How to remove all . from string except the last? - perl

I would like to remove all . from a string except from the last.
It can be done in JavaScript like so
var s='';
but when try the same in Perl
my #parts = split /./, $s;
my #a = splice #parts, $#parts-1,0;
$s = join "", #a;
I get
Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript -2 at ./ line 15.
Can anyone figure out how to do this in Perl?

I would use a regexp with positive look-ahead in perl for the task:
perl -pe 's/\.(?=.*\.)//g' <<<""
EDIT to add a fix to your solution using split:
use warnings;
use strict;
my $s = '';
my #parts = split /\./, $s;
$s = join( "", #parts[0 .. $#parts-1] ) . '.' . $parts[$#parts];
printf "$s\n";

First of all, escape the dot in split instruction: my #parts = split /\./, $s;

Your split is using a regex /./, in which case . is considered the wild card character. If you want to split on a literal period, you need to escape it:
... split /\./, $s;
splice takes arguments ARRAY or EXPR, OFFSET, LENGTH, LIST (perl v5.14). If LENGTH is 0, nothing is removed, and so nothing is returned.
Your code is contradictory to what you say you are trying to do, so I'm not quite sure what it really is you're trying to do, but assuming you want to remove all periods except the last, I would expect you'd do something like:
my #parts = split /\./, $s;
my $end = pop #parts;
$s = join "", #parts, ".$end";
Or perhaps manipulate the split
my #parts = split /\./, $s;
my $limit = #parts - 1; # the field count for split
$s = join "", split /\./, $s, $limit;
So basically, find out how many fields your string will be split into, subtract one, then perform a new split and set the LIMIT to that.

when in doubt, use diagnostics;
$ perl -Mdiagnostics -le " splice #ARGV, -1 ,0 "
Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript -1 at -e line 1 (#1)
(F) You tried to make an array value spring into existence, and the
subscript was probably negative, even counting from end of the array
Uncaught exception from user code:
Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript -1 at -e line 1.
at -e line 1.
$ perl -Mdiagnostics -le " splice #ARGV, -1 ,0 " argv now not empty
I doubt you want to use negative offsets, I think you want to use offset 0 and size of array minus one (also known as the last index )
$ perl -le " print for splice #ARGV, 0, $#ARGV-1 " a b c
Ooops. $#ARGV is the last index, not $#ARGV -1, so
$ perl -le " print for splice #ARGV, 0, $#ARGV " a b c
but if you still want some arithmetic you can use #ARGV, cause in scalar context its the size of the array
$ perl -le " print for splice #ARGV, 0, #ARGV-1 " a b c
Side-benefit of using non-negative offsets with splice? It doesn't die when array is empty
$ perl -le " print for splice #ARGV, 0, 10 "

This looks more like what you were trying to do in Perl
my #parts = split /\./, $s;
$s = join('', splice(#parts, 0, -1)) . '.' . $parts[-1];

You missed the '.' off your splice call. Here's how it should look
use strict;
use warnings;
my $s = '';
my #parts = split /\./, $s;
splice #parts, -1, 0, '.';
$s = join "", #parts;

The first argument of split is a regular expression. In regular expressions, "." means "match any character" (with /s) or "match any character except LF" (without /s). You need to escape it to match a literal ".".
my #parts = split(/\./, $s, -1); # "-1" to handle ""
splice(#parts, -1, 0, '.') if #parts > 2; # "if" to handle "1234"
$s = join('', #parts);
A substitution could do it as well:
$s =~ s/\.(?=.*\.)//sg;


