How to guess minimum perl version a particular script is written for? - perl

I have a bunch of scripts that I wrote at times when I did not realize how use v1.2.3; can be useful. So some of them may be using features from later versions of perl, some of them may be OK with, say, perl 5.8.
Now I would like to get that into some order and add proper uses where there is need for them, just to be able to sleep better. :-)
How should I do that? Is there any tool that could help me make an educated guess?

Find a minimum required version of perl for Perl code

The most reliable way is 1) to write a decent test suite, then 2) to run your tests using each version of Perl.
You've surely already done the first part (!), and the second part is actually pretty easy to do using perlbrew.


Check if Perl module exists on Cpan

I have a long list of Perl modules. I know some of them, but most not. I need to know which of them are available on Cpan. I know, i can copy and paste each item of the list into the, but i want to learn a bit more about Perl and do this with a perl script.
I know that:
cpan -D ModName
will tell me which version is localy installed, and which is the latest on Cpan. Is there another way to get this info?
You can check this tutorial by Gabor Szabo. Not exactly related, but by using MetaCPAN::API->module($module_name); while looping on an array of your #modules_names, you could build a report of which module is available or not on CPAN. Not tested, but I wonder that if the module is not available, it will return undef.
Note that on the documentation of MetaCpan::API, it's author considers the module as deprecated and recommend the use of MetaCPAN::Client.
With smonff's tips I found Module::CheckVersion
which exactly does what I want, THX.

Are there any modules I'm missing to help me write better code?

I'm using the following command to test my perl code:
perl -MB::Lint::StrictOO -MO=Lint,all,oo -M-circular::require -M-indirect -Mwarnings::method -Mwarnings::unused -c $file
On a system with a perl version less than 5.10 I am also using uninit.
I am also using Perl::Critic and Perl::Tidy and have set up the appropriate rc files to my liking.
These modules have done a great job in helping me break some bad habits I learned when first learning perl.
Are there any more modules or pragmas that will kick me back on the straight and narrow when I mess up?
Using tests, and the Test::* family of modules and some good books have been pointed out. This new information has caused me to reconsider some assumptions about the relationship between testing and code skill building. These are all appreciated and already being researched and put to use.
It seems to me that these are two separate parts of a whole. 'perl -c', Perl::Critic and Perl::Tidy all help during the process of writing code and before execution of code. Devel::Cover, Devel::NYTProf and Tests happen during and after execution of code.
Good development dictates an iterative process, so tests will be run, and code developed over and over, but we still have this separation.
It appears to me that the focus in the answers have been on the 'during and after execution' of code. Again, this is very appreciated. Can I assume that I have the 'writing and pre-execution' part down pretty well then? At least, insomuch as the pragmas, modules and utilities are concerned.
I'm a little worried that you're using Perl 5.9. For two reasons.
Firstly it's a little old. 5.9.0 was released in 2003 and 5.9.5 (the last version in the 5.9.x series) was released in 2007. There have been several high quality versions of Perl since then.
Secondly (and most importantly), 5.9 is an unstable development version of Perl. 5.9 is basically the series of experiments that eventually led to Perl 5.10.0. The only reason to use it is to test that 5.10 will be a stable version of Perl. No-one should be using it at all now.
You don't appear to be testing your code, merely checking that it will compile. I suggest that you look at Test::More (which makes writing actual tests nice and easy), Test::Class (which makes dealing with very large test suites easier), and Devel::Cover (to see which bits of your code are covered by your tests and which aren't).

How can I use Perl to test C programs?

