iPhone URL Scheme: If URL is opened inside In-App Browser then my Application does not open - iphone

We use URL Schemes for our iPhone Application. If a user enters a certain URL in his Browser, then our App opens right away, if installed. If it is not installed then the user is directed to our mobile Website.
We embed these URLs in QR-Codes. So our user just need to scan the barcode, click "open url" and are directed right to our App / mobile Website.
However there is a Problem with some QR-Code-Scanners. For example "QR Code Scanner" from "iHandy Corp" opens the URL inside their own app. And because they open it inside their own app, URL Schemes apparently doenst work anymore. Even though the User has installed our App, he is still directed to our mobile Website.
Has anyone else run into that issue? I just want our users be able to use any QR-Code-Scanner they please und still be directed directly into our app, when they scan our URLs.

Yes, but you can't do anything about it. If the app sends the URL to an internal web view control, and not to the platform to be opened by the browser, it just doesn't work.


Is there a way to open a dynamic link in a browser?

I have an ionic app where i can send invitations (share app link), I used firebase dynamic links. When I share it, the person who receive the message can open the link in a device (tested for android) and he is redirected to the play store ( app not found because i am still testing it), but if the link is opened on a pc, then browser opens with page not found.
I am new to all the stuff.
As the first point, the link that should be shared is your website domain name example.com/anypagename that couldn't be direct accessed.
Whwn user click this link from any place it will redirect him to this website page, And in this page for website you will add a function to detect device, and if device is android, it send a response of google play link and same for ios and if desktop will redirect to main website page.
Use this library to achieve what i said above...
I had a lot of success for scenario similar to you by using Branch.io service. It is mostly free with advanced features being priced.
Do have a look at their offering. If not i can help out too.

windows phone 8: open facebook page in app from code

I need to launch the WP8 facebook app on a certain page, from my code behind, and if the app is not installed open the browser on that page:
right now i'm doing this:
var success = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("fb://page/313689422066566"));
and I use success to try open the browser.
the app launches but it show my wall instead of the page, and if the app is not installet the phone ask me to search on the store in search of an app...
anyone can tell how to do this or where i can find some info?
Hey actually there's an undocumented (I found this by trial and error starting from this question) way to do this.
Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("fb:pages?id=YOUR_PAGE_ID"));
What you're asking to do is not possible.
First, I don't believe it's possible to open the Facebook app to a specific page. I know you can use the fb: URI scheme to open the app and can even use fb:post?text=foo to start a new post, but I don't believe you can open a page.
Even if you could, the way URI schemes work in Windows Phone is that if the URI scheme is registered, it opens the app. If it's not registered, it asks you to install the app from the store. There's no way to send them to a web site instead that I know of.

"Either this application has not configured its Mobile Web URL or the URL could not be verified as owned by the application" error

