force end text/image block in org-mode html export - org-mode

I want foo foo foo ... to be aligned next to be an image, but for bar bar bar ... start a new block of text which is not aligned with fig.jpg. Can this be arranged with some special syntax in org-mode?
#+ATTR_HTML: height="100" align="left"
foo foo foo ...
bar bar bar ...
Just wanted to add that when bar bar bar ... is also another section heading, for instance ** Section 2 or something similar, it seems like a new section should not be wrapped with the previous figure by default, but perhaps there is some org-syntax to specify this?

Upon HTML export, the image is wrapped in a <div class="figure">...</div> environment. The org-mode #+ATTR_HTML: informatio gets added specifically to the <img> tag within the <div>.
If you are wanting all of your figures to be "floating" such that the text wraps it, you need to modify the style used in the HTML. This can be done manually in the default style sheet added to the top of the exported HTML file. A better option is to specify the style you want within the .org file itself. Something like:
#+STYLE: <style type="text/css">
#+STYLE: div.figure { float:left; }
#+STYLE: /*]]>*/-->
#+STYLE: </style>
at the beginning of your .org file. This will set the style of all <div class="figure"> elements to be floating on the left with text wrapping around on the right hand side. The following text after the figure will also be wrapped to the right, so you'll want to clear the style with something like a <br style="clear:both;" /> statement.
This worg page has a lot of information about figure placement with captions and word wrapping. There is more detailed information there.


How to align items to right side in MarkdownString of VSCode

While making VSCode Extension I have a requirement to show decorations on a file. Then while you hover over that decoration you can see the default hover with some information you want to show. I am using the following code to create the hover using MarkDownString for VSCode. Even after using "float:right;" in the span the view comment section won't move to the extreme right of the hover. It would just stay in the left. Can someone help me with the way to make it right aligned? Screenshot added below for reference.
const myContent = new MarkdownString(`<span style='float:right;'><a href='#'>View Comment</a></span>`);
myContent.isTrusted = true;
myContent.supportHtml = true;
const decoration = { range, hoverMessage:myContent };
I want the highlighted red box area to be in extreme right of the hover. [The image used is just for reference].
After trying the same thing, I found this question still unanswered.
The MarkdownString documentation states that:
When supportHtml is true, the markdown render will also allow a safe subset of html tags and attributes to be rendered. See for a list of all supported tags and attributes.
Looking at the code linked, we can see that while "span" is allowed the "style" and "class" attributes, they are very strictly filtered and only allow some of the vscode built-ins to be used.
So, while styling elements with inline CSS or even a custom class might be possible, there is another approach to this - using Markdown tables, which get translated into HTML tables and allow custom alignment.
For example, what I ended up using was something like:
new MarkdownString(`
| |
| ---: |
| the very long line we want the below link to right-align to |
| [Link text](https://linktarget "Link hover message") |
The idea came from the github issue linked in the the source file mentioned above.
A couple of notes:
codicons are still supported inside Markdown tables;
the HTML table generated does not expand to 100% of the hover message box, so if you want to right-align the link text with a longer line, they have to be in the same Markdown table;
Markdown table detection is very picky about spaces and newlines, you might have to play a bit with the formatting of your string for vscode to correctly transform it into a HTML table;
the Markdown table header cannot be omitted, at least that was the conclusion of my testing; it can however be empty;
the resulting HTML table might add some small invisible borders, I haven't investigated, but my alignment with other rows in the hover seemed 1px off;
trying to bypass the Markdown table creation and writing my own HTML table broke codicons support, although I haven't investigated that too much either;

Changing the colour of curley braces inside VSC

I write content in VSC and I use handlebars to write content.
{{#jan}} Hello my name is Tony {{else}} Hi my name is Bob {{/if}}
Is there any way I can get the content inside the {{}} to highlight something like bright yellow? when I have loads of these in the docs, its hard to spot them when scrolling.
I've tried messing around with the workspace settings.js file but have had no luck. Thanks
The title of your question asks how to change the color of the brackets themselves, while the body asks for how to change the content in the middle.
here's a solution for the title part: the extension bracket pair colorizer will give you full control over curly brace colors. by default, it colors nested braces differently, but as per its documentation, you can configure it however you want. so if you choose only one brace color, they can both be yellow or whatever color you want

