Dynamically Buld the Statement - tsql

I want dynamically search condition.
This is my table(This is generated dynamically ) this is not a physical table.
id Tablename columnname Value |
1 Company Company_name Microsoft |
2 Address Pcity CA |
3 Phone Pnumber 100-4582 |
I want search the Value in the particular table , In this tables are already in the database(Company,Address,Phone). dynamically pass the tablename and columnname and search the Value.
Select c.Company_name from Company c join Address a on
a.companyid=c.companyid join phone p on p.companyid=c.companyid
where 1=1 and c.company_name like '%Microsoft%' and a.Pcity Like
'%CA%' and p.Pnumber like '%100-4582%'
I want dynamically buld the query and search the condition in the Value column.
How can I do this ..

what i understood is basically you want to make dynamic query, so i am providing a sample for you
create proc dummy_proc
#arg1 varchar(50),
#arg2 int
Declare #S varchar(max)
Set #S='select * from tablename where 1=1'
if #arg1<>'' then
set #s=#s+ 'and column1 like''%'+#arg1+%'''
hope it helps


How to break apart a column includes keys and values into separate columns in postgres

I am new in postgres and basically have no experience. I have a table with a column includes key and value. I need write a query which return a table with the all the columns of the table and additional columns as key as the column name and the value under it.
My input is like:
id | name|message
12478| A |{img_type:=png,key_id:=f235, client_status:=active, request_status:=open}
12598| B |{img_type:=none,address_id:=c156, client_status:=active, request_status:=closed}
output will be:
id |name| Img_type|Key_id|address_id|Client_status|Request_status
12478| A | png |f235 |NULL |active | open
12598| B | none |NULL |c156 |active | closed
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The only thing I can think of, is a regular expression to extract the key/value pairs.
select id, name,
(regexp_match(message, '(img_type:=)([^,}]+),{0,1}'))[2] as img_type,
(regexp_match(message, '(key_id:=)([^,}]+),{0,1}'))[2] as key_id,
(regexp_match(message, '(client_status:=)([^,}]+),{0,1}'))[2] as client_status,
(regexp_match(message, '(request_status:=)([^,}]+),{0,1}'))[2] as request_status
from the_table;
regexp_match returns an array of matches. As the regex contains two groups (one for the "key" and one for the "value"), the [2] takes the second element of the array.
This is quite expensive and error prone (e.g. if any of the values contains a , and you need to deal with quoted values). If you have any chance to change the application that stores the value, you should seriously consider changing your code to store a proper JSON value, e.g.
{"img_type": "png", "key_id": "f235", "client_status": "active", "request_status": "open"}'
then you can use e.g. message ->> 'img_type' to retrieve the value for the key img_type
You might also want to consider a properly normalized table, where each of those keys is a real column.
I can do it with function.
I am sure about the performance but here is my suggestion:
CREATE TYPE log_type AS (img_type TEXT, key_id TEXT, address_id TEXT, client_status TEXT, request_status TEXT);
RETURNS log_type AS
r log_type;
select x.* into r
json_object(array_agg(array_data)) as json_data
from (
select unnest(string_to_array(trim(unnest(string_to_array(substring(populate_log.data, '[^{}]+'), ','))), ':=')) as array_data
) d
) d2,
lateral json_to_record(json_data) as x(img_type text, key_id text, address_id text, client_status text, request_status text);
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
with log_data (id, name, message) as (
(12478, 'A', '{img_type:=png,key_id:=f235, client_status:=active, request_status:=open}'),
(12598, 'B', '{img_type:=none,address_id:=c156, client_status:=active, request_status:=closed}')
select id, name, l.*
from log_data, lateral populate_log(message) as l;
What you finally write in query will be something like this, imagine that the data is in a table named log_data :
select id, name, l.*
from log_data, lateral populate_log(message) as l;
I suppose that message column is a text, in Postgres it might be an array, in that case you have to remove some conversions, string_to_array(substring(populate_log.data)) -> populate_log.data