I'm looking for some tutorials showing how I could test C programs by writing Perl programs to automate testing.
Basically I want to learn automation testing with Perl programs. Can anyone kindly share such tutorials or any experiences of yours which can help me kick-start this process?
Perl tests usually use TAP. There are a several C libraries for TAP. Watch this Perl testing presentation.
If you want to start learning how to use Perl to test external programs, start with learning to use Perl to test Perl bits. The Test::More module is a good place to start. Once you understand that, look at all of the other Test::* modules on CPAN to see if one of those modules does the sort of thing you need to do.
If you have a specific question, ask about that. This question is really too broad for anyone to provide a useful answer.
You should look at Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook by chromatic and Ian Langworth.
I keep meaning to buy a copy but as yet I've just skimmed it at perlmongers meetings. But it seems to be spot on what you're looking for.
Hm, and this shows I should read the question - testing C programs with Perl, not testing Perl programs with Perl.
The book may still be useful (in that you should probably be writing test scripts and using Test::More and friends) but you will need to write a set of Perl functions to control your C if you take that approach. Basically
sub run_my_c_program {
my #args=#_;
#Set up test environment according to #args
system "my-c-program";
# Turns restults into a $rv data structure
return $rv;
and then check $rv in the same way as a normal Perl test:
{ .. what I think it returns ..},
".. description of what I'm testing ..");
I don't have a tutorial but I used to be on a test team that tested a C++ compiler. The test harness (home brewed) we used was written in perl and it worked for us for many years. Perl was ideal because we could easily use it to invoke the tools to build the program, capture the output for later insertion into our test logs (using the "backticks" to run the compiler. For example: $compilerOutput = `cl -?`;
), then, if the build was successful, run the test programs and capture their output, again for insertion into our test logs.
Other benefits we got from using Perl:
For pass/fail detection, Perl's regular expression support was helpful.
Our program (the compiler) was ported during the course of its life to many different hardware architectures. Since Perl source was available and in C, we could get perl running on a new architecture as soon as a C compiler was available (which is usually the first language implemented in a new environment after an assembler).
Lots of documentation, books, help available.
I wrote an article about Testing C with Libtap that uses Perl's Test::Harness to test C programs. Here's an example project: -- might not build any more, as the esoteric build system probably doesn't exist, but you should be able to figure out how it works :-)

What's the modern way of declaring which version of Perl to use?

When it come to saying what version of Perl we need for our scripts, we've got options, oh, brother, we've got options:
use 5.010;
use 5.010_001;
use 5.10.0;
use v5.10;
use v5.10.0;
All seem to work. perlcritic complains about all but the first two. (It's unfortunate that the v strings seem to have such flaws, since Perl 6 expects you to do use v6; for your Perl 6 scripts...)
So, what should we be doing to indicate that we want to use a particular version of perl?
There are really only two options: decimal numbers and v-strings. Which form to use depends in part on which versions of Perl you want to "support" with a meaningful error message instead of a syntax error. (The v-string syntax was added in Perl 5.6.) The accepted best practice -- which is what perlcritic enforces -- is to use decimal notation. You should specify the minimum version of Perl that's required for your script to behave properly. Normally that means declaring a dependency on language features added in a major release, such as using the say function added in 5.10. You should include the patch level if it's important for your script to behave properly. For example, some of my code specifies use 5.008001 because it depends on the fix for a bug that 5.8.0 had which was fixed in 5.8.1.
I just use something like 5.010_001. I've grow weary of dealing with version string problems for something that should be mind-numbingly simple.
Since I mostly deal with build systems, I have the constant struggle of Module::Build's internal which is out of sync with the on CPAN. I think that's mostly better now, but I have better things to think about.
The best practice should always be to do the thing that commands the least of your attention, and certainly not take more attention than the value it gives back. In my opinion, v-strings and dotted decimals were a huge distraction with no additional benefit, wasting a lot of valuable programmer time just to get back to the starting point.
I should also note that Perl::Critic has often pushed questionable practices for the higher purpose of reducing the ways that people do things. However, those practices often cause problems, make them un-best. This is one of those cases. A more realistic best practice is to not make Perl::Critic compliance your goal. Use it where it is useful, but in cases like this, don't waste mental time on it.
The "modern" way is to use the forms starting with v. However, that may not necessarily be what you really want to do.
Critic complains because older versions of Perl won't understand and play nicely with the forms that start with v. However, if your version of Perl supports it, v is nicer to read because you can say:
use v5.10.1;
... rather than ...
use 5.010_001;
So, in the documentation for use, the following workaround is offered:
use 5.006; use v5.6.1;
NB: I think the documenation is in error here, as the v is omitted from the example at perldoc use.
Since the versions of Perl that don't support the v syntax will fail at the first use, they won't get to the second more specific and readable one.

Is there autoexpect for Perl's Expect?

I would like to generate Perl Expect code automatically, does something like autoexpect exist for Perl's Expect??
This is not a good answer, but will have to do until a good answer comes along.
I ran the TCL autoexpect and it created a script file, I then wrote couple lines of perl code that parses the lines with "send" and "expect" tags and then uses the perl expect module to run them along with some other actions.
This hybrid approach gets me by, but I am still hoping for a better answer to come.