Why does Scala query return as unit? - scala

Running a Squeryl call for some data that pulls from multiple locations, but for some reason it returns as a unit. How do I get it to return as an Iterable?
Below is pulling of the data:
* gets a stream for a particular user
def getUserStream(userId:Long) {
User.teamIds(userId).toList.map( (team) =>
Stream.findByTeam(team,0,5).map( (stream) =>
And then outputting the data, where results returns as Unit:
Stream.getUserStream(userId) match {
case results => {
Ok( generate(results.map( (stream) => Map(
"id" -> stream.id,
"model" -> stream.model,
"time" -> stream.time,
"content" -> stream.content
) ).as("application/json")
case _ => Ok("")
My initial guess is one function could return as a None, but wouldn't it just return an empty list?

You missing the equal sign before you def getUserStream(userId:Long) method body.
def func(x: Int) { x + 1 } // This will return Unit
def func(x: Int) = { x + 1 } // This will return a Int

To add a little bit that may be useful, saying def f(x: Int) {}
Is the equivalent of saying def f(x: Int): Unit = {}
If you do not declare the return type (e.g. def f(x: Int) = {}) the type will be inferred from your method body.
A technique to guarantee that you are returning a certain type is to declare it explicitly. This is something you would do when you want to export a public interface with a certain signature. This is important because if you let the type inferencer do all the work it may expose an abstraction that is more general than you want.
def f(x: Int): List[User] = {} // This will not compile.


High order functions in Scala

IM trying to understand the below high order functions in Scala but need some clarifications on the parameters of the functions.
What does the Int => String in the apply function mean?
v: Int indicates that the parameter v is of type Int.
What does the [A](x: A) mean in layout function?
object Demo {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println( apply( layout, 10) )
def apply(f: Int => String, v: Int) = f(v)
def layout[A](x: A) = "[" + x.toString() + "]"
f: Int => String means that f is a function with one argument of type Int and with a return type String
def layout[A](x: A) means that parameter x is of type A, which can be of any type. Here are a couple of examples on how to invoke layout:
layout[String]("abc") //returns "[abc]"
layout[Int](123) //returns "[123]"
When main runs it invokes apply with the layout function and the argument 10. This will output "[10]"
The syntax of Int => String means passing a function that accepts Int and returns String.
Here is a useful example for passing function:
case class Person(name: String, lastName: String)
val person = Person("Johnny", "Cage")
def updateName(name: String) = {
updatePerson(_.copy(name = name))
def updateLastName(lastName: String) {
updatePerson(_.copy(lastName = lastName))
private def updatePerson(transformer: Person => Person): Unit = {
Note how each update function passes the copy constructor.

What is the best way to return more than 2 different variable type values in Scala

It's been while Since I've started working on scala and I am wondering what kind of variable type is the best when I create a method which requires to return multiple data.
let's say If I have to make a method to get user info and it'll be called from many places.
def getUserParam(userId: String):Map[String,Any] = {
//do something
"isExist" -> true,
"userDataA" -> "String",
"userDataB" -> 1 // int
in this case, the result type is Map[String,Any] and since each param would be recognized as Any, You cannot pass the value to some other method requiring something spesifically.
def doSomething(foo: String){}
val foo = getUserParam("bar")
doSomething(foo("userDataA")) // type mismatch error
If I use Tuple, I can avoid that error, but I don't think it is easy to guess what each indexed number contains.
and of course there is a choice to use Case Class but once I use case class as a return type, I need to import the case class where ever I call the method.
What I want to ask is what is the best way to make a method returning more than 2 different variable type values.
Here are three options. Even though you might like the third option (using anonymous class) it's actually my least favorite. As you can see, it requires you to enable reflective calls (otherwise it throws a compilation warning). Scala will use reflection to achieve this which is not that great.
Personally, if there are only 2 values I use tuple. If there are more than two I will use a case class since it greatly improves code readability. The anonymous class option I knew it existed for a while, but I never used that it my code.
import java.util.Date
def returnTwoUsingTuple: (Date, String) = {
val date = new Date()
val str = "Hello world"
val tupleVer = returnTwoUsingTuple
case class Reply(date: Date, str: String)
def returnTwoUsingCaseClass: Reply = {
val date = new Date()
val str = "Hello world"
val caseClassVer = returnTwoUsingCaseClass
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
def returnTwoUsingAnonymousClass = {
val date = new Date()
val str = "Hello world"
new {
val getDate = date
val getStr = str
val anonClassVer = returnTwoUsingAnonymousClass
Sinse your logic with Map[String,Any] is more like for each key I have one of .. not for each key I have both ... more effective use in this case would be Either or even more effectively - scalaz.\/
import scalaz._
import scalaz.syntax.either._
def getUserParam(userId: String): Map[String, String \/ Int \/ Boolean] = {
//do something
"isExist" -> true.right,
"userDataA" -> "String".left.left,
"userDataB" -> 1.right.left
String \/ Int \/ Boolean is left-associatited to (String \/ Int) \/ Boolean
now you have
def doSomething(foo: String){}
unluckily it's the most complex case, if for example you had
def doSomethingB(foo: Boolean){}
you could've just
since the right value considered as correct so for String which is left to the left you could write
Closed Family
Or you could craft you own simple type for large number of alternatives like
sealed trait Either3[+A, +B, +C] {
def ifFirst[T](action: A => T): Option[T] = None
def ifSecond[T](action: B => T): Option[T] = None
def ifThird[T](action: C => T): Option[T] = None
case class First[A](x: A) extends Either3[A, Nothing, Nothing] {
override def ifFirst[T](action: A => T): Option[T] = Some(action(x))
case class Second[A](x: A) extends Either3[Nothing, A, Nothing] {
override def ifSecond[T](action: A => T): Option[T] = Some(action(x))
case class Third[A](x: A) extends Either3[Nothing, Nothing, A] {
override def ifThird[T](action: A => T): Option[T] = Some(action(x))
now having
def getUserParam3(userId: String): Map[String, Either3[Boolean, String, Int]] = {
//do something
"isExist" -> First(true),
"userDataA" -> Second("String"),
"userDataB" -> Third(1)
val foo3 = getUserParam3("bar")
you can use your values as

