iPhone : Manage localization from server not from bundle - iphone

Adding strings localization files in iPhone bundle is very simple and perfectly fine but there is only one drawbacks every time we need to upload new build on AppStore when we add new language in app.
Is there any other way like we can manage Localization from server, when we start app we download all label string and Localiza image from server and stored in document directory and run accordingly. Download data according to language...
So can we do like this and the main things Apple can reject that kinds of scenario ?

Yes. Actually we used that way and there were no issues with Apple.

I confirm no problem with Apple too, just note that you won't be able to override the localizable.strings file. You have to create your own way to store and read the strings. It means if your app is already in development, there will be some effort for an application-wise refactoring.


Convert released iPhone/iPad app to Universal

I have an app that has been released on the app store with separate versions for iPhone and iPad. Now I wish to convert the app to a Universal version but I have an issue which I'm not sure can be resolved.
Both versions of the app use a different bundle identifier (for example com.mycompany.app.iphone and com.mycompany.app.ipad). I want the new (universal) version to overwrite either of the old versions when downloaded from the app store. To complicate matters further, core data stored for that app needs to be retained.
I'm not sure its possible and perhaps the protocol is to release the universal version under a new bundle identifier and have users start again but if a workaround is available it would be really helpful.
your options:
1: Update both your iPhone and iPad apps with this universal binary (with respective bundleIDs and app names)
2: Create a way to sync data between apps by creating a web service. one of the apps I have used extensively - Gas Cubby, does this for transferring data from its free app to paid app. You could implement it in a similar way
3: Nuke one of the apps, update the other app with the universal binary
Option 1 is the easiest. 2 will take longer. 3 is dirty.
(will update this answer with more options if I come across any)
As far as I know and from what I've read before, you can't change the bundle identifier of an app published in the app store.
Due to the sandboxing, accessing the data of your old app from the new app is also impossible.
There are several ways you could go about solving this issue, depending on which one suits you best. You could create a new universal app, and abandon the old ones hoping that the users change their preferences, or you could be pushing the same update to both applications, essentially, having the identical app under two different names. I'm not sure what are Apple's stances on the second option, but it will be a hassle either way. Good luck!

What do I need to do to configure a new iPhone project so it can be seen as the same as my current iPhone app in the Appstore?

I currently have an app in the Appstore. I need to make changes to the app, but they are significant enough that we've decided it would be easier to create a new Xcode project from scratch rather than modify our existing project. I don't fully understand everything that goes into an iPhone application, just enough to support the code and make basic changes. But I assume that the binary I upload to the Appstore, to replace my existing code there, needs to be similar enough so Apples sees it as the "same" code. What things in the new project do I need to make sure are the same as the old project so Apple knows it's the "same" app?
I've compared the Info.plist file in both projects to make sure they're the same. I only needed to change the bundle identifier in the new project to match the old. Also, the Product Name has been modified to be the same. I don't know if these changes are necessary, but they are the sort of things that I think need to be the same. Are there others? If so, what are they?
The only thing that matters, as far as the app store is concerned, is the app id (Bundle identifier). You can rename the app, change the icon, upload an entirely different program, whatever. As long as the app id matches, the store considers it the same.
Other things I would check are the Build Settings if the defaults are not suitable or the Code is having issues compiling and the Build Phases and Build Rules for all your Targets.
Essentially if your Code compiles fine and you have no issues within the Application then the Bundle Identifier and the name (Basically the Info.plist) needs to be the same to replicate.
Edit: If you have migrated from an older Xcode version then you may have different Build Settings and Build Phases. I would just see if compilation is okay and the App works properly in functionality under all your Targets

Is a Dynamically Linked Framework possible on iOS?

The keyword here is possible. I know of a few resources that talk about this and how to create static frameworks - here: https://github.com/kstenerud/iOS-Universal-Framework and here: http://db-in.com/blog/2011/07/universal-framework-iphone-ios-2-0/
I'm interested to see if it's possible to create a dynamically linked framework in an app that will not be submitted to the app store. I know it's impossible to write to the application bundle on a device without jailbreaking it. Is it possible to say, download a compiled framework file, put it in the documents directory and then access it via the application (think plug-in architecture). I know that if it is, you would be turned away from the app store for submitting it, but let's say this was an enterprise app, or an ad-hoc distributed app where Apple would not have to approve.
In my initial research I haven't found anything supporting that it is possible, but I feel like this may be such a fringe case that no one has published anything about it. Looking for a guru to give me a definite "no" before I give up.
not sure if this is what you are after but according to Apple there dynamically linked libraries even usable in iOS - for example the system libraries... XCode contains copies of them and references them via symbolic links...
see near the end of this http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/Miscellaneous/Conceptual/iPhoneOSTechOverview/iPhoneOSFrameworks/iPhoneOSFrameworks.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007898-CH6-SW3
just an idea:
put the .dylib + include files you want to use into the respective folders where XCode expects the system libraries... use themn and then put symlinks into your bundle on deployment... let the symlinks point where ou copy the .dylib
I believe the answer is no. Apps on the iPhone are sandboxed. That is, aside from Apple supplied frameworks, an app cannot access anything outside of its own build.
This is possible now with IOS 8 Xcode 6.

