In Localizable, ViewController.xib's link broken - iphone

I'm making iphone app using XCODE 4.2.
I would like to make a localized apps.
I moved the project folder. And then files(related localization)' link is broken.
I use to move folder often.
How can I do? please tell me.... thank!~

Select the xib marked in red
open the File Inspector (View - Utilities - File Inspector)
change "Full Path" to new location


Xcode Base internationalization doesn't work

I'm trying to localize my app.
I noticed that if I add a language every localized file become doubled.
In this way it's impossible to maintain code or storyboard so I learnt that I need Base internationalization.
The problem is that when I select that checkbox in xcode project setting it shows a window without nothing to select, does anyone know how to fix this?
Here's a screenshot
First, you need to go to your storyboard file, open the bar on the right side, and go to Show the File Inspector, the furthest tab to the left. Then, scroll down and click localize. After this, when you check Use Base Localization, you should see the storyboard appear.
This could happen if Base Internationalization was active before then disabled and files deleted manually.
Create Base.lproj folder in your project folder using the finder.
Move your main story board to it also using the finder.
fix the reference to it from Xcode.
remove app. from device, clean & build your project.
All will be back to normal.

Settings bundle - New items not showing up in Xcode

I am a newbie to iOS Development. Learnt a chapter 2 days back about using settings bundle in my apps. The tutorial also showed me how to add new plist files and images into the settings bundle by ctrl+click opening the bundle in Finder.
But the newly added items do not show up in Xcode project organizer list. Is that how it works or do we have an alternative?
[Update at 1:53PM EST by Deepu]
Thank you guys for the replies. Actually I figured out something weird. When I added objects to the settings bundle from Finder, they did not initially show up on Xcode. I closed everything and then reopened Xcode and saw them in the bundle inside Xcode. So I guess the error was on my part expecting the objects to be added in Xcode as soon as I added them to the File system via Finder.
Sorry for the trouble and thanks for the advises.
It has to be there maybe inside any folder. When I add a file I usually add first a group (right click Add group) then there is a new folder so in the folder (example images) I right click and add a file.
It should be there, if not then right click on any folder/file in your xcode, tap on Show or Reveal in Finder, then it will take you to a place where all of your project files are placed, drag and drop from there into your project. It will not automatically pull into your project if you will add them in a folder on your disk. You will have to drag and drop into your project.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Reno Jones

AppName doesn't change, after renaming in xcode

I have two apps which are 90% same.So I have used the same code and renamed it in xcode.After that I have installed it in my device.So it is giving the previous appname not the new name.So Kindly tell me.Let me know if you need any more details.
If you are refering to the label inside the app icon in the springboard (the iPhone "desktop") , you will need to open the YourApp-Info.plist (located, usually, in Supporting Files) and change the value for Bundle display name (or CFBundleDisplayName).
go to your Xcode project, select the desired target, click on "Build settings" and look for "Product Name", now enter the new desired name.
To change the name of the app on the iOS home screen, you need to change the CFBundleDisplayName key in your app's Info.plist file.
As everyone say, the bundle display name is the name displayed on your device.
You might want to change the bundle identifier too, but it's for corresponding to your provisionning profiles and to be posted on another identifier on the app store.
You might want to rename your Xcode project, I found yesterday a way to do this easily: click on your project name (on left panel), go on the right panel (open it if not) and change the "project name" textfield. it will ask you to rename lot of files automatically.
Finally, have you considered to create a new target, instead of creating a new project ? If the differences are just images and nib file, you can duplicate an app easily, this way.

Why can't I add a child pane plist file into my project's Settings.bundle?

