Committing to database during process phase in spring batch job - spring-batch

I have a conventional spring-batch job where I read from database, process domain objects and write it out to a file.
I need to slightly tweak the functionality during the processor phase so that I can update and commit the domain object to the database and the write it out to a file. I would need the commit to happen instantly as I would require the database ID for the write phase.
When I tried updating the domain object and saving it, I noticed that the entity was getting committed after the write phase.
Is there any way to force the commit to happen instantly during the processor phase and continue as before?

I would need the commit to happen instantly as I would require the
database ID for the write phase.
i am not sure what id do you need, as you should already have one, when you are trying to update an (existing) entry
if you meant insert, you can work around this issue by using database specific functions to get the id of the inserted but not yet commited object
e.g. for oracle - Obtain id of an insert in the same statement
When I tried updating the domain object and saving it, I noticed that
the entity was getting committed after the write phase.
that is desired behaviour, because the write part is the last one within the (chunk)transaction, if it is successful - commit, if not - rollback, imagine a successful commit and a problem with the file, the item in the database would have a wrong state


How to create warning message in trigger?

Is it possible to create a warning message in a trigger in Firebird 2.5?
I know I can create an exception message which will stop the user from saving the record changes, but in this instance I don't mind if the user continues.
Could I call a procedure that generates the message?
There is no mechanism in Firebird to produce warnings in PSQL code, you can only raise exceptions, which in triggers will result in the effect of the executed statement that fired the trigger to be undone.
In short, this is not possible.
There are workarounds possible, but those would require 'external' protocols, like, for example, inserting the warning message into a global temporary table, requiring the calling code to explicitly select from that temporary table after execution.
SQL model does provide putting query on pause and then waiting for extra input from client to either unfreeze it or fail it. SQL is not user-interactive service and there is no confirmation dialogs. You have to rethink your application design.
One possible avenue, nominally staying withing 2-tier client-server framework, would be creating temporary tabless for all the data you want to save (for example transaction-scope GTTs), and then have TWO stored procedures. One SP would be sanity-checking and returning list of warnings, if any. Another SP then would dump the data from GTTs to main, persistent tables without doing those checks.
Your client app would select warnings from the check-SP first, if it returns any then show them to the user, then either call save-SP and commit, or rollback without calling save-SP.
This is abusing C/S idea, so there would be dragons. First of all, you would have to have several GTTs and two SPs for E-V-E-R-Y pausable data saving in your app. And that can be a lot.
Also, notice, that database data may change after you called check-SP and before you called save-SP. Becuse some OTHER application running elsewhere could be changing and committing data during that pause. Especially if you transaction was of READ COMMMITTED kind. But with SNAPSHOT tx too.
Better approach would be to drop C/S scheme and go to 3-tier model, AKA multi-tier, AKA "Application Server". That way your client app sends the "briefcase" of data to the app-server, it would be app-server (not SQL triggers) doing all the data validation, and then it would be saving it to data storage backend, SQL or any other.
There, of course, still would be that problem, that data could had been changed by other users, why you paused one user and waited him to read and decide. But you would have more flexibility in app-server on data reconcilation, than you would have with plain SQL.

Merging LiquiBase changesets

I'm developing a system with database version control in LiquiBase. The system is still in pre-alpha development and there are a lot of changes that were reverted or supplemented by other changes (tables removed, columns added and removed).
The current change set reflects the whole development history with many failed experiments, and this whole is rollouted when initializing the database.
Because there is NO release version, I can start from scratch and pull actual DB state in single XML changeset.
Is there a way to tell LiquiBase to merge all change sets into one file, or the only way to do that is per hand?
Just use your existing database to generate change log that will be used from now on. For this you can use generateChangeLog command from command line, it will generate the changelog file with all the changeSets that represent your current state of the database. You can use this file in your project as initial db creation file, to be used on an empty database. Here's a link to docs.
There is a page in the Liquibase docs which discusses this scenario in detail:
To summarise, they recommend that you don't bother since consolidating your changelogs is both risky and low-reward.
If you do want to push ahead with this, then restarting the changelog using generateChangeLog, as suggested by #veljkost, is probably the easiest way. This is documented at
Hence I didn't find automatic solution for this problem in case the changelog is already deployed on several databases in different states, I will describe here my solution for this problem:
Generate changelog of your current development state of database using liquibase generate changelog, like:
mvn liquibase:generateChangeLog -Dliquibase.outputChangeLogFile=current_state.yml
Audit generated changelog, check whether it looks good (liquibase is not perfect, it often generates stupid statements). Also if you have in your schema some static data, like dictionaries or so, which were previosuly populated using liquibase, you have to add these to generated changelog as well, you can export data from your database using generate changelog command mentioned above with -Dliquibase.diffTypes=data property.
Now to prevent the execution of generated changelog (it will obviously fail on existing databases, on prod, test, and other developers local envs), you can do this using for example liquibase changelogSync, or using liquibase contexts, but all this options require you to do some manual work on every database. You can achieve automatic result by adding the preConditions statements for your changeSets.
For changesets intended to run on empty databases (changelogs you generated in step 1. above) you can add something like this:
- onFail: MARK_RAN
- not:
- tableExists:
tableName: t_project
Where t_project is the table name that existed before (most likely this should be table added in first changeSet, so every database which runned at least one changeSet will have this). This will mark generated changelog as run on environments with existing schema, and will run generated changelog for every new database you would like to migrate.
Unfortunatelly you have to adjust all legacy changesets as well (I didn't found better solution yet, I did this change using regex and sed), you have to add something like that:
- onFail: MARK_RAN
- tableExists:
tableName: t_project
So opposite condition, from above one. With this all databases which runned at least one changeset in past, will continue to migrate (EXECUTED status of changesets) until changeset generated in step 1. above, and mark generated changesets with MARK_RAN. And for new databases, all previous changesets will be skipped, and first executed will be one generated in step 1. above.
With this solution you can push your merged changelog at any time, and every environment and developer won't have any problem with manual syncing or so.

