Can I use Apigee to make Facebook batch requests? - facebook

I'm trying to execute a Facebook batch request, as described in the docs from the Apigee API console. However, there doesn't seem to be an appropriate resource drop down for batch requests; it's trying to force me into selecting a specific resource, and then insists on a parameter in its "template" tab which is not what I want.
Are FB batch requests supported in the console?

It is possible, though the Facebook Console wasn't designed to make batch requests easy. You can try this:
In the Resource box enter:
In the Query tab, create a parameter named "access_token" with the value of your facebook access token (because FB uses bearer tokens, you can cut and paste one from any valid OAuth request)
In the Body tab, enter the batch as a JSON string. Example below.
batch=[{"method": "GET", "relative_url": "me"},{"method": "GET", "relative_url": "me/friends?limit=50"}]
Hope that helps,


how/where to add token in http get request in Rest Debugger Delphi

web-service has token parameter. In swagger and postman I send get-request properly (status 200). In Poastman creating request is very easy because it has separate pages for parameters and headers.
As for Rest Debugger I couldn't create and sent right get-request( appears error 400).
I tried many ways but without success:
I write token in request parameter section of Rest Debugger as key-value pair like "token"= "abcd12345..."
I write base URL and resouce together in URL-field like: or
I write resource separately in resouce field of Rest Debugger and base -URL in URL-field
but in all cases server returns error 400:
"the token field is required".
screens of swagger, curl, postman and rest debugger.
We suppose that a better solution is to use Postman for this task, if it works as expected and is more user-friendly. But if it’s principal thing – you can do it in Rest Debugger.
Go to the “parameters” tab -> click the “Add” button -> change “Kind” field to “HEADER” -> “Name” field to ‘’token” -> “value” to your token value.
You can see that in Postman you use a header to send token value, but in Rest Debugger simple param – that’s why you get different results.
Try to define it as header.
Use Parameter section and use [HEADER] instead of [GET/POST]

GPT-3 API invalid_request_error: you must provide a model parameter

I'm new to APIs and I'm trying to understand how to get a response from a prompt using OpenAI's GPT-3 API (using I'm using Postman to do so.
The documentation says that there is only one required parameter, which is the "model." However, I get an error saying that "you must provide a model parameter," even though I already provided it.
What am I doing wrong?
You can get this to work the following way in Postman with the POST setting:
Leave all items in the Params tab empty
In the Authorization tab, paste your OpenAI API token as the Type Bearer Token (as you likely already did)
In the Headers tab, add key "Content-Type" with value "application/json"
In the Body tab, switch to Raw, and add e.g.
"prompt":"Albert Einstein was"
Hit Send. You'll get back the completions for your prompt.
Note alternatively, you can add the model into the Post URL, like
While above works, it might not be using the Postman UI to its full potential -- after all, we're raw-editing JSON instead of utilizing nice key-value input boxes. If you find out how to do the latter, let us know.
What solved it for me was adding the content-type header:

Configuring Keycloak through its REST API with cUrl

I need to configure Keycloak to get a JWT token as in this blog post, but I have to do it with cUrl. They create a client and then update it setting access type to confidential, Direct Grant Flow to direct grant, and Browser Flow to browser. The PUT request from the web UI that does this has some uuids that they seem to have pulled out of nowhere. Here is the relevant part of the payload:
The docs for the ClientRepresentation are no help. They show all fields are optional, which doesn't make sense, and the authenticationFlowBindingOverrides is a Map, but the link in their docs for the Map is dead.
Does anyone know where they get the uuids for browser and direct_grant from?
There is also nothing in the PUT payload that sets the Access Type to confidential.
If anyone has a cUrl implementation of the UI steps in the blog post that would be greatly appreciated.
The PUT request from the web UI that does this has some uuids that
they seem to pull out of nowhere.
Those uuids are generated by keycloak to get them you need to call the endpoint:
GET KEYCLOAK_HOST/auth/admin/realms/<YOUR_REALM>/authentication/flows
From the JSON response you need to parser it and get the field id of both the alias: "browser" and the alias: "direct grant".
After that call the endpoint:
PUT KEYCLOAK_HOST/auth/admin/realms/<YOUR_REALM>/clients/<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>
with the following payload:
There is also nothing in the PUT payload that sets the Access Type to
You need to set the field publicClient to false.

Swagger Inspector version of C# call failing when using token

I have the following code:
string tokenValue = "221e0a91-6530-4790-a969-d1da75b0afd2";
// Configure httpClient to use the above token.
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("token", tokenValue);
The subsequent calls (HEAD, POST, GET) all work fine.
When I try to do the same thing using Swagger Inspector, it fails. I am able to get a token using Swagger Inspector site, and I place the token into a HEAD call as follows:
But as I said, the call fails, with "Authorization has been denied for this request." message returned as an XML file.
I also tried the two other options available on the same page: Basic Authentication, and OAuth 2.0/JWT, all with HTTPS. They all fail.
How can I go about understanding why it's failing?
Also: Is what I am using above called "Bearer Authentication"?
I have below 2 things to mention from your screenshot:
Response for HEAD method never contains the response body, it always contains the response headers
for more details of HEAD: HEAD Request
But in your case response-body is also present (maybe of CML content type).
You should use OAuth 2.0/JWT option on the same page to pass the token along with your request.
To answer your question related to Bearer Authentication:
No, the one you are trying to use is not at all Bearer Authentication.
In your case, "token" will be considered as Custom/User HTTP Header.

silhouette rest seed : how to use a social provider?
I am trying to use this as I don't want to use the scala.html template files, and this seemed to do exactly what I wanted. I can CURL to create a user and get a token, but I don't know what to do with the redirects when trying to authenticate with a social provider, such as Facebook. There don't seem to be any instructions, either. Any help would be appreciated.
The readme gets you to the point where you have signed up a user and with the credentials POST retrieved the X-Auth-Token.
After a little debugging you will submit a POST request to the auth/link route to associate the user with the returned X-Auth-Token with a social provider as in:
http :9000/auth/link/facebook 'accessToken=xxxxx' X-Auth-Token:tokenfromearlier
Note the syntax of httpie is specific and must use = for json and : for headers. You obtain accessToken from here:
This will return the following JSON:
"message": "link with social completed!",
"status": "ok"
Not yet sure how to accomplish the next step which is to invoke the
/auth/signin/facebook POST route as this requires the ID of the provider and I am still figuring out the fb graph access approach.