Count Characters in Perl

I need to count the letter "e" in the string
$x="012ei ke ek ek ";
So far, I've tried with a for-loop:
print $a;
Your code has some problems. You forgot to close the for loop brace,
and in Perl == is supposed to compare numbers. Use eq for strings.
It is also recommended that you use warnings and enable strict mode,
which would have helped you debugging this. In your case, since e
would be treated as 0, so the other one char substrings, 1 and 2
would be the only characters not equal to e when compared with ==. A
cleaned up version of your code could be written as:
use warnings;
use strict;
my $x = "012ei ke ek ek ";
my $l = length $x;
my $count = 0;
for(my $i = 0; $i < $l; $i++) {
my $s = substr($x, $i, 1);
$count++ if ($s eq "e");
print $count;
There are multiple ways to achieve this. You could use a match with a
group, which if global returns all the occurrences in list context.
Since you want the number, take this result in scalar context. You can
achieve this for example with:
my $count = () = $string =~ /(e)/g;
my $count = #{[ $string =~ /(e)/g ]}
Another way is to split the string into characters and grep those that
are e:
my $count = grep $_ eq 'e', split //, $string;
And probably the most compact is to use tr which returns the count of
characters in scalar context, although this does restrict this usage to
counting characters only:
my $count = $string =~ tr/e//;
You compare characters with the numeric operator (==) when you should use the string comparison eq. If you had used the warnings pragma you would have seen that.
You code should have looked like:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $x = "012ei ke ek ek ";
my $l = length($x);
my $a = 0;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $l; $i++ ) {
my $s = substr( $x, $i, 1 );
if ( $s eq "e" ) {
print "$a\n";
Proper indentation and the use of the strict and warnings pragmas will avoid and/or catch unintentional, dumb errors.
A much more Perl-ish (and shorter) way to achieve your answer is:
perl -le '$x="012ei ke ek ek";#count=$x=~m/e/g;print scalar #count'
This matches globally and collects all the matches in list context. The scalar value of the list gives the number of occurrences you seek.
Another way is to use tr
perl -le '$x="012ei ke ek ek";print scalar $x=~tr/e//'
#sidyll Already mentioned what is the problem in your script and all of the possible ways, but TIMTOWTDI.
$x="012ei ke ek ek ";
my $count;
$count++ while($x=~/e/g);
print $count;

Perl regular expressions and returned array of matched groups

i am new in Perl and i need to do some regexp.
I read, when array is used like integer value, it gives count of elements inside.
So i am doing for example
if (#result = $pattern =~ /(\d)\.(\d)/) {....}
and i was thinking it should return empty array, when pattern matching fails, but it gives me still array with 2 elements, but with uninitialized values.
So how i can put pattern matching inside if condition, is it possible?
foreach (keys #ARGV) {
if (my #result = $ARGV[$_] =~ /^--(?:(help|br)|(?:(input|output|format)=(.+)))$/) {
if (defined $params{$result[0]}) {
print STDERR "Cmd option error\n";
$params{$result[0]} = (defined $result[1] ? $result[1] : 1);
else {
print STDERR "Cmd option error\n";
It is regexp pattern for command line options, cmd options are in long format with two hyphens preceding and possible with argument, so
--CMD[=ARG]. I want elegant solution, so this is why i want put it to if condition without some prolog etc.
oh sry, i was thinking groups in #result array are always counted from 0, but accesible are only groups from branch, where the pattern is success. So if in my code command is "input", it should be in $result[0], but actually it is in $result[1]. I thought if $result[0] is uninitialized, than pattern fails and it goes to the if statement.
Consider the following:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $pattern = 42.42;
my #result = $pattern =~ /(\d)\.(\d)/;
print #result, ' elements';
24 elements
Context tells Perl how to treat #result. There certainly aren't 24 elements! Perl has printed the array's elements which resulted from your regex's captures. However, if we do the following:
print 0 + #result, ' elements';
we get:
2 elements
In this latter case, Perl interprets a scalar context for #result, so adds the number of elements to 0. This can also be achieved through scalar #results.
Edit to accommodate revised posting: Thus, the conditional in your code:
if(my #result = $ARGV[$_] =~ /^--(?:(help|br)|(?:(input|output|format)=(.+)))$/) { ...
evaluates to true if and only if the match was successful.
#results = $pattern =~ /(\d)\.(\d)/ ? ($1,$2) : ();
Try this:
#result = ();
if ($pattern =~ /(\d)\.(\d)/)
push #result, $1;
push #result, $2;
=~ is not an equal sign. It's doing a regexp comparison.
So my code above is initializing the array to empty, then assigning values only if the regexp matches.