Cast a PostgreSQL column to stored type

I am creating a viewer for PostgreSQL. My SQL needs to sort on the type that is normal for that column. Take for example:
CREATE TABLE contacts (id serial primary key, name varchar)
SELECT id::text FROM contacts ORDER BY id;
Ok, so I change the SQL to:
SELECT id::text FROM contacts ORDER BY id::regtype;
Which reults in:
Nice! But now I try:
SELECT name::text FROM contacts ORDER BY name::regtype;
Which results in:
invalid type name "my first string"
Google is no help. Any ideas? Thanks
Repeat: the error is not my problem. My problem is that I need to convert each column to text, but order by the normal type for that column.
regtype is a object identifier type and there is no reason to use it when you are not referring to system objects (types in this case).
You should cast the column to integer in the first query:
SELECT id::text
FROM contacts
ORDER BY id::integer;
You can use qualified column names in the order by clause. This will work with any sortable type of column.
SELECT id::text
FROM contacts
ORDER BY contacts.id;
So, I found two ways to accomplish this. The first is the solution #klin provided by querying the table and then constructing my own query based on the data. An untested psycopg2 example:
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT * FROM contacts LIMIT 1")
select_sql = "SELECT "
for row in c.description:
if row.name == "my_sort_column":
if row.type_code == 23:
sort_by_sql = row.name + "::integer "
sort_by_sql = row.name + "::text "
c.execute("SELECT * FROM contacts " + sort_by_sql)
A more elegant way would be like this:
SELECT id::text AS _id, name::text AS _name AS n FROM contacts ORDER BY id
This uses aliases so that ORDER BY still picks up the original data. The last option is more readable if nothing else.

Can the categories in the postgres tablefunc crosstab() function be integers?

It's all in the title. Documentation has something like this:
FROM crosstab('...') AS ct(row_name text, category_1 text, category_2 text);
I have two tables, lab_tests and lab_tests_results. All of the lab_tests_results rows are tied to the primary key id integer in the lab_tests table. I'm trying to make a pivot table where the lab tests (identified by an integer) are row headers and the respective results are in the table. I can't get around a syntax error at or around the integer.
Is this possible with the current set up? Am I missing something in the documentation? Or do I need to perform an inner join of sorts to make the categories strings? Or modify the lab_tests_results table to use a text identifier for the lab tests?
Thanks for the help, all. Much appreciated.
Edit: Got it figured out with the help of Dmitry. He had the data layout figured out, but I was unclear on what kind of output I needed. I was trying to get the pivot table to be based on batch_id numbers in the lab_tests_results table. Had to hammer out the base query and casting data types.
FROM crosstab('SELECT lab_tests_results.batch_id, lab_tests.test_name, lab_tests_results.test_result::FLOAT
FROM lab_tests_results, lab_tests
WHERE lab_tests.id=lab_tests_results.lab_test AND (lab_tests.test_name LIKE ''Test Name 1'' OR lab_tests.test_name LIKE ''Test Name 2'')
) AS final_result(batch_id VARCHAR, test_name_1 FLOAT, test_name_2 FLOAT);
This provides a pivot table from the lab_tests_results table like below:
batch_id |test_name_1 |test_name_2
batch1 | result1 | <null>
batch2 | result2 | result3
If I understand correctly your tables look something like this:
CREATE TABLE lab_tests (
name VARCHAR(500)
CREATE TABLE lab_tests_results (
lab_tests_id INTEGER REFERENCES lab_tests (id),
result TEXT
And your data looks something like this:
INSERT INTO lab_tests (id, name)
VALUES (1, 'test1'),
(2, 'test2');
INSERT INTO lab_tests_results (id, lab_tests_id, result)
VALUES (1,1,'result1'),
First of all crosstab is part of tablefunc, you need to enable it:
You need to run it one per database as per this answer.
The final query will look like this:
FROM crosstab(
'SELECT lt.name::TEXT, lt.id, ltr.result
FROM lab_tests AS lt
JOIN lab_tests_results ltr ON ltr.lab_tests_id = lt.id'
) AS ct(test_name text, result_1 text, result_2 text, result_3 text);
The crosstab() function takes a text of a query which should return 3 columns; (1) a column for name of a group, (2) a column for grouping, (3) the value. The wrapping query just selects all the values those crosstab() returns and defines the list of columns after (the part after AS). First is the category name (test_name) and then the values (result_1, result_2). In my query I'll get up to 3 results. If I have more then 3 results then I won't see them, If I have less then 3 results I'll get nulls.
The result for this query is:
test_name |result_1 |result_2 |result_3
test1 |result1 |result2 |<null>
test2 |result3 |result4 |result5

