Configuring the webserver on a production site for Symfony - deployment

I am setting up my Symfony project on the production site. # this point it states:
This project uses the symfony libraries. If you see no image in this page, you may need to configure your web server so that it gains access to the symfony_data/web/sf/ directory.
Which basically means, I need to get into httpd.conf file and make some changes (for those who have diligently followed the Symfony tutorials, you guys know what I am talking about). Given this situation, I am not sure how I can go about configuring the httpd.conf file on the production server.
Anyone have any strategies around this? Thanks,

You can do it by adding symbolic link from your symfony_data/web/sf to web/sf but your web server must follow symbolic links or you can add "Options Indexes FollowSymLinks" in to your .htaccess


yii2 remove backend/web and frontend/web from url

I am trying to change site url from http://localhost/yiiwebsite/backend/web/index.php url to http://localhost/yiiwebsite/admin and http://localhost/yiiwebsite/frontend/web/index.php url to http://localhost/yiiwebsite/.
Can anyone help me to do this.
It's described in official docs here.
Here is some basic info:
The application installed according to the above instructions should
work out of box with either an Apache HTTP server or an Nginx HTTP
server, on Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux running PHP 5.4 or higher. Yii
2.0 is also compatible with facebook's HHVM. However, there are some edge cases where HHVM behaves different than native PHP, so you have
to take some extra care when using HHVM.
On a production server, you may want to configure your Web server so
that the application can be accessed via the URL instead of Such configuration
requires pointing the document root of your Web server to the
basic/web folder. You may also want to hide index.php from the URL, as
described in the Routing and URL Creation section. In this subsection,
you'll learn how to configure your Apache or Nginx server to achieve
these goals.
By setting basic/web as the document root, you also prevent end users
from accessing your private application code and sensitive data files
that are stored in the sibling directories of basic/web. Denying
access to those other folders is a security improvement.
If your application will run in a shared hosting environment where you
do not have permission to modify its Web server configuration, you may
still adjust the structure of your application for better security.
Further configuration depends on chosen web server (Nginx / Apache), which is not even mentioned in the questoin. But both options are covered in official docs by the given link.
For shared hosting environment there is special section too.
And by the way this was asked before many times here on SO, just do a better research.

Domino 8.5.3 - Create an organization extension library / codestore

This is a project I've been working on off and on for months and I feel like I'm pretty close, but I just can't seem to get past the final hurdle.
The goal is to develop an organization extension library that contains both internal and 3rd party code that we frequently rely on.
As a test project, I started with Apache Poi because that is already in wide use in our environment. I have a plug-in and feature built just from the Poi .jars that allows me to build our current Poi applications as long as I add the plug-in (from my workspace) to my build path. The apps work on the servers because we have already distributed the Poi .jars by manually copying them.
The next step is taking that plug-in and getting it into an updatesite so that all of the servers and developers can synchronize on one version. I found and followed these two excellent blog articles (that I wish existed when I started this project):
With the caveat that the articles are written for Domino 9 and we are running 8.5.3 here, but that only matters in the last (installation) step.
This brings us to the problem. All of the above seems to have worked great up to a point. I can install my feature to my designer client from the eclipse update site and it works great. However, the install is failing when I import that into our updatesite.nsf database. This means that while the developers can all install from the updatesite if I put it on a network drive, that doesn't deploy updates to our servers.
The problem is that when I try to install from the .nsf update site, the Eclipse Updater just hangs. I've let it go for well over an hour and eventually Notes becomes completely unresponsive.
So the question is, is there anything I might have done wrong, either in the development of the plug-in or server configuration that might be causing this issue?
Additional Info
I'm looking at the osgi console and that is largely unhelpful. I am getting the following errors as I'm trying to install: SEVERE Could not access digest on the site: no protocol: 0/5B004DDD5E38F3FF85257CAF004C72C7/$file/ ::class.method=unknown ::thread=Worker-7 ::loggername=org.eclipse.update.core
I could generate dumps if that would be useful.
Security is also locked down fairly tight here. It could be a security issue - is there a way to troubleshoot that? Once I get to the hang I'm just stuck guessing.
This has been edited for clarity and to update information
I know that this is post is over 5 years ago but...
for those that find this and are trying to resolve the error
SEVERE Could not access digest on the site: no protocol: "
is due to the update site project not having the URL of the Domino updatesite.nsf not being added to the Archives tab of the site.xml.
I found the updatesite.nsf also needs to be anonymously accessible as no credentials are prompted/passed through to the Domino server hosting the updatesite.nsf database (at least from DDE), YMMV from eclipse. So if Anonymous connections are blocked on the Domino server you will be out of luck.
To develop a plug-in you really want to have 3 projects:
the plug-in
the feature
the update site
Of course a feature can contain more than one plug-in (and probably should) and a update site can contain more than one feature (and probably should). Once you have an update site project it features a handy button "build all" that makes sure plug-in, feature and update-site get compiled in one go. And that button is what you really want.
You can point using a setting in your Domino Designer (or local Domino server) to the feature directory. Add a plain text .link file to framework/rcp/eclipse/links, that contains the path to your install site - it then picks up the features and plug-ins from there. After a build you would need to restart designer/server to activate the updated feature.
For the Domino server the approach using an updatesite.nsf and the respective notes.ini setting makes the most sense (to me). http restart required. Lazy people script the whole thing.
I still don't have a great answer for this, but I believe the issue is related to the environment here. I don't have the authority to change the environment, even if I were able to conclusively demonstrate it is the cause of this problem, so it is a moot point. All I can say is that at least one administrator computer had no issue installing from the update site.
For me, the solution for distributing the update site is to put it on a network drive and have everyone install it from there. The server has no problem using it from the updatesite.nsf.

How to extend an orientdb embedded server to have my own servlets?

I have created an orientdb embedded server standalone app to which I can query from console. However I need to extend the functionality to publish a page where multiple users can run queries and see (custom) svg visualizations. How can I do this?
I presume I need to create some html pages with servlets and also some orient db javascript libraries. But I am not sure how to connect all these.
Any help is appreciated!
You can create your pages under OrientDB server's www directory or also create a plugin that is a zip with pages and optionally Java classes. Unzip the studio file under plugins to see how is made.
Look also to how to write plugins.
I just found that required html files placed under the path: "[orientdb app path]/src/site" are accessible through http url. The bold ones are the folders which I created.
This path is looked upon in the which in turn is configured in the config.xml for HTTP requests. I think if you wish you handle the http requests in your own java, you can mention that in the config.xml.
Thank you Luca for your pointer!

Deployed MVC4 application not opens completely

I deployed MVC 4 application to hosting. In local everything is okay, site opens full, but after deploying, site opens, but, not full. css, jquery, javascript is not working. Only html tags seem.
Arvixe support send this to me: How to Bin Deploy ASP.NET Assemblies on Shared Servers. But I can not understand it well. Can anybody help me to find that why site does not open full? What shloud I check to solve this?
When linking your views and resources you should use relative paths
instead of
This is valid for all resources in your application and it is know to cause these problems.
When working locally the paths are correct since it's all resolved to your computer.
In a web environment you will have to use the relative path so the url is resolved in front of all your resources.

Run a symfony project on hostgator

I have been trying to run a symfony project I created recently using symfony 1.4.
But pointing to the url ( simply shows up the directory structure of the application
In the CPanel I have edited the document root to be upto app/web/ directory
After doing this all I can see is a blank page and nothing else.
What might be wrong? What are the necessary steps for deploying a symfony project to a shared hosting?
You can check the rights on cache and log directories, Apache needs write rights. Ther are many problems with symfony and shared hosting, but it's not an impossible task.