External Accessory Framework...EADemo issue - iphone

Exploring External Accessory Framework to connect iOS device via bluetooth. I downloaded Apple's EADemo project here: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/EADemo/Introduction/Intro.html
But how do I test it? I'm new to XCode and Objective-C, so assume nothing. I opened the project file. I have it set to iPhone 5.1 Simulator at the top left. I click on the 'Product' menu...then I click on 'Run'. That opens the iOS simulator and it says no accessories connected. How do I get it to detect other bluetooth devices? If I go to general settings in the iOS simulator, bluetooth is set to off. If I move the switch to 'On'...it just spins and spins and spins and does nothing.
Can anyone help?

Yeah, you can't test EADemo with the simulator. Only works with actual devices.


Issues With Testing On Device & Simulator

I'm having an issue testing my apps on my device and simulator ever since I upgraded to Xcode 8.
Whenever I try and use the simulator on my Mac, it says it cannot find a connection or "DTS, cannot bless the connection". So I plugged in my phone into my Mac to test instead and it seems to cut off half of my app, most importantly my toolbar with buttons. All of my constraints are good in storyboard. So I'm not sure why this is happening. What do I do to fix this? Is it a problem with Xcode?

IWatch simulator not showing up

I need a little help.
I'm trying to create an iWatch app with Xcode a Single View Project with AppleWatchKit.
Somehow the iWatch simulator is not visible just the iPhone 6 simulator.
Please help.
I have read a lot of posts but none of them helped.
Select Simulator and click on Hardware from IOs simulator menu Bar. and show buttom of Hardware External Displays. Now click External Display then show List of device dimension with Apple Watch simulator. now select Apple Watch simulator according your need. I attach screen shoot.

How do you set the default device in the iPhone simulator?

Every time I switch Xcode between debugging on my iPhone and running in the simulator it resets the simulated device. I want to run the simulator as an iPhone device, but it keeps changing back to iPad. Does anyone know how to set the configuration so that the simulator defaults to an iPhone device?
I can switch the hardware to iPhone inside the Simulator, but when I go back to Xcode and run a "Build Debug" it reopens the app inside an iPad. The only way I can get it to switch is by using the Overview menu in Xcode, the choices I see are iPad Simulator 3.2 and iPhone Simulator 4.0
And when I switch between device and simulator then it always goes back to iPad.
I got XCode 4 to launch the iPhone simulator instead of the iPad simulator by doing this:
In the "Product" menu, pick "Edit Scheme".
Single-Click "Run *Your_Project_Name* Debug" from the list on the left of the scheme editing window.
At the top of the window notice that the pull-down above "Destination" is set to "iPad 4.3 Simulator".
Change the pull-down to "iPhone 4.3 Simulator".
Click "OK".
In Xcode 9 you can select multiple devices. However an easy way to default to your favorite device is the following:
Choose your device from simulator-hardware-device-os you are working on
Now go to simulators - windows and turn off “ show device bezel”
Now simply close the ones you don’t want
What is the Base SDK set to in your project (General tab)? If it's not 4.0 then I think it may assume you are writing an iPad app.
If you set it to 3.2 wanting to support iOS 3.x, you need to set the base SDK to 4.0, then go into project build settings tab and change the OS Deployment target to 3.1 (or whatever the earliest version is you want to support).
In the iPhone Simulator, go to Hardware>Device, and select "iPhone". Whatever you choose there is automatically saved.
in iOS simulator go to :
File / Open Device / iOS 'versión' in my case (iOS 13.7) / Select the one you need
next time you open the simulator will be open with the device selected.
had the same problem - that is how i found this thread.
in SDK 4.2 make sure that when you open the a new xcode project you choose Product = 'iPhone' - the default selection is Ipad. Then when you save the project the device settings are saved with it.

Simulator flips to iPhone

I created my first universal app by using the universal app template.
I set up xib files and main view controllers for both iPhone and iPad and the iPhone version runs fine.
Yet even though I change the simulator hardware to iPad/3.2 when I test, the simulator changes back to the iPhone.
Please help.
I found that if I change the targeted device in the project settings from iPhone/iPad to iPad, I can test. I'll have to change it back when I'm ready to release the product. Who knows if it will work.
Side issue: I found that the new imageWithCGImage:scale:orientation is not supported in 3.2. I have to branch upon the interface idiom.

No iPad simulator in Xcode 3.2 beta 5

I installed Xcode 3.2 beta 5 and I could not find iPad Simulator. Where do I find it?
You are looking for the program iPhone Simulator.
If not, you can test your website in Safari on iPad using the iPhone Simulator (Hardware -> Device -> iPad).
Above is from Technical Note TN2262
If you can't find it via searchlight, than try looking in /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications/iPhone\ Simulator
After you install the SDK successfully, Run Xcode and create a new project. Select iPad for product.
When you create an iPhone project for iPhone OS 3.2, you will see that every time you Build and Run it, it appears in the iPad simulator instead of the iPhone simulato
There is not much too see when you run the simulator without a project
Go to spotlight and search iOS Simulator. You run that and up pops an iPhone simulator, go to Hardware > Device and change it to an iPad
The iOS Simulator is in Mac HD > Developer > Platforms > iPhoneSimulator.platform > Developer > Applications > (here)
Nicely squirrelled away
Try creating an iPad project and ask to launch it in the simulator.
When running, go to the dock, right click on the icon and select "options".
In the "Options" menu is "Reveal in Finder", which will show you where the simulator currently lives.
Also be aware that the iPhone and iPad simulator are the same application, in the menu for the iPhone Simulator (the actual name of the app) you can select which device you want to simulate (though XCode will automatically switch this for you when you run in debug).
Perhaps this pertains,
From Xcode release notes found under the download selection:
Known Issues in Xcode 5 developer preview
There is no iPad simulator support in this seed.