What type parameters should I use to make List.map work with delimited continuations?

I'm basically following the example given at the Scala API page for delimited continuations. The code below works fine:
import scala.util.continuations._
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
val sessions = new HashMap[Int, Int=>Unit]
def ask(prompt: String): Int #cps[Unit] = shift {
ret: (Int => Unit) => {
val id = sessions.size
printf("%s\nrespond with: submit(0x%x, ...)\n", prompt, id)
sessions += id -> ret
def submit(id: Int, addend: Int): Unit = {
sessions.get(id) match {
case Some(continueWith) => continueWith(addend)
def go = reset {
val first = ask("Please give me a number")
val second = ask("Please enter another number")
printf("The sum of your numbers is: %d\n", first + second)
However, when I modify go to the following:
def go = reset {
List("First?","Second?").map[Int #cps[Unit]](ask)
I get this error:
error: wrong number of type parameters for method map: [B, That](f: String => B)
(implicit bf: scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[List[String],B,That])That
List("First?","Second?").map[Int #cps[Unit]](ask)
Adding Any as a second type parameter doesn't help. Any idea what types I should be supplying?
The reason is that this is simply not possible without creating a CPS-transformed map method on List: the CPS annotations make the compiler turn your methods “inside out” in order to pass the continuation back to where it is needed and the standard List.map does not obey the transformed contract. If you want to have your mind wrapped in Klein bottles for a while you may look at the class files produced from your source, in particular the method signatures.
This is the primary reason why the CPS plugin will never be a complete generic solution to this problem, which is not due to a deficiency but caused by an inherent mismatch between “straight” code and continuation passing style.
You need to give correct parameter for the CanBuildFrom implicit to be found:
List("First?","Second?").map[Int #cps[Unit], List[Int #cps[Unit]](ask)
But do you really need to be explicit about type? maybe just do .map(ask) will work.
Here's the closest thing I could work out. It uses shiftR to reify the continuation rather than reset it, uses a foldRight to construct the suspended continuation chain, uses a shift/reset block to get the continuation after the suspension, and an "animate" method to kick off the suspended continuation.
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.util.continuations._
val sessions = new HashMap[Int, (Unit=>Unit, Int)]
val map = new HashMap[Int, Int]
def ask(pair:(String, Int)) = pair match {
case (prompt, index) => shiftR { (ret: Unit => Unit) => {
val id = sessions.size
printf("%s\nrespond with: submit(0x%x, ...)\n", prompt, id)
sessions += id -> (ret, index)
def submit(id: Int, addend: Int): Unit = {
sessions.get(id) match {
case Some((continue, index)) => { map.put(index, addend); continue() }
def sum(m:HashMap[Int,Int]) : Int = {
m.fold[(Int, Int)]((0, 0))((a, b) => (0, {a._2+b._2}))._2
type Suspended = ControlContext[Unit,Unit,Unit]
class AnimateList(l:List[Suspended]) {
def suspend(k: => Unit) = (c: Unit) => k
def animate(k:Unit => Unit): Unit = {
(elem: Suspended, acc: Unit => Unit) => suspend(elem.fun(acc, ex => ())))()
implicit def listToAnimateList(l:List[Suspended]) = new AnimateList(l)
reset {
val conts = List("First?","Second?","Third?").zipWithIndex.map(ask)
shift { conts.animate }

