Drawing Waveform with AVAssetReader and with ARC - iphone

I'm trying to apply Unsynchronized's answer (Drawing waveform with AVAssetReader) while using ARC. There were only a few modifications required, mostly release statements. Many thanks for a great answer! I'm using Xcode 4.2 targeting iOS5 device.
But I'm getting stuck on one statement at the end while trying to invoke the whole thing.
Method shown here:
-(void) importMediaItem {
MPMediaItem* item = [self mediaItem];
waveFormImage = [[UIImage alloc ] initWithMPMediaItem:item completionBlock:^(UIImage* delayedImagePreparation){
[self displayWaveFormImage];
if (waveFormImage) {
[self displayWaveFormImage];
On the call to initWithMPMediaItem I get the following error:
Automatic Reference Counting Issue. Receiver type 'UIImage' for instance message
does not declare a method with selector 'initWithMPMediaItem:completionBlock:'
Since I do have the method initWithMPMediaItem declared in the class header, I really don't understand why I'm getting this error.
- (id) initWithMPMediaItem:(MPMediaItem*)item
completionBlock:(void (^)(UIImage* delayedImagePreparation))completionBlock;
Been trying to wrap my head around this for several hours now but to no avail. Is my method declaration wrong for this type of method? Thanks!

It looks like initWithMPMediaItem should be declared as an initializer for UIImage. So you should declare it inside a UIImage category in your header file:
#interface UIImage (MPMedia)
- (id) initWithMPMediaItem:(MPMediaItem*)item
completionBlock:(void (^)(UIImage* delayedImagePreparation))completionBlock;


objective-c: Delegate object argument getting overwritten when i create multiple instances of custom class

EDIT: I apologize for wasting time, the erorr had nothing to do with what I'm taking about but rather some logic in my code that made me believe this was the cause. I'm awarding Kevin with the correct answer since using his idea to pass the whole AuthorSelectionView, and his note on correcting the NSNumer mistake. Sorry about that.
I've been trying to figure this out for hours, and even left it alone for a day, and still can not figure it out...
My situation is as follows:
I've created a custom class that implements 'UIView' and made this class into a protocol as follows:
custom UIView h file
#protocol AuthorSelectionViewDelegate <NSObject>
-(void)AuthorSelected:(NSNumber *)sender;
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface AuthorSelectionView : UIView
#property (nonatomic,assign) id<AuthorSelectionViewDelegate> delegate;
#property (strong,retain) NSNumber *authorID;
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame withImage:(UIImage *)img withLabel:(NSString *)lbl withID:(int)authorID ;
the implementation...
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame withImage:(UIImage *)img withLabel:(NSString *)lbl withID:(int)authorID
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
self.authorID = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:authorID]; //used to distinguish multiple instances of this class in a view.
UIButton *button = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, FRAMEWIDTH, FRAMEHEIGHT)];
[button addTarget:self action:#selector(CUSTOMBUTTONCLICK) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[self addSubview:button];
return self;
[self.delegate performSelector:#selector(AuthorSelected:) withObject:self.authorID];
Now the method in my delegate object gets called just fine, but my major problem here is that something is going on with the object being pass through when i have multiple instances of the AuthorSelected class alloc'd.. (the NSNumber authorID). I'm getting some weird behavior with it. It seems almost random with the value being passed, but i'm detecting some pattern where the value passed through is coming up late..
thats confusing so ill try to explain:
I create two instances of the AuthorSelected view, one with authorID=1 and the other with authorID=2.
On the first press, lets say i press the first button, i'll get 1 as expected.
On the second press, if I press the 1st custom button, i'll get '1', but if i press the second i'll still get 1.
On the third go, either button will give me back '2'
I feel like this is some issue with pointers since that has always been a weak point for me, but any help would be greatly appreciated as I can not seem to figure this one out.
Thank you!
as requested here is how I create the AuthorSelectionView Objects...
AuthorSelectionView * asView01 = [[AuthorSelectionView alloc]
initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, FRAMEWIDTH, FRAMEHEIGHT)
asView01.delegate = self;
AuthorSelectionView * asView02 = [[AuthorSelectionView alloc]
initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, FRAMEWIDTH, FRAMEHEIGHT)
asView02.delegate = self;
A detail that may be important:
As soon as i click on one of these custom views, my code is set to (for now) call the method that runs the above AuthorSelectionView alloc code, so that i can refresh the screen with the same layout, but with different userpic/userName. This is poor design, I know, but for now I just want the basic features to work, and will then worry about redrawing. I metion this tidbit, becuase I understand that objective-c 'layers' veiws on top of eachother like paint on a canvas, and had a thought that maybe when I click what I think may be my 2nd button, its really 'clicking' the layer beneath and pulling incorrect info.
Your description of the problem is a bit confusing, but this line in your init is very clearly wrong:
self.authorID = [self.authorID initWithInt:authorID];
In -init, your property self.authorID defaults to nil, so the expression [self.authorID initWithInt:authorID] is equivalent to [nil initWithInt:authorID], which evaluates back to nil. So you should actually be seeing nil in your action. You probably meant to say self.authorID = [NSNumber numberWithInt:authorID]
You're missing the alloc message, so this message:
self.authorID = [self.authorID initWithInt:authorID];
Is sent to a nil target, because self.authorID hasn't been allocated yet.
So first allocate it, then use the init method, or mix these two messages. A faster syntax allows to do it this way:
self.authorID= #(authorID);
I don't see where you initialize the delegate, that method shouldn't even be called if you haven't initialized it. Show the code where you create the AuthorSelectionView objects and set the delegates.
instead of :
self.authorID = [self.authorID initWithInt:authorID];
put :
self.authorID = [NSNumber numberWithInt:authorID];
self.authorID = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:authorID];
Don't you have errors or warnings in your code ? I can't see you returning self object in the init method ("return self;")

