With Beamer frames can be repeated by labeling the frame that should be repeated such as
and then using \againframe{framelabel} at the place where that frame is to be repeated.
How can this method be used with Org-mode's Beamer export? The label can obviously be added by putting it in BEAMER_envargs such as:
* Org-mode section
:BEAMER_envargs: [label=questions]
But there are two problems in using \againframe via Org-mode:
\againframe is placed badly both if it is placed under an Org-mode section and if it is put directly in an Org-mode section. The problem is that in the former case is that is is placed inside a frame when it should be placed between. The problem in the latter case is that it is placed inside \frametitle.
\againframe is either swallowed by Org-mode sections or it is marked as one. Both are poor logical representations of its function.
So is there some effective way of using \againframe with Beamer or is there some other way to repeat frames with Org-mode that I have overlooked?
I have already looked at http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2011-05/msg00954.html in trying to work this out.
I am running Org-mode 7.6 in Emacs 23.3.1 and I use Beamer 3.13.
The current org-mode has support for againframe. Just create a frame and add the beamer option BEAMER_env = againframe to the corresponding section. Or use C-c C-b a to insert it if you initialized the beamer mode on org-startup.
More information can be found in the org-mode documentation.
An example is available in the original proposal of the syntax:
* section
** My frame title :B_frame:
:BEAMER_env: frame
Some text. Some text. Some text. Some text.
Some text. Some text. Some text. Some text.
** section :B_againframe:
:BEAMER_env: againframe
:BEAMER_act: 2
:BEAMER_ref: *My frame title
This section will create "\againframe<2>{sec-1-2}".
** Following frame
I don't think this is currently possible. The limitation lies in the tree structure of an org document. As far as I understood from your question, the \againframe{...} command basically repeats a slide as is. In org terms, that means the original tree used to generate the slide is repeated. Since the org document format doesn't let you have any content which is not part of a tree (other than the frontmatter/header at the top of a file), I believe this is not possible. This has been discussed on the mailing list a few times, from what I understood there are no plans to implement something like this.
I like presentation zen, where less is more. I would like to export my org-mode files as beamer slides, but have the heading title ignored so as not to position a title at the top left of the each slide.
I can do it on a per-slide basis with:
** My slide title
:BEAMER_ENV: fullframe
Is there a way of applying this rule to every slide, without having to add this :PROPERTIES: section beneath every heading in my org file?
Several answers were suggested on the org mode mailing list here.
The one solution that worked for me was to put the following line at the top of my org file:
#+LATEX_HEADER: \setbeamertemplate{frametitle}{}
On wider tables in org mode, it is hard to see the current line.
In emacs org mode table, is there a way to display different background for the current row, or alternate background for even/odd rows?
(I am not concerned with export, although if the even/odd alternate background would export that would be great as well)
Not that I know of, but (when editing) you can use M-x hl-line-mode to clearly see the current row highlighted.
The package stripe-buffer provides stripe-table-mode which provides odd/even row highlighting for org tables. (It also gives you stripe-listify-buffer which provides similar row highlighting for any list-style buffer like dired, ibuffer, etc.)
How do I define the space allocated to the footnotes in an Org file that is intended to be exported as a Beamer presentation? The problematic result is shown below:
The relevant bit of Org file looks like this:
#+STARTUP: beamer
#+LaTeX_CLASS: beamer
#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [bigger]
#+COLUMNS: %40ITEM %10BEAMER_env(Env) %9BEAMER_envargs(Env Args) %4BEAMER_col(Col) %10BEAMER_extra(Extra)
* Role of Org-Babel
** Overview :B_verse:
:BEAMER_env: verse
=org-babel= is a facility that provides inline code evaluation,
highlighting and tangling[fn:1: Tangling and untangling is the
process employed in literate programming for hiding and displaying
code blocks.].
PS. Of course literate programming.
Add the following option in your header:
Original Response:
I was trying to figure out how in auctex mode latex doesn't seem to highlight any latex functions with flyspell turned on. Is this a custom dictionary file or how is this implemented? Can this be easily incorporated into an org-mode file so it doesn't highlight inserted latex code that will get exported.
Simple example taken from top of file and in the text. Basically so latex syntax like ref or label inside {} won't be spell checked (this has been fixed by using (setq ispell-parser tex). Then also setting up a function that specific labels with #+ as the first text on the line won't be checked. I would want the caption checked but not #+LABEL: or #+TYP_TODO: (not shown. Also a way to add TODO keywords to not get checked. I can think of a way to do this is on startup add these to the LOCALWORDS: ispell places at the bottom of the file if not already there but is there an easier or better way to do this.
#+TAGS: NOTE REPORT export noexport MEETING
#+STARTUP: hidestars content hideblocks
The exponential running mean is shown for various alpha values in Figure \ref{fig:saturation_varying_alphaval_00f6set2}.
#+CAPTION: Plot of varying alpha values for the exponential running mean ($EM$) with $S_{min} = 0.0008 \text{ and } P_m = 0.20$
#+LABEL: fig:saturation_varying_alphaval_00f6set2
#+ATTR_LaTeX: width=0.4\textwidth placement=[h!tb]
flyspell internally uses ispell-mode. To change the way that ispell parses files set the variable ispell-parser to 'tex.
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (setq ispell-parser 'tex)))
Most likely auctex is using flyspell-mode-predicate to define what portions of the buffer shouldn't be spellchecked. (This answer shows how to do something similar for MoinMoinWiki.) org-mode already has such a function, org-mode-flyspell-verify, which apparently doesn't work properly for you... A quick look at the source suggests that org-remove-flyspell-overlays-in should be called for buffer portions containing code samples etc.
Sorry about the handwavy answer; marking this as community wiki to invite improvements.
Is there a way to tell org-mode to load only the first N lines of a long text file? I would like to keep the whole file open to be able to search through it, but have org-mode display on the first N lines of my file, which is where I edit new content.
If you have a structured outline in org-mode, you can set the global file visibility with the #+STARTUP markup, or the visibility of any heading with the VISIBILITY property, see Visibility Cycling for details. The benefit of using the built-in org-mode properties is that it's easy to have a file open up in exactly the state you want.
I have my journal file set up to accomplish something similar what I think you're asking for using these org-mode properties. The "Today" section is opened so I can see everything, but older archives are collapsed.
I'm not sure the title really fits the description?
I think you just want use buffer narrowing, which lets you hide everything outside of the specified region for as long as necessary.
You can manually narrow the buffer by marking the region and typing C-xnn
Widen the display back to the full buffer with C-xnw
I guess you could use an eval Local Variable to automate this to a pre-defined region, if you really wanted to.
There's also narrow-to-defun (C-xnd) and narrow-to-page (C-xnp). If you throw a page break into your org file (C-qC-l), the latter might prove handy.