
I can now see the data structure I'm dealing with. It seems to be (in pseudo code):
((defun|t|provide . symbol)|symbol)*)
Now I just write the function
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(defun locate-feature (feature)
"Return file name as string where `feature' was provided"
(interactive "Sfeature: ")
(dolist (file-info load-history)
(mapc (lambda (element)
(when (and (consp element)
(eq (car element) 'provide)
(eq (cdr element) feature))
(when (called-interactively-p 'any)
(message "%s defined in %s" feature (car file-info)))
(return (car file-info))))
(cdr file-info))))
The code here is pretty straight forward. Ask Emacs about the functions you don't understand.
Method 2 help approach
Method one works for features. But what if by I want to know where any
available function is defined? Not just features.
C-h f already tells me that, but I want the file-name in a string, not all of the verbose help text. I want this:
(defun locate-function (func)
"Return file-name as string where `func' was defined or will be autoloaded"
Here we go.
C-h f is my starting point, but I really want to read the code that defines describe-function. I do this:
C-h k C-h f C-x o tab enter
Now I'm in help-fns.el at the definition of describe-function. I want to work only with this function definition. So narrowing is in order:
C-x n d
I have a hunch that the interesting command will have "find" or "locate" in its name, so I use occur to search for interesting lines:
M-s o find\|locate
No matches. Hmmm. Not a lot of lines in this defun. describe-function-1 seems to be doing the real work, so we try that.
I can visit the definition of describe-function-1 via C-h f. But I already have the file open. imenu is available now:
C-x n w M-x imenu desc*1 tab enter
Narrow and search again:
C-x n d M-s o up enter
I see find-lisp-object-file-name which looks promising.
After reading C-h f find-lisp-object-file-name I come up with:
(defun locate-function (func)
"Return file-name as string where `func' was defined or will be autoloaded"
(interactive "Ccommand: ")
(let ((res (find-lisp-object-file-name func (symbol-function func))))
(when (called-interactively-p 'any)
(message "%s defined in %s" func res))
Now go have some fun exploring Emacs.
There is locate-library for that.
M-: (locate-library "my-feature")
eg: (locate-library "gnus")
Just use symbol-file. It scan load-history which has format:
Each entry has the form `(provide . FEATURE)',
`(require . FEATURE)', `(defun . FUNCTION)', `(autoload . SYMBOL)',
`(defface . SYMBOL)', or `(t . SYMBOL)'. Entries like `(t . SYMBOL)'
may precede a `(defun . FUNCTION)' entry, and means that SYMBOL was an
autoload before this file redefined it as a function. In addition,
entries may also be single symbols, which means that SYMBOL was
defined by `defvar' or `defconst'.
So call it as:
(symbol-file 'scheme 'provide) ; Who provide feature.
(symbol-file 'nxml-mode-hook 'defvar) ; Where variable defined.
(symbol-file 'message-send 'defun) ; Where function defined.
(symbol-file 'scheme) ; Look for symbol despite its type.
There is nothing wrong with it, but why is it simpler than getting help on a key or a function? If you use a gnus command for example and you want to know where it comes from then you can use C-h k and it tells you from which elisp file its definition comes.

elisp macro to write a function?

I have written a few nearly identical functions, except for their names. For example:
; x is name, such as function/paragraph/line/etc.
(defun my-x-function
(mark-x) (do-more-stuff) (modify-x))
Is there a way to automatically generate such functions? I have a feeling this is what macros do, but I am not sure how to use them. Any help, maybe including a small example would be great.
Yep, that's exactly what macros do. Here's a straightforward macro that builds functions according to the pattern you specified:
(defmacro make-my-function (name)
(list 'defun (intern (format "my-%s-function" name)) ()
(list 'interactive)
(list (intern (format "mark-%s" name)))
(list 'do-more-stuff)
(list (intern (format "modify-%s" name)))))
You can copy this macro to a *scratch* buffer in Emacs and evaluate it, and then check that it works like this:
(make-my-function x) ; type control-J here
my-x-function ; <-- Emacs's output
(symbol-function 'my-x-function) ; type control-J here
(lambda nil (interactive) (mark-x) (do-more-stuff) (modify-x)) ; <-- Emacs's output
More commonly one would use the backquote facility to write macros more concisely, but all macros essentially work in the same manner as the above example.
Macros can do that, but there are lots of template modules for emacs to do similar work. I use a thing called yasnippet.el to do quick code-generation things. For example, in a C-source file, if I type for<TAB>, I get a for loop template; it allows me to fill in the template, setting the variable name, limits, and internal loop contents.
looks like this:
You can set up templates for anything you like. Function definitions, if statements, switch statements, whatever. Set up different templates for different modes. The template for a for loop in C is different than the template for a for loop in C#, and so on. Very handy.