How can I chain asynchronous NSURLConnections? - iphone

What would be the most appropriate way to chain asynchronous NSURLConnections? For example, I need to register a user with a web service. The workflow would be as follows:
Get Register Token => Use token to Register => Get Login Token => Use token to Login.
I know how to create an asynchronous NSURLConnection, but I'm unsure how to make sure the previous connection has finished before moving on. I know I can achieve this using NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest but I don't like my main thread being blocked while these chained requests happen.

We did EXACTLYA this when we built our first version of SignMeOut for iPhone. We created a subclass of NSUrlconnection and gave it an identifying tag do in the connectionDidFinish you would be able to use a simple switch/case with an enum. Works great - you can see the whole flow and example and code in our blog
I've modified the NSURLConnection subclass into a much simpler Category. Most of the usage is the same but cleaner using the same class

You can look at connectionDidFinishLoading to start another asynchronous connection. For the conditions as to which connection ended, you can keep references to the connections in case other connections are also expected to finish(probably not needed in your case). Make your class follow the NSURLConnectionDelegate and fire the appropriate connections in the connectionDidFinishLoading delegate method. You can also use the connectionDidReceiveData: method to check for credentials, etc received from the service. Go through the documentation too.

You have different options:
create a queue using a mutable array or dictionary
create an NSOperationQueue kind of easy if you use it in combination
with the new only ios5 API for NSUrlConnection
third parties lib such as AFNetworking
Block GCD grouping them (hard for NSRunLoop reasons, pay attention in wich thread the connection is running in)


Chain of POST requests in Objective C (iPhone)

I need to send a server a set of requests with some data. The data in the subsequent requests will be determined based on the server response in the earlier requests. I do not want to use synchronous approach with NSURLConnection class, as it is very limiting (for one of the requests, for instance, i need to prevent redirects. According to Apple Dev documentation this can only be done with Delegate implementation).
Depending on which request in the chain it is, i need to be doing different things (send different messages to various classes).
The way i see it now, is that i have to either create n delegates for each of my requests, or create a delegate which would initWithFlag and then create the instances of that delegate with different flags, or i need to use something like a factory pattern which would be pretty similar solution to the second one.
I do not WANT to implement a delegate at all, i want to send requests with the least bit of coding possible.
I am also not looking at any frameworks (ASIHTTPRequest etc), i would like to do it with the native classes.
What would be the best approach?
I know you said you don't want to use third party frameworks, but I'd really suggest AFNetworking. With that said, you do not NEED AFNetworking or any third party library, it will just make your life easier IMHO.
So, what I have done in a similar scenario is essentially use the Command Pattern. When I want to send off one of these complicated "requests" I initialize a command object, set all of the necessary parameters and then call execute. My command object has completion and failure handlers/blocks and execute is an asynchronous call.
Within the command I have different 'steps' that are effectively synchronous and depend on each other. Let's say request A depends on B and B depends on C, the first step of the command is to execute A on it's own queue (I am using GCD with a private queue) and wait for it to finish. Once A finishes (successfully) I continue on to B and pass in any results I need from A into B. Likewise for B->C. If any of the intermediate requests fail throughout the process I can execute the failure block and handle it from where I executed the command (consumer end). If all finish successfully I execute the success block.
I prefer the encapsulation of this approach as it is very easy to re-use throughout the project, all of the intricacies are tucked away in the command's implementation.
Oh and the fact that I use callbacks/blocks I did not need to implement any delegates. In your case using the NSURL classes your command object would be the delegate of any of those instances.
I have settled on implementing the delegate after all.
The key things that tripped me were:
Do NOT declare the delegate methods in .h file. They won't work like that. Simply add them to implementation.
A delegate can be init'ed within the NSURLConnection initWithRequest method or it can be held as a property of the parent class, there is no difference.
The best way to handle multiple requests is the suggested initWithFlag. Therefore, it is best to create a delegate when initialising connection. The delegate lives long enough to perform full data transfer under ARC.
The most convenient way to cancel the redirect comes from Apple's Developer Library:
-(NSURLRequest *)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection
willSendRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request
redirectResponse:(NSURLResponse *)redirectResponse
NSURLRequest *newRequest = request;
if (redirectResponse)
newRequest = nil;
return newRequest;
Please note that this message is sent several times during the life of the connection for undisclosed reasons. However, if the response is not an actual redirect, the redirectResponse will be nil.
Setting the request to nil will cancel the redirect, but NSURLConnection will finish processing the original data (that is, connectionDidFinishLoading message will be sent).
You can cancel this behaviour by sending this message:
[connection cancel];
I found NSNotifications to be the best way to pass results to the parent class.