passing values to another method

I am setting the value for the string in the viewdidload method and getting the string value in the button action method the app gets crashed. can I know the reason for crashing and how to pass the values to the method.
in .h file
NSString *test;
in .m file
test = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"sample"];
-(IBAction) buttonPressed:(id)sender
NSLog(#"%#", test);
When I pressed the button the app crashes.
Please try using this solution, I think this will help you,
Create Property of test in .h file like this,,
#property(nonatomic,retain) NSString *test;
and synthesize it in .m file like this,
#synthesize test;
now use test as self.test in .m file like this,
self.test = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"sample"];
-(IBAction) buttonPressed:(id)sender
NSLog(#"%#", self.test);
Another solution for this is just retain that test string in ViewDidLoad also, I think this will also help you..
Hope this will help you..
Let me try to explain it in more detail:
You have a string variable in .h file. In view did load you are assigning it as:
test = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"sample"];
What actually happning in this code is your test is a autoreleased object. When you use this and object without alloc and init this is autoreleased object and will release memory after the method you occupied it.
For avoiding this situation you can use #Mehul's solution by creating property. This is against encapsulation concept. Sometimes you have objects you don't want to access outside of the class or don't want to show with objects. Use following in those conditions:
test = [[NSString stringWithFormat:#"sample"] retain]; // or
test = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"sample"];
this will keep your string alive till you release it.
There is another way that is not good to use but want to tell you so you can understand it better. Using
test = #"sample";
If you don't want to append string or use it with format you can assign simple string to you NSString object.
using this will have a infinite retainCount of your test variable. You can use this to avoid crash but this is not preferable because as I told this have a infinite retaiCount you can't release it and free your memory after use. So earlier methods are more correct.
This is true with all of your autorelease objects which are created with class methods and not with init.
Hope this will clear you more.
I think simple allocation will solve the problem. Just replace this code in the viewDidLoad method
-(void)viewDidLoad {
test=[[NSString alloc]initWithString:#"Sample"];