Scala - reduce/foldLeft

I have a nested map m which is like:
m = Map("email" -> "a#b.com", "background" -> Map("language" -> "english"))
I have an array arr = Array("background","language")
How do I foldLeft/reduce the array and find the string "english" from the map. I tried this:
arr.foldLeft(m) { (acc,x) => acc.get(x) }
But I get this error:
<console>:10: error: type mismatch;
found : Option[java.lang.Object]
required: scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String,java.lang.Object]
arr.foldLeft(m) { (acc,x) => acc.get(x) }
You should pay attention to types. Here, you start with m : Map[String, Any] as your acc. You combine with a string x and calls get, which returns an Option[Object]. To continue, you must check that there is a value, check whether this value is a Map, cast (unchecked because of type erasure, hence dangerous).
I believe the fault is in the that the type of your structure, Map[String, Any] represents what you have rather poorly.
Suppose you do instead
sealed trait Tree
case class Node(items: Map[String, Tree]) extends Tree
case class Leaf(s: String) extends Tree
You may add some helpers to make declaring a Tree easy
object Tree {
implicit def fromString(s: String) = Leaf(s)
implicit def fromNamedString(nameAndValue: (String, String))
= (nameAndValue._1, Leaf(nameAndValue._2))
object Node {
def apply(items: (String, Tree)*) : Node = Node(Map(items: _*))
Then declaring the tree is just as easy as your first version, but the type is much more precise
m = Node("email" -> "a#b.com", "background" -> Node("language" -> "english"))
You can then add methods, for instance in trait Tree
def get(path: String*) : Option[Tree] = {
if (path.isEmpty) Some(this)
else this match {
case Leaf(_) => None
case Node(map) => map.get(path.head).flatMap(_.get(path.tail: _*))
def getLeaf(path: String*): Option[String]
= get(path: _*).collect{case Leaf(s) =>s}
Or if you would rather do it with a fold
def get(path: String*) = path.foldLeft[Option[Tree]](Some(this)) {
case (Some(Node(map)), p) => map.get(p)
case _ => None
Folding as an abstraction over nested maps isn't really supported. Also, you're approaching this in a way that is going to prevent the type system from giving you much help. But, if you insist, then you want a recursive function:
def lookup(m: Map[String,Object], a: Array[String]): Option[String] = {
if (a.length == 0) None
else m.get(a(0)).flatMap(_ match {
case mm: Map[_,_] => lookup(mm.asInstanceOf[Map[String,Object]],a.tail)
case s: String if (a.length==1) => Some(s)
case _ => None

How to return optional information from methods?

The general question is how to return additional information from methods, beside the actual result of the computation. But I want, that this information can silently be ignored.
Take for example the method dropWhile on Iterator. The returned result is the mutated iterator. But maybe sometimes I might be interested in the number of elements dropped.
In the case of dropWhile, this information could be generated externally by adding an index to the iterator and calculating the number of dropped steps afterwards. But in general this is not possible.
I simple solution is to return a tuple with the actual result and optional information. But then I need to handle the tuple whenever I call the method - even if I'm not interested in the optional information.
So the question is, whether there is some clever way of gathering such optional information?
Maybe through Option[X => Unit] parameters with call-back functions that default to None? Is there something more clever?
Just my two cents here…
You could declare this:
case class RichResult[+A, +B](val result: A, val info: B)
with an implicit conversion to A:
implicit def unwrapRichResult[A, B](richResult: RichResult[A, B]): A = richResult.result
def someMethod: RichResult[Int, String] = /* ... */
val richRes = someMethod
val res: Int = someMethod
It's definitely not more clever, but you could just create a method that drops the additional information.
def removeCharWithCount(str: String, x: Char): (String, Int) =
(str.replace(x.toString, ""), str.count(x ==))
// alias that drops the additional return information
def removeChar(str: String, x: Char): String =
removeCharWithCount(str, x)._1
Here is my take (with some edits with a more realistic example):
package info {
trait Info[T] { var data: Option[T] }
object Info {
implicit def makeInfo[T]: Info[T] = new Info[T] {
var data: Option[T] = None
Then suppose your original method (and use case) is implemented like this:
object Test extends App {
def dropCounterIterator[A](iter: Iterator[A]) = new Iterator[A] {
def hasNext = iter.hasNext
def next() = iter.next()
override def dropWhile(p: (A) => Boolean): Iterator[A] = {
var count = 0
var current: Option[A] = None
while (hasNext && p({current = Some(next()); current.get})) { count += 1 }
current match {
case Some(a) => Iterator.single(a) ++ this
case None => Iterator.empty
val i = dropCounterIterator(Iterator.from(1))
val ii = i.dropWhile(_ < 10)
To provide and get access to the info, the code would be modified only slightly:
import info.Info // line added
object Test extends App {
def dropCounterIterator[A](iter: Iterator[A]) = new Iterator[A] {
def hasNext = iter.hasNext
def next() = iter.next()
// note overloaded variant because of extra parameter list, not overriden
def dropWhile(p: (A) => Boolean)(implicit info: Info[Int]): Iterator[A] = {
var count = 0
var current: Option[A] = None
while (hasNext && p({current = Some(next()); current.get})) { count += 1 }
info.data = Some(count) // line added here
current match {
case Some(a) => Iterator.single(a) ++ this
case None => Iterator.empty
val i = dropCounterIterator(Iterator.from(1))
val info = implicitly[Info[Int]] // line added here
val ii = i.dropWhile((x: Int) => x < 10)(info) // line modified
println(info.data.get) // line added here
Note that for some reason the type inference is affected and I had to annotate the type of the function passed to dropWhile.
You want dropWhileM with the State monad threading a counter through the computation.