JBehave getting started issues BeforeAndAfterSteps - jbehave

I am new to JBehave having started to use it yesterday.
There seems to be a typo in the getting started pages I hope someone
can help with.
In "Developing Stories' section the example of configuration has the line:
addSteps(new InstanceStepsFactory(new TraderSteps(), new
However, there is no class called BeforeAndAfterSteps. The nearest I
found was BeforeOrAfterSteps but it requires parameters in the
constructor and I'm not sure what to use.

Correct - the InstanceStepsFactory takes your POJOs with JBehave annotated methods and creates Steps out of them. There are also StepsFactories that can create the Steps classes from a container (Pico, Guice, Spring or Weld).


How to unkeep or force remove #javax.persistence.Transient annotated methods in JPA entities in ProGuard?

I'm extracting JPA entities into a separate Fat/Uber jar for external system to use.
ProGuard is used through com.github.wvengen:proguard-maven-plugin to shrink all other unused code.
I want to keep all methods in JPA entities except ones annotated by #javax.persistence.Transient annotation. I've found "!transient" for field modifiers in ProGuard rules, but seems that !#javax.persistence.Transient for methods does not work :(
Can I reach the same effect somehow for methods by other way ?
Unfortunately I've not got an answer on this question and was not be able to solve this by ProGuard+MavenPlugin directly, but I've resolved this problem with one additional step before run a ProGuard. I've just used ByteBuddy + Maven plugin on Maven phase before you run ProGuard Maven plugin and it will then optimize/remove the rest unused stuff, see details about byte-buddy instrumentation step here: byte-buddy remove/strip methods

Cache2k: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: loader not set

Cache2k looks like a very promising caching implementation. Unfortunately the documentation is very limited, which is why I need some help with the following issue. I am using the latest version 0.26-BETA.
According to the documentation the cache is supposed to be created like this:
Cache<String,String> c =
CacheBuilder.newCache(String.class, String.class).build();
String val = c.peek("something");
c.put("something", "hello");
val = c.get("something");
Unfortunately at least 2 of these methods are deprecated, including the CacheBuilder class itself. I therefore tried creating the cache like this:
org.cache2k.Cache<String, Object> newCache = Cache2kBuilder.of(String.class, Object.class)
This however throws the "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: loader not set" exception.
The question therefore is: how am I supposed to build the cache so that I do not get this exception?
This gives me the same exception:
org.cache2k.Cache<Object, Object> newCache =
CacheBuilder.newCache(Object.class, Object.class)
EDIT #2:
Just one more note: When I copy&paste the code from the wiki page I get an error - as can be seen in the image below.
With what jdk version are you testing? I'll try just removing the <> that are causing the problem for now.
Thanks very much in advance!
Cache2k looks like a very promising caching implementation.
Thanks :)
According to the documentation the cache is supposed to be created like this
There are new interfaces in place. The deprecated one is still there to support users of old cache2k versions. That will get cleared up in the next weeks. Sorry for the confusion.
Please take a look here for the latest getting started information:
This however throws the "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: loader not set" exception.
The question therefore is: how am I supposed to build the cache so that I do not get this exception?
Short answer: Either use cache.peek() or wait for 0.27, since then it is working with cache.get() transparently.
Longer answer: In our own applications I use cache.get() only when a loader is defined and cache.peek() when no loader is defined or when I want to inspect the cache only. Reserving cache.get() only for the read through usage, seemed like a good idea. However, I reasoned that it might be a caveat for new users, so I change that behavior and align it to other cache solutions.
Answer to Edit 2:
For an untyped cache use the factory method Cache2kBuilder.forUnkownTypes(). Constructing the anonymous class is only needed for specific types.

Autofac configuration problems trying to integrate Quartz

I am working with the Owned type as found here: Strong reference of Autofac 2
I'm also using Quartz scheduler, MSMQ, and EF.
My config looks as follows. I've clearly got something wrong as the context that gets injected to the repositories is a different instance than the one given to the service.
I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the configuration fixed. I'd reckon it's the line:
What I want to say is something like:
Thanks in advance if you can help.
Ok I got it. Needed the line:
So it seems important that the DataContext features as the generic argument to RegisterType ONCE, and that the method calls to As<>() and AsSelf() are to be daisy chained in a single statement. Seems obvious now, with a fresh head following yesterday evening.

