T-SQL (Order by Case) to LinQ - tsql

I have the folowwing statement and I would like to have a LINQ equivalent:
FROM People
where Name like '%something%'
WHEN Name LIKE 'something%' then 1
WHEN Name LIKE '%something%' then 2
Basically, I'm retrieving all the rows which contains a value (in this case 'something') and I'm ordering them: first the ones starting with that value, and then the remaining.
Any idea on how to do that in LinQ?

I've came out with the following solution.
var dc = new EntityContext();
var result = dc
// Condition part
.People.Where(x => x.Name.IndexOf("Foo") > -1) // This part is translated to like
// projection part
.Select(x => new { Person = x, Weight = x.Name.IndexOf("Bar") > -1 ? 1 : (x.Name.IndexOf("Baz") ? 2 : 0)})
// Order
.OrderBy(x => x.Weight)
// Final projection
.Select(x => x.Person);
I guess everything is self explanatory. First you select under your condition, then create a new object with weights necessary, then order it and finally take the necessary people.

I am not able to verify this, but something like this might work. The code can definitely be optimized/cleaned up, but in theory this just might work :)
The only question is whether the contains in the comparable delegate will translate the way it does in the Where. So, you might need to use an IndexOf or similar (as Oybek implemented)
var queryResult =
delegate(string name1, string name2)
int result1, result2;
if(name1.Contains(#"something/")) result1 = 1;
else if(name1.Contains(#"/something/")) result1 = 2;
else result1 = 3;
if(name2.Contains(#"something/")) result2 = 1;
else if(name2.Contains(#"/something/")) result2 = 2;
else result2 = 3;
return result1.CompareTo(result2);


EF Append to an IQueryable a Where that generates an OR

I'm trying to achieve dynamic filtering on a table. My UI has filters that can be enabled or disabled on demand, and as you can imagine, my query should be able to know when to add filters to the query.
What I have so far is that I check if the filter object has a value, and if it does it adds a where clause to it. Example:
var q1 = DBContext.Table1
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterModel.SubjectContains))
q1 = q1.Where(i => i.Subject.Contains(filterModel.SubjectContains));
if (filterModel.EnvironmentId != null)
q1 = q1.Where(i => i.EnvironmentId == filterModel.EnvironmentId);
if (filterModel.CreatedBy != null)
q1 = q1.Where(i => i.CreatedByUserId == filterModel.CreatedBy);
var final = q1.Select(i => new
IssuesId = i.IssuesId,
Subject = i.Subject,
EnvironmentId = i.EnvironmentId,
CreatedBy = i.CreatedByUser.FullName,
return final.ToList();
The code above generates T-SQL that contains a WHERE clause for each field that uses AND to combine the conditions. This is fine, and will work for most cases.
Something like:
IssueId, Subject, EnvironmentId, CreatedById
(Subject like '%stackoverflow%')
and (EnvironmentId = 1)
and (CreatedById = 123)
But then I have a filter that explicitly needs an IssueId. I'm trying to figure out how the EF Where clause can generate an OR for me. I'm looking something that should generate a Tsql that looks like this:
IssueId, Subject, EnvironmentId, CreatedById
(Subject like '%stackoverflow%')
and (EnvironmentId = 1)
and (CreatedById = 123)
or (IssueId = 10001)
Found a solution for this that doesn't have to do multiple database call and works for me.
//filterModel.StaticIssueIds is of type List<Int32>
if (filterModel.StaticIssueIds != null)
//Get all ids declared in filterModel.StaticIssueIds
var qStaticIssues = DBContext.Table1.Where(i => filterModel.StaticIssueIds.Contains(i.IssuesId));
//Let's get all Issues that isn't declared in filterModel.StaticIssueIds from the original IQueryable
//we have to do this to ensure that there isn't any duplicate records.
q1 = q1.Where(i => !filterModel.StaticIssueIds.Contains(i.IssuesId));
//We then concatenate q1 and the qStaticIssues.
q1 = q1.Concat(qStaticIssues);
var final = q1.Select(i => new
IssuesId = i.IssuesId,
Subject = i.Subject,
EnvironmentId = i.EnvironmentId,
CreatedBy = i.CreatedByUser.FullName,
return final.ToList();