Could I save Postgres transaction and continue work with db within it later

I know about prepared transaction in Postgres, but seems you can just commit or rollback it later. You cannot even view the transaction's db state before you've committed it. Is any way to save transaction for later use?
What I want to achieve actually is a preview (and correcting) of some changes in db (changes are imports from csv file, so user need to see preview before apply it). I want to make changes, add some changes later, see full state of db and apply it (certainly, commit transaction)
I cannot find a very good reference in docs, but I have a very strong feeling that the answer is: No, you cannot do that.
It would mean that when you "save" the transaction, the database would basically have to maintain all of its locks in place for an indefinite amount of time. Even if it was possible, it would mean horrible failure modes and trouble on all fronts.
For the pattern that you are describing, I would use two separate transactions. Import to a staging table and show that to user (or import to the main table but mark rows as "unapproved"). If user approves, in another transactions move or update these rows.
You can always end up in a situation where user can simply leave or crash without clicking "OK" or "Cancel". If what you're describing was possible, you would end up with a hung transaction holding all these resources. In my proposed solution you end up with wasteful rows in "staging" table that you may still show to user later or remove.
You may want to read up on persistence saga. This is actually a very simple example of a well known and researched problem.
To make the long story short, this pattern breaks down a long-running process like yours into smaller operations that are applied and persisted in some way in separate transactions. If any of them happens to fail (or does not occur as expected), you have compensating actions that usually undo what the steps executed so far have done (e.g. by throwing away stale/irrelevant data).
Here's a decent introduction:,completion%20of%20the%20previous%20one.
This concept was formally introduced in the 80s, but is well alive and relevant today.

Cannot find a record just created in a different thread with JPA

I am using the Play! framework, and have a difficulty with in the following scenario.
I have a server process which has a 'read-only' transaction. This to prevent any possible database lock due to execution as it is a complicated procedure. There are one or two record to be stored, but I do that as a job, as I found doing them in the main thread could result in a deadlock under higher load.
However, in one occasion I need to create an object and subsequently use it.
However, when I create the object using a Job, wait for the resulting id (with a Promise return) and then search in the database for it, it cannot be found.
Is there an easy way to have the JPA search 'afresh' in the DB at this point? I implemented a 5 sec. pause to test, so I am sue it is not because the procedure hadn't finished yet.
Check if there is a transaction wrapped around your INSERT and if there is one check that the transaction is COMMITed.

How do you manage concurrent access to forms?