Create view with fields from another table as column headers

I've got two tables that I'd like to combine into a view. The first table contains the structure:
Template Table
componentID | title
1000 | blue
1001 | red
1002 | orange
The second table contains the actual data that will be stored, and the columns reference the ID of the first table:
Data Table
id | field1000 | field1001 | field1002
1 | navy | ruby | vermilion
2 | midnight | crimson | amber
What I'd like to get as a result in a view:
Combined Table/View?
id | blue | red | orange
1 | navy | ruby | vermilion
2 | midnight | crimson | amber
Is this possible? I've been trying to get it to work with pivot tables, but I'm getting hung up on how to use the titles as the columns for the data.
Ok, I went a bit overboard with this one but this will do what you want. This procedure will combine all fields with the proper data table columns, and does not need to know nor care how many columns there are in the data tables.
It does not use cursors, but due to the possibility of many template tables, it does use Dynamic SQL to generate the Select statement for the final return.
Only caveat is it's not a View, it's a stored procedure, because it allows to pass the variable for the data table you want to ultimately select from.
The assumptions:
The template table is static
There is one template table for all data tables
All fields in any data tables must be unique *
All data tables have a PK/identity field with the word 'id' in it that must be ignored
All fields in the data tables have a corresponding title in the template table
All fields in the data table are prefixed with the word 'field' and all of the reference ID's in the template table correspond to those field names with 'field' removed, based on your example
*- It can of course be improved by modifying the template table schema to also have a field for the data table that the field title belongs to, for example, which would remove this assumption #3.
The process:
First we need a mapping of the field names, reference IDs, and column titles. We do this with a table variable and get our info from syscolumns. Then, we update our temp table to get the titles from the TemplateTable table.
Then, we need to build a dynamic Select list from the DataTable (which is a parameter in the SP and therefore requires some dynamic SQL to execute). My preferred method of doing this is by having a bit column in my source table that I can update, something like 'IsCompleted', and then using a regular While loop to get through each row. Inside the While loop, all we do is grab the current "TitleReference" from our temporary table variable, and append to the select list the real field name from syscolumns (from first step above).
Finally, we execute the dynamic SQL statement which has a Select, and when this is inside a stored procedure that is executed, the result is returned as the result of the stored procedure.
The Full Working Code
Create Procedure usp_CombineTables
#DataTableName varchar(50)
-- Test
-- Exec usp_CombineTables 'DataTable'
-- Set up our variables
Declare #DataTableIdFieldName varchar(50), -- The ID field of the data table, dynamic
#IsCompleted bit, -- Used by While loop to know when to exit
#CurrentTitleReference int, -- Used in While loop as the ID from TemplateTable that relates to the real data field name and the desired title
#CurrentDataFieldName varchar(50), -- Used in While loop for the current actual field name in the data table
#CurrentTitle varchar(50), -- Used in While loop for the desired field name in the resulting table of the stored proc
#DynamicSelectQuery varchar(2000) -- Stores the SQL query that is dynamically built and executed for the final result; can increase value if needed
-- Use table variable to correlate the datatable columns, titles, and references
Declare #TitleReferences Table (
TitleReference int,
DataTableColumnName varchar(50),
Title varchar(50),
Completed bit default 0
-- Get the info from syscolumns about our datatable; assumes that all of the field names are prefixed with the word 'field' which needs to be removed
Insert Into #TitleReferences (
Replace(name, 'field', '') As TitleReference,
name As DataTableColumnName
From syscolumns
Where id = OBJECT_ID(#DataTableName)
And name Not Like '%id%' -- assumes DataTable will always have a PK with 'id' in it, need to ignore/remove
-- Get the titles -- assumes only one template table for all data tables; all data fields accross tables must be unique
Update #TitleReferences
Set Title = t.Title From TemplateTable As t
Where TitleReference = t.ComponentID
-- Get the ID field of the data table
Set #DataTableIdFieldName = (
Select name From syscolumns
Where id = OBJECT_ID(#DataTableName)
And name Like '%id%')
-- Build a dynamic SQL query to select from the datatable with the right column names
Set #DynamicSelectQuery = 'Select ' + #DataTableIdFieldName + ', ' -- start with the ID
Set #IsCompleted = 0
While (#IsCompleted = 0)
-- Retrieve the field name and title from the current row based on title reference
Set #CurrentTitleReference = (Select Top 1 TitleReference From #TitleReferences Where Completed = 0)
Set #CurrentDataFieldName = (Select DataTableColumnName From #TitleReferences Where TitleReference = #CurrentTitleReference)
Set #CurrentTitle = (Select Title From #TitleReferences Where TitleReference = #CurrentTitleReference)
-- Append the next select field to the dynamic query
Set #DynamicSelectQuery = #DynamicSelectQuery +
#CurrentDataFieldName + ' As ' + QuoteName(#CurrentTitle)
-- Set up to move past current record in next iteration
Update #TitleReferences Set Completed = 1 Where TitleReference = #CurrentTitleReference
-- Exit loop or add comma for next field
If (Select Count(Completed) From #TitleReferences Where Completed = 0) = 0
Set #IsCompleted = 1
-- Add comma to select field for next column
Set #DynamicSelectQuery = #DynamicSelectQuery + ','
-- Now the column list is built, just add the table and exec
Set #DynamicSelectQuery = #DynamicSelectQuery +
' From ' + #DataTableName
The Result
Hope this helps, it was fun writing it!
something on these lines
DECLARE #f0 VARCHAR(50)=(SELECT title FROM template WHERE componentID=1000)
DECLARE #f1 VARCHAR(50)=(SELECT title FROM template WHERE componentID=1001)
DECLARE #f2 VARCHAR(50)=(SELECT title FROM template WHERE componentID=1002)
#sql='SELECT field1000 AS ' + quotename(#f0) + ' field1001 AS ' + quotename(#f1) + ' field1002 AS ' + quotename(#f2) + ' FROM data'
exec sp_executesql #sql