Problems compiling routes after migrating to Play 2.1

After migrating to Play-2.1 I stuck into problem that routes compiler stopped working for my routes file. It's been completely fine with Play-2.0.4, but now I'm getting the build error and can't find any workaround for it.
In my project I'm using cake pattern, so controller actions are visible not through <package>.<controller class>.<action>, but through <package>.<component registry>.<controller instance>.<action>. New Play routes compiler is using all action path components except for the last two to form package name that will be used in managed sources (as far as I can get code in https://github.com/playframework/Play20/blob/2.1.0/framework/src/routes-compiler/src/main/scala/play/router/RoutesCompiler.scala). In my case it leads to situation when <package>.<component registry> is chosen as package name, which results in error during build:
[error] server/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/main/com/grumpycats/mmmtg/componentsRegistry/routes.java:5: componentsRegistry is already defined as object componentsRegistry
[error] package com.grumpycats.mmmtg.componentsRegistry;
I made the sample project to demonstrate this problem: https://github.com/rmihael/play-2.1-routes-problem
Is it possible to workaround this problem somehow without dropping cake pattern for controllers? It's the pity that I can't proceed with Play 2.1 due to this problem.
Because of reputation I can not create a comment.
The convention is that classes and objects start with upper case. This convention is applied to pattern matching as well. Looking at a string there seems to be no difference between a package object and normal object (appart from the case). I am not sure how Play 2.1 handles things, that's why this is not an answer but a comment.
You could try the new # syntax in the router. That allows you to create an instance from the Global class. You would still specify <package>.<controller class>.<action>, but in the Global you get it from somewhere else (for example a component registry).
You can find a bit of extra information here under the 'Managed Controller classes instantiation': http://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.1.0/Highlights
This demo project shows it's usage: https://github.com/guillaumebort/play20-spring-demo

Doctrine 2.1 abstract entity, validation using annotations

My name is Denis and I really need your help or advice or anything :)
I am developing my project in Zend Framework 1.11 and am using Doctrine 2.1.
I have successfully integrated Doctrine in my ZF project and everything works. I also integrated Gedmo extensions and some my custom extensions.
The problem is with validation. I want to have validation of doctrine entities by using annotations. Because I sometimes need to validate my entities sometimes don't, I want that sort of validation, for example:
$user = new Entity\User; $user->setName('user'); $user->validate();
I don't want to change doctrine generated entities at all, so I won't change setters or use doctrine events for this.#HasLifecycleCallbacks.
I run into example at http://www.spiffyjr.me/2011/07/15/more-doctrine-2-and-zend-framework-integration-goodies/.
I downloaded code but didn't managed to put it in work. I followed instructions from that page, made my entities extend AbstractEntity, but when try to use for example isValid() i recieve following error:
[Semantical Error] The annotation "#Column" in property Bild\Entity\TestTest::$id was never imported. Did you maybe forget to add a "use" statement for this annotation?
I use doctrine annotations without #ORM\, just #, (for example #Column, not #ORM\Column). I even tried to add ORM but no luck it continues to throw errors.
I can recieve metadata for my entity, get field mappings and associating mappings, but when I try to getPropertyAnnotation
// validator annotations
$vAnnotations = self::_getPropertyAnnotation($property, self::ZENDVALIDATION);
I recieve mentioned semantic error.
I tracked the errors down to Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader::getPropertyAnnotations($property); not returning annotations but throwing errors.
What do you think it can be?
It seems like I am not doing something properly but can't figure out what.
So, I need to make abstract entity, make my entities extend it, and make functions to validate my entities by using annotations.
So please, help me with this, if you can. I really need for my project but couldn't find a solution.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.
The problem is caused by the configuration of the annotation reader. I went through the same problems while integrating the Symfony2 validator service for my Doctrine2 models in ZF1, more on the blog post here http://ssmusoke.wordpress.com/2012/03/04/doctrine-2-day-2-model-validation-using-symfony-validator-service-in-zend-framework/