quad with vector limit - matlab

I want to use quad for a list of limits without a for loop. As a basic example
T=[1 2 3];
Calculate what I need, but I want to save quad(0,T(1),f) quad(0,T(2),f) quad(0,T(3),f) as a vector. Probably, it is a basic thing but I couldn't find any solution.
I'm thankful for any help,

Use arrayfun:
T=[1 2 3];
Q = arrayfun(#(x) quad(f,0,x), T);
*Note that your post has the arguments to quad in an incorrect order.

This is only here for variety. You could try this Matlab Central entry. As stated on the posting, it's the only vectorized numerical method like this I've seen.


Difference between append and x = [x, element]

I've create an array X as X = [1 2 3 4 5] and I want to insert 0 at the end of it.
Is there any difference in using X = [X, 0] and X = append(X, 0)?
I didn't find anything about and I'm not sure if I can notice the difference.
Thanks in advance!
As explained in the other answer, append is part of a toolbox, and not available to everyone.
The correct way to append to a matrix, however, is
X(end+1) = 0;
This is a whole lot more efficient than X=[X,0]. The difference is that this latter form creates a new array, and copies the original one into it. The other form simply appends to the matrix, which usually doesn't require reallocation. See here for an experiment that shows the difference (read the question and my answer for both parts of the experiment).
append function is a part of Symbolic Math Toolbox. It's preferred to use [X, 0] as it is part of a core language and more likely to be understood.

Looping with step 10 in matlab

I run the below code to get the matrix a filled with the values from 0 to 2062630 alternatively with step that is. a(1) should be 0, a(2) 10 etc. or simply a should contain 0,10,20,30,40,......,2062630. But insted the code gives the matria with the value 2062630 in each element of the matrix a.
for i=1:length(x)
for j=0:10:2062637
I think you did not understand how the colon operator works, it already generates the matrix you want.
It's not quite clear what you want your code to produce, but you may not need any for loops. Instead you can use repmat:
a = repmat(0:10:2062637,[length(x) 1]);
This will create a matrix a with length(x) rows, each of which is 0:10:2062637. It's also possible that you're also trying to create the transpose of this:
a = repmat((0:10:2062637).',[1 length(x)]);
I'm not sure what you want, if you want a vector or a matrix? Also I don't know what x is.
You could try:
for j=0:10:2062637
Which returns exactly the same thing as the solution proposed by #Daniel:

Select all elements except one in a vector

My question is very similar to this one but I can't manage exactly how to apply that answer to my problem.
I am looping through a vector with a variable k and want to select the whole vector except the single value at index k.
Any idea?
for k = 1:length(vector)
newVector = vector( exluding index k); <---- what mask should I use?
% other operations to do with the newVector
Another alternative without setdiff() is
vector(1:end ~= k)
vector([1:k-1 k+1:end]) will do. Depending on the other operations, there may be a better way to handle this, though.
For completeness, if you want to remove one element, you do not need to go the vector = vector([1:k-1 k+1:end]) route, you can use vector(k)=[];
Just for fun, here's an interesting way with setdiff:
What's interesting about this, besides the use of setdiff, you ask? Look at the placement of end. MATLAB's end keyword translates to the last index of vector in this context, even as an argument to a function call rather than directly used with paren (vector's () operator). No need to use numel(vector). Put another way,
>> vector=1:10;
>> k=6;
>> vector(setdiff(1:end,k))
ans =
1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10
>> setdiff(1:end,k)
Error using setdiff (line 81)
Not enough input arguments.
That is not completely obvious IMO, but it can come in handy in many situations, so I thought I would point this out.
Very easy:
newVector = vector([1:k-1 k+1:end]);
This works even if k is the first or last element.
%create a logic vector of same size:
Another way you can do this which allows you to exclude multiple indices at once (or a single index... basically it's robust to allow either) is:
newVector = oldVector(~ismember(1:end,k))
Works just like setdiff really, but builds a logical mask instead of a list of explicit indices.

solving linear equations using matrices in MATLAB

my script creates a matrix and 2 vectors using several 'for' loops and as an example they are returned as follows:
K =
1.0e+006 *
1.2409 0.6250 0.8153 0.1250
0.6250 3.6591 -0.1250 3.5375
0.8153 -0.1250 1.2409 -0.6250
0.1250 3.5375 -0.6250 3.6591
F =
1.0e+006 *
U =
As can be seen, the 'U' vector is a set of variables and I need to solve 'K*U=F' for variables contained in 'U'.
When I try to do that using linsolve or solve I get unexpected results and a message that the inverse of my matrix is close to singular.
HOWEVER, when I make another script and put in the SAME matrix and vectors BY HANDS it all works fine and I can't figure out what's wrong.
Is that somehow related to the way MATLAB stores matrices created by loop functions and I need to change the state of the matrix to something after the loop?
Also, when I put the matrix by hands it displays it without the 1.0e+006 multiplier in front of it:
K11 =
1240900 625000 815300 125000
625000 3659100 -125000 3537500
815300 -125000 1240900 -625000
125000 3537500 -625000 3659100
can that be related??
Thanks in advance.
Try the backslash operator:
U = K\F
See this reference.
From the previous discussion it's clear that your matrix is singular. This means that your equations are not linearly independent. When this happens there are two possibilities. Your system may be inconsistent (over-constrained), in which case no solutions exist. Or alternatively, it can also mean that your equations are under-constrained, in which case there is an infinite set of solutions.
To determine which case it is you can use rref to get the "row reduce echelon form" of the matrix. Do this as follows:
KF = [K,F]
If the last row goes entirely to zeros then you're under-constrained and can extract a solution set (but not a unique solution) from your reduced matrix.
In this case however I get a row of [0 0 0 0 1], which makes the system over-constrained and hence without any solution.

The fsolve function in Matlab

I have a matrix of numbers for one of the variables in an fsolve equation so when I run matlab I am hoping to get back a matrix but instead get a scalar. I even tried a for loop but this gave me an error about size so that is not the solution. I am including the code to get some feedback as to what i am doing wrong.
bubba =[1 1.5 2];
bubba = bubba';
joe = 0:0.1:1.5;
joe = repmat(joe,3,1);
bubba = repmat(bubba,1,length(joe));
for x=1:1:16
eqn0 = #(psi0) (joe.-bubba.*(sqrt((psi0+z))));
result0(x) = fsolve(eqn0,0.1,options);
note I need the joe variable later for plotting so I clipped that part of the code.
Based on your earlier comments, let me take a shot at a solution... still not sure this is what you want:
bubba =[1 1.5 2];
joe = 0:0.1:1.5;
for xi = 1:numel(joe)
for xj = 1:numel(bubba)
eqn0 = #(psi0) (joe(xi).-bubba(xj).*(sqrt((psi0+z))));
result(xi,xj) = fsolve(eqn0,0.1,options);
It is pedestrian; but is it what you want? I can't access matlab right now, otherwise I might come up with something more efficient.
To elaborate on my comment:
psi0 is the independent variable in your solver. You set the dimension of it to [1 1] when you use a scalar as the second argument of fsolve(eqn0, 0.1, options); - this tells Matlab to optimize the scalar psi0, starting at a value of 0.1. The result will be a scalar - the value that minimizes the function
0.1 * sqrt(psi0 + 0.1)
since you had set z=0.1
You should get a value of -0.1 returned for every iteration of your loop, since you never changed anything. There is not enough information right now to figure out which factor you would like to be a matrix - especially since your expression for eqn0 involves a matrix multiplication, it's hard to know what you expect the dimensionality of the result to be.
I hope that you will use this initial answer as a springboard to modify your question so it can be answered properly!?