How do I change opening and closing tag at the same time in Sublime Text 3

What is the easiest way to change the opening and closing code tag?
I especially need a way to do it using Sublime Text 3's Multi-Select... so I don't have to change it 1,000 times. And find and replace won't work because I need to change only specific matches.
EX: CHANGE ALL DIVs with class="item" to tr tags
(ignore my improperly formated code this is for example only)
<div class="item">foo foo bar is foofoobar</div>
<div class="item">bar foo is barfoo</div>
<div> not a match for .item</div>
<div class="item">foo bar foo is foobarfoo</div>
<tr class="item">foo foo bar is foofoobar</tr>
<tr class="item">bar foo is barfoo</tr>
<div> not a match for .item</div>
<tr class="item">foo bar foo is foobarfoo</tr>
I couldn't find the answer so I'm answering my own question.
What is the easiest way to change the opening and closing code tag?
I especially need a way to do it using Sublime Text 3's Multi-Select... so I don't have to change it 1,000 times. And find and replace won't work because I need to change only specific matches.
Install Emmet
Then select the opening tag you want to change.
(if you need to multi select -->) Hit ALT + F3.
Now (with Emmet installed) hit CTRL + SHIFT + u
Now change your tag and hit enter/return
EX: CHANGE ALL DIVs with class="item" to tr tags
(ignore my improperly formated code this is for example only)
<div class="item">foo foo bar is foofoobar</div>
<div class="item">bar foo is barfoo</div>
<div> not a match for .item</div>
<div class="item">foo bar foo is foobarfoo</div>
Highlight div class="item"
hit ALT + F3 to select all matching divs
hit CTRL + SHIFT + u
type "tr" and hit enter
<tr class="item">foo foo bar is foofoobar</tr>
<tr class="item">bar foo is barfoo</tr>
<div> not a match for .item</div>
<tr class="item">foo bar foo is foobarfoo</tr>
Package Control not working
I had to uninstall Package Control before installing Emmet as my Package Control had become corrupt somehow.
This post answers the question of how to fix a corrupt package control item.
Why is Sublime Package Control not working?
Wrong Shortcode
It is possible your shortcode is conflicted with another plugin or your shortcode has changed from the default assignment.
Go to
Preferences > Package Settings > Emmet > Key Bindings - Default
Look for "update_as_you_type" and check the "keys" assigned. This is the keyboard shortcut you should be using. If that still does not work. Try changing the key assignment.

How to display newline in TimelineItem control's text property?

We have a SAPUI5 timeline control, where we are showing the comments coming from server.
The issue is, if the comments contain a newline \n, then the Timeline control is not able to display the text in newline. Instead, it introduces space wherever \n is present.
We have tried formatting \n to unicode character also but that also didn't worked. Timeline control aggregates TimelineItem.
The control we are using is:
Code snippet can be found at:,output
I inspected your example and came up with the following solution.
Since the text is embedded in a <span>, all unnecessary whitespace will be trimmed. What you can do is telling the span (via CSS) that it should display the whitespace anyway.
If you don't have a CSS file in your project yet, create one. Then add the following lines
div.sapSuiteUiCommonsTimelineItemShellBody>span {
white-space: pre;
This should do the trick.
If you inspect the rendered element, you will see it actually put in the break:
<span id="__item0-realtext">x
...but did not convert it to a <br/> tag. You cannot add the tag yourself since it will be escaped, either. Maybe you can try to override the renderer, and convert any line breaks to html breaks

Text/Code highlight with jsDoc

jsDoc seems to support most of the MD syntax, but when it comes to highlighting a single reserved word or text, I cannot find a usable tag for that.
In the MD syntax I can use `word`, which would set a grey background and a different font, so you can see it clearly, same as on StackOverflow - word.
In jsDoc, whether I use `word` or <code>word</code>, the effect is just setting italic style to the word, which cannot be clearly seen as a reserved word.
Is there any syntax in jsDoc to clearly highlight a word or a text string, like `some text` in MD, to look like some text?
Alternatively, is there a way to customize it - provide my own CSS for a standard MD tag?
JSDoc documentation seems to be using <code> tag, and it highlights the text using a grey background like you want by setting it on the code tag properties defined on the usejavadoc.css file:
There is a guide on how to edit or create your own JSDoc template, with a section on how to override the default template layout file:
But for something as simple as this, you don't even have to go that far. Just edit the css fragment, before or after generation, and set the background-color you want for the code tag. You may do it before generation by editing this line and setting the background color you want:
Or, if that doesn't work, overriding the property by adding
code {
background-color: #DEDEDE !important;
to the file.
As an alternative you can use a framework like qooxdoo to generate your documentation using JSDoc-like comments. According to their API reference you may use <pre class="javascript"> for inline javascript syntax code highlighting, and it looks pretty nice: