Set cursor position in a UITextField (Monotouch) - iphone

In a UITextField used for entering decimal numbers I would like to get rid of possible leading zeros (The behavior should be like the one of the Calculator App). Normally this would be rather easy to implement but I just cannot figure out how to restore the cursor position.
UITextField has a property SelectedTextRange of type UITextRange which can be used to get the cursor position. However, there seems no easy way to get the current index nor to create a new UITextRange object that contains the new values.
I could find the solution in objective c: Finding the cursor position in a UITextField
It is however very unclear to me how to rewrite that in Monotouch. Any help with this would be highly appreciated.

It looks like MonoTouch (at least the 5.3 alpha I'm looking now) is not exposing every methods in UITextField (and UITextView), in particular those that comes from UITextInput (but the properties are there).
This means that methods like GetPosition are presently missing - which makes it hard to duplicate the code from the link you provided.
UPDATE It was a bug where UITextInput methods were not added to UITextField and UITextView. This will be fixed in the next releases. IOW the next stable release, 5.2.11, will have the missing methods.


GKRTree doesn't want to work at all, any other similar method?

I'm making a game, where i need to define the object in the radius of the explosion in certain radius. Firstly, i was making it through distance between all objects, but i saw that there is GKRTree class in GameplayKit. But after many tries, it doesn't want to work at all. It just returns empty array in any case. I want to know, are GKRTree class broken or what. If yes, are there any other method to do the same stuff as GKRTree in swift or github. Because i dont want to calculate distance, since it can be use a lot of cpu.
Edit: I tried what is described in this answer, but it dont work. And there are no another solution about this problem. There is some links, where somebody is talking about broken gkrtree and there is no answer.
And that's all. One things that i've tried that i created 2 circles. One of them is not moving and in one position all the time. Another is moving to my touch position. Second is smaller than the other one. Larger is a little bit transparent so i can see other circle. I also use print() to see all things that happening in the code. And after all of that, even if there is clearly situation where one circle is inside other one, gkrtree.entities method don't work and it returns empty array.
For what it's worth, GamePlayKit.GKRTree is recently failing for me as of Xcode 11.5+. The following line,
import GameKit
class blah {
private var searchTree: GKRTree<RouteSegment>?
public init() {
searchTree = GKRTree.init(maxNumberOfChildren: 3)
Using a let expression also gets a nil value.
The reason it was returning nil is because I didn't have GameplayKit in the linking phase of the project. Duh. By default, all the iOS frameworks are on the search path, which doesn't mean they will be available at runtime. I'm not sure why Apple chose this mechanism. When I traced the assembly code step into the init() function, I found it just returned nil; there must be some stubs in the API.
Solution for me: make sure that GameplayKit is in the linked binaries phase in the project settings.

Disable FontSmoothing in Legend text objects

I am on Matlab R2018a. I want to disable FontSmoothing for text legend entries.
Setting the FontSmoothing property default vaue to 'off' for text objects doesn't seem to apply to text objects created by a legend ;
Using the old syntax [lgd,object_h]=legend(...) is horrible under recent releases : for some reason it leads to a drawnow inside the legend call, thus if I then want to edit the relevant properties of some of object_h (here to set their FontSmoothing to 'off'), there will be two draws, leading to a less responsive call and ugly behavior (two screen refreshes instead of just one). Although this behavior makes it unacceptable to me, I can though use these handles to then set their FontSmoothing property to 'off' and it works.
Not using the old syntax but only the new one lgd=legend(...) thus seems to be the only recourse. I seem to be able to find the text objects by accessing lgd.EntryContainer.NodeChildren(1).Label (1 for the first text object, 2 for the second one, etc). Problem is, property setting seems iffy at best :
set(lgd.EntryContainer.NodeChildren(1).Label,'FontSmoothing','off') doesn't change anything.
set(lgd.EntryContainer.NodeChildren(1).Label,'FontSize',somevalue) doesn't change anything either.
set(lgd.EntryContainer.NodeChildren(1).Label,'String','sometext') does work though.
Anyone have any idea how to proceed ?