Iphone app sharing file with iTunes problem

Somebody please help me out. This problem is killing me.
I went through tones of documents and posts. All seems to suggest that simply add a UIFileSharing key into info.plist and set boolean value to YES, files in App's Documents folder (not sub-folder, I know) will show up in iTunes.
However my problem is that I don't have an iPhone, so I really have no clue about what exactly the behaviors of both iPhone or iTunes will be when try to verify this file sharing thing. And what is the right way to verify this.
So when my client try to verify this off my watch (we are on different sides of earth), he keeps reporting back that file sharing feature not work. It is certain that file is properly stored under Documents folder.
In the last attempt, he claimed that he can see the app but not files.
I would like to know the following things, so I can guide him through this and end this pain:
Is it really plain and simple like add one key, no changes to code needed? Or did I miss something?
Are there any special requirements for building (like, only work for release build?), deploying?
What will really happen when plug the iPhone into the computer and sync with iTunes? Will the app show up in the Apps tab anyway, or only show up if file sharing feature are enabled correctly?
Thank you all.
Is it really plain and simple like add one key, no changes to code needed? Or did I miss something?
Are there any special requirements for building (like, only work for release build?), deploying?
What will really happen when plug the iPhone into the computer and sync with iTunes? Will the app show up in the Apps tab anyway, or only show up if file sharing feature are enabled correctly?
It will show up in the app view (on top) all the times. But you will only see them in the file sharing area if you have an app with enabled filesharing.
File sharing is only available on iPhone OS 4 onwards and iPad 3.2
Make sure your client has iOS4 or later.

How to build an app for Cydia store?

I have built an app for Apple's App Store, now I want to submit the app to the Cydia store. How can I do this? Should I just post the app.zip file built for the App Store to the Cydia store?
There are a few differences compiling your app for Cydia vs the App Store. Big Boss does a good job explaining the difference in his post:
How to Compile for Cydia Submission
You should check out iOSOpenDev. It incorporates a lot of Cydia tweaks, Theos, Activator and all kinds of other things into Xcode. It allows you to create a new (Cydia) tweak of your choice and you can even launch that tweak on your device from Xcode.
To submit an "App Store" app, you would need to make sure you adjust the user directories. Since you will install the app into /Applications, there will be no sandbox; no Documents directory dedicated to just your application.
You will also need to sign your app with ldid. This "fake" code-signs your application so it can run in iOS. To submit the app to Cydia, you would need to find a repo you are comfortable with hosting the app, like BigBoss.
Be careful though, submitting an App Store app to Cydia could potentially get your app thrown out of the App Store and your developer account revoked.
In terms of building an actual full application, I believe the development process is the same but the compiling and preperation of the binary is different. The provided link is a good resource
If you intend to make a tweak which hooks into existing Apple classes and methods then you need something like theos by DHowett, a good basic tutorial is here
u need to create a repo. or send them to MMi's collection
to make a repo read Saurik's Guide: Here
Or read the easier guide that MYI made for us at: Here
to submit a package to the MMI repo,
try the Developer Portal:
Some info regarding paid packages:
Basically, all the content in your theme must be your own original work.
All the graphics / sounds must be created and owned by you.
If you have further questions, drop a note to the admins:
Well first of al if your app.zip is the .app file found in the payload folder of a .ipa file, then disregard this next step. Anyway, open up app.zip, go to payload, and then take out app.app. Make the app.app app.zip. Now go to http://www.myrepospace.com/iDeb and upload your app.zip. Then when it's done, download your new .deb file.
Despite of the title you seem to ask about submission rather than (or in addition to) building. I'd consider this the one best reference:
It is from Cydia itself and includes sschunara's links and other BigBoss references plus more.