Issue starting to program for Facebook on PhoneGap (Eclipse) - eclipse

so I'm working with PhoneGap on Eclipse and I'm having some issues "building the directory" to start programming. I'm following the steps from the original page but I don't understand some points (I'm Spanish and maybe it's a language problem) I usually can manage with it but after some tries this time I don't have any other chance than asking.
So this is the tutorial page I'm stuck on the Android part.
3.- You'll need to build + include the Facebook Android SDK and build + patch the Facebook JavaScript SDK:
-First run *git submodule update --init* to initialize and pull down the versions of the JS and Android Facebook SDKs that work with this plugin; they will end up under lib/.
-Next, build the JS file. cd lib/facebook-js-sdk and run php all.js.php >> ../facebook_js_sdk.js. This will create the JS SDK file under lib/facebook_js_sdk.js. Please note: the output filename is important as the patch assumes that filename!
-cd .. and apply the patch file by running patch < facebook-js-patch.
This is the command git submodule update --init. I'm not sure where to run it, i've tryied on the terminal in all the proyect directories but it's allways returning the same problem: fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
If someone knows about this and can help me, i'd be so gratefull!!
Thank you.

Unfortunately those build instructions are old and need to be updated as the remainder of the steps do not work. Also if you are using the latest phonegap (now cordova-1.5.0.js) you will again run into problems.
If you're on a mac, this will be easy. Just hit up the github link you supplied above. Click the "clone in mac" button. You must have github for mac installed first! Once you do so, choose the place where you want it cloned and begin the clone. Now you have the latest from master. Since I'm using the cordova (latest phonegap build), I need the cordovachanges branch. In the github app you should be able to click branches > drop down on the cordovachanges branch and switch to it. Now all the plugin code should be mainly up to date. They're still patching and fixing things.
Follow the new directions. When you get to the build + include part, just open terminal, cd to the place where the git project was cloned to and "git submodule update --init" which will update the submodules. From there, the directions should work.


Flutter project from GitHub

This might be a simple question but I am not able to get around it. I have a Flutter project in my Windows 10 machine and checked in to my private repository in GitHub via Android Studio.
Now I want to create a same working environment on another Windows 10 or Mac. My question is, how can I checkout the project and work on it as it is missing the supported files like .metadat, project_name.iml etc?
Below image shows what I have in the github right now.
This is more of a git question than anything else. If you have files locally that you need to have exactly the same on another machine, you should check those in. If those files are in the .gitignore file in your project, that might be for a good reason, but if you really want to sync them, you should remove them from the .gitignore and, for each file, git add -f [the file], then commit and push those files.

how to download source code of cryengine V?

I have heard that cryengine V provides access to the full source code, but I can't find where to download the source code.
Anyone can tell me how to download the source code of cryengine V?
There are two ways to get CryEngine's source code from Github:
Download specific revision. For this, visit CryEngine public repository on Github, find a large green button on the right titled "Clone or download", and in a dropdown menu choose "Download ZIP". It will download a zipped version of the source code for you.
Via Git client. For that, install Git from its official site. If you already have Git installed, use some Git GUI client to clonse the repository, or create a directory, cd to that directory in console/terminal, and run command:
git clone
This way will also allow you to make pull requests to send fixes back to Crytek if you like.
PS. In order to get SDKs which contains much of the Sandbox content as well as samples, you possibly would also like to download GameSDK repository.
PS2. These instructions will let you get the latest version of CryEngine. In order to download specific one, move to releases tab on Github website.
There you go:
Just register and you get the engine downloader.