Trouble with Core Data Transformable Attributes for Images

I am stuck on what is supposed to be a very simple thing to do: have a Core Data Entity store / display (through bindings) an image assigned as a transformable attribute.
I've read many related posts on the Stack (e.g., see here and here), but am still having trouble with it, after having developed sample code and researched other articles (e.g., see here as well as here). This is related to my earlier question, which I still have not resolved.
I created a simple doc-based Core Data App to demonstrate the problem. The Core Data managed object is called "TheEntity" and the attribute "theImageAtt." The entity as defined in Core Data is shown below (ImageValueTransformer is the NSValueTransformer):
I let XCode generate the NSManagedObject subclass header and implementation files (I left out the code for the "name" attribute to make it simpler):
// TheEntity.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreData/CoreData.h>
#import "ImageValueTransformer.h"
#interface TheEntity : NSManagedObject
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSImage * theImageAtt;
// TheEntity.m
#import "TheEntity.h"
#implementation TheEntity
#dynamic theImageAtt;
Below are the header and implementation files for my "ImageValueTransformer." Lots of examples of this on the Stack and elsewhere (the tiff rep is arbitrary).
// ImageValueTransformer.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface ImageValueTransformer : NSValueTransformer
// ImageValueTransformer.m
#import "ImageValueTransformer.h"
#implementation ImageValueTransformer
+ (BOOL)allowsReverseTransformation {return YES;}
+ (Class)transformedValueClass {
return [NSData class]; // have also tried: return [NSImage class];
- (id)transformedValue:(id)value {
NSData *data = [value TIFFRepresentation];
return data;
- (id)reverseTransformedValue:(id)value {
NSImage *imageRep = [[NSImage alloc] initWithData:value];
return imageRep;
The Value Transformer can be initialized / registered by allocating an instance of it in MyDocument.m, but in the end, it doesn't matter that much as long as the transformer header is imported into the theEntity Header (see above). I have experimented with this and it does not remove the error I get below. For reference, there is earlier discussion on whether or not the value transformer needs to be registered (see the comments by CornPuff and Brian Webster).
Back to the problem at hand, a good code example from Apple is here which shows an alternative initialization of the value transformer, I tried that setup too.
Putting this into action, I have a method to load a test image and assign it to the transformable attribute in MyDocument.m (from a selected Entity instance in an NSTable):
- (IBAction)addImg:(id)sender {
NSImage *theImg = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:#"/Desktop/testImage.jpg"];
//[theImageView setImage:theImg]; // as a test, this displays ok
// "theEntities" below are defined as an IBOutlet to my Array Controller:
[theEntities setValue:theImg forKeyPath:#"selection.theImageAtt"];
NSLog(#"after setting the image ..."); // this never logs
Zeroing-in on where the code breaks, the line below:
[theEntities setValue:theImg forKeyPath:#"selection.theImageAtt"];
gives the error:
Cannot create BOOL from object <4d4d002a 0003717e 8989898a 8a8a8b8b 8b8b8b8b
8a8a8a89 89898888 88878787 8a8a8a89 89898888 88888888 88888889 89898a8a
8a8a8a8a 8b8b8b88 88888787 87898989 8a8a8a89 89898a8a 8a8c8c8c 8b8b8b8a
8a8a8888 .... and so on for the size of the Image array ...
If I comment out the said line above then my NSTable populates just fine (so the bindings and array controller seem ok), but of course with no image in the NSImageView.
As a check, the conversion code used in the Image Transformer works as expected (this is tested separately from the value transformer):
// Image to Data Conversion:
NSImage *imageIn = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:#"testImage.jpg"];
NSData *imgData = [imageIn TIFFRepresentation];
NSImage *imageOut = [[NSImage alloc] initWithData:imgData];
[theImageDisplay setImage:imageOut];
What am I missing on this?
I found that the error reported above, namely,
Cannot create BOOL from object ...
does not occur when using an Image Well or Image Cell (subclasses of NSImageView) rather than the Custom View that I was trying to write to earlier.
So for now I'm using the default value transformer rather than a custom value transformer. This is a workable solution, but academically speaking, it would be nice to know why the default Custom View led to errors when binding to a Core Data attribute (defined as transformable in the Core Date Model).
Digging into this a little further, the Image Well inherits from NSImageView, so at least one difference is that they are distinct with regard to the "editable" property (Image Wells are editable which plays well with Drag-n-Drop). So in an attempt to reconcile these two, I set my Custom View to editable, thinking that this might resolve the problem:
theImageView = [[NSImageView alloc] init];
[theImageView setEditable:YES];
But it must be something else, this does not resolve the error above. For now at least, I have a workable solution. Should others encounter this, I hope these notes are helpful!

