How to hide UITableViewCell? - ios5

I have an app that includes a tableView. The tableView has several sections, and tapping a particular section title should show and hide the rows inside that section.
First of all, I couldn't use normal table sections, because section headers have no gesture delegate (unless they do?).
Secondly, I'm having trouble figuring out the best way to show and hide the table cells. I've already subclassed them to make the cellForRowAtIndexPath easier. If I [cell setHidden:YES] it will show the blank space where the cell should be, and my frame/bounds fu isn't high enough for me to play around with that effectively.
Thirdly, ideally the solution would allow me to use animation (a simple slide or squish).
Note: I'm using Xcode 4.3 and iOS SDK 5.0. My app uses a storyboard and ARC.

Changing the data source is the best way, but unfortunately this isn't always possible (ie static table views).
You can set them to hidden and have heightForRowAtIndexPath return 0 for the height of the cell.


Why won't UITableView 'Auto-scroll' when editing UITextField (in UITableViewCell)? (iPhone)

I have created a UITableView that is of type UITableViewStyleGrouped. I have then created several different sections with a few rows in each. Within each of these rows I have created a custom UITableViewCell that contains a UITextField. I also have one UITableViewCell that contains a UITextView.
I have also implemented a UIToolbar that appears on top of the UIKeyboard that allows the user to move through the UITextField's by pressing previous or next.
The issue I'm having is two-fold:
I need the UITableView to scroll so that when the next UITextField (or UITextView) becomes the first responder it is visible (even with the keyboard being displayed).
When a UITextField (or UITextView) is selected (without using the previous and next buttons) is should adjust so that the field is visible above the keyboard.
I have looked around at lots of different tutorials however none of them have resolved my issue. Any help you could offer would be hugely appreciated.
I'm 100% certain that my app used to do all of the above automatically, however I seems to have stopped doing it now and I don't understand why. Is there a reason why this may of happened? Is there some function or something that I may have changed that would destroy this behaviour?
Probably no use to original poster now, but those having an issue like this where it once did work and then stopped...
check you don't have a:
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
in your UITableViewController subclass!!!
using viewWillAppear in a UITableViewController breaks the "automagic tableView scrolling up when keyboard appears" behaviour.
I only found this by comparing laboriously an old version of a project where it did work with my latest source where it had stopped working.
Check out TaggedLocations sample code from apple. It does the same thing without any extra manipulation.
The key is that your viewcontrollers are following the standard. i.e you are NOT having container viewcontrollers such as UINavigationController within UIViewController.
You have to update tableview Frame yourself programatically...
and i am 100% sure that if you are 100% certain that your app used to do all of the above automatically ...than it is not your app.
Check the is the link
You will have to register for keyboard notifications..and then update your tableview frame.
And for next and previous.. you have to programmatically check which textfield became active..and then set the frame accordingly.

How to fix the header and first row in a UITableView

I´m new trying to make some apps using objective c, so I´ve an idea using uitableview but I don't imagine how can I get this.
I´m trying to do something like you do in a spreadsheet where you have a fixed header and the first column too
So when scroll the uitableview vertically the header will stay visible at top of the table and rows will change
And finally when you scroll in horizontal direction the first cell of the row will stay visible and will change the header depending of how you scroll the uitableview
I hope you could give me an idea how to get this, because I don't imagine how to do this, also I don´t have a lot of experience with this programming language.
In a non-grouped table, section headers "stick" at the top of the table as the table scrolls. You can provide a custom UIView (or sub-class thereof) for a section header through the delegate method –tableView:viewForHeaderInSection:. This header view could be created on-the-fly programmatically or loaded from a NIB file. Either way, you can have it contain whatever you want, even update it as the app runs (provided you have given yourself access through ivars or class variables to the views contained in your header view.) If you go this route, you'll want to be clever about allocating resources that comprise this view, so that you are not constantly allocating new resources! This delegate method can be called frequently, and on all but the first call you could simply return the previously created (but updated as and if necessary) header view.
UITableView isn't designed to do this, although I am sure you could figure out some way eventually.
My approach would be to use a fixed UIView of some sort (possibly a UILabel, etc) in a UIViewController's nib as the header/locked cell, and add the UITableView under that. You couldn't then use a UITableViewController, but would have to implement the delegate and dataSource methods in your UIViewController, and use a UISwipeGestureRecognizer to pick up the gestures from the tableView and update the other views.
I've done this by adding a UIView that mimics the first cell in my table. In my case I am using a subclass of UITableViewCell, but that is perhaps not relevant. Normally this view is hidden with an alpha of 0.
If you view controller is the delegate of the UITableView then it will also be the delegate for the inherited UIScrollView. So in your view controller you can implement scrollViewDidScroll. When the scrollView's contentOffset is positive I set my custom view's alpha to 1 (I also do some small size tweaks to make sure there is a perfect match), and when the contentOffset returns to 0 or negative, I reset the alpha back to 0.
prepend the first row of data in your array to what ever in the first row is your headings, put the text in bold with attributed text, It wont be sticky but you will have headings...

Left area of section in iPhone TableView

I have a section where I would like to customize the left area of a section a TableView - a bit like viewForHeaderInSection.
I have thought at using a cell for the section instead, but it would be a lot of nitty-gritty.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to customise the left-hand-side of some, or every cell in a UITableView? Then you need to make create your own custom table view cells. I normally make these cells in Interface Builder; this post helped me out. See also the Customizing Cells section of Apple's Table View Programming Guide for iOS.
I read your question to mean that there is one custom element to the left of a bunch of cells. The only way I know of offhand is to use a cell as you describe and then have a left view and a tableview inside of it.

sticky selected cell in UITableView like the new twitter ipad app?

any idea how to have the selected cell in UITableView sticky and remain visible while scrolling? like how the twitter ipad app works. i would like it on my splitview's uitableview.
You are probably using a UITableViewController right? This automatically deselects a selected row. To avoid this, the best option would be to use a normal UIViewController with the protocols UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource.
Building from a comment Vince made on my previous answer (since deleted since it was more of an explanation of how long and how much effort a feature like this would take rather than an attempt at answering the question).
You could store the index path of a cell when it becomes selected, and then as the cell is about to scroll offscreen (you'll need some trickery to detect this) you could retrieve the cell view returned from cellForRowAtIndexPath and set a section header view to use this cell view.
This would be a pretty monstrous hack though, and you'd need to find a way to elegantly split the table into sections in order to use the section header.
I wouldn't recommend this approach, although its a step in the right direction.

iPhone app - some custom UITableViewCell questions

At the moment, I have a settings view in my iPhone app built with Interface builder, it consists of a background image, some text fields, labels and buttons. Because this looks bad, I want to convert the settings view to an UITableView with custom UITableViewCells.
I already tried adding some cells into my settings view's XIB and returning them in the cellForRowAtIndexPath method (with [return myCell];), as written in Apple's tutorial, but this was not working for me - my whole TableView looked strange and it only showed the first cell correctly.
Is it possible to design these custom cells in Interface Builder? Do I have to create an empty XIB for them or can I put them in my view's XIB? And how do I insert them into my TableView?
Thanks in advance,
You can absolutely add custom table cells that you built in interface builder. This includes both static cells and Dynamic cells. However without you providing more information the best I can say is "double check the docs and try again." I can only say that it works and it's rather straightforward so it's hard to say what you may have missed. It might be more helpful if you post what you have for the tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath method.
Since you say you just have some text fields, I would recommend looking at the technique for static row content section of the Table View Programming guide. You probably would want to have each field of your form correspond to a row in a Segmented Table View, it'll make everything look nicer.