asynchronous request objective c

hi i am developing a sms App for my client. so far i have put down this plan in place.
1)The app keeps polling the server with an asynchronous request so that it does not interfere with the user interface.
2) for sending sms i am currently using synchronous request , depending on the reply from server i have do various things. i am showing the spinning circle and make the user wait until i get the response from server.
my client has problem with point 2.
The client says as soon as the send sms button is clicked it has to go back to the homescreen and should be able to navigate to any screen and do all other things that the app offers. i could have used async request , but i am not sure how to handle the responses from the server when i am on different view controller other than the one request is called from.
Can somebody help me on this.
Thank You.
The classic way of handling the response of an asynchronous action is either using delegation or notifications. Do not use a singleton. This breaks modularity and decoupling of different view controllers.
Roadmap of how to handle asynchronous actions
Register for the response of the asynchronous actions. This can be setting the delegate of the requesting object e.g. NSURLConnection to the view controller, which is typically self in this context. The othe possibility is that you register for the notification which is fired by the requesting object if things have happend e.g. when a download is finished or an error occurred.
Implement the delegate methods or the notifications to update your model and/or your user interface. Be aware that updating the UI has to happen on your main thread.
Start the asynchronous action. What happens in the background is that a separate thread is spawned or an operation is dispatched using GCD. These are implementation details and do not bother you.
Wait for the answer, which will result in one of your implemented methods to be executed which you then use to update what has changed.
Difference between notifications and delegates
The two differences between delegates and notifications is that delegate is a one-to-one connection between the delegate and the delegating object. Notifications are posted application wide and can be observed by as many objects as needed creating a one-to-many connection. Think about this as a broadcast. The second main difference is that delegation can be used to transfer information back from the delegate to the delegating object. Meaning that the delegating object asks the delegate for certain information. Typical example would be the data source of an UITableView. Notifications however are a one way street. The information flows from the posting object to the observing objects. This makes sense because think about the situation where you would have more than one observer and each would give feedback to the posting objects. Which one would be the right one?
In your case you would have to look up the delegate methods of the asynchronous HTTP request object and implement them accordingly.
Maybe you can try ASIHTTpRequest , It has Sync an Async request
If you using Async request , you can do anything after you press a button to do a request .
Check this
The solution depends on the response processing.... if you are just showing user that the sms sending is failed/successful than you can do it in any general utility class that shows alert.. but for this you have to create the singletone instance of your connection class so delegate(class itself) don't die when the response comes back.......
For this we need to keep track of currentViewController ....... we can do this by creating a reference ........ id currentViewController in appDelegate(with setter/getters).......... so it could be accessible in everywhere application........
its referred object should be changed each time when user changes the viewController.... that will help us to know on which viewController user is currently working.
than when the singeltone class of connection finished its response loading we can use this currentViewController with your desired viewController.
I am not sure how you are using different view controller....... pushing it/ presenting it or adding its view.....

Should I use singleton - Http Connection to the server - Iphone App design

So I've been reading about the pros and cons about using Singleton, and I have a scenario which I'm not sure if I should use one, and I thought consulting you guys.
I'm writing an Iphone app which once in a while have to communicate to the server (HTTP) information about the user logged in.
This web service is getting called from different parts of my application.
What I actually need are 2 type of classes:
Responsible for communication with the server - responsible for http setting,the url,header,parameters and etc.
2.classes for each type of web service api - for exmpale UpdateUserInfo Class or SendResults Class. This c
The 2nd class would use the 1st , and all through the app I would need many calles to the 2nd classes.
Should I use Singleton to any of theses ? What is the best way to design it ?
Thanks guys!
Example for the 1st class(Let's call it DataDownloader) method would be :
(NSData *) downloadDataWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)
ASIHTTPRequest *dlRequest = [[ASIHTTPRequest alloc] initWithURL:[request URL]];
[dlRequest setTimeOutSeconds:20];
if(retryNum < 1)
retryNum = 1;
[dlRequest setNumberOfTimesToRetryOnTimeout:retryNum];
// and more of the same
ASIHTTPRequest is something we're using as an HTTP wrapper.
Now I wouldn't want to call this sequence of function each time I want to send the server an HTTP request, So the option would be to put that inside a dedicated class and create a new instance, or using a singletion.
What I can do for example is Using something like that :
[[UpdateUserInfo sharedInstance] updateInfo:info]
Which can be implemented by setting up a NSURLRequest using the param info , and calling
[[DataDownloader sharedInstance] downloadDataWithRequest:InfoUrlRequest]
Now, assuming the http request are asynchronous , I still can spawn multiple at the same time.
I hope it's clearer now.
What do you think is the best way to design it ?
I wouldn't see the singleton pattern as being a useful solution to the problem you're trying to solve. It's really designed as a technique to control access to a single/finite resource, which isn't meaningfully the case from what I can tell.
For example, is there any reason why you wouldn't permit a user to carry out two network related activities at the same time?
Incidentally, out of interest have you looked at Cocoa classes such as NSURLConnection? I'm not sure you'd need a lower level class to manage the server communications as you're envisaging - this class might suffice. (Had to tell without knowing more about what you're trying to achieve.)
Also don't forget ASIHTTPRequest. It's a full featured network library
I usually (and that's personal preference) have one singleton that controls the network management (a singleton and facade pattern in one) as to not having more than the 5 allowed connections. Could be possible for you as well. That would be a singleton for part of your task 1.
But as BobC has already pointed out, ASIHTTPRequest should do everything you need.
Don't reinvent the wheel!
I use the singleton pattern to control access to a web-based API that uses ASIHTTPRequest, and it works very well. ASI uses NSOperationQueues for asynchronous requests, so you don't need to worry about requests clobbering each other.
Because I don't know the order that requests are returned, I sometimes allow my public API methods to supply userInfo dictionaries so my callbacks have some context when they fire.
I would use the Service Locator pattern to obtain each of the services needed in your application. There are a couple different ways to create the service locator. I prefer configuration at initialization over configuration during runtime.

