tinymce file browsers multiple file source - tinymce

I am doing some updates to a site I have developed over the last few years. It has grown rather erratically (I tried to plan ahead, but with this site it has taken some odd turns).
Anyway, the site has a community blog ( blog.domain.com - used to be domainblog.com) ) and users with personal areas ( user1.domain.com, user2.domain.com, etc ).
The personal areas have standard page content that the user can use, or add snippets of text to partially customize. Now the owner wants the users to be able to create their own content.
Everything is done up to using a file browser.
I need a browser that will allow me to do the following:
the browser needs to be able to browse the common files at blog.domain.com/files and the user files at user_x.domain.com/files
the browser will also need to be able to differentiate between the two and generate the appropriate image url.
of course, the browser access to the user files will need to be dynamic and only show those files particular to the user (along with the common files)
I also need to be able to set a file size for images
the admin area is in a different directory than either the blog or the user subdomains.
general directory structure
|--client --
|--blog (blog.domain.com)
|--main site (domain.com)
|--admin (admin.domain.com)
|--user1 (user1.domain.com)
|--user2 (user2.domain.com)
I have tried several different browsers and using symlinks but the browsers don't seem to be able to follow them. I am also having trouble even setting them to use a directory that isn't the default.
what browser would you recommend? what would I need to customize to make it work.

ok, since I have not had any responses to this question, I guess I will have to do a work around and then see about writing a custom file browser down the road.


Can I upload a file to onedrive via Windows 10 command line?

I need to upload a file to OneDrive, via the command line. This will be done through a batch file which is distributed to end users.
From searching on Stack Overflow, I find questions like this one which say that you need to register an app and create an app password, using Azure. I don't have the necessary permissions to do this in the organization where I work, nor can I do anything that requires an admin account. So I can't any install software - I have to use what comes with Windows 10. I can't use VBA either as that's blocked.
I've managed to download files from OneDrive without anything like that, using the process described here:
Open the URL in either of the browser.
Open Developer options using Ctrl+Shift+I.
Go to Network tab.
Now click on download. Saving file isn’t required. We only need the network activity while browser requests the file from the server.
A new entry will appear which would look like “download.aspx?…”.
Right click on that and Copy → Copy as cURL.
Paste the copied content directly in the terminal and append ‘--output file.extension’ to save the content in file.extension since
terminal isn’t capable of showing binary data.
curl https://xyz.sharepoint.com/personal/someting/_layouts/15/download.aspx?UniqueId=cefb6082%2D696e%2D4f23%2D8c7a%2
…. some long text ….
cucg=1’ --compressed --output file.extension
I tried to do something similar after clicking 'upload' on the browser, but didn't find anything useful when trying to filter the requests.
I found these two questions but there is no keyboard shortcut to upload, AFAICT. Also the end user will be uploading a file to a folder I've shared with them from my OneDrive. Opening Chrome or Edge as a minimised window is fine, but I can't just shove a window in their face which automatically clicks on things - they won't like that.
It's just occurred to me that I might be able to use an office application to Save As the file to the necessary onedrive folder, where the keyboard shortcuts are pretty stable, but have no idea how to achieve that via the command line.
The best and more secure way to accomplish this goal I think is going to be with the Rest API for OneDrive.
(Small Files <4MB)
(Large files)
You still need a Azure AD App Registration (which your admin should be able to configure for you), to provide API access to services in Azure. Coding with the API is going to be far easier and less complicated, not to mention more versatile.

Copying images in from anti-scraper websites. Google Docs handles it easily - anyone know how?

I've been playing around with making a draftjs plugin that lets the user paste in mixed text&image content from websites and have images auto-uploaded to the server. I've quickly come to the realization that it's not easy, simply because of how many different sites use different kinds of counter-measures for copy/pasting images. Standard image tags in page content are no problem - easily grab the src and handle the file upload from the url. However, many sites use all kinds of trickery to make this a pain. For example, some will only serve small thumbnails, requiring a GET request on the image with a hash key in order to retrieve a larger version. Others somehow seem to corrupt the image so that it's unreadable by the time it's been retrieved. Others still play with weird embed tags to mess with draftjs' image blocks.
But then I open up a Google Docs file, and find that when I copy any images into that from a website, there's never any troubles whatsoever. All the problematic websites that I'm finding myself having to write specific methods for retrieving from seem to be handled by Google Docs with ease.
Am I using completely the wrong approach by trying to retrieve images from a url? Does Google use a far superior approach (yes, I presume) - in which case, does anyone have any idea what that approach might be?