We have a post on a FB wall. It points to http://tinyurl.com/{something}.
When the link is clicked in a non-mobile web browser, it works fine: TinyURL redirects the user to our web site using the appropriate URI including a special querystring.
When the link is clicked in a mobile web browser on my Android, it fails with the error in the title of this question.
When the link is clicked in the FB native app for iPad and in Safari on the iPad, it works fine.
I have tried adding our URL to the Mobile Web setting in the Basic Settings tab of the FB App configuration. That results in all links pointing directly to the root of our web site with a funky set of parameters in a querystring -- in other words, it doesn't follow the TinyURL in that particular case. The funky parameters include "refid", "ref", and "ft".
So primarily my question is: Why, when I specify the URL in the Mobile Web setting as described in the previous paragraph, does it redirect to our main URL instead of the TinyURL link originally called for?
I think this is something Facebook broke very recently (perhaps even today?). When a user clicks on any links to our app from inside the Facebook native iOS app, they get this error "Either this application has not configured its Mobile Web URL or the URL could not be verified as owned by the application. Unable to redirect." We had never set a Mobile Web URL previously, and everything had been fine since we launched the app over a year ago. We sent all mobile clicks to the same URL's as desktop browsers and handled the mobile rendering server-side. We have not changed our application domain inside the App Settings or anything like that.
In the App Settings, can set a Mobile Web URL to our homepage and the link works (and the error message goes away) but that's not the desired behavior at all - it would mean that all links end up at the same Mobile Web URL regardless of what the link was!
Was this change made on purpose by Facebook and if so why? There's been no mention of this whatsoever on the Developer Blog.
Update 3/21 8:10am PST:
I've since found this to be a widespread problem, not just for a few apps. Just by clicking around I've seen this error on posts to weather.com, youtube, msn.com and a dozen others. It happens on both clicks from the Timeline as well as the News Feed (although strangely sometimes the same post works on one, but not the other!), and from the m.facebook.com mobile web app as well as the native iOS app.
I commented on http://developers.facebook.com/bugs/302635863137683 but no word from Facebook yet. I can't believe more people aren't talking about this right now, this is a major bug.
In your app, go to Settings -> Add platform -> Website
Add both, Website URL and Moblie Website (Yes, you need these both), then your app will be able to be opened from facebook native app.
You will also need the FB Canvas.
Same here, I recently noted that all links of items shared with our Adroid or iPhone app are broken. This only happens with the mobile version of Facebook the Desktop web version is still working. What is actually wrong on the mobile version is that the original shared url is replaced with a m.facebook url that ends with "?ref=unknown&refid=0&ft=fbid.332036910178718%3Ainterface.m_touch%3Ac.m" When user click on it Facebook is redirecting the user to the App's "Mobile Web URL" + "?ref=unknown&refid=0&ft=fbid.332036910178718%3Ainterface.m_touch%3Ac.m" instead of the original shared url.
My opinion is that this is an issue of Facebook that is redirecting the url to the wrong location, "Mobile Web URL" instead of the original post url.
Ok not working. What is going on, 1st directed to something about itunes url. I am on an Android not an Iphone. Sad state when an disabled person is unable to gain access the same as others. This is bad for all users.

How to relaunch an app like facebook-ios-sdk does?

I am actively looking in the source code on Github's facebook-ios-sdk project myself but I was wondering if anyone already knows how to relaunch an app that sent an iPhone user to Safari, such that the user can come back after some work has been finished?
When using facebook to login, the original app is relaunched after the facebook login page has authenticated the user.
I would like to be able to do the same for youtube videos without having to completely lose the user. I don't want to use the standard webview approach because I don't want to provide extra space to first let the video load for the user and then have the user click the play button. I want to skip the play button and its associated click entirely! Instead I want the user to be able to click on just an everyday regular iPhone button and be shown the video with the navigation for coming back to the app via relaunch.
You need your app to register a "custom URL scheme". Then get the callback in the remote web service to return a URL with that scheme. iOS will then launch your application.
More (somewhat old) info available here.
A list of common custom URL schems on iOS can be found here.
Generally, as part of the OAuth login process, you supply a callback URL as one of the paramaters. What this does, is tell the remote server (YouTube), that on successful authentication, redirect the user to the supplied URL. If YouTube supports this (does it support OAuth?) then on successful user login within safari, youtube will tell users safari to redirect to the supplied url. If this url is a "custom URL scheme" it will cause your app to relaunch and you can handle the situation from there.

Redirecting a user from a custom tab on Facebook if on a mobile device

I currently have a custom app on Facebook that works fine on desktop PC's (full version of Facebook). As you would know you can't access custom apps from mobile devices and it redirects you to the wall of the page.
Is there a way to redirect them to a mobile web app if they try to access the app from a mobile device? So that way when people share links to the app I can at least show them something.
I saw the Mobile Web URL option in my app but am unsure on how this will actually work.
You are referring to the "mobile tab access" Vitrue announced this week? :)
What they are doing is this (basically):
Create a special link to the tab (mydomain.com/tablink1 or something, NOT the ?sk=app_xxxx URL in the browser bar)
On that link they have code which does a conditional redirect
If it's a regular browser/device, redirect to the tab (?sk=app_xxxx)
If it's a mobile browser/device, redirect to an alternate mobile webpage with the same content as the tab (mydomain.com/mobilecontent1)
The redirect is not on the actual tab, since the mobile browsers will never get there. It has to be on a separate page.
So if they try to access the tab on a mobile device with the regular tab URL they will not get redirected. It only works if they go to the special redirect URL. Vitrue's application publishes that special redirect URL to the Page wall.
It works very well to make sure everything you post to your Wall (which mobile users can see) does not break, but it does not really provide a redirect for mobile users trying to get to your tab.
That's the best we can do right now though, until Facebook actually comes up with a mobile tab solution (bug filed here: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/264010470314544)
Good luck!