category vs tag - tags

What are the main differences between setting a Category and applying a Tag (in blog posting)?
Is there a "silver-bullet" question for splitting Categories and Tags?
In my current approach there is a mess of tags and categories and I think this is bad.

Categories are hierarchical, i.e. they can have subcategories - if they don't, there's not much difference from tags.
The best functionality is in using categories and tags for completely separate purposes, so that every tag can span over several categories. This way, navigation through your site becomes much more intuitive.


mediawiki category links are redlinked?

category links for which i haven't created custom pages are displaying as red links. i was under the impression that actually creating a page is optional for category pages.
a typical situation can be :
an article is called up.
one of the category links at the bottom of the page will be red.
clicking on the link will take me to a valid category summary.
clicking on another category link at the bottom of the article (a white one) will
also take me to a valid category summary.
returning to the article, the second category link is now also red.
is there a way to tweak the wiki so category pages are displayed in white, regardless of whether they have a custom page created for them ?
the wiki is running MediaWiki 1.29.1.
as it turns out, the problem was that the styling for and appeared with a higher precedence than that for catlinks. unless the desire is to require every single wiki to have every single category be fully defined [i.e., providing a landing page for each category], this isn't a good approach.
one of the great powerful features of mediawiki is its capability that allows admins and maintainers to categorise articles as they wish without requiring them to create a landing page for every single category. however, if this is your goal, the styling won't support it as-is, due to this precedence problem. you can insist on precedence for catlinks however, by appending !important. although many people detract from the use of !important, this use case is pretty much textbook for the reason it was designed in the first place.
if your need is more in line w/that envisioned by the maintainers of the current mediawiki release [i.e., you want to have a hand-designed landing page for every single category and have no need for truly automatically-generated categories], this is a non-issue.
The colors are set using CSS, you should create new CSS and add it to MediaWiki:Common.css to apply it to ask skins. If this page does not yet exist just create it.
The ‘.catlinks’ class controls the formatting of links to categories, and the colors for wanted pages are defined by the ‘.new’ class, eg, a:new:visited.
The original code can be found in the mediawiki/resources/src/mediawiki.skinning/interface.css file.
Just add CSS to fix the font colors to those you choose to Common.css, eg
.catlinks {
color: #0645ad;

Tags vs. categories for website content?

I am creating a site for electronics and programming projects and articles, and I'm trying to figure out whether to use categories, tags or both. I've been leaning towards just using tags, as it's done here on StackOverflow.
Seen from the perspective of the user, what provides the best user experience and makes the information easy and intuitive to find. I realize that this is much a question of personal preference, but I am interested in hearing opinions.
Here is what I ended up doing: I implemented both categories and tags; a post can only have one category but multiple tags.
The category is used as part of the URL, this puts a keyword in the URL which is good for SEO and it makes the URLs more structured. The categories are selected from a drop-down menu, and they are required. Categories are type specific, meaning articles will probably not have the same categories as projects or images.
articles/foobar // Show all articles with the category foobar
articles/1/foobar/article_slug // View a specific article
Tags can be added and attached to a posts simply by typing them with comma separation, they are used in the meta keywords field. I don't think that matters much to SEO, but they are available so why not. Multiple tags can be attached to a post, but at least one is required. Tags are not type specific but universal, meaning that all resources may share the same tags. So a search for a tag may return articles, projects and images.
tags // Show all tags, and number of resources that use them
tags/foobar // Show all resources with the tag foobar
articles/tagged/foobar // Show all articles with the tag foobar