NSButton values are 1

I wanted to use an NSButton's integerValue to pass on information in a method and ran into a curious bug: whatever I set a value to - whether integerValue, stringValue, or floatValue, when I read it out, it's 1.
NSButton inherits from NSControl and should have the usual set of values... but all of them, including strings, resolve to 1.
Nothing I can see in NSControl.h or NSButton.h points to xxValue being anything other than ordinary properties.
I'm working in Xcode 9/Swift 4/macOS 10.12.6 - is this a known problem? Is this documented anywhere? I've used .tag as a workaround but would prefer not to.
It’s not a bug.
From the documentation of NSButton:
For most types of buttons, the value of the button matches its state—the value is 1 for on, 0 for off, or -1 for mixed. For pressure-sensitive buttons, the value of the button indicates pressure level instead.

NSTextStorage easily / background attribute change

I'm finishing a nice app with a relatively small text editor. During implementation of the syntax highlight I found myself in need to change foreground colour attribute of recognized tokens. I noticed that there is a property of NSTextStorage:
var fixesAttributesLazily: Bool { get }
The documentation, regarding it is:
A Boolean value indicating whether the text storage object fixes attributes lazily. (read-only)
When subclassing, the default value of this property is NO, meaning that your subclass fixes attributes immediately when they are changed. The system’s concrete subclass overrides this property and sets it to YES.
I really don't know how to interpret this ... but this is what I did:
I'm changing the attributes of th recognised tokens inside textStorage(textStorage: NSTextStorage, didProcessEditing editedMask: NSTextStorageEditActions, range editedRange: NSRange, changeInLength delta: Int) (which is a delegate method of NSTextStorage). Here I'm checking the value of this property - it's FALSE.
I subclassed NSTextStorage exactly as Apple suggest ( and overrode the property. The text view started to behave very strange. Actually with small text it performs OK, but as soon as I open a 4 Mbytes file - it hangs and ... well ... bad things start to happen to my mac. Actually this behaviour doesn't depend on the value of the fixesAttributesLazily property. Maybe my implementation of NSTextStorage is bad or at least not sophisticated.
Any trick of applying attributes in background or lazily or ... something like this is welcomed.
In additional: I know that there are many ways to optimise a syntax highlighted. It may highlight partially, use some kind of logic, based on the changed range ... etc. What I'm looking for is a way to process attribute changes in background. For example currently when I paste 4 Mbyte file to the text view, it first highlights it (which takes 2-3 seconds) and then it visualises it. The effect I'm looking for is the text to appear right away and after time - the colors.
The project I'm working on is written in Swift.
Thanks to everyone in advance for the help. You may reach me via ivailon at gmail dot com for specifics, since I don't want to expose the app here ... at least not yet ;-)

Making UIBezierPath more like NSBezierPath with elementCount and elementAtIndex

When moving some Cocoa code to Cocoa Touch I was disappointed to find that UIBezierPath is missing the "Accessing Elements of a Path" methods:
– elementCount
– elementAtIndex:
– elementAtIndex:associatedPoints:
– removeAllPoints
– setAssociatedPoints:atIndex:
The only way to get at these elements in Cocoa Touch seems to be through CGPathApply. Before I try to recreate this as a subclass or category of UIBezierPath, I was wondering if this had already been done. Does anyone have an idea if something like this is already available?
I made a port on but it's with Swift.
Has a test suite and documentation.
Works as of Beta 5.
Technically you should be able to use Swift on a Obj-C project.
Let me know how you like it.
I've bumped into the same problem a couple of months ago and couldn't find anything readily available back then. (Truth be told, since going the CGPathApply route wasn't that bad for my needs, I didn't look very hard to be honest).
The applier function is called for every CGPathElement in the CGPath, such an element consists of a CGPathElementType and a C-array of CGPoints.
Since a CGPathElementType is an enum with only five different values
enum CGPathElementType {
You don't need to write that much code to do (control)point manipulation / inspection of a path. Having the same interface available would've been nice though.