In Eclipse folders appear as packages - eclipse

I'm getting an issue where non-src folders are looking like packages, they look completely fine in my natural folder directory.
The assets folder should be a hierarchy, but isn't.
Thought it was because I was in package explorer but not project explorer, same issue with project explorer.

I believe, you right click on your project and choose "Build Path" and "Use as source folder". If it is the case, you can revert the problem by right clicking on your project and selecting "Build Path" and then "Remove from build path".

For me the following worked (in RAD actually): Go to "Project Properties" / "Java Build Path" and mark the Resource Folder as "Source folders on the build path".
The Resource Folder (here, src/main/resources) appears as filled with classless packages:
Enter the exlcusion pattern "**" to exclude any source path:
This solves the problem.

Maven Update fixed my problem easily.
Right click on project,
maven->Update Project
I suspect that the cause was I run maven commands from command prompt (cmd) directly.

If your simple folder is turning into package format. Be clear that it is not source folder, it is just simple directory like "docs" you want to keep in your Project but eclipse is turning it into Package format. then do below step:
right click on your package -> Build Path -> exclude


Eclipse can't create package and instead it creates a folder

Eclipse Mars 4.5.0
I'm trying to create a package with name com.javalabs.web.action but instead of that Eclipse created a folder inside com.javalabs.web.
As you can see in the following picture, the icon is not the same that, for example actions.
The problem seems to be only with the name action, because a could do that with actions and other names.
I don't care about the package icon, but the big issue is that Eclipse doesn't recognise de classes inside that folder as their classpath.
Any idea of what can be?
Click on 'src' folder and refresh. There you go..
Check the "Resource Filters" configured for your project (you can find them as a child of the "Resources" entry in the project properties).
The next set of filters is in the "Java Build Path" where you can configure exclude patterns per source folder.
That's what I did step by step to solve the problem:
Right click on Project Folder > Properties > "Java Build Path"
Select source folder where you are creating the package
Double click on "Excluded" under the folder you want changes
Under Exclusions patterns > remove everything you need to include specially remove the **