help with TSQL IN statement with int

I am trying to create the following select statement in a stored proc
#dealerids nvarchar(256)
WHERE convert(nvarchar(20), I.DealerID) in (#dealerids)
I.DealerID is an INT in the table. and the Parameter for dealerids would be formatted such as
(8820, 8891, 8834)
When I run this with parameters provided I get no rows back. I know these dealerIDs should provided rows as if I do it individually I get back what I expect.
I think I am doing
WHERE convert(nvarchar(20), I.DealerID) in (#dealerids)
incorrectly. Can anyone point out what I am doing wrong here?
Use a table values parameter (new in SQl Server 2008). Set it up by creating the actual table parameter type:
Your procedure would then be:
Create Procedure up_TEST
#Ids IntTableType READONLY
FROM ATable a
if you can't use table value parameters, see: "Arrays and Lists in SQL Server 2005 and Beyond, When Table Value Parameters Do Not Cut it" by Erland Sommarskog, then there are many ways to split string in SQL Server. This article covers the PROs and CONs of just about every method. in general, you need to create a split function. This is how a split function can be used:
FROM YourTable y
INNER JOIN dbo.yourSplitFunction(#Parameter) s ON y.ID=s.Value
I prefer the number table approach to split a string in TSQL but there are numerous ways to split strings in SQL Server, see the previous link, which explains the PROs and CONs of each.
For the Numbers Table method to work, you need to do this one time table setup, which will create a table Numbers that contains rows from 1 to 10,000:
SELECT TOP 10000 IDENTITY(int,1,1) AS Number
INTO Numbers
FROM sys.objects s1
CROSS JOIN sys.objects s2
Once the Numbers table is set up, create this split function:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FN_ListToTable]
#SplitOn char(1) --REQUIRED, the character to split the #List string on
,#List varchar(8000)--REQUIRED, the list to split apart
--SINGLE QUERY-- --this will not return empty rows
LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTRING(List2, number+1, CHARINDEX(#SplitOn, List2, number+1)-number - 1))) AS ListValue
SELECT #SplitOn + #List + #SplitOn AS List2
) AS dt
INNER JOIN Numbers n ON n.Number < LEN(dt.List2)
WHERE SUBSTRING(List2, number, 1) = #SplitOn
) dt2
WHERE ListValue IS NOT NULL AND ListValue!=''
You can now easily split a CSV string into a table and join on it:
Create Procedure up_TEST
WHERE a.Id IN (SELECT ListValue FROM dbo.FN_ListToTable(',',#Ids))
You can't use #dealerids like that, you need to use dynamic SQL, like this:
#dealerids nvarchar(256)
WHERE convert(nvarchar(20), I.DealerID) in (' + #dealerids + ')'
The downside is that you open yourself up to SQL injection attacks unless you specifically control the data going into #dealerids.
There are better ways to handle this depending on your version of SQL Server, which are documented in this great article.
Split #dealerids into a table then JOIN
ufnSplit(#dealerids) S ON I.DealerID = S.ParsedIntDealerID
Assorted split functions here (I'd probably a numbers table in this case for a small string