We've got a set of forms in our web application that is managed by multiple staff members. The forms are common for all staff members. Right now, we've implemented a locking mechanism. But the issue is that there's no reliable way of knowing when a user has logged out of the system, so the form needs to be unlocked. I was wondering if there was a better way to manage concurrent users editing the same data.
You can use optimistic concurrency which is how the .Net data libraries are designed. Effectively you assume that usually no one will edit a row concurrently. When it occurs, you can either throw away the changes made, or try and create some nicer retry logic when you have two users edit the same row.
If you keep a copy of what was in the row when you started editing it and then write your update as:
Update Table set column = changedvalue
where column1 = column1prev
AND column2 = column2prev...
If this updates zero rows, then you know that the row changed during the edit and you can then deal with it, or simply throw an error and tell the user to try again.
You could also create some retry logic? Re-read the row from the database and check whether the change made by your user and the change made in the database are able to be safely combined, then do so automatically. Or you could present a choice to the user as to whether they still wish to make their change based on the values now in the database.
Do something similar to what is done in many version control systems. Allow anyone to edit the data. When the user submits the form, the database is checked for changes. If the record has not been changed prior to this submission, allow it as usual. If both changes are the same, ignore the incoming (now redundant) change.
If the second change is different from the first, the record is now in conflict. The user is presented with a new form, which indicates which fields were changed by the conflicting update. It is then the user's responsibility to resolve the conflict (by updating both sets of changes), or to allow the existing update to stand.
As Spence suggested, what you need is optimistic concurrency. A standard website that does no accounting for whether the data has changed uses what I call "last write wins". Simply put, whichever connection saves to the database last, that version of the data is the one that sticks. In optimistic concurrency, you use a "first write wins" logic such that if two connections try to save the same row at the same time, the first one that commits wins and the second is rejected.
There are two pieces to this mechanism:
The rules by which you fail the second commit
How the system or the user handles the rejected commit.
Determining whether to reject the commit
Two approaches:
Comparison column that changes each time a commit happens
Compare the data with its committed version in the database.
The first one entails using something like SQL Server's rowversion data type which is guaranteed to change each time the row changes. The upside is that it makes it simple to roll your own logic to determine if something has changed. When you get the data, you pull the rowversion column's value and when you commit, you compare that value with what is currently in the database. If they are different, the data has changed since you last retrieved it and you should reject the commit otherwise proceed to save the data.
The second one entails comparing the columns you pulled with their existing committed values in the database. As Spence suggested, if you attempt the update and no rows were updated, then clearly one of the criteria failed. This logic can get tricky when some of the values are null. Many object relational mappers and even .NET's DataTable and DataAdapter technology can help you handle this.
Handling the rejected commit
If you do not leave it up to the user, then the form would throw some message stating that the data has changed since they last edited and you would simply re-retrieve the data overwriting their changes. As you can imagine, users aren't particularly fond of this solution especially in a high volume system where it might happen frequently.
A more sophisticated (and also more complicated) approach is to show the user what has changed allow them to choose which items to try to re-commit, Behind the scenes you would retrieve the data again, overwrite the values picked by the user with their entries and try to commit again. In high volume system, this will still be problematic because by the time the user has tried to re-commit, the data may have changed yet again.
The checkout concept is effectively pessimistic concurrency where users "lock" rows. As you have discovered, it is difficult to implement in a stateless environment. Users are notorious for simply closing their browser while they have something checked out or using the Back button to return a set that was checked out and try to recommit it. IMO, it is more trouble than it is worth to try go this route in a web-based solution. Assuming you write the user name that last changed a given row, with optimistic concurrency, you can inform the user whose changes are rejected who saved the data before them.
I have seen this done two ways. The first is to have a "checked out" column in your database table associated with that data. Your service would have to look for this flag to see if it is being edited. You can have this expire after a time threshold is met (with a trigger) if the user doesn't commit changes. The second way is having a dedicated "checked out" table that stores id's and object names (probably the table name). It would work the same way and you would have less lookup time, theoretically. I see concurrency issues using the second method, however.
Why do you need to look for session timeout? Just synchronize access to your data (forms or whatever) and that's it.
UPDATE: If you mean you have "long transactions" where form is locked as soon as user opens editor (or whatever) and remains locked until user commits changes, then:
either use optimistic locking, implement it by versioning of forms data table
optimistic locking can cause loss of work, if user have been away for a long time, then tried to commit his changes and discovered that someone else already updated a form. In this case you may want to implement explicit "locking" of form, where user "locks" form as soon as he starts work on it. Other user will notice that form is "locked" and either communicate with lock owner to resolve issue, or he can "relock" form for himself, loosing all updates of first user in process.
We put in a very simple optimistic locking scheme that works like this:
every table has a last_update_date
field in it
when the form is created
the last_update_date for the record
is stored in a hidden input field
when the form is POSTED the server
checks the last_update_date in the
database against the date in the
hidden input field.
If they match,
then no one else has changed the
record since the form was created so
the system updates the data.
If they don't match, then someone else has
changed the record since the form was
created. The system sends the user back to the form edit page and tells the user that someone else edited the record and they must reapply their changes.
It is very simple and works well enough.
You can use "timestamp" column on your table. Refer: What is the mysterious 'timestamp' datatype in Sybase?
I understand that you want to avoid overwriting existing data with consecutively updates.
If so, when the user opens a screen you have to get last "timestamp" column to the client.
After changing data just before update, you should check the "timestamp" columns(yours and db) to make sure if anyone has changed tha data while he is editing.
If its changed you will alert an error and he has to startover. If it is not, update the data. Timestamp columns updated automatically.
The simplest method is to format your update statement to include the datetime when the record was last updated. For example:
UPDATE my_table SET my_column = new_val WHERE last_updated = <datetime when record was pulled from the db>
This way the update only succeeds if no one else has changed the record since the last read.
You can message to the user on conflict by checking if the update suceeded via a SELECT after the UPDATE.