I defined a custom Open Graph action (e.g. "drive") and a custom object ("car") with custom properties ("color", "make"), then added the meta tags to the object page and verified with the Object debugger. I also published few actions in my timeline.
When I use the action API to view the "drive" actions ("/me/[name_space]:drive") I see all the actions and the Objects with their default properties (ids, titles..) but no custom properties.
How can I retrieve the Objects with all their custom properties?
It is probably too late, but I encountered with the same problem today.
It seems that the custom action /me/[name_space]:drive only provides the standard properties, but I found that if you also include the object type you can retrieve it with the custom ones:
GET https://graph.facebook.com/me/recipebox:cook/recipes
or in your example:
GET https://graph.facebook.com/me/[name_space]:drive/car
I want to search only those task from the project, which has a particular custom form (though not selected any field).
This returns only first custom form(category) object selected in the task and not all the custom forms..
I want to find all those task which contains particular categoryID..
Attask/api/ task/search?categoryID= 46785335&fields=parameterValues
It doesn't return me response when custom form selected after another custom form..
Since multiple custom forms is a new feature it is still only in earlyAccess this has not been released to the current API. You can however do this using the unsupported API.
the following will do what you are wanting.
GET attask/api-unsupported/task/search?objectCategoriesMM:ID=55a4232e005dc2668af39a4f24a4db40
This will search all forms not just the primary(first) form
How do I link a custom object created via Marketo's SOAP API to an existing lead?
In your custom object, you can define one of the fields as a 'link'.
In the web interface , when you select 'link', it reloads the dialog and gives you the option to select the linked object type (Lead) and the field to link with (ID).
When you create an object using the SOAP API with a link field like this, you can give the custom object your lead ID to link it.
Any idea how to set website_url application property to empty via the API? When I try to send an empty parameter, I get 'true' as a result but it does not update the property.
curl "https://graph.facebook.com/myappid?website_url&access_token=applicationaccesstoken&method=post"
This is to comply with the latest policy about on-canvas only games.
refer to bug: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/140498756103463?browse=search_50d24fd418f5d6c41473620
Docs state that an array can be unset if editable, we can try passing an empty array and see if that does the trick.
To set properties for an app, issue an HTTP POST with an app access
token to
using the same properties and formats as in the table above. Not all
app properties can be edited via the API, please refer to the
properties in the table above for an indication of whether a property
can be edited or not.
Array properties can be unset by passing an empty array.
I'm just getting started with Facebbook API/OpenGraph and RestFB.
I created a custom object and action type on Facebook.
However, I don't quite get the concept of how RestFB works with publishing an action with an object.
I'm able to publish an action (complete) like this:
FacebookType publishMessageResponse =
facebookClient.publish("me/myapp:complete", Post.class,
Parameter.with("mycustomobject", "http://samples.ogp.me/xxxxxxxxxxxxx"),
What I don't understand is how to create an object with all necessary parameters and pass it into the publishMessage. In this case I just linked to the sample object that was provided by Facebook for illustration.
What I don't understand is how to create an object with all necessary parameters and pass it into the publishMessage.
Open Graph objects are basically just URLs.
You put all the necessary info into the HTML that this URL delivers, into the Open Graph meta elements. (See OG docs for this.)
Then, when publishing your action on an object, you just give that object’s URL, and Facebook will fetch the data from there. (Unless you have some additional custom properties, for which you can also give the values while publishing the action).
Is it possible to update an object property of a published action? I tried POSTing to:
I got true as a response, as you do.
I can update first-level properties such as expires_in, just not connected objects.
No, you cannot modify the object properties in this way.
You can modify action properties in this method, but if you want to update the object, you need to change the OG tags on that object's URL, and either wait 48 hrs for FB's cache to expire, or force a rescrape of the OG object properties by using the debug tool at http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug
or via the API by POSTing to
https://graph.facebook.com/id={object-id or object-url}&scrape=true