I'm running Xcode 4.1 and I've been following a tutorial about app settings. Everything has been going great up until I get ready to add a plist for a child pane that I want to add.
The video tutorial I'm watching (also using Xcode 4.1) shows the guy right-clicking the settings.bundle and choosing Add File... and then saving a file named More. In the video tutorial, he ends up with a More.plist showing up in the project and also in the settings.bundle right in the same level with the Root.plist. I just get it in the project. Nothing in the settings.bundle, and I can't figure out how to copy it there.
I've also noticed that in the tutorial, in the Project Navigator, the settings.bundle has an icon that looks kind of like an outline of a shield. In my Project Navigator, the settings.bundle looks like a white sheet of paper with a corner folded down.
Anyone know what the heck is going on?
FWIW, the root app settings works fine in the simulator. I can see the stuff I set up just fine. I can click on the link to my child pane and it switches to it, but nothing that I added in the more.plist shows up there.
Any help GREATLY appreciated!!
Argh, Apple tends to change things without letting anyone know. The whole settings bundle thing is just not well integrated into XCode if you ask me.
If you ever try to localize your application, you will find that you have to manually add the localization folders to the settings.bundle.
Looks like we have to do the same thing to add child menus now, as just adding the plist file does not put it into the settings.bundle.
Here is the set of steps I just tried that worked.
Open up finder, you can right click or two finger click Settings.bundle and choose "Show in Finder".
Right click Settings.bundle in the finder window, choose show package contents.
Copy the new plist file into this the settings.bundle next to the Root.plist
Delete the new plist from the main project.
I was not able to get the text field to show up under additional .plist page.
My Fix:
Leave only 1 Child.plist file outside Settings.bundle
Navigate to Root.plist
Right click and select 'Show Ray Keys/Values'
Right click and select 'Add Row'. Add:
Key: File
Type: String
Value: Root
In Xcode 4.3.2,
Right click the Project Name in the Project Navigator, and choose Show in Finder.
In Finder, right click the setting.bundle and choose Show Package Contents.
Copy the new .plist to setting.bundle.
Back to XCode, open the setting.bundle, wilfully add one item under the Preference Items, then expand it and modify the value of Type to Child Pane.I can't upload the image, so give the link of the blog.
This problem still exists in Xcode 4.2. Creating and moving [child].plist in Finder does help thanks to John S up there.
Some additional tips.
Make sure to turn on "Show Raw Keys/Values" by right clicking inside the opened root.plist file for the "ChildPane Type" to appear. Also make sure to select "Property List Type" as "iPhone Settings plist". If you're having trouble with ordering items, just open the plist file in a text editor and move the xml elements around accordingly.
Additional additional tip: in Xcode 4.2 to explore/expand the contents of the bundle make sure to set its type to Application Bundle (via File Inspector Menu).
Same issue, waste my almost 1 hour.
1st make sure your plist format is correct.
My solution:
Delete you bundle, and re-build & run.
Now everything is fine...

Localization of Default.png is not working

I wonder if anyone has encountered the same problem and how they solve it.
I want to localize Default.png so I do the following steps which from what I understand should be the correct way (please correct me if I'm wrong).
Select Default.png in xcode
Command-I to Get Info
Click on Make File Localizable
Go back to General Tab (why Apple, why?)
Click on Add Localization
Enter es for Spanish according to this:
In finder I replace the Default.png in the es.lproj folder
I have tried in both the simulator and on an iPhone with changing the language between English and Spanish, but I only get the original file. Other localizations like app name and strings works just fine, but not this one...
I'm on xcode 3.2.3
I'd thought I'd add the answer for localizing Launch.xib.
Create InfoPlist.strings file. (File,New,Resource,Strings)
Localize it and select your languages
For e.g. the Spanish version, add your launch screen key and name for the Spanish version of your Launch screen
"UILaunchStoryboardName" = "Launch_es";
Copy your existing Launch.xib to Launch_es.xib, and change the text and/or images to the Spanish translations or Spanish-named images.
I got this solution from Developers Forum (credit to Sascha Paulus, thanks Sascha!).
I had a similar problem in another project with localization, but the solution worked for both issues.
Here we go:
Delete App from Simulator (just to be sure)
Delete all versions of the localized Default.png (in XCode & on Disc)
Select Build > Clean All Targets
If not done yet, make the Localizion Directories (e.g. es.lproj, de.lproj)
Copy the localized Default.png in the appropriate Localizion Directory
Go To XCode > Right Mouse Click on Resources > Add > Existing File ...
Select the localized Default.png in the Localizion Directory
Don't forget to mark "Copy items into destination group's folder...." > Add
Repeat it with every localized Default.png
I think the trick is to delete the file you have a problem with, clean all and then add it again. If you don't have any localization there is no need to create a specific folder.
Give it a try, worked for me.
I have had the same problem. I have solved it with this:
In the Simulator, menu "simulator iOs", option "restart content and settings".
In Xcode, menu "Build", option "Clean All Targets"
And when I have selected the button "Build and run" it has worked.
Just to add that on a latest 4.3.3 every attempt to remove and re-add the files, and the clean all, nothing worked, but what solved everything was the remove-app-from-device-and-simulator and reinstall. Now every image and xib are translated correctly.