Repeatable data content in umbraco

I am just wondering is there any plugin to create dynamic content for a page i.e something similar to a data repeaters in .net. To make it simple it should be a section that should contains 5 to 6 fields/property like
heading 2
content - rich text editor
This must be in repeatable control so that the editor can add any number of these section a page and all these should be displayed in a single page.
Is there a plugin for the above functionality or what is the best way to achieve this.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can achieve this without any plugins.
Create your repeatable section (containing the relevant fields) as a document type, and then use the multi-node picker in another document type to select one or many of the sections.
So for example, I could have a FAQs page (which uses a document type called "FAQs Page"), and I want to be able to add multiple question and answers to this page. I could set up a document type called "Question". This will contain two fields: Question and Answer.
On the "FAQs Page" document type, I would add a multi-node picker field called "Questions". This way, an author could select multiple "Question" nodes to appear on the FAQs page.
You would obviously need the code to output this, and also you would create a data type that inherited from multi-node picker, so that you could limit the selection to only Question nodes.
There is also the Repeatable Custom Content datatype which works well but does not support all data types. But it does support all the ones you need for your stated purpose (textstring, media picker, richtext area, etc).
You can find it here: I've used it a few times and it works really well in certain situations (e.g. where the items will not be shared across different pages of your site).
If you are sharing content components across multiple pages then #Digbyswift's solution is perfect.
I've always Digbyswifts method, but whilst looking for an alternate solution tonight I found this plugin, which is excellent for those situations where creating lots of widget nodes feels like overkill. It's licensed but the free older version is also available.

Why non-displaying HTML tags interfere with Displaying tags

I often face a problem when I need to encapsulate some far apart fields in one form, and the fields in between them in other forms. Or encapsulating first two rows of a table in form and other two in other forms and so on. But of-course this is not allowed in standard practice. My question is why such tags like form (and other non displaying tags) have to be treated as "displaying" tags, and they also are restricted to be used at some places. Is there any genuine reason.
PS: what I was thinking about form in particular, that I define as many forms as I want at a single place, and give their references (eg ids or names) to the corresponding fields. That way form tag does not have to interfere somehow with the location of fields?
Asking "why" questions of HTML behaviour is not normally a useful activity. Very often the answer is "because one of the browsers originally did it that way and we're stuck with it for backward-compatibility reasons".
Note also what #DanMan says about the displayability of <form>.
However, your description of declaring forms in one place and then having the controls associate with the forms by id, is very similar to what has been done with the HTML5 form attribute. The only difference is that the controls reference the forms, rather than the forms referencing the controls. All we need to do now is wait for implementations in the browsers.
How is a <form> a non-displaying element? You can apply all kinds of CSS on it, and they will show up. It's just that they usually have no default browser styles. It's a rookie mistake to wrap elements in <div>s and styling those, when the only thing inside them is a single element.
<div class="myform"><form>...</form></div>
<form><div class="myform">...</div></form>
Both equally superfluous. Just style the original element directly.
<form class="myform">...</form>
Now, before you jump on my back: I'm not saying you're doing that. Just a general advice.
About restricted usage: that's probably to make it easier for implementors (browser creators) and for backwards compatibility.

Attaching a tag

What is the actual procedure for attaching multiple tags to a particular content in a project development. What is this tagging all about???
I need to create a tag cloud for my project in .NET using c#. Help me out as a beginner for basic tagging concept.
Tags are key words add information about the item being tagged. Tags add semantic information about something in an effort to further it.
For instance, A picture of your father on his birthday could be tagged 'dad','family','event','birthday' etc...
By adding tags to the picture you add context and make the image more easily indexable, sortable and searchable.
Tags are purposely generic and flexible because different people can place different personal meaning to the same artifact, or the same person may apply different meaning in different contexts - like adding the same picture to a stock photography web site or checking it into a source code repository as part of a project.
Generally the procedure is to ask the owner of the item to add a list of tags in a text field. Some sites like stackoverflow constrain (most) users to use existing tags, others like delicious make the tags up to the user.
A tag in the software context typically means a meaningful name or attribute being assigned to that software. In version control scenarios a tag is a meaningful name given to a particular state of the files represented by that name. For example the tag 20090401 might be assigned to the source code as it looked on April 1, 2009. Tagging something can also mean describing it or categorizing it. For example software such as IE8, Chrome, or Firefox might all be tagged "Browsers" to categorize them on a download page. Allowing users to create tags and use existing tags is a powerful method to categorize content and help people zero in on items of interest. A tag is simply an extra tidbit of information a person can gain insight into data with.
Multiple tagging is useful for many reasons in software development. For example in my git repository I have a habit of creating tags based on date which can easily be ordered and parsed by a computer. I can also give changes a more human consumable name such as the tag "Deleted_Duplicates", or "RC1", or "V1_Delievered_To_Michigan". This allows for an understanding while also allowing for machine processing.