Result not ready when used, works in debugger but not in runtime

In the following image you can see where i put the breakpoint and then debugged two step. You can also see that both assignments worked great they have the same count and are the same.
However if I do the following. Run the exact same call but only break on the third line directly then this happnes
set.QuestionSet.Questions should have count of 8 BEFORE the assigment, so it seems it's not properly assigned for some reason. I suspect this has something to do with how I fetch my data from DB.
Question and QuestionSet are normal POCOs and here is the code for the entire method.
public IEnumerable<QuestionSet> SearchAndFilterQuestionsAndSets(string searchString, int nrPerPage, int page, out int totalSearchCount)
searchString = searchString.ToLower();
List<QuestionSet> finalList = new List<QuestionSet>();
var result = ActiveContext.QuestionSets
.Select(x => new
QuestionSet = x,
Questions = x.Questions.Where(
y =>
z => z.Description
foreach (var set in result)
//If our search matched the set itself we load all questions
if (set.QuestionSet.Name.ToLower().Contains(searchString))
//we dont bring empty sets
if (set.QuestionSet.Questions.Count() > 0)
set.QuestionSet.Questions = set.QuestionSet.Questions.ToList<Question>().OrderBy(x => x.Description).ToList<Question>();
//We had one or more questions matching the search term
else if (set.Questions.Count() > 0)
var b = set.Questions.ToList<Question>();
set.QuestionSet.Questions = set.Questions.ToList<Question>();
totalSearchCount = finalList.Count();
return finalList.Skip((page - 1) * nrPerPage).Take(nrPerPage);
If I do this instead in the failing else if
var a = new QuestionSet();
a.Id = set.QuestionSet.Id;
a.Name = set.QuestionSet.Name;
a.Questions = set.Questions.ToList<Question>();
Then it works, so the problem lies within the anonymous object, but why does it work when i step through with debugger and not otherwise?? call me puzzled.
Could be something to do with Late binding of anonymous types

EF DbContext. How to avoid caching?

Spent a lot of time, but still cann't understand how to avoid caching in DbContext.
I attached below entity model of some easy case to demonstrate what I mean.
The problem is that dbcontext caching results. For example, I have next code for querying data from my database:
using (TestContext ctx = new TestContext())
var res = (from b in ctx.Buildings.Where(x => x.ID == 1)
select new
flats = from f in b.Flats
select new
people = from p in f.People
where p.Archived == false
select p
}).AsEnumerable().Select(x => x.b).Single();
In this case, everything is fine: I got what I want (Only persons with Archived == false).
But if I add another query after it, for example, query for buildings that have people that have Archived flag set to true, I have next things, that I really cann't understand:
my previous result, that is res, will be added by data (there
will be added Persons with Archived == true too)
new result will contain absolutely all Person's, no matter what Archived equals
the code of this query is next:
using (TestContext ctx = new TestContext())
var res = (from b in ctx.Buildings.Where(x => x.ID == 1)
select new
flats = from f in b.Flats
select new
people = from p in f.People
where p.Archived == false
select p
}).AsEnumerable().Select(x => x.b).Single();
var newResult = (from b in ctx.Buildings.Where(x => x.ID == 1)
select new
flats = from f in b.Flats
select new
people = from p in f.People
where p.Archived == true
select p
}).AsEnumerable().Select(x => x.b).Single();
By the way, I set LazyLoadingEnabled to false in constructor of TestContext.
Does anybody know how to workaround this problem? How can I have in my query what I really write in my linq to entity?
P.S. #Ladislav may be you can help?
You can use the AsNoTracking method on your query.
var res = (from b in ctx.Buildings.Where(x => x.ID == 1)
select new
flats = from f in b.Flats
select new
people = from p in f.People
where p.Archived == false
select p
}).AsNoTracking().AsEnumerabe().Select(x => x.b).Single();
I also want to note that your AsEnumerable is probably doing more harm than good. If you remove it, the Select(x => x.b) will be translated to SQL. As is, you are selecting everything, then throwing away everything but x.b in memory.
have you tried something like:
ctx.Persons.Where(x => x.Flat.Building.Id == 1 && x.Archived == false);
===== EDIT =====
In this case I think you approach is, imho, really hazardous. Indeed you works on the data loaded by EF to interpret your query rather than on data resulting of the interpretation of your query. If one day EF changes is loading policy (for example with a predictive pre-loading) your approach will "send you in then wall".
For your goal, you will have to eager load the data you need to build your "filterd" entity. That is select the building, then foreach Flat select the non archived persons.
Another solution is to use too separate contexts in an "UnitOfWork" like design.