Problem with reinitializing of string in iPhone

I have an interface like this:
#interface MacCalculatorAppDelegate:NSObject
<UIApplicationDelegate> {
// ...
UIButton *operatorPressed;
NSString *waitingOperation;
And I am initializing waitingOperation variable in my implementation like this:
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
waitingOperation = #"not set";
return self;
And I want to reinitialize this variable in a function. This is calculator program and when user clicks on operators button the following function will be invoked:
- (IBAction)operatorPressed:(UIButton *)sender {
if([#"+" isEqual:operand]) {
waitingOperation = #"+";
But after the check in if statement, my program won't do anything and this happens when I am trying to reinitialize waitingOperation variable.
I am new to objective-c, please help me understand what's wrong here.
Thanks in advance.
There are several things to note here.
waitingOperation=#"not set";
As it stands, this will eventually crash your program. Objective C string literals are autoreleased instances of NSString, which means unless you assign it to a retained property or retain it manually, the memory will be deallocated, leaving a dangling pointer.
-(IBAction) operatorPressed:(UIButton *)sender {
Have you verified that this method is actually being called? You have to assign the IBAction in Interface Builder. Step through it in the debugger or use NSLog to verify that this method is being called.
if([#"+" isEqual:operand])
Where is operand coming from?
Same problem as above, this will get deallocated behind the scenes, leaving you with a dangling pointer.
Also, note that if you know that both variables are NSStrings, using isEqualToString: is faster than using isEqual:.
Finally, this stuff shouldn't be part of your app delegate. This is view controller logic.
If your operand is also a string, then check for isEqualToString instead of isEqual

Set graphics context to display UIImage (Obj-C)

I'm trying to render a UIImage in Objective-C (working on a simple iPhone app (breakout-type thing) to get used to the environment). However, I'm getting an "Error: CGContextDrawImage: invalid context" error when I try and draw it.
My question is: how do I set the context that the DrawAtPoint method of UIImage uses?
Here the relevant code for how I'm initializing / calling everything:
#interface GameItem : NSObject
IBOutlet UIImage * sprite;
CGPoint pos;
- (id) initWithPositionAndSprite: (CGPoint)placementPosition :(UIImage*) blockImage;
- (void) update;
#property CGPoint pos;
in update:
[sprite drawAtPoint:pos];
And initializing it like:
newBall = [[Ball alloc] initWithPositionAndSprite:CGPointMake(3.0, 4.0) :[UIImage imageNamed:#"ball.png"]];
(Ball inherits from GameItem, doesn't do anything different just yet)
I'm getting the invalid context from the drawAtPoint call afaik. Any help/pointers to somewhere that will explain how to set the context would be greatly appreciated.
If this is to be drawn to the screen, you'll need to locate your drawing code within the -drawRect: method of a UIView (or –drawInContext: of a CALayer). To update its contents, you'd need to call -setNeedsDisplay on the UIView or CALayer. Attempting drawing at any other time will cause the "invalid context" error you're seeing.
Try wrapping the call in UIGraphicsBeginImageContext() and UIGraphicsEndImageContext().