iOS/Objective-C Multiple URL Connections

I have a few apps that I am trying to develop a reusable URL connection layer. I have done some research and am struggling between architectures. Specifically the APIs this layer utilizes.
In the past, I have used NSURLConnection and NSOperation on a separate RunLoop. This seems overkill. I've seen libraries that subclass NSURLConnection. Others have a singleton Engine object that manages all requests.
The Engine and/or NSURLConnection seem best to me. But I am asking for input before I go too far down one road. My goals would be:
Ability to cancel a request
Concurrent requests
Data object of current open requests
Any direction or existing references with code samples would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure about a "data object of current open requests", but ASIHTTPRequest does the first three and is very easy to use.
Actually, it looks like ASINetworkQueue may fulfill your last bullet point.
I personally use a singleton engine with my large Apps though it might not always be the best case. All the URL's I use require signing in first, figured it would be best if one Class handles all of the requests to prevent multiple URLS from signing into the one location.
I basically create a protocol for all my different connection classes into my singleton and pass the delegate of both the calling class and the singleton into it. If an error occurs its passed to the singleton so it can deal with it, if it completes it returns the data to the calling class.

iphone RESTful webservices

Not even sure if the title is correct, however, what I'm trying to do is use the standard NSURLConnection class to handle responses from calling my webservice. I am using the POST method to update a database and the GET method to retrieve rows from the database. The problem I have is that these 2 actions may occur simultaneously so that the methods to handle the request may step on each other. In other words in my "connection didReceiveData" method I have 2 paths through the code depending on whether I'm handling a response from a GET or POST request.
I keep track on which request in being processed by an instance variable called requestType. The problem is that since the requests are being executed simultaneously the instance variable is being changed from GET to POST before the GET completes (or vice-versa). My question is how do I maintain 2 separate requests in this scenario? Do I synchronize the requests? Is there a way for threads to work here? Do I create 2 separate objects for each of the requests and have the logic in "didRecieveData" query for which object is being processed? Any help would be much appreciated!!
Dealt with a similar issue in one of our apps. The solution involved creating a class that represents a webservice call, responsible for calling its own url, loading its own data, etc. The call class had a delegate that would handle parsing the responses (in our case, a web service controller). Wound up getting rather complicated, but prevented the issue of NSURLConnections stepping on each other.
Seems like you've created a messy problem by having a class that tries to do too many things. I would suggest taking one of the following three approaches:
1) Write two classes, one for updates and one for retrievals. Each class creates it's own private NSURLConnection object and acts as the delegate for the async notifications received from the NSURLConnection. The classes could possible share some utility parsing code or extend a base object that has that parsing code in it. But the key being that the code calling these classes would instantiate one of them, make the call, and then release it. This will keep your code cleaner and will insure that the event notifications don't get intermingled.
2) Create a single class that, depending on initialization, does either a post or a get with it's own private instance of NSURLConnection. When a call needs to be made, instantiate the class, get the results, and then release the class.
3) Write your connection handling classes so they use the synchronous NSURLConnection method and call that call that class in a background thread.
Either way, clean code and clear object orientation will prevent messy scenarios like the one you're describing.
Create separate objects that handle the calls. If you want to issue multiple requests at once I would strongly recommend looking at NSOperationQueue, and making these objects subclasses of NSOperation... much nicer way to deal with multiple background requests.
A good example is here:
The idea there is that you use the non-asyncronous web calls, in operations that are run on separate threads. You can still use asynch calls in NSOperation as well, but doing so is a little trickier and for simple calls you probably do not need to.