MongoDB - combining multiple Numeric Range queries (C# driver)

*Mongo Newbie here
I have a document containing several hundred numeric fields which I need to query in combination.
var collection = _myDB.GetCollection<MyDocument>("collection");
IMongoQuery mongoQuery; // = Query.GT("field", value1).LT(value2);
foreach (MyObject queryObj in Queries)
// I have several hundred fields such as Height, that are in queryObj
// how do I build a "boolean" query in C#
mongoQuery = Query.GTE("Height", Convert.ToInt16(queryObj.Height * lowerbound));
I have several hundred fields such as Height (e.g. Width, Area, Perimeter etc.), that are in queryObj how do I build a "boolean" query in C# that combines range queries for each field in conjunction.
I have tried to use the example Query.GT("field", value1).LT(value2);, however the compiler does not accept the LT(Value) construct. In any event I need to be able to build a complex boolean query by looping through each of the numeric field values.
Thanks for helping a newbie out.
Ok, it looks like you already have code in place to build the complicated query. In that case, you just needed to fix the compiler issue. Am assuming you want to do the following (x > 20 && x < 40) && (y > 30 && y < 50) ...
var collection = _myDB.GetCollection<MyDocument>("collection");
var queries = new List<IMongoQuery>();
foreach (MyObject queryObj in Queries)
//I have several hundred fields such as Height, that are in queryObj
//how do I build a "boolean" query in C#
var lowerBoundQuery = Query.GTE("Height", Convert.ToInt16(queryObj.Height * lowerbound));
var upperBoundQuery = Query.LTE("Height", Convert.ToInt16(queryObj.Height * upperbound));
var query = Query.And(lowerBoundQuery, upperBoundQuery);
var finalQuery = Query.And(queries);
if you want to instead do an OR,
var finalQuery = Query.Or(queries);
Original Answer.
var list = _myDb.GetCollection<MyDoc>("CollectionName")
.Where(x =>
x.Height > 20 &&
x.Height < 40)
I have tried to use the example Query.GT("field", value1).LT(value2);,
however the compiler does not accept the LT(Value) construct.
You can query MongoDB using linq, if you are using the official C# driver. That ought to solve the compiler issue I think.
The more interesting question I have in mind is, how are you going to construct that complicated boolean query?
One option is to dynamically build an Expression and then pass that to the Where
My colleague is using the following code for something similar...
public static IQueryable<T> Where<T>(this IQueryable<T> query,
string column, object value, WhereOperation operation)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(column))
return query;
ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(query.ElementType, "p");
MemberExpression memberAccess = null;
foreach (var property in column.Split('.'))
memberAccess = MemberExpression.Property
(memberAccess ?? (parameter as Expression), property);
//change param value type
//necessary to getting bool from string
ConstantExpression filter = Expression.Constant
Convert.ChangeType(value, memberAccess.Type)
//switch operation
Expression condition = null;
LambdaExpression lambda = null;
switch (operation)
//equal ==
case WhereOperation.Equal:
condition = Expression.Equal(memberAccess, filter);
lambda = Expression.Lambda(condition, parameter);
//not equal !=
case WhereOperation.NotEqual:
condition = Expression.NotEqual(memberAccess, filter);
lambda = Expression.Lambda(condition, parameter);
case WhereOperation.Contains:
condition = Expression.Call(memberAccess,
lambda = Expression.Lambda(condition, parameter);
MethodCallExpression result = Expression.Call(
typeof(Queryable), "Where",
new[] { query.ElementType },
return query.Provider.CreateQuery<T>(result);
public enum WhereOperation
Currently it only supports == && !=, but it shouldn't be that difficult to implement >= or <= ...
You could get some hints from the Expression class: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.linq.expressions.expression.aspx
var props = ["Height", "Weight", "Age"];
var query = _myDb.GetCollection<MyDoc>("CName").AsQueryable<MyDoc>();
foreach (var prop in props)
query = query.Where(prop, GetLowerLimit(queryObj, prop), WhereOperation.Between, GetUpperLimit(queryObj, prop));
// the above query when iterated over, will result in a where clause that joins each individual `prop\condition` with an `AND`.
// The code above will not compile. The `Where` function I wrote doesnt accept 4 parameters. You will need to implement the logic for that yourself. Though it ought to be straight forward I think...
If you don't want to use linq, you can still use Mongo Query. You will just need to craft your queries using the Query.And() and Query.Or().
// I think this might be deprecated. Please refer the release notes for the C# driver version 1.5.0
Query.And(Query.GTE("Salary", new BsonDouble(20)), Query.LTE("Salary", new BsonDouble(40)), Query.GTE("Height", new BsonDouble(20)), Query.LTE("Height", new BsonDouble(40)))
// strongly typed version
new QueryBuilder<Employee>().And(Query<Employee>.GTE(x => x.Salary, 40), Query<Employee>.LTE(x => x.Salary, 60), Query<Employee>.GTE(x => x.HourlyRateToClients, 40), Query<Employee>.LTE(x => x.HourlyRateToClients, 60))