stripping off numbers and alphabetics in perl

I have an input variable, say $a. $a can be either number or string or mix of both.
My question is how can I strip off the variable to separate numeric digits and alphabetic characters?
$a can be 'AB9'
Here I should be able to store 'AB' in one variable and '9' in other.
How can I do that?
Check this version, it works with 1 or more numeric and alphabetic characters in a variable.
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
my $var = '11a';
my (#digits, #alphabetics);
while ($var =~ /([a-zA-Z]+)/g) {
push #alphabetics, $1;
while ($var =~ /(\d+)/g) {
push #digits, $1;
print Dumper(\#alphabetics);
print Dumper(\#digits);
Here's one way to express it very shortly:
my ($digits) = $input =~ /(\d+)/;
my ($alpha) = $input =~ /([a-z]+)/i;
say 'digits: ' . ($digits // 'none');
say 'non-digits: ' . ($alpha // 'none');
It's important to use the match operator in list context here, otherwise it would return if the match succeeded.
If you want to get all occurrences in the input string, simply change the scalar variables in list context to proper arrays:
my #digits = $input =~ /(\d+)/g;
my #alpha = $input =~ /([a-z]+)/gi;
say 'digits: ' . join ', ' => #digits;
say 'non-digits: ' . join ', ' => #alpha;
For my $input = '42AB17C', the output is
digits: 42, 17
non-digits: AB, C

Cutting apart string in Perl

I have a string in Perl that is 23 digits long. I need to cut it apart into different pieces. First 2 digits in one variable, next 3 in another variable, next 4 into another variable, etc. Basically the 23 digits needs to end up as 6 separate variables (2,3,4,4,3,7) characters, in that order.
Any ideas how I can cut the string up like this?
There are lots of ways to do it, but the shortest is probably unpack:
my $string = '1' x 23;
my #values = unpack 'A2A3A4A4A3A7', $string;
If you need separate variables, you can use a list assignment:
my ($v1, $v2, $v3, $v4, $v5, $v6) = unpack 'A2A3A4A4A3A7', $string;
Expanding on Alex's method, rather than specify each start and end, use the list you gave of lengths.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw";
my $pos = 0;
my #split = map {
my $start = $pos;
my $end = $_;
$pos += $end;
substr( $string, $start, $end);
} (2,3,4,4,3,7);
print "$_\n" for #split;
This said you probably should look at unpack which is used for fixed width fields. I have no experience with it though.
You could use a regex, viz:
$string =~ /\d{2}\d{3}\d{4}\d{4}\d{3}\d{7}/
and capture each part by surrounding with brackets ().
You then find each capture in the variables $1, $2 ...
or get them all in the returned list
See perldoc perlre
You want to use perldoc substr.
$substring = substr($string, $start, $length);
I'd also use `map' on a list of [start, length] pairs to make your life easier:
$string = "123456789";
#values = map {substr($string, $_->[0], $_->[1])} ([1, 3], [4, 2] , ...);
Here's a sub that will do it, using the already discussed unpack.
sub string_slices {
my $str = shift;
return unpack( join( 'A', '', #_ ), $str );

Reformulate a string query in perl

How do i reformulate a string in perl?
For example consider the string "Where is the Louvre located?"
How can i generate strings like the following:
"the is Louvre located"
"the Louvre is located"
"the Louvre located is"
These are being used as queries to do a web search.
I was trying to do something like this:
Get rid of punctuations and split the sentence into words.
my #words = split / /, $_[0];
I don't need the first word in the string, so getting rid of it.
And then i need move the next word through out the array - not sure how to do this!!
Finally convert the array of words back to a string.
How can I generate all permutations of an array in Perl?
Then use join to glue each permutation array back together into a single string.
Somewhat more verbose example:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $str = "Where is the Louvre located?";
# split into words and remove the punctuation
my #words = map {s/\W+//; $_} split / /, $str;
# remove the first two words while storing the second
my $moving = splice #words, 0 ,2;
# generate the variations
my #variants;
foreach my $position (0 .. $#words) {
my #temp = #words;
splice #temp, $position, 0, $moving;
push #variants, \#temp;
print Dumper(\#variants);
my #head;
my ($x, #tail) = #words;
while (#tail) {
push #head, shift #tail;
print join " ", #head, $x, #tail;
Or you can just "bubble" $x through the array: $words[$n-1] and words[$n]
foreach $n (1..#words-1) {
($words[$n-1, $words[$n]) = ($words[$n], $words[$n-1]);
print join " ", #words, "\n";