Add Like Button to website - facebook

I am trying to install the like button on my website but cannot get it to appear on the website.I have tried everything but no joy. I have pasted the codes etc. etc but nothing. I use Serif Webplus X2 for web design.
I added the code to a html text box and after uploading to the web only the code print appears on the website but no button. However if I use the Facebook Platform code it works??

I had the same problem, i found interesting information on this website
More easy, Facebook generate the code for the button "I like" for any website.

Add the below HTML code on any page:
scrolling="no" frameborder="0"
style="border:none; width:450px; height:80px">

Get Your Code Here:
The easiest way is to use a "iframe".
Make a HTML block and paste it into the body (Click the 'Paste to Body' Button on top right)
If it doesn't work in your preview, you have to Host it.

If you are willing to upgrade, Serif WebPlus X6 and later versions include support for Facebook Like buttons. In X6, go to Insert->Social Media->Facebook Widget and select 'Like Button' from the drop-down.


how to get a plain old external link working with featherlight

I have a div with a link:
<div data-featherlight="test" >
The lightbox works fine, but when I click the link, it makes a recursive lightbox. I just want the link to pop to a new window. Note, I don't want an ajax call, just a pop to a link on a 3rd party domain.
Thanks for any help,
Not too sure, you might get closer to what you want by using a iframe? FL will think your link should be done with ajax, so you'll have to specify you want an iframe instead...

"Like" button not working, (iframe) version

I know this is a common question but I haven't found any answers. I click the button but nothing happens. I've been using the linter and have all the og tags.
Here's my code (straight from the like button creator) and site:
<iframe src="//" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:21px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
Thank you.
?href& This is the problem. You need to really put your url-encoded url here: ?href=%3A%2F%2F&
Also check out your page in the linter:
It says you should also specify the og:description too.
You need to remove all the 'amp;' that separate the query strings. So, instead of having '&' separating each query strings you should just have '&'. You also don't have anything for url for 'href'
I was facing this problem from last 4 hours & it turned out to be a browser related issue. After I've started accepting third party cookies from suddenly every thing started working...

"Like Button" does not appear when I paste plug-in code into HTML snippet on iweb?

Please help. I've spent hours on this. With Twitter I had no trouble adding a button to my website using iWeb but with facebook.....
The best way I can describe my problem is this: I go through all of the required steps to obtain the plug-in for my facebook page ( I then "get code", copy the code, drag HTML Snippet onto my desired page in iWeb, then paste the code into the appropriate window (BTW: I've tried all 3 codes several times). When Click the "Apply" button, the "Like" button does not appear.
I'm at my whit's end! Please help. Thanks.
Without seeing the page I have two initial thoughts you can run down:
Your CMS [iWeb or whatever you are using] is altering the fb-root tag which is required for the button to show. Twitter only uses javascript.
Your page is appearing via iframe, javascript or something from the system is causing Facebook to believe you may be hiding the button to fake a click.
If this is happening with both the iFrame and Scripted method a url will be helpful as it may be more complex.
Try adding <html xmlns="" xmlns:fb=""> to the HTML-tag.
Would be easier if you provided a link though.

Facebook like button "breaks" when logged in as page

I have a facebook 'Like' button on my page and it's working fine. But when the visitor is logged in as a 'Page' at facebook it includes a photo and breaks my design. I guess this is because Pages aren't allowed to like things.
I pretty much have an iframe like this:
Any ideas of how I get rid of this image? Any way to alter the design, disable this "feature" or check if the user is logged in as a page (to hide the whole thing)?
Screenshot of the issue:
In the top one I'm logged in as a regular user and the bottom I'm "Using facebook as Page"
The code I'm using: <iframe class="facebook" src="<?=urlencode('')?>&layout=standard&show_faces=false&width=210&action=like&colorscheme=light&height=45" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
You can use the 'overflow' element in your css to stop it breaking the design. This at least keeps the like box the same size whatever somebody is logged in to Facebook as.
1) Wrap your like box in a div and give it an id (in the HTML)
<div id="mylikebox"> Facebook like Box Code in here </div>
2) Add to CSS (adjust height and width if you need to)
#mylikebox {
height: 70px;
width: 210px;
overflow: hidden;
Let Me Know if it works out!
I just noticed the exact same issue. Seems a bug on FB's part, as they provide an insertion code for their like button that breaks under a particular but perfectly normal condition (i.e. signed in to FB as a page.) I would love a solution too. In the meantime the bug has prompted me to remove the FB like button altogether from my blog, which unfortunately seems to be the only solution at the moment.
I found this to be true on the facebook developers like box configuration page. Definitely a facebook bug.
The answer provided by Nathaniel works for me. I have all my social icons in a line:
By setting a div height of 30, and adding the overflow: hidden attribute, if someone is logged in as a page rather than personal account they can see part of the red box, and the 'switch' URL allowing them to log back in as personal.
It's not perfect, but for the amount of users it will affect it is a good fix.

Facebook like button, locale not working

The user can change language on my webpage and I wish to change the text of the fb like button according to the current language. I use the iframe method and have read the documentation from fb but this is not working:
scrolling='no' frameborder='0'
style='border:none; overflow:hidden;
width:80px; height:80px;'
I have set html lang='en-US' and locale=en-US in the src above but still the text display in my windows locale language.
What am I doing wrong?
If i remember right it (the locale= in the iframe address) should be en_US not en-US.
You can find a complete listing of all the locales supported by Facebook here:
Good luck!