Entity Framework + conditionally appended Where() clauses

This is driving me nuts. What am I missing here. I'm using EF and if I have code like the following:
using (LexiconEntities ctx = new LexiconEntities())
var query = from w in ctx.Words
select new WordEntryDataModel
Word = w.Anagram,
NumOfAnagrams = w.NumAnagrams.Value,
Length = w.Length.Value,
SearchCriterion c1 = new SearchCriterion();
SearchCriterion c2 = new SearchCriterion();
c1.MinValue = 3;
c1.MaxValue = 3;
c2.MinValue = 4;
c2.MaxValue = 4;
query = query.Where(w => w.Length >= c1.MinValue && w.Length <= c1.MaxValue);
query = query.Where(w => w.NumOfAnagrams >= c2.MinValue && w.NumOfAnagrams <= c2.MaxValue);
And when I debug the query, I get the proper results (8 records). This also works as expected in Linqpad (which frickin' rocks).
But if I construct the search criteria as a List of criterion objects, and I dynamically add on Where() clauses by iterating over the search criteria as follows:
foreach (SearchCriterion c in criteria.SearchCriteria)
switch (c.Type)
case SearchCriterionType.WordLength:
query = query.Where(w => w.Length >= c.MinValue && w.Length <= c.MaxValue);
case SearchCriterionType.NumberOfAnagrams:
query = query.Where(w => w.NumOfAnagrams >= c.MinValue && w.NumOfAnagrams <= c.MaxValue);
case SearchCriterionType.NumberOfVowels:
query = query.Where(w => w.NumOfVowels >= c.MinValue && w.NumOfVowels <= c.MaxValue);
I get the totally different (and incorrect) results. I've debugged the switch statement and my search criteria has two properly constructed criterion objects set to correct values. There's something about the conditionally added where clauses that my query doesn't like.
What am I doing wrong?
Closure. Assign c to a local variable within the loop. Also see my SO answer here