Eclipse+Maven src/main/java not visible in src folder in Package Explorer

I'm wondering why I can't see following folders in src node in Package Explorer
I can access those folders as direct children of the project and they exist in the file system.
I'm using Spring Tool Suite (STS of Eclipse).
Maybe I can configure Eclipse somehow ?
I have solved this issue by below steps:
Right click the Maven Project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path
In Order and Export tab, you can see the message like '2 build path entries are missing'
Now select 'JRE System Library' and 'Maven Dependencies' checkbox
Click OK
Now you can see below in all type of Explorers (Package or Project or Navigator)
Eclipse filters out folders that are marked as source from the "raw" folder path. That is, they are visible only as source folders:
If you can't see them in either place, then they
are either filtered out in the settings: check your settings for Package Explorer (the Package Explorer bar, downwards menu arrow -> Filters...)
or they were created externally and Eclipse haven't noticed them: Refresh your project in this case.
or they don't exist: right-click on the project, select New->Folder and input the path, e.g. src/test/java (not "Source Folder"). After you use Maven->Update Project... on the project, they will be automatically added as source folders, provided you have the default configuration.
Now, as I said, those folder will only be used as source if you preserved the default configuration in your POM. If you defined other resources and/or testResources, those will be used instead. In general, Eclipse m2e synchronizes Eclipse's project source folder configuration with what's in your POM.
EDIT: maybe this is unclear - see those folders at the top? The ones labeled with the /-separated paths? These are your folders. These are the same folders that you would expect to find in main and test, just represented differently.
I used to get the same problem, but solved it by pointing to the right jre used for the project.
Right click on the project
java builpath
see the jre selected
edit it
select alternate jre
installed jre
select the right one
After changing right click on project>maven>update project
Hope it helps.
Attaching screen shot.
If you are looking for Simple/quicker way, you can follow this solution.
Right click on your project.
Goto > Build Path > Configure Build Path > Java Build Path
Goto 'Source' tab, there, you can see like <<your_project_name>>/src/main/java(missing).
Click on it and remove.
Click on Apply and Close.
Now, right click on project and >New > Source folder > add source folder "src/main/java".
happy learning and do not forget to upvote :)
I had the same problem, I changed my Eclipse project view from Package explorer to Project Explorer.
After 2 hours of trying everything...
Just go on window -> show view -> project explorer
and in project explorer you can view of all files solution
I had a similar issue when I checked out a web project from a github repo on my eclipse. src/main/java was directly inside the project root in Package Explorer. My expectation was that src/main/java be visible inside a source folder "Java Resources". There were few things which I did to achieve this.
Right click on Project > Build Path > Configure Build Path..
Select filter "Java Build Path" and click on Tab "Libraries"
Verify your "JRE System Library". If it is not pointing to your latest JDK, then you can click on Edit Button and follow the subsequent dialog boxes to select most appropriate JDK home path in your system.
Once done click Apply, Apply and Close, Finish to close all the associated open boxes for the current filter.
Select filter "Java Compiler" and ensure your JDK Compliance points to correct JDK. Click Aapply
Select filter "Project Facets". Ensure both Java and Dynamic Web Module is selected with correct version.
Click Apply and Close.
Source folder "Java Resources" gets created with src/main/java in it when viewed in Project Explorer.
Navigate > Show In > Package Explore
Right click the Maven Project
-> Build Path -> Configure Build Path
Go to Order and Export tab,
you can see the message like '2 build path entries are missing'
Now select 'JRE System Library' and 'Maven Dependencies' checkbox
Click OK
I have solved this issue by below steps:
Right click the Maven Project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path
In Order and Export tab, you can see the message like '2 build path entries are missing'
Now select 'JRE System Library' and 'Maven Dependencies' checkbox
Click OK
Now you can see below in all type of Explorers (Package or Project or Navigator)
I used this tutorial to create my maven web project and eclipse did not create src/main/java folder for me. When i tired to create the source folder src/main/java eclipse did not let me. So i created the folder outside eclipse in the project directly and then src/main/java appeared in eclipse.
I was not able to see the build path option in the properties as well. Also the
was not visible in Project Explorer. below solution worked for me
Go to Project root
Select "Project facets" from Properties
Check "Java"
This fixes the issue
If none of the answers worked for you. You might be in the wrong "Window". I was in "Package explorer" and switching to "Project Explorer" showed me the folders.
Right click on the project > Build Path > Configure Build Path > Source > Add Folder > Select src/main/java > apply and close > refresh the project.
This error happens when there are no files inside /src/main/java
Just make some empty files inside and the problem will go away.
A side note: lots of version control systems (mercurial for example) do not commit folders if there are no files inside.
After creating the project go to properties --> build path --> configure build path --> order and export tab and check jre and maven dependencies. You will then have the folder.
Right click on eclipse project go to build path and then configure build path you will see jre and maven will be unchecked check both of them and your error will be solved
My problem was kind of the same at first and then a little different in the sense that when /java folder showed up, it was deep down in a nested folder somewhere in src/main/resources/java.
Initallially the problem was being in the Package Explorer and not in the Project Explorer as many people have talked about. So,
a. right-click on your project root
b. show in, and select Project Explorer
However, the main problem was I missed to notice a checkbox at the second step of Maven Project Creation from the wizard. That got me created a complicated structure and not a clean direct one.
Once I marked it checked I got a clean project structure as what asked.
I was also facing the issue but I open POM xml file and keep it open. Wait for some time till maven read pom then Automatically it will come.
I tried all the solutions mentioned in this post but none of them worked for me.
The solution for me was to go to build-path and then into Source tab. I found src/main/java folders present there and there was no error. I double clicked on this folder and a window opened like this:
Do not make any change and click on Finish. The folders will appear suddenly.

Delete source folder in PyDev project generates error "Source folder not found"

When deleting a source folder in a PyDev project in the Project Explorer, the project PYTHONPATH is not updated and there is a red x marking in the outline with an error message saying "Source folder: [source folder name] not found".
Is this really the intended behavior? I would expect the PYTHONPATH to be updated if source folders are removed.
I'm using PyDev version 2.7.3 and Eclipse 3.7.2.
Steps to repeat the problem:
In Project Explorer, create a new PyDev project with File -> New -> PyDev Project
Create a new PyDev source folder by right-clicking the new project and selecting New -> Source Folder (under the PyDev menu)
Remove the source folder (which was just added) by right-clicking the source folder and select Delete.
Add a new source folder (needed to trigger the error).
There is a red x error mark and a message saying "Source folder: [source folder name] not found".
Go to PyDev Properties. The deleted folder is still listed in the Source Folders tab under PyDev-PYTHONPATH.
Note: When repeating the steps above in the Package Explorer instead of the Project Explorer, the red x's don't show up - so you can't see there is a problem. However, if you look in PyDev properties the behavior is the same - PYTHONPATH is not updated.
Right click on your project folder->Properties->PyDev - PYTHONPATH. Select the directories causing the errors and click Remove on the right.
Looks like the problem happens when project name doesn't match directory name.
.project file = CoolTool
source folder not found
.project file = VersionModifier
You could call it a bug or an "enforcement of best practice" but right clicking on the project and making its name match its enclosing directory fixed the problem for me in Kepler.
Good luck
the way i resolved it is to go to the folder in which your code is stored and find a file by the name of .pydevproject. It is an invisible file in eclipse/aptana so you may have to do this through cli or file browser. look for a structure that look like <path>path/to/your/file</path> and delete the ones that show errors in your package explorer. this will resolve your problems for now, but this is a bug and needs to be reported.
I think the problem stems from the fact that pydev fails to remove the <path>...</path> vars once the user deletes the source folder.
Below is how I resolved this, hope it helps.
Clean Up:
Removed the project from eclipse; of course, leaving it as on disk.
From the source directory removed ".project" and ".pydevproject" files.
Created a new PyDev project (in eclipse), providing the existing source directory. In the New Project dialog, selected "Create 'src' folder and add it to the PYTHONPATH".
The project got created properly, without any source-folder errors.
Now add the folder you want to add as source directory, by right-clicking the folder and selecting the option under "PyDev".
At the end, you may just delete the "src" directory that was created by eclipse.

