Integration of facebook opengraph to wordpress? - facebook

First let me explain my predicament,
I am currently developing a wordpress site which implements facebook apps for my post likes/comments. and one function of the site is that there is a tab/page where in the posts are sorted based on number of comments and facebook likes.
I have used multiple resources to try to achieve this but in the end i still havent gotten the feature i wanted. i used this and this as my reference.
Here is the problem i am facing, I already implemented the tutorials i saw, but then it still doesnt work, so it made me wonder. so i tried to trace the root of the problem, im not sure if this is the cause but one problem i saw is when i used FB's debug tool, i get these warnings
Open Graph Warnings That Should Be Fixed
Inferred Property: The 'og:url' property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags. Inferred Property: The 'og:title' property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
Im not sure if the problem im facing is due to mis configuration of facebook app or something, has someone experienced the same problem? Or does anyone have any other resources to be able to help me achieve the post sorting based on FB likes and comments?
Any type of help would be gladly appreciated,

Why not just use an already built plugin for this, e.g.
if you insist on your own, see how it is done -


Linkedin member profile request failing

I need to use the member profile plugin from LinkedIn for a project. So I generated my personal "code" at . Which gives me the following standard code sample
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="IN/MemberProfile" data-id="" data-format="inline"></script>
Where "myname" is obviously replaced with the name at which my public LinkedIn profile is found.
My problem is that there is nothing showing, after inspecting the resulting html at a couple of frames deep there is only a hidden div with the following content:
Your Request Could not be Completed.
I have checked all my privacy settings on LinkedIn and they are configured to make sure all information is publicly available and there should be no reason to let this plugin fail. I even checked with a colleague and we compared settings, the settings were the same but his plugin worked and mine did not.
Does anyone know what is causing this problem? Is there a setting we are missing, which is detrimental to this plugin?
(fyi, the plugin is running from a server so there is no problem to actually get the script)
The question was asked several times here (as the LinkedIn support is unwilling to help and redirect here where developers seldom answer questions)
See this question
Linkedin Member Profile Plugin not working for some profiles
One month after it was asked (yes one month!!!), a LinkedIn dev answered:
"The problem is under investigation. Several profiles still work fine, so there isn't a systemic issue with the plugin itself, but rather with certain profiles in particular."
Note that the number of particular profiles seem to be huge, because 9 out of 10 profiles I try fail.
Nothing has changed since then...
This is not the only bug in LinkedIn which is litteraly ruining my experience with it.
I used to love LinkedIn, but the way their support is treating customers (yes I am not only a user but also a customer because I pay for ads...) + the fact that they just can't seem to detect/fix their bug is making me become very bitter about them.
So all you can do is to cross fingers and hope that somewhere, someone will finally care about this and fix the bug...

Need help - FB Like button does not post to wall

Hello fellow community members,
I was unable to find a helpful answer, so I will give this a try: I recently developed a website that has a FB "Recommend" (same as "Like") button implemented. I have never dealt with this before, hence my complete lack of knowledge.
Now, I implemented the code the FB developer's Like page (--> creates correctly into the website (both the script and the DIV-tag, yet something that is not automatically generated seems to be missing and needs to be added for the button to work correctly. It currently does not post to the FB wall.
Upon doing a debugging check, I received the following results: [...]
Unfortunately, I have no clue what to do with that data. How and where exactly in the HTML code do I implement those missing TAGS and PROPERTIES? Any help would be highly appreciated...
Kind regards & many thanks in advance, :-)
It looks like you're missing the Open Graph meta tags. Those go into the head of your page.
Facebook has a generator to help you create the tags, but you'll need to add them into your markup.

facebook like button not working incorrect meta data but data is correct

Im currently using the fb url linter and can see that everything is there correctly, however when a user likes the page it misses key information.
the linter is also stating there is missing content, however it also shows that all tags are there as well. is there anything wrong with my code ?
this is the result on the facebook url linter
it has conflicting messages stating things dont exist, when they obviously do as they are outlined below the error messages...
any help greatly appreciated
Recheck your type contents. The first error is telling you that you don't own the object type. For custom objects, usually you need to pass in
<meta property="og:type" content="MY_APP_NAMESPACE:product"/>
If that fails, og:type errors usually comes up when you fail to setup your objects correctly in your open graph settings (at
I suspect that fixing the first error will make the others disappear.

Facebook Linter: Extraneous Property Objects of this type do not allow properties named fb:page_id

Hi when I run facebook linter on my site ( it says:
Extraneous Property Objects of this type do not allow properties named fb:page_id.
What am I doing wrong here ?
fb:page_id isn't required for Open Graph pages.
Typically to get the linter to work properly, you need to add some meta tags in your <head>. Check out more information here:
Also, the Facebook servers only check your site once a day for new meta tags so don't expect the linter to work for a few days after you've added the meta tags.
If you've already done this and you're still experiencing problems - please provide us with examples of your code.

Facebook Business LIKE box is giving an Open Graph error

You supplied an Open Graph type via
one of the supported meta tags, but
the type you specified "link" is not
The above is the error I get when the "LIKE" button is clicked.
I tried to set all sorts of OG meta tags. You can see the code live at
I looked at many different forums etc. but no clear answer is given. I don't even have an og type "link" specified.
I put my page through the linter provided by Facebook ( and I don't see any errors coming up as far as I can tell (but then I don't even know what this screen is supposed to look like in case there is an error).
Any help would be appreciated.
Appears to be a known FB Bug:
I think it doesn't like your <meta property="fb:link"> tag. Where did you get it from?
Just remove everything and leave only required params listed here. I would also recommend setting type to article. See if that works. If it does then start adding new params one by one until it fails.