Eclipse EGit, working with forked project. Getting updates from the original project

Hello everybody I have this "big" and frustrating problem,
I have forked a project from git and as usual it is available in my account in GitHub. I then set up a project in eclipse selecting from an existing URI. All is ok, if I work with my own version of the project.
What I want to do is, because the project is changing and growing day by day, to have an updated copy from the original project and, every time I want to download any change I would like that the download is from the original project.
At the moment the only way (with EXTREMELY big problems) I found is using "Team > Fetch from Upstream" the changing the link to the repos using the "config" button. Obviously this lead to conflicts and annoying problems. I am sure that this is not the correct way to handle a forked repos and I need help.
I am using windows 7 and eclipse with egit, if I press Windows-R and then cmd it don't recognize the command "git" so I can't use console commands.
Any help?
With windows 7, you can install git to your machine and use console command as normal. (Link to download)
See this link to configure git to sync your fork with the original repo.
Hope this can help.

Workflow for getting Github repository updates

There are a lot of great open-source projects on github. Most of them come with great sample apps.
Now I go through the following steps to get a repository:
Visit a github repository, e.g.
Click Clone in Mac to clone the project
Open GitHub app in Macbook
Right-click AppSales and select Show in Finder
Open the xcodeproj in Xcode
Modify Bundle identifier in ...-Info.plist file
Modify Code Signing Identity in the target
Compile and run
Whenever there is any update in the repository, I open the Github app and discard changes made in step 6 to 7 above, and sync. Then go though step 6 to 8.
By using the Github app, how can I keep the changes made in step 6 to 7 and also get new updates also?
Use a git client and most of the repetitive tasks you are doing now will just ... go away. Tower is a good choice, but you can always use the command line as well:
git clone
cd AppSales-Mobile/
open -a XCode AppSales.xcodeproj/
Run the project, change files, do whatever. Then when ready to get updates from upstream server just do:
git pull (or git fetch, then git merge).
Alternatively you could add the files you are changing to your .gitignore file, so that they aren't tracked by Git.

How can I add an existing project as a working copy in XCode 4?

Today I switched from XCode 3 to XCode 4 and now I have a lot of problems with my projects, which were under version control in XCode 3. If you install XCode 4, it will remember all your repositories. The problem is, that the projects don't know, that they belong to a specific repository. The instructions of Apple are easy, but do not work:
If you have a working copy of a project that was checked out of Subversion or cloned from Git using the command line or another tool, you can add it to your Xcode SCM repository support. To do so, click the Add button (+) at the bottom of the navigation pane in the repository organizer and choose Add Working Copy.
If I choose the project directory, I get this:
The working copy could not be added because its repository could not be located.
Does anybody know what the problem is?
To avoid confusion, I want to make a few things clear: my projects were under version control in XCode 3 and it worked. I am also aware of the fact, that I could delete all my projects and check them out (I don't want to do that). I already tried to checkout a project, and then this project is automatically added as a working copy. However if I remove the reference and try to add the same (!!) project as a working copy again, it does not work either.
The key for me was quitting Xcode then following Apple's instructions exactly. In Terminal:
$ cd project_folder # project containing the .xcodeproj file
$ git init
$ git add . # note the dot after "add"
$ git commit -m 'Initial version text'
Then get back into Xcode, open the Organizer, et voilà — instant repository.
I was able to resolve this by quitting Xcode and then opening the repository organizer before opening my workspace. Then it worked and I could open my workspace with SVN integration.
In Terminal, you may get the error:
-bash: git: command not found
This is because the git tool (and svn too) are contained inside the bundle in XCode 4.5 or later. In order to run the contained tools you need to use the xcrun command. For example, to run the git commands mentioned in the posts above:
$ xcrun git init
$ xcrun git add .
$ xcrun git commit -m 'Initial
version text'
For more info, see this link:
What I had to do was, as Udi pointed out, close Xcode and open the organizer before opening any projects. But then I had to add the repository and it's credentials first (SVN, in this case) before following the Apple directions you (mowidev) posted. After doing this, the working copy then appeared inside the listing for the SVN repository I'd added.
That ultimately linked in the two (Xcode project source control settings with the existing working copy it was using). Anything out of order ended up with Xcode thinking it was a Git repo (that also didn't exist).