Eclipse : Project properties don't show Build Path

My Eclipse does not show the 'Java Build Path' option in my Java project's properties. The properties screenshot is attached below. What might be the reason for this? On the left side there should be an option for 'Java Build Path'.
To resolve this issue follow the below options
1) Go to Project root
2) Select "Project facets" from Properties
3) Check "Java"
This fixes the issue
I was in the same situation, and found two different solutions for this.
Right click on the src folder and check if you can see the option to configure the build path. After that, right click on the project and do Maven > update project.
If this does not work,
Right click on the project > properties > project facets and click on the link saying convert the project into faceted project.
Right click on the project, hit Refresh and check if you get the option to configure build path now.
You may get some help from any of these blogs
How do I add a builder to a given project
OR check this post
Eclipse adding your own build command
Build your project using Project->Build Project in Eclipse .This will automatically adds build path to your project.
I had to delete my maven .m2/repository folder and that made my build path reappear.
I had the same problem when trying to compile a project. The solution was to go to "run configurations" and choose the right Runtime JRE.
Make sure your project's root directory contains .classpath and .project file.
The .classpath file should look like this -
The .project file should look like this -
With these changes in place you should be able to see the proper folder structure as well as the "Build Path" option when you right-click the project.
If it was working fine previously and now its not, check whether you are in Enterprise tab or the Navigator tab, because if you're in the Navigator tab it won't work.

Should renaming a project in Eclipse also rename project folder on file system?

Should renaming a project in Eclipse also rename project folder on file system ?
My project file system name remains the same even when I rename the file on Eclipse.
Should I manually rename the project on the file system to same on Eclipse ?
It appears that renaming a project will only rename the underlying filesystem directory if the project was created with the "Use Default Location" checkbox selected (meaning the project is created in the workspace directory). If you create a project and specify a custom location outside the workspace, renaming that project in Eclipse does not rename the project's host directory. In that case, you'll probably want to:
Rename the project in Eclipse (which will update any internal references and the .project file)
Remove the project from your Eclipse Workbench view (making sure that the "Delete file contents" option is NOT selected in the delete confirmation dialog).
Rename the project's directory in your filesystem.
Import the project back into your Eclipse workspace.
I was surprised to learn this (I tested it with Eclipse 3.7), but it seems to be logical to me. The idea is that projects in the workspace folder are considered to be "under Eclipse control" as opposed to projects that are located in arbitrary places on your filesystem.
Use Refactor to rename the project name. It will rename the file/folder in filesystem as well.
Menu -> Refactor -> Move... (Shift + Alt + V).
In this window you can change name of the folder name and also change the path completely.
If the folder name is important, then change it manually. Keep in mind that you will have to re-open or re-import the the project into eclipse. After you rename the folder, Eclipse won't know where to find it.
In Eclipse Oxygen (4.7) the Move option is greyed and renaming the project does not rename the directory. However, if you switch to the Navigator view (may need to find it under Window > Show View > Navigator) the Move option will be available and it will rename the project's directory.
This is a lot faster than having to recreate the project or re-import it.
If your project is a Maven project to rename, do steps as followed:
Open Context Menu on your project > Refactor > Rename Maven Artifact.
Change Group or ID.
Check "Rename Eclipse project in Workspace".
press OK button.
Update maven project by Context Menu > Maven > Update Project.
Using eclipse Neon 4.6.3, renaming does not work. You will have to do what E-Ritz said in his answer.
It is also worth mentioning that if you are importing a project as a Maven project (via Import... -> Existing Maven Projects), the project name will be taken from the pom.xml rather than the folder. So you should also change the <name>my-project-name</name> part of the pom