Perl HList: Change -background for individual items - perl

I'm trying to alert the user that some data has been changed and needs to be saved. The data is displayed in Perl's Tk::HList box. I was hoping I could do:
if ($new_item) {
or even:
if ($new_item) {
but both throw
Tk::Error: Bad option `-background'
I've seen the idea to use ItemStyle but there's no clear answer if that works or not or if it's the best (and only) solution. Is there another way to highlight certain rows to alert the user?

It looks like it is the best way to change the background:
use Tk::ItemStyle;
my $alert = $mw->ItemStyle('text',-background=>"red");
I have to include that style to each item I add, there doesn't seem to be a way to do the whole row at once.


cannot find css element in protractor

How do I locate the element with the following html, I have 4 Start buttons each in different color. I tried using css by class and is not working. There are no unique ids as well. Pls help
As Ben Mohorc points out, you really need to give us a bit more to go on. But if you are saying there are multiple start buttons, but only one of each color, it ought to look like this. For now I assume all they say is "Start". If that is only part of what they say, use partial buttontext.If it is background color that differs, you may need to adapt that, too.
var coloredButton = element.all(by.buttonText('Start')).filter(function(elem) {
return elem.getCssValue('color').then(function(color) {
return (color == '#00ff00')//fill in the desired color here, in this format
Then do your stuff on coloredButton.first(), which will be the only one, according to what you are saying.
For more on the format to expect from the color, see

Making autocomplete work with touchscreen keyboard

I'm using for a site intended for use on a touchscreen. The keyboard only appears on-screen if the selected element is a textfield or input, the code for that is:
if( ('input') ||'textarea')) && this.input_target.parent().find('.popover').length == 0)
Is there anyway you guys can think of that I can either change the keyboard logic to include the div that is using, or maybe change to make this work?
I guess a better way for me to ask this would be if there is any way to detect when's text box has focus.
I am not sure I understand the original question but I do understand your last comment:
I guess a better way for me to ask this would be if there is any way to detect when's text box has focus.
well, there is a way to see when completely's text box (input type) has focus.
if you look at the documentation it says:
// For no-big-deal hacking
so you can access the input and do something like this:
if (c.input.addEventListener) {
_c.input.addEventListener("focus", yourHandlerFunction, false);
else {
_c.input.attachEvent("onfocus", yourHandlerFunction);

GXT 3 spinnerField validation

I want to validate that user cannot change spinner value manually by typing in text box of spinner.
For example a field sales multiple = x which I fetched from server not fix.
and displays a spinner field with limitation of like bellow
spinner.setMinValue = x
spinner.setIncrement = x
spinner.setValue = x
so user forcefully select a value which is multiple with x. e.g. if x=3 the user have to enter 3,6,9... and so on.
So here my issue is if I type a 2 in spinner field text box. GXT widget accept that value.
Posible solutions:
Is there any predefined properties of spinnerfield that i forget to set it?
Is there any predefined validator for this?
Can I set text box of spinner field read only by css so user cannot focus on text box but still change a value.
If none of above how to achieve manually?
i've searched a bit in the different classes and I don't see either a precise method which would set what you want.
Don't know about one, and even with one, a validator doesn't change the value in the input field, but maybe it's enough for your needs.
You can disable the text input by calling setEditable(boolean) on the spinnerfield (testSpinner.setEditable(false);)
Maybe you could search around the IntegerPropertyEditor, I haven't tried but as long as a new Spinner is like this:
SpinnerField<Integer> testSpinner = new SpinnerField<Integer>(new NumberPropertyEditor.IntegerPropertyEditor());
you can seen that there is another Constructor for IntegerPropertyEditor, which takes a "NumberFormat" param, but there is no NumberFormart() constructor, so I'm not sure about how you create your own one, but that could be an idea (to format numbers in the input to be a multiple of the increment).
The last option would be that Sencha forgot this possibility and that you should report this as a "bug" on the forum ?
Hope to have helped a bit, good luck :).

QCompleter and Tab key

I'm trying to make a Completion when pressing tab, you get the first completion of all possibilities.
But, in a QWidget-based main window, pressing tab will make that QLineEdit lost focus, and completion popup hides after that.
Is there a way to fix it ?
Have you tried to subclass QLineEdit and intercept the key press event?
Alternatively you could set up an event filter.
Whew. It took me some time to figure this out :) Multiple times I have tried to solve this problem, but always gave up. Now, I dug enough to find the answer.
OP, please pardon me, because the code here is Python, but should be understandable and work for C++ as well.
Basically, the problem I had was "how to select an entry in the QCompleter"; I didn't notice before, but the answer is in the popup() method. QCompleter works with a model and a view, which contains the things to show.
You can change the current row as you wish, then get the index of that row in the model, then select it in the pop-up.
In my code, I subclassed QLineEdit, created a tabPressed signal which is emitted every time Tab is pressed. Then, connected this signal to a method of the same class which does this:
get the current index;
select the index in the popup;
advance to the next row.
As implementation, this is very trivial, but for my current purpose this is enough. Here's the skeleton (just for the tab part, it's missing the model and everything else).
class MyLineEdit(QLineEdit):
tabPressed = pyqtSignal()
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self._compl = QCompleter()
def next_completion(self):
index = self._compl.currentIndex()
start = self._compl.currentRow()
if not self._compl.setCurrentRow(start + 1):
def event(self, event):
if event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress and event.key() == Qt.Key_Tab:
return True
return super().event(event)
You may need to adjust/fix few things, but this is the basic idea.
For details see
There's a little issue: when Return is pressed, the things don't work properly. Maybe you can find a solution to this problem in the link above, or in the referenced resources therein. I'll fix this in the next few days and update this answer.
There is probably a better solution but one that comes to mind is to change the focus policy for all other widgets on the form to something that doesn't include "tab" focus. The only options that don't use the tab key are Qt::ClickFocus and Qt::NoFocus.

Dashcode - how to register and use my own filterPredicate procedurally

In my Dashcode mobile app I have a listView that is bound to a datasource. By default it shows everything in the datasource. If I add a search field the user may limit the list to just the records that match their search text.
I want to create my own preset searches attached to buttons that would be able to load a list view and show only the records from my datasource that match my custom search.
It seems like this ought to be possible, but so far I haven't figured out how to register my own filterPredicate and then use it.
I'm guessing this is what I want to do because it seems like this is what the search field part does.
Has anyone figured out how to do this?
Any help would be appreciated
According to the dashcode starter section, you could use something along the lines of:
itemDescription = Class.create(DC.ValueTransformer, {
transformedValue: function(value){
return "Page: " + value;