How to install ios4.0 simulator in xcode4.2? - iphone

I found in xcode4.2, there is only ios5.0 & 4.3 simulator exist. My product should support ios4.0+. How can I install the ios4.0 simulator?
Thank you.

and install the packages you want on your Developer folder.
Here's step by step on how to do it on Xcode 3.5 but it shouldn't change much from Xcode 4

Short answer, You can't. There is not support.
Also the simulator does not replace real device testing. If something work in the simulator does not mean it work on a device.
My advice, get a device with iOS 4.0 and use that for debuging/testing the app for iOS 4.0.


XCode 4.6.3 not detecting iphone device which has 7.0.2

The OS version of my phone is 7.0.2 (11A501). I am using XCode 4.6.3. The IDE Xcode is not detecting my iPhone. When i go to organizer it tells me the following
The version of iOS on “Joe iPhone” is not supported by this
installation of the iOS SDK. Please restore the device to a version of
the OS listed below, or update to the latest version of the iOS SDK;
which is available here.
However, i have read in various forums that if i download xCode 5 i will not be able to build for ios 5 or 6 applications. What should i do ? Help/
It sometimes suffices to copy the device support files from a newer Xcode version to an older one. Try copying (11A465)
to your Xcode 4 installation, but name it "7.0.2 (11A501)"
There is a neat trick to install the app on and iOS 7 device with Xcode 4.6
First download from the developer center Xcode 5 and install it manually in a separate folder in your Applications folder (I did add it in an Xcode foler, inside Applications).
So now you have both Xcode 4.6 and Xcode 5 on your Mac.
Now, run your code on Xcode 5 and install it on your phone (press the debug button on your iOS device). Once this is done, you can quit Xcode 5, open Xcode 4.6 and it will be able to debug the app on your iOS7 device just fine!
You will be able to run iOS 6 apps easily from xCode 5 - no problem.
Updating xCode is only way to work with iOS 7 devices - you have no choice.
Yes, you have to update your xcode, or create an IPA and install it on your device with iOS 7.0.2 by iTunes.
First of all, definitely you have to install XCode5.
Initially you can build application only against IOS7, but you can manually add IOS6 SDK.
XCode SDK's are placed on this location:
You can copy IOS6 SDK from this location of XCode4.6 and paste it into same location in XCode5.
This way you can choose will you build your application against IOS6 or IOS7.
Run your code in Xcode5 the again run in Xcode4.6 will solve problem.
if you want to debug your Apps in xcode with ios 7 then, Updating xCode to version xcode 5 is only way to work with new ios (ios 7.0.2) and xcode 5 requirement is MAC os 10.8.4 , you have to update your OS ,if you right now using older version of operating system

App not installing on iPhone 5s

I have a MVC web app, which is distributed through ad hoc for iPhone using Xcode 4.5. The Xcode iPhone simulator is 6.1. The app installs fine on previous versions of iPhones, but not installing on iPhone 5s.
Can someone tell me, how I can make adhoc distribution for latest iPhone. Should I update Xcode or any other workaround?
No there is not need to use the iOS 7 SDK, all iOS 7 devices are capable of running iOS 6 apps.
Just make sure that you have the correct UDID, if the UDID start with FFFFF the UDID is not corrcet. Since iOS 7 the developers can not access the UDID any more. Thus all the UDID app are not longer working.
You should use iTunes to retrieve the UDID of the device.
Well Yes, Updation is required. This is because iPhone 5S has iOS 7.0. You will need to update your xcode 4.5 to xcode 5 which is required for running ios 7.0 . Xcode 4.5 will not create builds for ios 7.0 . Therefore you need to install a version of xcode that supports iOS 7.0 and later.
I was having a similar issue, and I found my answer here: Xcode 4.5 - can't install developer .ipa files via iTunes
Using the accepted answer there, my issues for installing on the new 5S went away. I just had to rebuild the distribution profile, make a new .ipa file with it and try again. Strange error, but the answer worked for me.

Xcode 4 will no longer run apps on 4.2.10 device (CDMA iPhone)

Up until today, I have been able to test my app on my CDMA iPhone, running 4.2.10. I am building against the 4.3 SDK, with a deployment target of 4.0.
After restarting my phone today, Xcode will no longer allow me to test the app on my phone, with this message in the Organizer window: "The version of iOS on "iPhone" does not match any of the versions of iOS supported for development with this installation of the iOS SDK. Please restore the device to a version of the OS listed, or update to the latest version of the iOS SDK"
Unfortunately there are some bugs with location services in the simulator, so I can't use that for testing either.
Can I even install the 4.2 SDK in Xcode 4? Is anyone else having this problem, or (hopefully) does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks for any help!
If you install xcode 4 it will actually gather the build chain from your phone and use it for compiling. You can see this in the organizer window (Window->Organizer?).
You know I had that same issue i found that I had to download the latest xcode and reinstall because for some reason the ios that came with xcode knew how to build on my phone. Sorry man.

iOS 4.3.1 on the phone - does it work with XCode 3.x ? or only 4.0.1?

I upgraded my iPhone to the latest OS (4.3.1) yesterday, and noticed there is no corresponding XCode 3.x release, only a 4.x release (4.0.1).
Since upgrading I am getting warnings when I try to install apps on the device using my development certificates (Application failed codesign verification).
Not sure if the OS upgrade on the Phone and the error message are related, so I'm just asking the question if anyone else had this happening?
And are we supposed to use XCode 4.0.1 when we develop for the 4.3.1 iOS release or can we use a 3.x version as well?
The Xcode version number isn't important, but the SDK version number is. You can get the latest SDK with either Xcode 3.2.6 or Xcode 4.0.1 at the time that I'm writing this.
You can still download the XCode 3.2.6, it goes with the SDK 4.3, and it is free to download.
You can try with XCode 4 as well, but you have to either to have an iPhone or Mac Developer account (99$/year) or you need to buy it from the AppStore
It still works, however of you first attach your iPhone to Xcode it will ask you to download the debugging symbols off the phone. Answer Yes to this question and you are ready to go.
However there is one more thing: usually Apple makes restrictions about the SDK you should use when submitting apps to the store. So if you want to submit an app it could be that you have to use the most recent SDK.
Deploying an application directly from XCode 3.2.6 on a device where iOS 4.3.1 has just been installed won't work.
First, you need to open XCode's Organizer window and ask to collect information from the device. Then it will work fine.

Run a compiled iPhone Simulator App Build? (.app) without Xcode?

So have a complete build of my app compatible for the iOS Simulator on Snow Leopard. Now I don't want to install Xcode on my other Mac to run this.
The question: Is there a way to only install the iOS Simulator? I could install the app on my iOS Simulator on my primary Mac and then just copy the iPhone Simulator folder from the Library folder and paste it on my secondary Mac.
Or is there any other app?
Try Simulator Launcher:
Simulator Launcher builds custom executables to automatically launch an
embedded iPhone Simulator application using the correct iPhone SDK.
The Simulator app depends on other directories and files in the SDK/Xcode installation. Best bet is to install the full iOS SDK and then try deleting Xcode and other stuff until you find the minimum required.
There is no other app.
ios-sim seems to be the only one that works with xcode 6.3
Try using, worked great for me, and it's free