iphone programming adivce - iphone

Hello I was wondering if there are any methods that would allow me to interact with the iphone users. What I mean is like UIALERTVIEW of some sorts that will popup and update them with a status. But I don't want to have a fixed status, but one I can change anytime I want, like say if there is a day off, I want to provide a status over the air and when the user opens the app it will show the new message.
Is this even possible?
If there are any other alternatives please list them

The easiest solution would be that your app is contacting your website and downloads any message it should show on startup.

You can use Push Notifications to send users important updates automatically.

What you are looking for are called Push Notifications. They can put small numbers on your app's icon like the email app when you have new emails, or even show you popups when you need it. Start here: https://developer.apple.com/appstore/push-notifications/index.html

you can use Push notifications .. or build your own notification system by design a function fired when your application launching to contact your website and check if there any new notification .. then you present a pop , view whatever to show the notification.


Flutter best way to store App Notifications?

Is there a way to store app notifications in a flutter app. Most of the time this app will be closed and the app notifications will not directly be hitting the app. I would like to store app notifications in a notifications received section. I know I can get the notifications if the app is opened, but for if the app is closed and it just shows as a status, I can't get them in the device unless the user clicks on the notification message. and it opens the app. What options do I have and is what I am wanting to do even possible?
First interpretation of your question: If I read your question correctly, you're saying its not possible to have text in your notifications when the app is not open. This is definitely possible, almost all your apps create notifications on the device with more than just 'status'.
Another interpretation of your question: In response to a firebase cloud messaging message, you might want to save data or do some other background task, instead of just creating a notification the user sees. This is not enabled by default. There's lots more instructions on enabling and using this in the README
By default background messaging is not enabled. To handle messages in the background:
The golden nugget of information is _firebaseMessaging.configure(onBackgroundMessage: yourBackgroundMessageHandler) which is not listed under the receiving messages section.
Let me know if I misread. What do you mean by status?
You can use background Fetch to make the app stay in the background. The package will awaken an app in the background about every 15 minutes.

phonegap ios) is it possible distinguish push notification that user clicked?

I am using phonegap push notification plugin and all seems work fine. push comes without any problem.
But the problem is there is nothing I can do when app is back-grounded.
multiple push notifications can arrive when app is backgrounded. I can not expect which push
notification user going to click. Whatever notification user clicks, app will be resumed without
information of user selection. I have to trigger different events depanding on what nofitication
user selected. I need to know what notification user selected when app is resumed but don't
know how to... seems very tricky problem. is there anybody had same problem?
how did you guys handle this problem?
any help will be appriciated.
never mind...
I thought window.plugins.pushNotifiction.getPendingNotification would return all pending
notifications which arrived while app is background.
But getPendingNotification function only returns the notification that user selected on
notification center or mobile screen.
well... seems nice..
you can`t get all notification information which fire during application is off or app. is in background but, you can fetch user info shortly receive notification in native iOS app.
please follow this application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions.
At first call of launch you can check for options and retrive the user-info.
for more info refer above link.

how to implement automatic update feature in iphone?

I am developing an iPhone app. It has an option called automatic update. it can be updated automatically once in a week/month/6 months. Could you please let me know How can I invoke my desired method based on this setting even my app was not opened by the user?
You can't, the user will need to open the app, there is no way to schedule update routines.
You could inform the user that he/she need to update with an UILocalNotification, but I would suggest only to update your app when the users starts it.
It's against apples rules to push an updated app within your app. You have to resubmit to the app store.
what you can do is that increase badge count of application icon on receiving notification from UIlocalNotification.
when user open application check the application badge count if it is more than zero apply your logic to update application.
else there will be no update popup to client.

Can I require that a user enable push notifications?

Naturally this is programmatically possible (using enabledRemoteNotificationTypes). This is a policy question.
Can I require that a user has push notifications enabled to be allowed to use an app, or will this behaviour cause the app to be rejected by Apple?
The App Store Review Guidelines includes a section on push notifications (ยง 5), but does not cover this.
Sometimes I might not want any notification from any application because I am busy. Therefore I turn Notifications on or off as I choose. All you can do is display an UIAlertView reminding the user that push notification is disable when they enter your app.
Submit and see what happens. First, try it with the app closing itself if the user has push notifications turned off, showing them an alert letting them know why the app won't run and how to fix it (and a button that will take them to the right part of Settings if that's possible). If Apple rejects it, then just take out the app quiting code and let them continue by dismissing the nag screen.
Like you say, there's nothing explicitly forbidding it in the guidelines that you can find, so the only way to get an answer is to submit code and see what happens, since you generally can't get a straight answer out of Apple regarding these issues until you have something specific and real for them to consider.

iPhone Notifications is possible to

I read more post regarding iPhone notification, and I have a simple question....
Where a device receive a notification (so I can display a message contains the message notificatio ti advise the user).
I understand that message is managed by the application.
The question is:
...when my application receive the notification is it possible to start it?
Or in other world the application became run when receive the notification or it simple became active only to manage the message and at the end of notification management the app return to sleep?
The main application windows is opened on the device ?
Many thanks in advance
With push notifications you can prompt the user to take action, which if they agree (by tapping the "open application" button), will open the application automatically.
The caveat is that you can't do this without the users consent. They have to tap the open application button for your app to open. There's no way to open the app automatically without the user's action, nor is there any way to open, perform the required actions and quit the app automatically.
The apps dont "sleep" they are either running or not (till 4.0 OS that is), im assuming you are asking about push notification, what happens when a user receives a notification is that they can choose to close it, or go ahead and "view" the notification which can cause the app to open automatically...thats as far is it goes in the current system i blive...