Adding link to local file in Confluence

I would like to add a link to a local file in confluence. Obviously this link would only work if the file is locally on the users computer. I understand that.
If I add the address like this :
The browser sends me to :
If I try to add it with quotes like so :
..confluence crashes!
How is it possible in confluence?
As you mentioned when adding the web link in Confluence specifying the file using the file protocol (file:///) you might face the issue that it doesn't work.
Obviously this link would only work if the file is locally on the users computer.
This is not entirely true. If you open the developer tools you most likely will be getting the error "Not allowed to load local resource"
As measure of security the browser won't let you access files from a different origin, specially from the users computer (this would be a serious security risk). Only imagine if you could access the files in the Windows directory from the browser, you could break apart the operating system in no time (or steal user data).
This is explained in here
If you put the file in the same server Confluence is running, then this should work just fine. However I believe you can save time just adding the page as an attachment and loading it (Confluence is pretty decent at version controlling in case you want to modify the html file).
Hope this helps!

Exporting, archiving, or saving ExactTarget mails

To preface this I'm not an ExactTarget expert.... We use ExactTarget and are interested in more archiving our email newsletters so that our subscribers can later use our articles as a reference. We have an archive folder set up in the exact target system, but that is not customer-facing and contains things like extra code.
As I understand it, the current process for archiving involves taking screenshots of the email that is sent out which is stitched together as a PDF. The PDF's are then stuck behind a password protected folder on a website.
Obviously, this is a hacky/low-tech way to do this.
Are there any ways to export these mails for archival purposes that people are using?
I am guessing from the above that you are using the premade templates and creating content using the Exact Target WYSIWYG editor. From there I am assuming also that these articles are in content boxes and HOPEFULLY each 'article' is in a single content box.
If so, then your best bet is to go to the HTML tab on this box and copy that code there and have this inserted onto your company blog (or website if you do not have a blog). Your network admin or website designer will likely know the best way to insert these snippets of code to fit the layout and navigation of the site.
If your message is not personalized, or if so you mdke a generic recipient in your list, you may be able to use the 'view as webpage' link to get the source code. Not sure if those links expire after X days or something though.I have never tried this or tested, but on most email sends there is a "view as webpage" link, maybe try taking one of these links and either hosting on your blog/site or using that link as a reference for your customers.
Using a PDF or screen shots is far from optimal as the content becomes an image and loses a lot of value.
Hope this helps.

Web CMS That Outputs to Flat Static Pages (.html) via FTP to Remote Server?

I have a web app project that I will be starting to work on shortly. One of the features included is going to be a content management system where users can add content and then that content will be combined with a template and then output as a regular .html file. This .html file would then be FTPed to their own web host.
As I've always believed in not reinventing the wheel I figured I'd see if there are any quality customizable CMSes out there that do this already do this. For instance, Blogger.com allows you to post all of your content to your account there; but offers the option to let you use your own hosting. Any time you publish a new article then a new .html page is generated (as well as an updated index page with links to the new article) and then the updated content is FTPed to your own server.
What I would like is something like this that I can modify to more closely suit my needs.
Required Features:
Able to host on my own server
Written in PHP
Users add content through their account, then when posted it is FTPed as .html to their server
Any appropriate pages are also updated to link to the new content (like the index page or whatnot)
Optional (but very much desired) features:
Written in CodeIgniter or a similar PHP framework
While CodeIgniter isn't strictly required, I would very much prefer it. It speeds up development time and makes things much easier to implement.
So - any suggestions? I've stumbled across a few CMSes that push to remote servers as static pages, but the ones I've found all are hosted on the developers servers which means that I cannot modify it at all.
Adobe Contribute might work for your situation. A developer/designer creates a set of templates with Dreamweaver and publishes the templates. Authorized users can then create pages based on the templates and only make changes within the editable regions. It includes systems for drafts and reviews prior to publishing (via many options, including ftp) and incorporates automatic version control. It can work with static html pages or dynamic pages like php.
Sounds like you need a separate application that can do this for you.
For example, you should be able to write something that queries Drupal's menu router and saves the output (with curl) to a directory and then run's rsync to push your content where you want it to go.
Otherwise your requirements are likely to be outside the scope of a typical CMS. Separating this functionality will give you better options.
You'd need to write a filter for your URLs too. It's a bit of work...
Hope that helps!